Fun Squad Movie Parodies Compilation!

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[Music] you can still be happy i know what you have done dad it's time to watch some kids fun tv kate this is serious it's me jazzy grinch this just in we interrupt your favorite program to bring you an important message the magical dragon gem has been taken i repeat the magical dragon gem has been taken and it's nowhere to be found raya the warrior princess is asking for you to be on the lookout for any mysterious characters holding glowing gems can she count on you oh my goodness i wonder who could have taken it up next we dive deep into why squirrels are vomiting candy corn in your area [Music] what dad took the gem [Music] that looked exactly like the dragon gem [Music] hi this is raya riot it's jazzy from the fun squad i know who has the dragon gem it's it's my dad oh no your dad that's terrible you have to get it back but how i'm sorry to say it jazzy but you have to fight your dad what no i can't do it i can't fight my dad well if your dad has the gem he must be under the control of sinister forces but i don't know how to fight well i'm gonna have to train you then i'm gonna start my journey to your house right now in the meantime keep an eye on your dad i need you to find out what he's doing with the dragon gem wait raya oh well time to go see what dad's doing [Music] oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh right oh no he must have heard me talking with raya he's preparing to fight raya my dad's doing karate in his room i think he's on to us he's training to fight oh no it's worse than i thought well keep spying on him i'll be there soon okay fun squad what is my dad doing who's there jazzy um uh um i'm practicing gymnastics what are you doing dad um uh just just chillin um i'm gonna go watch the big game now big game what a game and you don't even like sports uh what do you have behind your back dad uh nothing no i don't have anything behind my back see so why are your hands behind your back then uh no reason i'm just uh exercising stretching oh gotta go jazzy all the energy signals are coming from your house your dad must have it ryan this is impossible it's too hard to catch him jazzy listen to me you have to go in ninja style ninja style oh snap how do i do that i'll show you when i get there in the meantime think sneaky remember to choose courage over fear i'll be there soon [Music] gemstone gemstone big blue gem oh what a deal what fun squad i can't believe this is happening [Music] yes ryan you're finally here i can't find the gem anywhere but he must have it i just heard him talking about it in his sleep look jazzy only the most powerful can obtain the gem so you're going to need my help to get it back but i warn you it's not going to be easy okay i'm ready for anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right jazzy give me a jab jab cross okay jump jump cross hey ryan so good to see you hey i heard somebody took your dragon gem i'm so sorry i hope you find it yeah it's missing wonder who took it well see girls i'll leave you guys to it he's mocking us yeah he knows that i'm training with you but he isn't worried at all he's confident he'll win the battle but he doesn't know your inner strength i don't know if i can do this you've got this jazzy okay i'm ready to go wait jazzy there's one final test what is it you have to believe in yourself i do i'm ready fine then go okay i'm scared it's okay to be scared jazzy it's part of it but don't let your fear take over you can do this i'll be right here with you are you sure but what if i can't do it what if i can't fight my dad but that's what the training was for just as i became the guardian of the dragon gem you trained for this remember you could do anything all right i got this oh uh um hi girls all right i'll see you later uh that was weird i don't know how to say this jazzy but i think your mom might be in on it too we're going to have to fight them together [Music] i know what you have done dad oh um sorry i ate your birthday cake i promise i'll replace it no no not that oh well what then head over that dragon gem or we will have to battle oh i get it i'll play along if you want the dragon gem you must defeat me this is fun so yeah we know you have it we saw you whoa you guys are getting a little rough i thought we were just playing around we know that you jumped up what is going on i hear a lot of yelling is everybody okay and you we know you're in on it too we thought we could trust you but we know we're both villains whoa whoa whoa what's going on here jazzy tell me what's going on quit messing around jesse told me she saw you i heard you talking and you sleep about it and i saw you training for this fight yes i saw you sneaking around and hiding it too oh this is all just a big misunderstanding the blue orb i was hiding earlier today was actually just a nightlight for your mom you know she's a little scared of the dark still right and in the kitchen i was hiding roses behind my back oh these roses smell so divine well then mom what were you hiding oh that well it's dead and i's anniversary and i got him the new tools he'd been asking for i just didn't want you to see it well why couldn't you just tell me because you can't keep secrets jazzy that's not true well what about when you were doing karate in your room weren't you training for the fight uh okay you got me on that one i bought a cool vr set and i was actually playing beat saber with it oh well i guess that's cleared up not quite even though your mom and dad are innocent all of the energy signals still show that the dragon gem is in this house which