Kids Fun TV! Baby VS Police Officer VS Grinch Compilation Video

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[upbeat music] [sirens ringing] [knocking on door] Open up. [door bell rings] Open up, it's the police [knocks on door]. [sirens ring] Open up, it's the police. Alright, who threw this? Who littered outside? Uh oh. It wasn't me! Are you sure you didn't throw that? [boy giggling] [sirens ringing] It was Kaden! Huh? That was not me. I don't even like bananas! Um, I mean, it was my sister! Banana peel? That wasn't me. I haven't even been outside yet. Actually, it was my mommy. What was me? If you do the crime, you do the time. I'm sorry ma'am, but for littering, I'm gonna sentence you to one month in the time out corner. I hate time out. Waah! Oh no, not time out! I don't remember littering. Hmm. But, I guess I'll do the time. Waah! And another case closed. Not my mommy! Um, I just said another case closed. I did my hands like this [hands swishing]. Not my mom! Hmm, okay, I'll tell you what, if you can beat me at Police Academy Bootcamp, and you can help me solve the case of the banana peel, I'll let your mom off the hook. Yay! What is it? The police Academy puts you through three different challenges. And if you can beat me at all three and prove you're worthy, I'll let your mom out of time out. You think you can handle it? I can do it! Alright, let's do this. Welcome to the first annual Police Academy Challenge! And it looks like our competitors are ready for the first challenge. Yep, and the first challenge is- The sunglass challenge! [upbeat music] Who can wear the sunglasses the coolest? Let's get ready to rumble! The policemen steps up to the field. He's stretching and warming up. He gets his sunglasses out of his pockets. Now he's breathing on each end. He's got a cloth, and he's wiping each of the glasses down. He shakes his head and takes a deep breath. License and registration, please. The crowd is going wild! [crowd screams] Come on. Oh, would you look at that? He lost his points because he was cleaning his glasses. What? That was super cool. Not cool. What? He should've cleaned them before he started. Come on. It's baby Kyler's turn. Let's see what he's made of. What? Two pairs of sunglasses? It looks like he skipped putting them on. [crowd cheers] What a move! That's so cool! I'm cool. [crowd screams] Holy cow! Two perfect scores. And Kyler wins the round. [upbeat music] It's time for the second round, and this time, it's target practice with the blasters. That's right! I got this! Watch this. I missed. I got this. [toy gun shoots] It's a direct hit! [cups crash] [crowd cheers] I'm gonna get Mommy out of time out. My turn next. We'll see about that. It's the police officer's turn! Okay, let's do this. There's no way I'm getting schooled by a baby. [toy gun cocks] [cups tumble] [crowd screams] That'll be hard to beat. [crowd cheers] This round goes to the cop. Aw, dang it. Nice job! Thank you, buddy. [dance music] Oh, good, they're still good sports. [dance music] Onto the final round. And our final round is, who is the best detective? [upbeat music] To find out, each of our competitors have to find Waldo in this book. Let's begin! I found one! Gosh. Where is it? Where is it? Got 'em! Right here. Dang it! He beat me. Where is he? I've got to find him. There he is! I gotta save my mom. You can feel the concentration. [gasps] I found him. I got him again. It's neck and neck. Oh, I got him. Oh! Got him! Definitely the hardest page. I got him! There he is. Oh man. They're both on the last page now. Got him! [crowd screams] It's a draw! It's a tie! That's right! Which means bonus round! Now what do we do? For the bonus round, it's the Good Samaritan Challenge. [upbeat music] That's right, it's a race to help the old lady cross the street the fastest. They're both at the crosswalk, and it looks like the old ladies are ready. On your mark, get set, go! Come on lady, we got this! Come on, we gotta hurry up and get to bingo. Come on now. [purse drops] Oh no, the bag is down. We're winning, kick her purse over there. Oh, I've got to show you something. Oh my gosh, really? Look at these pictures of