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[Laughter] [Applause] i'm gonna take over the glove pop and just and jitter bugs buddies back for another video listen we're putting on our scientists lab coats today we're testing out an awesome experiment you all know me i've been kicking for years and i've been trying to maximize my distance height all that and i think today we have found that heck we got our boy turk here with us here's the thing this right here is helium as you guys know go to a birthday party the balloons are floating because they put helium in them helium they take off yeah so our thought was what if we put helium inside these footballs hit the pigskin full of helium might just add 50 yards to our kick or something like that i hit that plane right there you see that plane right now hey imagine a pilot driving his plane in the football just across the front of it it's leg certified my legs certified that's all y'all need to know we gonna fill these things up here we go test this bad boy out man let's get after it all right y'all boys so we got our footballs laid out got the control group right here which is going to be staying filled with air they already feel nice poppy juicy these things are going to fly a thousand yards then we got our group over here that we're about to deflate fill up with it that's just how light healing is hey helium is lighter than air all right y'all boys we finna deflate these things and get straight to work man it's working [Music] so here's the thing as you guys can see it says balloon time this is made to fill up balloons but what do i call you can we puppy but what we did was we configured this to be able to fill up footballs with helium so we configured this nozzle now if we put the the needle here on the tip and we insert the football it should inflate well and we'll hit some dingers moisten the tip before you slip it in man hold up hold up pause oh damn get it insert it more you gotta stick it in deeper damn brother damn brother hey this ball got a texas logo on it we better boot this whole straight to texas it's the 100 year anniversary ball what does that mean he's about to kick it 100 yards we got bars today all right guys y'all know we got mr turk aka mr hang time on the car he's the only guy i've ever heard of to get invited to the nfl combine go ball out and then still come back to college and show i'm certified enough to keep playing so we're going to test out for his leg boots and we got cones out here the lines are faint so you guys can't see him but we could put out cone so you guys can see them but the first cones 40 yards 50 yards 60 yards 70 yards 80 yards and so forth man i'm gonna be standing down there with the red tape to mark these off you're gonna be standing down here you are not allowed to go past that cone sir we need a fair scientifical experiment um which ones you can first air or so we're gonna take the air ball first just to get a baseline test of what a normal punt does best luck brother things fly yes sir let's get that sweating so a typical nfl punt is a 55-0 if you can do that consistently you're for sure an nfl punter and that's pretty hard to do so with the regular balls that's what i'm going for and the helium we'll just have to see what happens 17 yards bro hang time five seconds regular air ball number two let's get it 75 yards 471 i feel like jamie cole out here if y'all kickers the partners y'all don't know 75 471 that rounds up to about a 120. that's a solid hit right there when it spirals like that and turns over that means you made good ball contact so let's do air ball number three 61 yards 4.98 seconds this man booted all of them air footballs i told you his name's hang time for a reason now it's time for the healing ones i hope there's a difference in the freaking heel but it felt lighter to me so let's see if they feel lighter to his foot it's a solid hit right there that's a fair catch and those are all three solid hits the time we've been waiting for the three helium footballs i'm excited so let's see what these babies do [Music] 72 yards 45 that's a boss [Music] four nine four 85 yards his name hang time for a reason baby 85 yards five seconds of hang time either that's the helium or this quad right here [Music] 80 yards on the dot uh 80.5 80.5 yards 467. that's some good distance right there that's record setting distance that's the farthest point i've ever hit 85 yards all right y'all so based on the results of the experiment the healing balls flew a lot why do you think that was one thing that surprised me was the hang times were pretty similar but the helium distance was just out of this world that's the farthest point i've ever hit 85 yards what you got on that leg what hey leg extensions 9 000 a day that boy would be picking up fat like this no i don't do that i don't do that i don't do that hey man so these healing balls flew a lot further so i think helium wins this experiment man i feel like they was cutting through the air a lot quicker ain't no scientifical dude or not no bill nye science guy but i think that might be our reason trying to get to these kicks man yes sir i'm excited to see you after so now we're gonna kick and we're gonna take things in the door cause we got yard markers in there i'm tired of trying to track these down so let's take our butts in there all right boys experiment number two kickoff we're gonna be kicking the helium balls and the regular air balls measuring the distance and we're gonna see which one goes the furthest we got three helium three air y'all know the deal turk down there measuring the distance for us he gonna relay it to us and uh let's get to it baby we're going air balls first but we don't shoot no air balls he did what i'm saying 71 