means you must have the gem what me i don't have a gem you probably do and this is just a big huge test all right i'm ready to fight bring it on hey guys look what i just found i just found this cool rock outside [Music] usually finders keepers but i guess you can have it well i guess that explains all the energy signals coming from your house yeah uh sorry about that hey um don't you guys think you owe mom and me an apology you guys almost whipped on us for something we didn't even do yeah you're right i'm sorry mom and dad i guess i shouldn't have judged you before i knew the truth well hey on the bright side i just have the gem back oh cecil and i are going on adventure tonight you guys want to come yeah i'd love to but before i go fun squad don't forget to like and subscribe down below and don't forget i think my package is here [Music] my package is here [Music] yeah it's my briefcase now i could be the boss baby [Music] one squad i have my magic donut here and anybody eats the donut we'll be under my boss baby powers it's a magic donut fun squad who should i use it on i hear my dad coming what's doing him oh dad i have a train for you what was that tyler donuts who got donuts me you you can't buy donuts you're too little who's it for you or me you for me you are my awesome buddy that's the best you got all right here we go i feel really weird i feel like that you're my boss baby are you my boss baby yes are you the boss yeah you're the boss of me yes oh no why because i eat this yeah oh it was so delicious i have powers you have powers over me oh no let's get started fun squad i don't know about this but apparently i have to do everything boss baby tells me oh daddy the first thing that i need to do you need dress like a monkey and then do the funny things around the house dressed up like a monkey yeah fun squad no why would you do that boss baby i do not have a monkey suit so how am i gonna dress up like a monkey i got a monkey suit right in my briefcase you do no i do not want to do this okay fine i guess you are the boss daddy you need to put this monkey still on oh no i have to put this all on you what here we go that's perfect dad all right let's go for you [Music] you guys wait how come the boss baby gave the monkey a high five huh because it's dead [Music] [Applause] good job dad now for our next joke okay dad make me a sandwich but boss baby what kind of sandwich this mini candy sandwich candy sandwich okay are you sure on bread yes okay there's the bread candy really candy that's what you want yes all right let's see we got two pieces of bread all right do you like these kind of candies yes here we go is that like yummy butterfinger yeah okay tootsie roll how about nerds yes nerds yes nerds all right [Music] that's good that's good okay fun squad check out this really weird sandwich all candy just for the boss baby do i get a sandwich too yes what kind of sandwich do i get a yucky sandwich no are you serious yeah what's on the yucky sandwich mustard mustard i hate mustard oh gross are you serious i have to put mustard on my sandwich yep tommy okay oh all right what else do i have to put on my sandwich hot sauce oh no [Applause] oh is that good a hot dog this is the weirdest sandwich i've ever seen oh okay here we go holy weird is that yucky enough i got some soda pop all right this is really weird maybe i'll go like this [Music] how's that tyler okay should we eat them all right i can't remember which one was mine and which one was yours and this one's mine all right daddy take a bite right now oh no this looks really yucky no good i'm the boss baby now enjoy my sandwich okay dad okay what it's time to call your boss and do what call him a stinky monkey a stinky monkey do i have to yes oh no okay hello who's this hello is this brandon why are you calling me on my day off i'm not at work today hi boss um what is it you're a stinky monkey face what did you just say to me did you just call me speaking i think you're gonna do this for this you're gonna lose your job it's a joke are you scared it was a joke sorry it was a joke a joke um the boss baby told me to say it who the heck is the boss baby you're fired i'm fired you're fired i said i'm fired that's funny no boss baby no tell him you're joking tell me you're joking i'm joking he's joking please no can i have my job back please no no please please talk to him talk to the boss baby here talk to him talk to my boss give me my dad's job back right now yes please please no you're still fired tyler i lost my job what are we gonna do don't worry i'm the boss i'll figure something out oh i hope so [Laughter] all right boss baby please tell me we're done no you're not done what what else do i have to do now i have to go in clear's bathroom act like a little baby and cry are you serious anything but that i should not have eaten that donut next time i'm not going to do it okay oh in here okay um hi kalia [Music] is that good enough no more more i'm a baby i'm a baby i'm a baby i'm a baby i'm a baby that's so funny oh can i please be done yes let's go okay what else do you have for me to do dad's acting so weird today and kyler's acting like a boss baby okay boss baby can we please be done okay one last thing dad oh what do i have to do you're gonna make me blow up well that's easy not so fast you have to do your eyes closed no that's like impossible are you serious it's gonna be so funny i love being a boss baby put me in my chair yes sir okay here we go okay is that good yep okay hey you need your eyes closed oh yeah sorry okay is this the cereal you want yeah okay here we go oh oh we need the bowl no no yes here yes hey i found it