Kid Cop Super Episode

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[Music] [Music] [Music] you like apples huh [Music] wait should i have a sip of that water yeah sure [Music] oh no looks like germs are about to spread we need germ police at the police station [Music] what there are people sharing food at the picnic table we need your help we're on it little heroes to the rescue wait what sharing food and drinks shares germs oh i didn't know that huh i didn't know that we're not supposed to share drinks and donuts i thought sharing was caring that's how people get sick i don't want to get sick we won't do that again thank you little heroes later that afternoon [Music] i forgot to wash my hands oh well we need the germ police to stop those germs [Music] i like donuts my favorite is clay my favorite is chocolate delicious we're on it little heroes to the rescue oh man i forgot this time i always normally wash my hands i just forgot one time you always wash your hands so how long do i wash them for we'll show you see your abc's when you wash your hands when you're done you'll your hand will be clean okay i think i can do that let's pick the which one is cool [Music] now i know my abc's next time won't you sing with me all right thanks little heroes [Music] the next day [Music] [Music] hmm hmm that cough is spreading germs everywhere let's get the germ police at the police station [Music] what is the hulk is coughing germs all over the playground we're on it little heroes to the rescue freeze your police you need to cover your mouth with your elbow when you cough my elbows can't touch my mouth oh i see that way you don't spread your hands it's not that hard you can use handstands thank you little heroes you're welcome [Music] [Music] and i'm hungry i wonder what food i should seal today bacon looks delicious what do you guys eat bacon is it smoked fakey no no oh no our meanwhile across town i should really get the band back together the bacon has been stolen we need your help nobody steals bacon on my watch [Music] [Music] are you guys all right amanda and the cape stalled our breakfast oh no a cape oh no the steeler is back [Music] that was delicious i'm ready for lunch [Music] aha sandwich [Music] do you put cheetos in your sandwich i do it makes it crunchy and delicious he took my sandwich meanwhile across town the steeler just stole spiderman's lunch roger that i'm on my way [Music] [Music] [Music] i got here as fast as i could which way to go i don't know he threw a smoke bomb made me cough he took my cheetos and my sandwich man he really does have some really sneaky chicks up his sleeve but he is no match for justice thank you little hero go get my sandwich [Music] this sandwich was great but i'm still hungry never too soon for dinner [Music] hmm that looks good [Music] hey fireman i saw smoke somewhere where right here oh no my dinner's gone meanwhile across town [Music] officer copy talk to me the firemen got his dinner stolen i'm on my way [Music] what happened he got away do you want to help me trap him yeah follow me i've got a plan later that afternoon [Music] oh i'm so full i want dessert jackpot [Music] [Music] oh man how did you have to do this you left a smoke bomb at the fire department yeah you're not under arrest oh man i just wanted a piece of cake if you want something to eat you need to ask nicely stealing swamp i'm sorry for stealing we forgive you now may i please have a piece of cake [Music] thank you for giving me a second chance little heroes you're welcome everyone deserves a second chance cake i want cake we saved a piece just for you [Music] one day at home base my turn [Music] are our are our come on guys it was dolphin that's not a dolphin noise this is a dolphin knife whoa that was weird okay it's your turn now [Music] that wasn't me [Music] who's it for it doesn't say anything should we open it another box whoa another one [Music] oops [Music] foods [Music] teleportation mode activated [Music] oh how do i get in here oh it is on transformer mode activated [Music] smoke bomb activated [Music] surprise what [Music] dang it it was supposed to turn you into a chinchilla did you guys open my new nerf guns sorry mom [Music] [Music] man three house fires in one day i know i'm already tired and it's not even noon yet i'm burned out i'm going to take a quick nap me too i'm bored scooter sloth what do you want to do today [Music] man i wish i was a firefighter then i would never be bored [Music] that's a great idea [Music] [Music] did you take my helmet did you take my helmet why would i take your helmet maybe someone stole them when we were sleeping let's go call the police [Music] what happened here we were fixing our engine on our fire truck and then our hats were gone were you two sleeping on the job again well uh um you know i mean we were we put out three house fires this morning come on cut some slack you don't think the steeler did this do you not the steeler let's go catch him for good this time [Music] hey what do you mean i don't look like a real fireman [Music] i guess you're right we would look a lot cooler in those jackets okay you stay here and guard the lair i'll be back [Music] boy that library was hot really it was on fire wanna get some lunch yeah let's go [Music] hey did you take my jacket no did you take my jacket no why would i take your jacket i don't