Kids NEWS Features Adventures and Surprise Toys with Superman

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[Music] now get ready with your our top story today who cares our top story today is the 50% chance their earth token eaten by a giant Pineville and there's a war against pillows and Lincoln's they do not like to be near each other now you're from hobby frog reporting live talking to superheroes so why do you like fighting crap on a Sunday kind of a thing you know I'm really not dressed for an interview guys can I pick the worst day [Music] no Alfred sick I mean someone that gets me my groceries is sick so yeah I have to get my own groceries you know can I call you later maybe I still want to ask you you gotta be kidding I feels like bring your burgers up I don't that's something that Joker has been spreading around it's a terrible rumor I do not like boogers in my coffee so hey you know what kid you're bugging me here let me give you this toy we've got the RC transforming bat bot this thing is so awesome let's open up and have some fun two-in-one transformation on turn top disc it fires and has up to 100 plus cool sounds and phrases take a look at the back of the box this bat bot does it all has a cool looking remote control and it has red trim and it kind of reminds me of a different one that we've already done hey wait a minute requires to jump ah for the remote control that's okay you usually give us batteries anyway Imaginext now this is a brand new Batman he still has the fabric cape really nice red pinstripe going down there cool belt and armor even his face and helmet is completely redone awesome I love it and he kind of has a smirk glad they brought the smirk back he was looking a little way too serious there for a bit I like how on the back Cape it looks a little bit more baddie right here Batman goes right here here is the remote control it matches it's black and red with a red pinstripe and when you push the middle button it transforms pretty cool huh this one to go forward this one to turn hey come back here Oh do you remember that they actually came out with this toy already that's right the classic Batman logo doesn't seem to have as many pinstripes and other cool looking stuff even though it was a really cool toy this one just looks way cooler fully operational gatling cannon with sounds bat claws and on the other hand this one has sounds here on the top there's buttons you can press giving you different missions and objectives [Music] include some of your favorite Batman villain there's also a cannon at the top [Music] where it gives you four disks to load on the top of the turret let's get to base [Applause] has an on and off button and even a place to store the remote when you're done artist one day all of Batman's enemies came together to try and defeat Batman so Batman brought his bot bat nice try Batman but I can still take you on with my mech suit yeah if you think that's cool you should take a look behind you behind me why what's going on behind me oh no that's right Lex Luthor it's me Nightwing and I'm driving the other bet but gulp come here all you bad guys put us down nah this is not fair where does it get such wonderful toys yeah it's nice when you have the right tools to do justice [Music] anyway you you you taught it's hurt yeah that's right there's a big fat with laser eyes I don't speak any of them just gonna have to work instance he shot saying I hear the cows laid their eyes under people trying to destroy the gun it's pulling up everything with is super super dangerous laser eyes there's also a mortgage marshmallows and Fire it's not like each other the marshmallows say we are getting burnt we don't like it the fire says you are getting burnt we like it [Music] well real life Power Ranger breaking news so what's your favorite color red you live what do you see your house looks like and what's your dinosaur whoa I need something hey I got one more question for you it's Joey we'll do you a hobby Pig Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and imagine eggs what a great combination we've got the pink ranger and her pterodactyls or and the dragon Zord are you guys ready to open it up first let's take a look at the Pink Ranger and pterodactyls or did you know that this is the chestplate sword for this one yeah it transforms this toy doesn't do it though but still it's pretty cool to know that open this up let's see where is it man here is the pink Power Ranger she moves just like any other Imaginext and she was one of two girls do you know what other color the other girl was you know what color she was no there's no brown Peppa the yellow one yellow one was also a girl so what's cool is she can hold her bow and arrow like that and it also turns into all the cool weapons transform into a big giant blaster this pterodactyl is pull like I said that's the chest plate for the Megazord but when it's not a Megazord you put her here thing here like a cockpit need to put her right here and she fires torpedos how cool is that there's little triggers for her right here someone get you now let's take a look at the Dragons or with remote control this thing is so cool let's take a look at the back of the box look at all these cool awesome things this thing can do SuperDuper cool it includes batteries but not for the remote the remote is a sword so let's do this oh it's the twisty dealy-bob herbs oh you guys tail bear am so tap we have to attach that huh yes got in comes with his super awesome drill in tail this thing was so cool in the show it's got a matchup a little groove there oh and here it is the Dragons or here is the Green Ranger yep he's the one that piloted this awesome Zord and he had this really cool like shoulder pad things the other pounders did not have that so that makes him super cool I didn't see a weapon for him that's kind of weird yeah rock and roll Power Rangers try the remote so that shoots oh man heating up the Green Power Ranger crazy [Music] that's not all this thing does so many cool thing like this why if you turn this it opens up the sword isn't that cool let's put them in so you put them right inside here so he pilot it and that neat closed the door his mouth opens up and it shows two