all right okay i need the milk here we go okay okay actually this isn't so bad this isn't so bad at all here we go whoopsie okay here we go am i doing okay so far boss baby all right here we go here we go [Music] am i doing it what not are you serious oh no okay here we go how's that am i getting into the bowl yeah okay is that good yeah okay tell me when to stop [Music] uh oh i feel like there's a mess here oh well here we go all right time for the milk yeah here goes the milk okay tell me when it's done with it hold up okay that's so silly when can i stop it sounds like it's is it full yet yes it's full yeah okay i think we're done boss baby are you serious no boss baby i'm gonna be in so much trouble my mom's gonna be so bad i love being a boss baby well fun squad it has been a fun day has it been fun for you boss baby it's been pretty fun make sure to give us a big thumbs up and subscribe down below and don't forget [Music] [Music] jack why did we let you take control of the boat yeah jack you don't even know where we are sun juggle cruise this turned out to be we're not lost that's what you said an hour ago well then where are we um exactly come on guys let's try this way jack luke oh what what shiver me timbers hey people hey i think we sneak up on them let's figure out what they're doing yes i love sneaking let's go let's go i'm starving hopefully we can find some food here yeah maybe we can find some burger king here wait guys we don't even know where we are hello we're on a jungle cruise not anymore at least what are those guys doing here i don't know but they said something about a burger king what's a burger i think it's something that comes out of your nose that does sound delicious no that's not delicious let's follow them but we must be very very quiet okay okay let's let's go let's go guys wait oh not again don't you think this island is a little creepy i mean shouldn't we be heading back to the boat right now oh come on jazzy it's just a spooky old jungle island that doesn't show up on any map what's the worst that could happen you guys should have seen your faces you were all like oh i'm so scared uh who are you isn't it obvious i'm the spirit of this here cursed island cursed oh great that's right this island has a special force that lures sailors in and traps them forever so no burger king wait so we're seriously trapped here like forever the only way anyone can get off this island is to find the three magic relics hidden deep within the jungle how are we supposed to know what the relics look like the rags are in the form of cheeky spirits great let's go guys yeah good luck with that guys let's not get discouraged let's start searching did you hear that mr flubbins yes i did captain jack but don't worry i didn't smell anything no no you bird brain those kids they're off to find the enchanted relics the same relics we could never find the same relics we've been looking for for 20 years oh those relics i know i've got a plan let's follow the kids let's see if they can find the relics and if they do we'll swipe them from them and then we can get off this blasted island for once and for all and then we can go sail the seven seas again yeah okay let's go [Music] did i see it anywhere [Music] we're never gonna find these relics now with that attitude if we keep looking and then maybe we'll end up finding one why not we just sneak off the island while the ghost isn't looking because of the curse were you listening perch smoosh i'm out of here scary noises back so soon i think i'll stay with you guys come on guys let's go check out over here oh i think they're onto something let's go [Music] guys lock them up oh man the boat is all broken up and wrecked we can't use this to get off the island we can't anyway remember the island is cursed what part of curse do you not understand well i didn't see any relics in there anyways so maybe we should just head back to the jungle yeah shaq's right there's nothing in here but except for this thing okay you did it whoa i did do it oh yeah that's one third of our ticket out of this place well let's go find the other two oh did you see that they found the first relic that was a relic yes yes it was in here i thought i told you a long time ago to search this boat oh i've seen those things all over the place are you serious crackling kraken for that you're gonna walk the plank but we don't have a boat well someday when i have a boat again you're gonna walk me plank savvy okay the kids are getting away they might be funny they're the relics let's go hey do you guys see that i bet you there's a relic in there yeah let's check it out it looks pretty dark in there does anybody have a flashlight let me check in my backpack let's see here shoes marbles rubber snakes no oh and the only other thing in here is my phone wait you've had a phone this whole time uh oh it doesn't do me any good though because it's out of battery well i guess we're going in in the dark guys it's really spooky in here you're right relax guys we're fine oh sorry you're in there i can see them i see we surprise them from the back our good idea let's go this way okay i can hear him in there our okay where are they right behind you they're in there guys did you hear that what the sound of the spooky echoing tooth or the sound of the magical relic what did i say about being quiet look over there [Music] [Applause] hey what was that pirates okay what did i say about no giggling sorry ah next time i'm gonna leave you home okay guys we need to be extra careful because i have a feeling that the pirates are after those relics too if that's the case we gotta get out of here fast we gotta find