know maybe someone stole them when we were at lunch possibilities let's go call the cops [Music] [Applause] what happened this time yeah we stole our whole uniform we can't do our jobs without them why would the steerer want your uniforms they're pretty awesome whatever the reason he's up to no good don't worry we'll find him i sure hope the police catch the steeler maybe i wonder they will i hope so i wonder if we could if we're gonna we could go to chuck e cheese [Music] he was wearing my unicorn his love was wearing my uniform that is just did we delicious him he was just here really where'd he go he went like um over there he told our truck fire truck yeah he saw our fire truck we couldn't we finally did it stealer shop we're finally real firefighters firefighters do you copy i repeat do you copy yes i'm mr firefighter there's a walrus stuck in a tree at swansea park we're on it [Music] surprise hey you're not a walruse [Music] come on it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't me [Music] sloth i feel like i always take the blame this was your idea still in the truck anyways [Music] now look what you got me into how's the cleaning coming can i please take a break i've been cleaning for hours you've been cleaning for 10 minutes when you steal you have to pay the price i know i just really wanted to be a fighter fighter there i said it you can't steal your way to be a firefighter you have to go for training could you at least train me or at least let me drive the truck finish cleaning and we'll talk why is it going so slow probably because you're too big for it [Applause] [Music] excuse me can you help me my bike's broken down sure well it could be the handle maybe it's the ignition maybe that's working that's good [Music] how about the exhaust maybe [Music] the stinker yeah i think your problem is the exhaust i'll show you exhaust [Music] too easy back at the police station now try and start the car hey it works this is officer jenkins do you read me this is on alert the stinker's on the loose he's passing gas all over town we're coming [Music] thank you so much for coming what happened i was attacked by the worst villain of them all who to stinker run us through the attack it's too traumatic for words just find him we will [Music] [Music] [Applause] do you even know where you're going maybe all right can i drive fine [Music] deep in the forest [Music] go help [Music] up here i guess you're what we call a returning customer oh not again did the stinker do this no doubt sherlock i thought you said you were gonna find him do you have any clues for us that could be a clue hey that might be the stinker's lair come on let's go but be sneaky hired these guys [Music] bombs away [Music] i guess you could say i'm a little out of tune [Music] and the greatest of them all silent but deadly what was that [Music] [Music] stop right there [Music] [Music] it smells like my grandmother's bathroom he stinks so bad how are you guys feeling have you got a bad headache it feels like we got hit with the time of rex i thought you guys were the pros apparently not we are but we need your help to set a trap well i have an idea okay it's gonna be gross okay so the stinker's weakness is that he loves the sounds of his own farts disgusting setting the trap oh that's uh huh i've never heard that one before [Music] [Music] what is that [Music] music making such beautiful notes only a lovely woman is capable of all those blessings and beauty she's what i've been missing all my lonely years i'm gonna go ask her out [Music] are you responsible for all those miraculous sounds maybe if so please continue sure but the show isn't free it's not nope we're here to collect it's time you got fumigated [Music] stinker you gotta learn to control yourself [Music] what a lovely day to steal [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] i love taking things that aren't mine i've taken this outfit and this fire truck i wonder if this radio works bratz it doesn't i really wanted to hear some music i've got it i can steal an instrument meanwhile across meanwhile across town [Music] [Music] so [Music] bye [Music] thank you you're welcome you know i also play the guitar too no way yes way in fact i'm the best around prove it [Music] have you ever been blown off your feet literally or figuratively [Music] musically [Music] [Applause] [Music] back at the police station [Music] hey do you want to gain weight then put the donut away [Music] little heroes alert little heroes alert there's been a theft on the south side of town reportedly a guitar has been stolen the suspect is believed to be the steeler we're going to investigate let's go [Music] do you know how many calories are in that bank good manages uptight [Music] would you help me [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] one hour later [Music] [Music] finally i called you guys an hour ago sorry i don't got stolen oh so they got you too yup were there any witnesses when your guitar got stolen i was a witness howdy folks i'll show y'all what happened [Music] that's all folks adios [Applause] taylor we need to find the steelers lair so we can ambush him time to bring on the k9 units [Music] which way is the steeler come on waffles help us bye [Music] oh there's the steelers lair oh i think i have a plan [Music] [Music] [Music] special delivery oh i wonder