my grandchildren! Lady. What's this? She has pulled out- Oh no, it's photos of the grandkids. That's surely gonna delay them now. Billy, Jasmine. Okay, yeah, let's go, let's just keep going. This is baby Charlotte. It's anyone's game now. He's catching up. Charlotte! You know what? Can I see this? That's it, it's all over! Those are my babies! I'm so sorry. It's all over, the baby's won! The Police Academy Challenge ends! Yay, I win! I can't believe it. Those are some nice boys. Such sweet youngsters. Don't you love my grandchildren? Oh, they are so beautiful. Let's go. Well, Kyler, you've proven yourself worthy. You've beat me at the Academy Challenge. Way to go, Kyler. I would give you a hug, but you know, I'm still stuck in time out. Little man, I can't let your mom out until you help me solve the case of the banana peel. Is there something I can do? Now tell me, who do you think did all that littering? Well, I guess if you don't know, I'll have to look for clues. Hmm, I think you know. Mind if I inspect that bear? Smells like bananas. Hmm, looks like somebody really likes bananas. Yeah, I love bananas. [gasps] Okay, mister. Do you have something to tell me? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to throw the banana. I didn't mean to. I'll never do it again. Can Mommy get out of time out now? Pretty please! I'll never do it again! Well, I'm glad you finally told me the truth. Littering is serious action, man. Promise me you'll never litter again. Promise! Now let's get your mom out of time out. Yes! What? Hey? Can I get out of time out, too? Oh, Kyler, thank you so much for telling the truth. It's always important to tell the truth. Did you learn your lesson? Yeah. Wait, don't I get to get out of time out also? Um, I think you got five more minutes, mister. What? No! This is is not fair! I love you, Mama. Oh, I love you too. I'm so proud of you for telling the truth. Good boy. No more littering, okay? Okay. You should always tell the truth Kyler, and because you told the truth and you beat me at the challenges, I'm going to let everyone out of time out. [crowd cheers] You can get out of time out! Me? I can get out of time out? Yeah! Yay! [high fives] Wooh! Should we dance? Yeah. Let's dance. [dance music] I'm gonna make you an honorary police officer. Are you ready for that? Yeah. Alright. Let me put this right here for you. Wow! This is so awesome! Thanks. You're welcome, buddy. Give me five. [upbeat music] [doorbell rings] Who is it? Who do we have here? It's the Grinch. Grinch! What? The Grinch again? How are we gonna get rid of this guy? Your Dad hired me to babysit again. Can you believe it? You mean you're here to ruin Christmas? What else? I can't believe Dad can hire this guy! Don't mind if I come in! Let's see, what happened last time? I'll give you the count of three to scram! One, two, three, roar! [children scream] Hi, Grinch! Boo! Hi Grinch! Scram, chow, adios, hasta la vista baby! Baby versus Grinch. What is this, baby versus Grinch? I said scram, kid, go on, get out of here. Throw balls Grinch! Hiyah! What are you doing? You shouldn't be doing that. Stop it, you quit it! Three, two. Hey, hey, didn't your mother teach you to be nice? I mean, my mom didn't teach me to be nice, but didn't yours? [ball swishing] This kid's pretty good. He's got a good arm and he's wrecking the place. Look at this big mess you've made here. I love it! Opening presents before Christmas! I like your style, kid. Help me, Grinch. [bells jingling] This could be great. We could work together to ruin Christmas. Yeah. Yeah, give me both. Alright. Ooh, alright! Alright! Alrighty, what have we got here? What's in there? Whoa! Blasters! Mini blasters? Let's blast it. Help me, Grinch. Oh, happily. Let's see here. You gotta pull this back right here. Right like that, and then it's ready to go. This will be perfect. I gotta teach you how to use this thing. Yeah. Yeah. Hey kid, I'm gonna train you to be my apprentice. Are you good with that? Yeah! Let's ruin Christmas together. Haha! Yeah! We're gonna blast something good. Ready! Let's start with this guy. How's that? We can totally get him. He looks way too