Kid Wins Talent Show Dancing to Michael Jackson's Billie Jean
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Channel: OpenMic Crew
Views: 32,248,622
Rating: 4.9299893 out of 5
Keywords: Kid dances like Michael Jackson, Pitman High School Talent Show, Brett Nichols
Id: lvZBGJkbeTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 2sec (122 seconds)
Published: Wed May 21 2014
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Crushed that moonwalk.
Hey I graduated from there! Iβm somewhere in that crowd in the background!
Fun fact about the moonwalk... it's actually the opposite of how people instinctually do it. This video does a good job of explaining it:
This motherfucker didn't even do the moonw--oh.
I love how over it the girl who comes to get the mic is. Kids are so shitty sometimes. Heβs trying to take a bow to the screaming crowd and sheβs like, βBrian, stop being so weird and give me the microphone. We still have three more acts and two of them are going to whip and nae-nae.β
I like how the girl immediately runs up to him trying to grab the mic, he's just like "Bitch please, this is my moment, you can wait"
That was freakishly amazing. It's not just talent, but heavily practiced skill.
Things have changed since I was at school in the 90's, it's nice to see someone being appreciated for their passion rather than berated and bullied.
Wow, he even sounds just like him!