blasters coming out of his shoulders let's put some projectiles in these shooters how about that thinking this one actually shoots each one we've got five exploding dart heads let's shoot them guys ready this is gonna be definitely awesome so it does one for each shot that's cool [Music] right here it is the speaker that's what I can hear the sound so well that's awesome yeah I'm not an off switch for parents you know in case you don't want to hear it cuz that happens there's a little place right here to put other minifigs for storage see right there so when you push it does this it's science news there's a giant octopus that's local splint we have facts about this they're scary they have more than eight tentacles we need and staff claws on three tentacle they're like longer like [Music] yeah Bobby frog to report about chuckles not my dog live and I'm getting attacked by squids on and proud my fault if this is all real I think by spire rather than 2,000 lb it's true because that'd be so I'm at the donut factory Ricky knows we just saw Captain America hey there champ I'm not really ready for an interview yeah it looks like you're really ready and let yourself go Wow passion are you worried I'm so spill that's my friend it's not very nice little skipper teach you a thing or two catch I can only play catch on Friday but Stu's day you stand over there and I'll throw my shield you don't even have to do anything how'd you plan on getting back to shape that's a good question I'm gonna do some workout jumping jack what was it like - beautiful impossible that's that's kind of a tough question you know how about I just give you toys so you'll leave me alone good you want some baseball cards how about some Bazooka Joe gum don't know what you kids are into okay like a top a spinning top Jack's do you know what Jack jump rope hula hoop oh oh this stuff well I wasn't sure what this was this toys nowadays the kids have no idea what you have it's amazing you guys know what iPads are hey I don't know how to man these are super awesome Imaginext toys hey hobby Barry you wanna help me open them up there's gonna be so fun we already have the Batman with drone that becomes a suit of armor now we have Superman with his suit of armor Lex Luthor with his Farmar and we have cyborgs McMahon that thing looks cool let's open up its cyborg mech I wanna check out this mech it is so big and awesome it looks super fantastical a little bit of assembly required not much where do ya got it oh ok looks like Grievous land bike thing has moving arms that's cool oh yeah comes with your standard cyborg character let's see how he fits inside this close that in nice cockpit nice motion on the legs right here let's put this thing completely together this is the only assembly it's not really that oh there we go so the legs are cool very movable bhindi you push this button here totally shielding him from any bad things happening run and block and this thing is really nice because I mean it rotates and just looks a boom boom boom boom boom this thing is really nice because I mean it rotates and just looks a boom boom boom boom boom no boo boo boo boo so it rotates these right here along with the rotating action of the cannon that is cool such a cool toy next cool toy extra Deuter shoot on my bed guy battle armor lex luthor it looks like it's kind of like a robot on its own then you put them right inside the armor and it completes our collection and it looks like there's some cool sword action that comes out here so looks like we have a standard Lex Luthor nothing special about him nothing added like the Batman at least the Batman has like a cool helmet here's the armor now the armor is it's alright but when he puts the armor on Lex Luthor has this awesome Robo Armour crystals pop-up eye candy and he has this bull sword do you think it's super cool hobby bear it is super cool I think Batman has pretty good thing going out with his just slides over and then he has this cool Batman blaster super cool transforming armor action now let's see Superman hottie bear let me have that Superman let's open this thing up he looks so cool it almost looks like a Superman bombing airplane and of course it drops over him to make him look super cool and this is a cool Superman kind of has some extra armor around here this red insignia again with the fabric cape I like the Imaginex does that never stop doing that Imaginext oh we have this really neat plane as like some air streams coming out of the back of the jets looks like there's some blaster action on the top let's put the armor on Superman that is awesome you can see these shoulder pads that pop out and then the visor kind of tilts and you can see Superman's face through there and then his wings kind of a just downward to make a really cool armor for Superman leave us a comment below and let us know which parmer dup superhero or villain is your favorite I'm calling you out Superman that's it Lex Luthor you're going to prison I called you here so you can get pummeled by my kryptonite battle suit you're going down Superman check this out this suit is designed with awesome kryptonite crystals to take you down oh no I need some help oh I'm here to help you Superman don't mean to be picky but it seems like you didn't even put a scratch on that thing that's right Batman I'll take you down to you're not the only one with a tech suit Luthor I'm unstoppable ha ha I'm gonna need to go in for some backup cyborg there on my way Batman just detecting lex luthor that doesn't look good come on Batman cyborg hasn't distracted we need your strength that I just can't do it with all that kryptonite you know I think I have something that might help oh really Batman a small airplane I don't see how this really works Superman this is a suit it'll block any Kryptonite from getting into your body so you can regain your strength [Music] how do you feel Superman I feel great I don't feel the Kryptonite at all let's do this oh no I'm a lot of shots Superman Danny I'm trapped I can't get out of this thing Oh No it's Batman in his technology and in his and my Krypton it's not having any effect on him you're coming with me to prison Lex all thanks for your help Batman [Music] okay where's my candy