happy. Alright, okay. Can you put it in the other one? That's my boy. Excellent job. Now come over here. Then we pull this back. Alright kid. This is how you do it. Ah, I totally blasted him! Ready, your turn? Alright. Go get him. Go blast him. Hiyah! [sign falls] Yeah, I got him! Woohoo! You're a natural. You're gonna be the best apprentice ever. Alright, you're gonna do great. Now, how are you at decorating a Christmas tree? It's just not Christmas if we don't decorate a Christmas tree. Here, come get this. This is for you. Alright, this is my favorite stuff in the world. Alright, watch this, kid. Learn from the master. Ready? Woohoo! Hahaha! Woohoo! That was awesome. Your mom is going to be so happy that you learned how to make a mess of the Christmas tree. I am the best, after all. Ready, here we go. Oh yeah, good job. That was awesome. Yay! This is called decorating the tree Grinch style. Ready? Two! Wooh! Hee hee! It's funny! It is funny, huh? Ha ha ha! Look, it's up there, Grinch! We got it all the way up at the top, huh? Yeah. Yeah, you did such a good job. I can't even believe it. This is the most Grinchiest Christmas ever. Yeah. I trained you on blasters and decorating the tree. Now what else can we do? I know. Alright, now over here, we're decorating the stockings, okay? Try this, ready? Good job. Oh, this is such a great day. I can't even believe it. I've never had anybody to help me before. You know, if Christmas was always like this. I could probably get into it. Yeah. Yeah, ready? Here you go. Right in there. Perfect aim. Excellent. That was awesome. Give me five. Woohoo! This is funny! Alright, we just got done with their stockings. Now let's get to the cookies. Cookies? Come on, let's go. There we go. Alright. Get you a cookie. Yep, yep, yep, yep. Put it right there. Alrighty. Hey, whoa. You can't eat those yet. I gotta teach you how to ruin grandma's cookies first. Yeah. Okay. Let's see here. Oh, you gotta have your red frosting and mustard. Thank you. You're welcome. And some whipped cream? That'd be too sweet. Ooh, I don't know what this is, but it's special sauce. Yeah! Yeah, okay. Thank you, Grinch. Alright, you gotta green one, I got I'm gonna go red one, okay? You have a green cookie. You're going to need some red frosting. Can you squeeze it? Oh yeah. That's awesome. That's yucky. That's yucky? That looks good to me. Yeah. Alrighty. Let's see here. I'm going to try the special sauce. Let's see. Do I want it on the side? No, right on top. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. What do you think of that? Is that pretty good? Yeah, this my turn. Okay. Can you squeeze it? There you go. Are you sure you haven't done this before? Grandma Grinch would be so proud. Alright, I'm going to try a little honey mustard. Yeah. Yummy. Oh yeah. Oh snap, that's yucky. Don't eat it, Grinch. Don't eat it? Hey, you know what? I think you'd make a pretty good addition to Mount Crumpit. What do you think? Yeah? Thank you. No sprinkle on top? Put this cookie right on top. Right there, right there. Oh yeah. Now it's like a cookie, mustard and barbecue sauce sandwich. I want to do that one. You're going to do yours, too? Yeah. Okay, I've been alone on Mount Crumpit for so long, that it's gonna be awesome to have a mini Grinch there with me. Yeah. Yeah, if you think this is great, you should try some of Cindy-Lou Who's gingerbread house. You wanna go try it? Yeah. Yeah, okay. Let's really ruin this thing, huh? Can you get one of those? [candy drops] Yeah! Good job. Can you get another one? Alright, you're awesome! Give me five! Woohoo! Can you do some more? [candy drops] Oh yes! You're good at this. [candies drop] Oh, that was awesome! I did it! Woohoo! [candies drop] That's the Christmas spirit right there. And now for googly eye mischief. Come on. Let's go. Woohoo! [violins pluck] And now to Grinchify these pictures. Can you do that? Alright, right on his eyes. Oh, that was a perfect shot. That's funny. Do again. Alright, here we go. Oh, excellent. Perfect. You're a natural. Alright, put the other one on there. I don't know about you, but it sure makes this picture pop. Right here, how about right