that last relic before they do guys stop i can't run anymore it's okay kade i think we lost him anyway guys we've been running for hours how are we ever gonna find that last rally look guys what's that maybe the last relics in there all right let's go no way that place gives me the crease okay fine you can stay here come on jack let's go whoa i don't know something must be guarding the relic jack you have to go in and get the relic you're older but i'm only older by five minutes i'll stay out here and keep a lookout i got this [Music] one two three [Music] wow it was the relic making the loud sounds we have nothing to be scared of now that we have all three relics we can get out of this place guys the pirates are done those kids we can't catch up to them i wonder what they found right here some kind of old bunker or something oh what did i spoke in here mr flummons it'd be a treasure treasure i love that our favorite thing in the world oh dude don't touch the treasure my treasure oh my bad i wonder if the relic was in here if it wasn't here they must have run off with it we can catch those caves yes let's do it all right okay after those kids which way did they go all right i think they went that way that way that's the ocean maybe they're a good swimmer oh i need a better assistance they went that way carry some treasure okay let's go guys i think we lost him now that we have all of the relics we should be able to leave the island now uh mr ghost man we're ready to leave the island now well maybe we should head back to the boat that's where we saw the ghost the first time oh we've walked around this whole island can't the ghost just come to us yeah and things are getting heavy now what are we supposed to do i was the one who came up with every idea why don't you guys have a turn no i mean why should i always come up with the ideas oh look captain jack there they are yes we're so close [Music] which way did they go i think they went that way okay come on quick quick quick [Music] ghost man where are you hey we don't have time for this we got the relics let's get to the boat hurry okay quick mr plumbing let's get this baby out of here how i don't know how to use a boat what kind of pirate are you you don't know how to use a boat let's go hurry it up put your back into it hey stop right there these relics are ours in this boat is mine now but that's not fair we found those relics fair and square yeah so give them back ah fighters keepers losers weepers oh okay jack go get the relics [Music] [Music] you actually found them that's impressive it usually takes people like forever to find them if they make it that easy get out of here whoa whoa whoa aren't you guys sure you don't want to visit the island gift shop before you leave no okay all right this jungle cruise is over whoa we're out of here make sure to like and subscribe down below thanks so much for watching [Music] no guys stop i'm serious don't worry i'll fix this bye mom and dad have a good date night you can trust me oh finally i'm home alone where i can have some peace and quiet now this is more i like it now what mom and dad what did you forget this time [Music] what's this call me if you have any questions from group if i have any questions what hello jazzy thank you so much for agreeing to babysit my minions what i didn't agree with this well i'm afraid i'm already on the moon on a serious mission so you're going to have to do this for me okay oh this is supposed to be my night off sorry but this is very important i'll be back to pick up my minions around six o'clock six pm that's like three hours what am i supposed to do for three hours oh minions love to have fun so just have fun okay gotta go bye bye fun this night was supposed to be about relaxation of course well you're in luck because we're gonna have fun today but we're doing it my way [Music] we're about to have some fun this is called meditation it's probably the funnest thing out there all right are you ready first step is press play now close your eye and take a deep breath breathe in [Music] breathe out [Music] this yeah is it's too loud that's it meditation time is now over time for new activities all right minion you seem pretty artistic is that right uh hello okay yeah that's what i thought these are watercolors okay okay okay so what you want to do is start by drawing a friendly little tree next to the soft little cloud and you want to smooth that out with a little shade of gray next to the pond what the heck even is this anyway what is it now listen up you two i have oh that's expensive [Music] what is [Music] [Applause] no wait no what am i gonna do it's game time that's right we're gonna play a game on hide and seek relax okay all you have to do is hide somewhere and stay there until i find you sound good now this he's the life [Music] what is that [Music] [Music] what are you doing with that this is what why is [Music] that what are you doing no more yes it's six o'clock do you know what that means yeah yeah it means it's time to go you live okay so mom and dad are gonna be home any second now and i don't think they're gonna like that you're still a minion [Music] what to do what to do hello ah i just wanted to say thank you for watching my little stinkers yeah yeah yeah well your little stinkers turn my brother into a minion now what do i do oh whoopsie just give them a banana a banana you'll see okay here's a banana banana oh sweet a banana [Music] whoa gentlemen what did you do what me this isn't my problem it was you and those two other minions minions ah well have fun cleaning it up [Music] don't forget to like and subscribe down below and don't forget never