what it could be [Music] it's a smoke bomb [Music] you're under arrest stealer but i just wanted to play some music you can't steal people's property what if i ask permission go ahead can i play your guitar um sure [Music] i've been waiting for you donut [Music] i wish there are more pecans i guess you could say there are slim pecans around here who's there oh no one's special just someone in need of help fire it's okay i'm the voice that's talking to you you're talking bush yep and a very hot one too no question so i need your help this flame is stuck on me and i need you to get rid of it let me cool you off no do not do that please forgive me what i need you to do is pick up that bandana on the ground now would you please toss it on top of the fire [Music] ta-da and for my next act i will give you a treat [Music] hehe [Music] little heroes alert there's a fire in the nearby forest we need you to put it out and we'll put it out all right whoa let's point that at the fire okay hey breakfast let's go [Music] [Music] where's the fire i don't see any fire [Music] wait who's that excuse me have you seen the fire around here [Music] excuse me excuse me have you seen a fire around here what where are your cheeks puppy [Music] show us [Music] okay can you show us that again [Music] thank you what happened someone gave me a hot chili pepper was she wearing a bandana how did you know we've dealt with her before her name is the spark i think it needs a little bit more space perfect it's time to execute my master plan i'm going to introduce fire water to the world [Music] [Music] what's that [Music] hey maybe there's a trail [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a dead end i'm thirsty i'm gonna go get a drink i can help no thanks but thanks are you okay you guys are little heroes oh yeah whatever you do don't drink the water the water [Music] so [Music] yes [Music] no [Music] thanks little heroes our pleasure that's what we do can i have your gun sure [Music] so [Music] recording for duty today is my first day welcome here's your uniform you know what this uniform is missing me [Music] let's take a selfie first i look like a boss no you look like a private i'm the boss oh sorry sir now for our first order of business [Music] special delivery is it a welcome gift nope it's a stink bomb thank you what's this bomb a stink bomb is wait [Music] it doesn't smell that bad actually there's only one responsible for this the stinker what was that ow me hello there if you can hear this message you've just received a new stinky scented candle how fun there are three steps to help you enjoy your new stinky scented candle step one light the candle step two smell the candle smells good i smell a salisbury steak baked beans and a hint of spinach great nose step 3 place the candle on the ground and toot on it [Music] well played little heroes well played [Music] let's start with your review says here you have a good attitude and you're a hard worker obviously don't get too cocky oh yes sir [Music] [Music] says here you have an f on your marksmanship test what do you have to say about that [Music] oh it smells like an outhouse real professional it wasn't me [Music] hey maybe it's this house [Music] what's wrong with you yeah [Music] stand guard over the station i'm going in alone [Music] but i want to help too [Music] may i help you yes i'm going door-to-door selling body spray not interested before you say no um would you like to repel girls how did you know i'm a boy too so one spray of this and you could smell like a trash can what do you call this spray lavender what more like lavender justice [Music] good afternoon good afternoon to you and as a citizen of smellyville i like to reward you for stopping the stinker oh that's my co-worker i have a burger anyway why thank you bye should i wait nah [Music] hmm that was a good idea no it wasn't did you enjoy your burgers very much doesn't make you want to do this [Music] fool you didn't i man you're good thank you i mean of course i am if you want to save your friend move quickly and wisely help [Music] [Music] [Music] don't mess up don't step on it don't fail don't fail [Music] [Music] where's the stinker he's with his own kind now guess to guess death to death [Music] thanks for saving me it is my duty you said duty [Music] you have the right to make sense anything you say can be used against you you just made a classic rookie mistake yeah classic what did i do they're supposed to go behind yeah behind me okay what's next target practice okay so to operate the laser gun you're gonna hold it with both hands once you support the gun and then the other to shoot got it okay now look through the site aim and fire [Music] [Laughter] i can do this can you of course you okay can okay brace aim fire and fire [Music] bullseye great job ah decent job exercise three will teach you how to handle a smoke bomb did you know how to juggle whoa be careful with that silly goose never handle a smoke bomb carelessly if one of these falls boom yes ma'am to stun your enemies slam the bomb on the ground [Music] there are three rules to remember when pursuing a suspect one stay calm two neutralize the suspect three arrest the suspect excellent time to take her to jail do you have the keys to the cruiser i do not have a key let me check [Applause] oh no hey nope nothing [Music] okay report