there. Oh, you've got two stuck together. Yes, excellent, oh, that's it. Good job. Yes! Eyes! [lively music] Look, make 'em shake. There we go, good job. I fixed it. Good job! Shake it off. Shake it off. Can you do it? Shake it off. Shake it off. Shake it off. Yeah, shake it off good. You're doing so good. You like this stuff? You're gonna make a great apprentice. What do you think? Do I have bugs in my teeth? Yes. Yeah? Okay, you see these things? They look like nutcrackers. They are not, they are for snowball bowling. Do you know where the snowballs are? Yeah. Okay, go get the snowballs. Here we go, let's put them in just like that. These are my special snowballs from Mount Crumpit. Okay, so they'll work excellent. Here we go, here you go. Let 'em have it! Woohoo! Go ahead! [ball strikes] Alright, that's two for two. Woohoo! Yay! Again! [ball strikes] [children cheering] Alright, good job! Alright now kid, if you're going to be like me, you got to master our theme song. Alright, you ready? ♪ You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch ♪ Hee hee hee. ♪ You really are a heel ♪ ♪ Your brain is full of spiders ♪ ♪ You've got garlic in your soul ♪ ♪ Mr. Grinch ♪ You're a bad banana with a, what, is your nose itchin'? ♪ greasy, black peel, yeah ♪ Who's gonna be the best mini Grinch? Me! Yahoo! Give me five. Woohoo. Hey, where are you going? Hey, you need to focus. Where are you going? Hey. It's snowball time. Where are you going? You come back. Hey, where are you going? Hey hey, you better stop that. You're gonna make me so dizzy. Stop it, stop it, oh no. Oh no. [bell gongs] You okay, Grinch? Yeah, I'll be okay. I just need to wait until the room stops spinning. Goodnight, Grinch. Goodnight, Grinch. What are you doing? Are you quitting on me already? Yeah. We can't do bowling in the dark. Alright here we go, watch your old man work. Ha ha ha! Yeah! You like that? Woohoo hoo hoo hoo! [dance music] Alright little buddy, now we gotta ruin Christmas by taking all the presents. Should we go get some presents? Yeah. Alright, come on. Yeah, get a good one. There you go. Put it right in here. Excellent form. Can you get it in there? Oh yeah, that was a good one. Yeah, you're making good time. That's gonna come in handy on Christmas Eve. Alright. Good job. Now find your mommy's present. We got to get that one, for sure. Not my mommy's. No, no Grinch. Time out, Grinch. No no. Time out! Go to time out, Grinch. This is the worst. Time out. I can't believe I'm being sent to time out by a two year old. You love your mommy more than me? No, no Grinch. Mommy's present. Betrayed by my mini apprentice. Oh my goodness. Waah! Waah waah waah! This is the worst. We were gonna do great things together. No way, Grinch. Don't do this to me kid. We were great together. Just like liver and onions. I said no no, Grinch. Forget this babysitter gig. I quit! No, please, please don't. Aah! No no [giggles]. Go away! Aah! Go away, Grinch! Ah! Ah! [door slams] Bye bye, Grinch. [children screaming] Where's the Grinch? Kyler, I can't believe you got rid of the Grinch! Yay! I did it! Yay! [dance music] [upbeat music] Can't believe it's getting colder already, and I can't stand Christmas. Got a really find some way to ruin it. Hold on, hold on, hold on. I'm gettin' too worked up. Need to take a nap, clear my brain. [snorts] Help me, Grinch. This could be great. We can work together to ruin Christmas. Yeah. Yeah, here we go. [chimes ring] Ready, here we go! Oh yeah, good job. [chimes ring] Heh heh, TP on a Christmas tree, heh heh. [chimes ring] Shake it off. Shake it off. Can you do it? Shake it off. Shake it off. Shake it off. Yeah, shake it off. [snores] [chimes ring] Yeah, get a good one. There you go, put it right in here. Excellent form. Can you get it in there? Ooh, yeah, that was a good one. [chimes ring] [body thumps] Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute, I got it. I can go back to that baby and have him help me ruin Christmas. Except this time I gotta be careful. Mama, Mommy. No, no Grinch. Time out, Grinch. No no. He didn't like it when I ruined his mommy's Christmas, so if I just avoid that, maybe he'll help me again