loose scientific studies say sharing with kids it's a good thing they found me three beans if you eat them you will far and fart that was not me bobby pins did you do that drop me at all ice nut it out from you you're lactose intolerant Thank You Tommy from anyway we got to live it pull in turns out people don't like cool [Music] Superman I'm saying guys as America breaking news don't Superman yeah looks like he's out shake hey brother why do you eat so much hey I'm up here super appetite so why do you like to eat so much I just get super hungry the supermarket because like it's super hungry and then I eat a super amount of food he feels like fine snap not maybe as well as I used to but I can definitely bring down a couple bad guys after a nice meal maybe you want to see some of my fine crying moves lip still got some moves even though I'm a little overweight I'm using my superpowers to heat up this burrito it looks like that you're about to explode uh you know kid you're bugging me a lot and I just don't feel like doing an interview so here I'm gonna get you I'm gonna give you a toy maybe that'll keep you away from me and then we just like got your flowers it's the Imaginext superhero flight city for ages 3 through 8 by fisher-price this thing is so cool you be Batman and fly around in between Gotham City and Metropolis they really like Superman in Metropolis and they really like Wayne and Batman in Gotham City for obvious reasons this is so cool hey let's take a look at the back of the box hey thanks hobby bear whoa that's right this thing flies 360 degrees and has a bunch of cool things that this helicopter and Batman can do even like Pizza Delivery fun yeah oh don't assemble required wine require six double-a batteries latwon but it does include two double-a batteries so I guess it's not too bad this toy has a cool depiction of Gotham City with Wayne Manor and even a place for the Joker - hi and over here we have the Daily Planet in Metropolis and Lex Luthor core what other set has that that's amazing and we have Batman and Superman fingers and you know what's really cool about Superman oh sorry you know what's really cool about Batman is he gets to fly on a helicopter seriously watch this this is so cool Batman is attached to this helicopter and this helicopter when you turn this power disc and fly and go around town hi metropolis oh we're going back to Gotham City hi Gotham City and we're just getting back up again you know Batman with this awesome helicopter maybe you can deliver some superhero pieces Batman Pizza Delivery how can I help you um yeah it's me Lex Luthor I would like to get a Kryptonite pizza please on my way one kryptonite pizza coming up where do you get pepperoni kryptonite here I come you eccentric millionaire say hello to my little friend well I guess he's like a big giant laser now I thought it was funny whoa watch their legs oh all right I'll be five million dollars what that's crazy I'm just kidding you're under arrest for buying kryptonite Hey undercover Steen now let's yeah easy how about this I'll put you through this turnstile door hey where'd you go I always lose criminals that way Batman pizza delivery yes can i order a pizza Joker is this you Oh silly bats I have no idea what you're talking about yeah that's way what do you want I want a pizza stuffed with laughing gas yeah boy Peter laughing gasps Pizza I didn't order that it was all a trick so I could shoot disks it you silly bats I can't see though terrible I can see I didn't really plan this well gotta go you never get me a beer Batman now I'm gonna make you cook all my pizzas for me that doesn't seem sanitary Batman pizza how can I help you hey Batman its Superman I'm here at the Daily Planet and man I just could use a supreme pizza oh man supreme piece that sounds really good you know I've been hungry just delivering all these pizzas all day long huh yeah I can get that for you sure yeah be right there hey wait a minute you fly yeah but I'm trying to be Clark Kent and Superman so sometimes I need stuff delivered it's complicated did you just hit come on I'll pay you money look please just let's go there's no place to land oh here let me help you out I'm talking about I can do this oh yes Batman where's my pizza I don't know maybe Lex Luthor stole it Batman did you eat my pizza what give me that idea come on back at the Batcave it looks like Superman places another order hey maybe I'll eat that one too cuz you're not gonna eat it again not this time clerk fine take your pizza hmm yeah that's good pizza wait a minute what did you put in that pizza you know I don't know Joker made that one I'll never tell Batman you need to go to food jail cuz you need to go on a diet yeah hey look who's talking Bob hey you're the one who fed me that weird pizza yeah yeah that's true you're too big you can't fit in there just like is the weakness is kryptonite and chocolate what appears these players they like big giant creamy donut oh no a terrible let's take a look at the weather with hobby from I'm Bobby for all end up Bob here's not something and it was or think I going to go on a hopping competition no okay okay it's not good for you as your mother I disagree now get back to the news now for some more breaking news [Music] [Music] why didn't have a Barbie microphone exactly because the gunner from Bobby Bobby that's a sphere clearly discarded down below Daniel's cannot see me stuff and you're not like true okay hook it out here now for some more breaking news it just got word and it's now workers in the world well you [Music] that's crap I'm I'll be frog and I have no idea what's going on in and I don't know what's happening I don't want to know stay tuned for more Annika TV news yes thank you for watching hobbykid no one in professionalism well maybe number two
Channel: HobbyFamilyTV
Views: 13,662,292
Rating: 4.5466642 out of 5
Keywords: toysreview, family fun, hobbykidstv, hobby kids, kids toys, popular toys, toy reviews, batman, superman, imaginext, news, kids news, kids videos, surprise toys
Id: -axtGu4qBAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 5sec (2045 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2016
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