report we can't find the key [Music] [Music] you're under arrest well done officer i think you deserve your badge little heroes alert we've received reports of a robbery on the east side of town report there immediately you take the call yes ma'am bye [Music] [Applause] click to subscribe or watch more videos today's story features a new little hero the detective her mission to find and stop the stinker who's about to steal an entire supply of beans from the little bean company they produce and sell beans of all kinds and the stinker is desperate to refuel these are the employees of the little bean company the boss alan and lily one of them however is not who they say they are we need to talk about the issue at hand an empty can of beans was found in the storage closet meaning that somebody in this room stole it i didn't do it i know but maybe he did it [Music] that's all the evidence i need i didn't taste the can i ate a main burrito for breakfast let me see your briefcase [Music] i may not be able to prove it yet but i will can we take a nap i'm tired yeah nap time fine one hour as the children were counting sheep the stinker was about to be counting beans [Music] so yes this is the detective speaking cans of beans were stolen from the little bean company i'll be right over [Music] everyone this office is now a crime scene everything is evidence can we get lunch while you're investigating actually no why not because you're all suspects in this case how is that possible well the closet door has no sign of forced entry so whoever broke in must have had a key which means this was an inside job i bet it was him let's not jump to conclusions who would steal beads only one type of villain the stinker so one of us is the stinker you bet it's kind of cool alan please sit oh yes and can i see your briefcase so alan where were you during nap time asleep i slept like a log so you never moved like i said a log then how do you explain this i didn't put that there it sure looks like you did tell me the truth ellen okay well every day during nap time i like to dress up dress up as who there's a little hero you're under arrest tanker i bet you make a great little hero thanks but i still don't understand how a can of beans could have gotten in your briefcase oh please don't tell the boss i dress up i could get fired just send him lily so lily what do you do here at the little bean company i keep kind of the stock do you know how many cans went missing not really all right let's check your count you know there's supposed to be numbers here right oh no did i do something wrong the interviews were going nowhere so the detective shifted her focus to the stolen contraband well going through ellen's briefcase i found this i knew he was guilty let's not jump to conclusions we still need to find out where he hid the beans we could check underneath his desk nothing is this your desk yes but you won't find anything under there or in there amazing look now [Music] can you give me a second sure [Music] i can't believe the boss is the stinker all i have to do now is get her to lead me to the other beans i know [Music] 9-1-1 yes this is the detective i found the stolen beans and i need a unit over right away all right everyone i'll finish investigating tomorrow let's just go home all right everybody go home [Music] it was almost too easy for the detective all she had to do was wait for the boss to come busting back through that door everything was going accordingly until she got distracted [Music] let's see what all this fuss is about beans beans are good for your heart the more you eat the more yeah [Music] feeling kind of woozy those are some strange beans [Music] [Music] how did you manage to be the boss of a company and stinker lily sweet innocent lily you put the beans in ellen's briefcase yes i did not only that but i played to the sticker's outfit in the boss's desk you framed both of them all in the day's work remind me never to cross you and now prepare for the sticky finale no [Music] you're under arrest stinker not if you can't catch me first maybe you're not that bad after all you're okay thanks anyone up for bowling sure [Music] and that concludes this episode another enemy down another victory for the little heroes [Music] closing time no customers what a boring day [Music] somebody order balloons no well they're for you who are they from the steelers [Music] bye alert toyland has been robbed report there immediately [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] shhh [Music] what is going on warning red gas may trigger imagination [Music] oh no [Music] help are you okay in there help me we're gonna bust down the door help me daffodil [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] hey guys i'd like to introduce y'all to my favorite unicorn daffodil hi daffodil do you know who did this if you have any questions you can ask david [Applause] one of us should go look for events and you question her geez i'll be unlucky thanks a lot so daffodil do you know who did this you know you could just ask me [Music] do you read me i read you i've just been informed that the steeler is responsible for this well i think i just found his toy truck he dropped it doing his getaway over and out i need you to focus i'm focused do you remember anything about the incident was red gas um unicorns and you supergirl no before [Music] i just asked david no i need you to think um he had [Music] the steeler had what what was that [Music] somebody ordered a balloon no but i'll take one how about a trade my balloon for your truck why would you want this truck because i gave you one of my balloons or maybe you're the stealer that was easy [Music] i got your toys back thanks spiderman [Music] she's still acting strange the steelers red gas is causing it do we have a cure luckily i have just the antidote [Music] you're the little heroes mission accomplished you know we have all these toys here do y'all want to play with them [Music] a police car is not like my brother no a police car is not like my brother i call my brother said i needed a favor he said i'm busy right now but i'll come by later later came later went but my brother never did he spent his day eating ice cream and fly in his kite until he remembered and said i was supposed to go by jeff's house but now it's too late i'll go another day then there's a police car that comes right when you call it's not like my brother not like him at all a police officer drives in a police car my brother drives a honda a police car drives fast when they turn on the sirens my brother drives slow turns on his radio a police car helps people in trouble my brother helps himself to another ice cream cone a police car comes as quick as they can while my brother forgets and doesn't come at all and it's dead flies and kite all day [Music] a police car is not like my brother no a police car is not like my brother a police car is not like my brother no it's not like my brother at all my brother could learn a lot from watching a police car like how they come over right away when you call especially when they tell you that they're on their way on their way doesn't mean after he flies a kite or eats some more ice cream when i'm expecting his arrival we should have come from the start like a police car that police car comes right when you call it's not like my brother not like him at all a police car can drive right through a red light my brother has to stop there a police car can also be a police van my brother's just my brother a police car has a siren that you can hear from far away my brother speaks softly a police car comes as quick as they can my brother waits around a while then forgets to come at all [Music] a police car is not like my brother no a police car is not like my brother a police car is not like my brother no it's not like my brother at all but i'd still rather have my brother than a police car comes in my house he'd probably be late again but his sirens aren't nearly as loud he doesn't even have sirens on his honda and it might even break down before he arrives even though i know the police car will be on time a police car is not like my brother no a police car is not like my brother a police car is not like my brother no it's not like my brother at all new [Music] [Applause] [Music] found the chairs protectancers [Music] [Music] we got some stuff in here we got some screws some [Music] wheels we got wheel things stuff the front do you grill burgers on that [Music] [Music] [Music] you're gonna put these five screws [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah oh no this is what i call fun [Music] please [Music] let's do this [Music] good [Music] let's work together yeah we're good [Music] oh there it goes [Music] oh [Music] man this is the silence [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's the bad guys [Music] [Applause] the great zoo animal theft [Music] [Music] this is an emergency two zoo animals have just been stolen [Music] oh [Music] you're arrested [Music] you're going to jail oh my gosh [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's actually seriously you guys [Music] they don't come out these are the blades that help it fly i like to see where they're going is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] up [Music] buildings [Music] so i think i know how hard [Music] every [Music] oh [Music] it's called what it's called fire extinguisher yeah and it and if the water is not working i think you can use this and then spray it at the fire [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh nice [Music] five because they're the same colors [Music] um [Music] [Music] come oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] good [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you're welcome [Music] it's [Music] and look how high it's going [Music] for you [Music] hey kids tell your parents to check out where you can see all of our episodes first on our brand new app
Channel: Star Light Kids
Views: 1,428,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: little heroes, new sky kids, kid cop, kid police, doge charger, germ police, germs, kid firemen, fire, fire truck, the spark, spark, trucks, toys, stealer, original series, newskykids, nsk, little, hero, heroes, superheroes, superhero, spiderman, hulk, cops, police, batman, adventure kids, police car, unboxing, truck, children, fire engine, power wheels, power wheels police, kids, kid cops, review, riding, ride on, ride on car, kids ride on car, 12v, littleheroes, kids fire engine
Id: Dupk3APmY9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 12sec (5892 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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