Kidneys: Pathophysiology of renal function

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so let's go into our renal failures what the heck renal failure is and how we can make it stupid simple for you the nursing students um we're going to go into first what the kidneys do and where the renals what their function is in the whole body so let's do it here so anytime that you hear the word renals anytime CH how's it going sir anytime you hear the word renals anytime you hear the word kidneys um you have to understand a little bit of the pathophysiology behind the kidneys and the renals before you understand how they break down so let's do it woo okay so your kidneys look like two beans right two kidney beans here okay you have a renal sorry you have this aorta that goes straight through and you have these renal arteries and veins that connect go into your renal scare okay so I want you guys to think of your renals as a uh washing machine it's not kidneys anymore it's not um about renal failure glomular fil ation rates uh nephrotic syndrome it's not ah don't don't think of it like that think of it like um a washing machine okay so that's how we're going to think of it washer machine style okay so those are our washer machines of the body what your renals do or what your uh what your kidneys do is they filter your blood and they're supposed to wash your blood to make sure your blood is clean after it washes your blood your kidneys send that send that um dirty blood in the form of urine down the ERS into the bladder and into the potty and as my nursing instructor used to say into the potty and not the body okay so that's what the function of the um of the kidneys do now there are three things that the kidneys filter and we like to break it down or at least I like to break it down into a little acronym called hook hu okay so again guys I want you to think of these as a washer machine here all we're doing is cleaning your blood so hook hu h u c so hook stands for hydrogen ions Ura and creatin okay hydrogen ions hydrogen ions are very acidic hydrogen ions are that byproduct of H2O two hydrogens and one oxygen right so your body needs to get this hydrogen out of your blood into the potty because if our washing machines break down that hydrogen's not getting out there's going to be a buildup of acid causing our body to go into metabolic acidosis because we're not we're holding on to those hydrogen ions okay the next thing is um is our U our Ura now if you guys saw my liver lecture we know that your body breaks down protein in your dadum right that first portion of the small intestine now your body breaks down that protein I just like to call it a protein wrapper because a protein bar comes in a wrapper right so you take this wrapper off you eat the protein right or your power bar and you have this wrapper you see this wrapper is called ammonia now the ammonia goes up to the liver and your liver breaks down that ammonia in the form of Ura so this Ura now this ammonia is breaking down into the form of Ura send back out through the um the exit portal of the liver and down into your renals to be filtered out so that liver is just detoxing and getting rid of the Ura now it's up to your washing machines to get it out of the body so when your kidneys break down you also have a build up of uric acid or what's called Ura and we see this in the form of BU blood Ura nitrogen okay so that's our bun now when your bun goes up this doesn't mean that in renal failure that your kidneys are failing um when your bun goes up just think that your patient might be dehydrated so your patient um might be sitting in the sun too long very hemoc concentrated not a lot of fluid so your bun is going to be very concentrated a lot very very high so that's what happens so when you think that if your Bun's High but your creatinine is normal think that your patient has burned buns they're just dehydrated very burned buns okay now your last part your C your C is also your C is your creatinine so your creat and hook okay so this creat is a byproduct of protein breakdown so it doesn't mean mean that your body's um you know in rabdom myosis which just a rapid breakdown of muscle it just means that your body is breaking down muscle constantly and peeing out this creat in your um in your pee at least so if your washing machines are broken your creat is not going to show up um uh too much in the urine it's going to be in the body now cuz this is broken and as my nursing instructor said in the body and not in the potty so when these two go up your bu and your creat remember you have two kidneys and this means that you're in um kidney failure or it could be in kidney failure now there's a stage in progression of where we go in terms of of acute renal failure so let's go into the stages of acute renal failure because you know someone is not really just pushed into acute Reno failure um they could be but let me show you the progression of what happens with acute renal failure so let me cut it here and we'll cover that in our little next video here
Channel: Simple Nursing
Views: 229,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nursing, kidneys, pathophysiology, renal, renal function, kidney function, kidney disease, kidney injury, washing machines of the body, kidney disorders, kidney anatomy. kidney anatomy and physiology
Id: XXxPPID5ge4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2013
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