go on i know right that kid is so talented is she talking about me the best actor ever i mean i was so impressed i even wrote about it in my diary who's your favorite actor just say it i know just so much talent oh i gotta go all right well i'll catch you later okay talk to you soon bye no how am i supposed to figure out who her favorite kid is now well it isn't her diarrhea let's go check [Music] where is it jack you don't have contact oh here it is [Music] okay i really need to know what's in her diary but how wait okay despicable notebook what should i do if you're about to do something despicable call this number you'll need my help call 888 888 okay hello hello this is crew how can i help you hello gru this is jack skye and i'm about to do something very despicable i need your help here already wow that was faster than i expected come in let's get some prizes that's correct let's find out all right we gotta be quiet we don't want anyone to see it [Music] who sent you here for a reason what doesn't i'm talking about i need your help my mom has this secret diary hey put that down be gentle no what did you do it's fine it's not like i spent five hours working on that i get pooped on like all this for the rest of the parts anyways what i need you to do is go find my bob's diary can you do that um [Music] dumb little minion breaking my stuff [Music] i must be hearing things today okay now i know i heard something great you did it let's see the diary this is the wrong one you took the wrong diary [Music] okay go back get the right diary get my mom's diary got it not dairy diary again [Music] did did you draw that i can't even look at this it's not fiery it's diary again [Music] what's this a spider like spidery really no i'm eating like a diary see diary not a book but an actual diary this is your last chance no that's wait yes that's it dear diary i finally done it after all these years i've finally figured out how to clean my own toenails and i don't even need to use my mouth gross wait no you got dad's diary fine okay fine phillip you distract my mom i'll do it myself hello excuse me can you repeat that you get the butt let's test it is my refrigerator running uh yes i believe it is oh well maybe i should consider catching it do you know where it's going okay i'll go check hey where is it she moved it come on it didn't fall maybe like a bushel oh it has to be in here somewhere okay i'm still following it where could it be you said it went into my room you sure well then i'll find it you know what my fridge is not in here in fact i don't think it was ever running around in the first place [Music] what a weirdo [Music] why did you do that why did you leave my mom right back into the room i was hiding in there leave the cabinet in the way okay we have to think how are we going to get my mom out so i can get her diary [Music] a freeze ray is this grooves is it safe to use on people so it temporarily freezes people with no bad side effects okay i like it let's do this and by let's i mean you do it don't screw up hey watch out dude [Music] [Music] mister hear them they're coming yes yes what did you do [Music] clearly this isn't working i think we need more help who are you calling when is he gonna be here well that was faster than i thought hey hey does it leave you here okay we need to figure out what our next game plan is hurry we need to find some more private okay one of you guys needs to be a distraction well the other comes with me and gets mom's diary okay now which one of you wants to be the distractions [Music] hey knock it off [Music] if you both want a banana you need to stop fighting you need to cooperate deal great now we need to come up with a good distraction wait what's that a flatulence blaster like the really smelly gas kind yuck [Music] and the tube blaster will admit a powerful um odor okay let's do this you both can be distractions just get mom out of the room okay [Music] smells like diapers hey okay we're gonna be let's check over here socks oh i can deal we're gonna be no i'm here yes here it is i finally found it now time to read okay here we go dear diary today was a great day yada yada yada i made my favorite meal blah blah blah dad's breath doesn't smell like toenails anymore skip oh here it is i was watching a show with my kids and i realized how impressive millie bobby brown is she is really talented and definitely one of my favorite child actors of course millie bobby brown is her favorite she's mine too are you serious jack get over here jack this place is a mess what happened here the minions they messed it up jack why did you bring the minions here well how do you know cade didn't do it the way i found him he couldn't have brought anyone here somebody i'm still frozen somebody please help so okay i heard you talking your friend about your favorite kid and i wanted to see who it was so i brought the minions here to distract you so i can read your diary so what did you learn i learned that you like millie bobby brown more than me not exactly if you had read the entire diary you would know that overall my favorite child doctors are the fun squad okay that makes more sense now i expect you to clean up this mess and never read my diary again got it but mom okay i'm on it that's what i thought don't forget
Channel: Kids Fun TV
Views: 22,706,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fun squad, Fun squad, movie parodies compilation, movie parodies, compilation, movie parody
Id: Gd4rTEJZEwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 54sec (3294 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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