and we can get back at it. Alright, let's do that! [knuckles knock] Oh no, it's the Grinch! That's right. I'm here to babysit and I prepared a lovely dinner. Onions? You gotta be kidding. Ew! It smells. Well, that's the way I like 'em, and there's more where they came from. Yuck, more onions! Run away! Aah! I love onions. Ha! I knew onions would get rid of them, but not you. Hello, baby. Hi, Grinch. Oh, a ball. [ball thuds] Nice throw! You're gonna make a great apprentice. Okay, Grinch. The baby and the Grinch are back at it again. Stinky ball. Yep, the stinkier the better. Hey, do you want to team up again? Yeah. We'll be so good together. I could teach you all about being Grinch. Now we can ruin Christmas once and for all. Let's start off where we left off last time, collecting the presents. Alright, here we go. Here's the mother load. You want to grab some presents? Throw him in there. Alright. Good job. Make sure you get your ma, I mean, ah- Huh? Oh, we don't want to take your mommy's present. Put this one back. Good job. Yeah, not my mommy's. I've never ruined Christmas before. It's hard work. There's no laying down on the job. Come on. Let's go. We got more work to do. Is it okay with my mommy? Okay with your mommy? Why yesterday she said it was just fine, that we could do whatever we wanted. Hey, are you ready to ruin the Christmas tree? Yeah. Awesome. Okay. You're the perfect size for this. Here we go. Yeah, we'll make it look like a messy, creepy Christmas tree. Hold this. Way up high! Oh yeah. Is it gonna stay? Yeah. Good job. Alright, put you down, hurry. Good job! That's right! What's your favorite color? Um, green. That's what I thought. I knew it was gonna be green. That's why we make such a good team. Oh, it looks so pretty. Yeah! It looks gorgeous. The best color webs are the green kind of webs. Woohoo, now give me five. Woohoo! Now do this! Yeah, good job. Oh, that's kinda ugly. Ugly? I think we did really good work right here. What should we do next? Alright, now for the really fun part. We're gonna TP the banisters. Am I doin' it right? Yep, it's lookin' god. Yeah, I can do this whole roll. I'm gonna put it right over here, guys. Woohoo! Woohoo! Haha! Excellent job, now wrap it around really good right there. I can wrap it like this. Oh, thank you. Perfect. Okay, excellent, good job. This one is out of paper. This is fun, Grinch! Ha ha ha ha. My plan is working perfectly. This time I'll ruin Christmas for sure. Yeah, let's do this Grinch. Alright, kid, let's check out what I planned out next, okay? Alright, do you know what this is? This is a calendar and every day during Christmas, kids are supposed to open it up and get a chocolate. But this time there's no chocolate. We're gonna replace it with onions. Alright, can you put an onion in there? Save that chocolate for you. And let's put an onion back for your brothers and your sisters. I like being sneaky. Excellent job. I found them. Another chocolate, alright. Pull one out. But it's the snacky. Yep. [peaceful music] There you go, you're a natural, kid. This is goin' better than I expected. Yeah. Yeah. And my sister, she will be mad when opens that. Oh my gosh. She totally will, huh? Can you do a Grinch laugh? Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! [slow motion laugh] Should we leave an onion for your mommy? Not my Mommy. Oh, okay. Not your mommy. No, I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it. You're the best mini Grinch I ever did see. Ruining Christmas is fun! Woohoo! [jazz music] Hey, try this out, kid. [jazz music] Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha! [jazz music] Yes! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha! What's next, Grinch? You want to see what I got in my magic bag? Sure. Whew! You know what that is? Yeah. Alright, blow it up. [air whooshing] Do you think we should put it on your mommy's chair? No. Oh, okay yeah, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry. Should we try it out to make sure it works? Alright, here we go, let's see if it works! [air gushes] Ha ha ha! Oh, that's my favorite noise. Your turn. It's my turn to do it? Alright, let's see, here we go. You ready? [air whooshes] Ha ha ha ha ha! That was funny, Grinch. Heh heh heh. What are we going to do next? Blasters. You want to do blasters? Alright, let's go. Okay, here we go. You shoot the Christmas books? Sure. Alright. Got it! Alright. Ha ha, I got the elf on the shelf. You getting Queen Elsa? Here we go, get 'em, get 'em, get 'em. Alright, woohoo, try again, here we go. Alright, let's get 'em, come on! Woo hoo! We did it! Yeah, woohoo! Woo hoo hoo! Aaah! Look at this, we got Cindy-Lou Who's handiwork. Her dreaded gingerbread house. Alright, but look what I got here. Woo hoo. Want to take one of these? Ready? [air blowing] That's gross. You bet it is. Ha ha ha! Christmas has been Grinchified! Ready? Letters to Santa. Opening Santa's letters. You're a genius, kid. Hi, Santa. Are you going to make it to my house this year? Nope. I'm making you homemade cookies. Homemade cookies? Santa likes homemade cookies with stinkbugs in 'em. Ha ha ha! That's perfect. Let's see, it says, "Dear Santa, what is it that you want for Christmas?" What does Santa want for Christmas? I don't know. Probably a big fat nap. Dear Cindy-Lou Who, I want you to eat lots of candy and not brush your teeth. Ha ha ha! And what does this one say? "Dear Santa, I want a new dolly for Christmas. [gags] Dollies are the worst. This little girl wrote a whole book. Let's see. Dear Santa, I want to talk to you about my feelings. I feel like Christmas is the best in the world. I feel like I love everybody at Christmas time. That's gross. I feel like blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That's a terrible letter. Well, Santa will be getting some interesting letters this year. Whew! Ha ha ha ha. That's great. This'll ruin Christmas for sure. Let's see, letters a mess. Check! Advent calendar, check! Christmas tree, check! And decorations all knocked over. Alrighty, overall, I think that will send a pretty good message to old Saint Nick. You don't like Santa? Hmm. Nope. Alright. Get you a Christmas cookie. Oh, thanks. We really are teammates, huh? Yep. Alright. Start puttin' your mustard on 'em. Ooh, mustard and hot sauce. This is yucky, Grinch. Oh yeah, right there, good job. This is yucky. Yucky? No way. Take a bite. No! Get it good. Yeah, and I want two cookies. Doublestack. Why didn't I think of that? Yeah, it's good. Is that tasty? Uh huh. Yeah, it is. Ha ha ha! [mouth slurps] I love hot sauce. Me too! Making hot sauce cookies is the best. Give me knuckles. Save one for my mommy. Yeah, it's good. Is that better? Mm hmm. Good. I see you. I can see you, too. Ha ha ha. I love you, Grinch. I love you too, little buddy. Aw, thanks. Alright. Let's get back to ruining Christmas. Let's go. Gimme five. Woohoo. [whistle blows] [whistle blows] Aha! Now it's time for mistletoe. Ha ha ha ha! You think we should put some greasy, black bananas up on there? Yeah. How about that mistletoe? Do you want a kiss under that mistletoe? Yucky. Nobody would want to do that. Why Grinch? Why? Because mistletoe is for kissing and kissing is yucky. Yucky? Yeah. With this mistletoe gone, there'll be no kisses. No more kisses? Nope. No kisses for Mommy? Uh, uh, uh, Grinches don't do lovey dovey stuff. No, Grinch. I want Mommy's kisses. You want Mommy kisses? Bad boy, Grinch. Go in time out! I love my mommy! [air blowing] I need my blaster! Get 'em, Kyler! I love my mommy! Get out, Grinch! What happened, kid? I thought we were doing great together. You were wrong, Grinch. I thought we were gonna ruin Christmas together. Why did you turn on me? Get in time out. Time out? Oh no, no, no, no! [fists pound] Anything but time out! Out of here! I'm gonna get you, Grinch. I got ya! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Never come back, Grinch!
Channel: Kids Fun TV
Views: 29,267,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids fun tv, fun squad, kids, fun, baby, baby verses, vs, police officer, toys, funny, family fun, adventure, showdown, #kidsfuntv, #funsquad
Id: 7d9sWeIxCrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 59sec (2099 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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