yards for donald's first kickoff with the air ball this man's got a leg i'm excited to see what he does with the healing ball ball numero that was seven deep so that's 73 yards for donald's second kickoff 72 baby delay got more juice in it than i thought well ball number three six deep that's 71 yards for his third air kickoff i'm excited to see what this man does with the helium now it's time for these heliums three healing balls three kicks we're gonna see if they go further my goal is to put it on the net [Music] eight deep 78 yards not bad already beat the record of the other ones ball number two let's see that schmidty that was 74 yards that was a fair last slot helium ball number three this one we're going to try to boot into the net for real for real that wasn't out of the end zone all right so that one was about 80 yards y'all boys 80 freaking yards what do you think so far about this experiment bro is the helium beat in the air or what bro statistically significant i have to say the helium is beating the air by a little bit why doesn't the nfl just feel the footballs okay with helium instead of air i don't know but the night before the game i'm definitely gonna switch them out we've done the kickoffs and punt we're saving the field goals to the end we're going to see how far we can back up but first let's see how far we can launch something you got to arm on you better than yours for sure i would bet everything on that i bet my youtube channel on that well guys you know if the link down below doesn't work you know why we're testing what these arms built up you feel me patrick holmes junior and cut we just get one throw to see how far we can make it errors up first cannot pass this line so you must release the ball before you pass that one [Music] 45 [Music] yards what's up script you're trying to scrap me hey we're filming we're filming so he threw 58 out through 55. now we're going to throw these heliums man you ready of course dang a lot of these are kind of fat to throw i can't really put my whole hand around it it's a little too thick balls pause pause pause don't pause the video but pause my sentence it's not fair though because the other one wasn't a duck so i got to throw like a real good ball flew further i'ma explain why i'm gonna win one i got the base in my legs but two not a lot of people know about this i got the lats that lat right there all power [Music] holy brother 40. that's a 60 yard throw all right so base of the spearmint thing was pretty fair pretty accurate and we learned that it really does make a difference when it comes to throwing one thing we did learn is um that he could throw further than me unfortunately i just wanted you to feel good you know i just want to give you all a reason to go subscribe to his channel all right y'all experiment number four final experiment of the day we're testing the certification of this cannon right here we're gonna be booting and seeing what ball flies the farthest on field goal we got a long snapper in the car makes the game clap it up for him we already got our holy you all know mr hang time and the boot himself myself and basically we're kicking one air one helium they both pass we move on and we're just gonna see which one goes the furthest man we starting off at 50 yards we know we could hit 50 but we need a basement [Music] air 50 chick mcnugget good let's do the healing man good as well let's back it on up five all right boys now you're doing 55 feet sigma air first that's good [Music] 55 piece chicken nugget with air money healing time 55 yards [Music] it's a 60 yard chicken a lot of guys can do this but a majority of the world population cannot i think if you would had a helium football there it would occur didn't you ever see the movie wanted where they curved the bullets that's what would have happened let's try it let's try that let's try healing 65 yards binoculars to see this that's a long distance i can't even see the poles in here it's freaking short let's see if helium tops it off just to give you guys reference the nfl record right now for 64 yards we're one yard pass so that gives you an idea and it's live snapping hold so it gives you an idea there's no wind we're in a bubble so that gives you an idea just fire our treatment with the helium to win the game [Music] oh my god 65. with the healing the other one didn't make it huh do we have a conclusion to our experiment i think we do i think it's safe to say statistically significant the helium is just that much better hey listen y'all thank you guys for tuning into this video i feel like after testing them out there's not a huge difference like it's not gonna increase your by like a thousand from yards but it does slightly but unfortunately it's illegal so you can't kick healing balls don't tell tom brady cause he's gonna try to fill up his with helium appreciate y'all check out his channel what's your channel sir hang time go check it out it's link down below subscribe to the kid and june 11th mark your calendars it's coming premium the 11 sportswear is coming mark y'all calendars start saving y'all piggy banks black is y'all gonna crack them things open and i love y'all hey make sure y'all like comment and 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Channel: Deestroying
Views: 4,057,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: db wr 1 on 1, deestroying, football, nfl, wide receiver, best catches, best football catches, destroying, 1 on 1, exposed, highschool football, 7 on 7, one handed catch, nfl highlights, football highlights, deestroying highlights, donald de la haye highlights, dockery, friday night lights, last chance high, donald de la haye, kicker, football vines, trash talking, in the hood, tik tok, quarterback, pylon, mark rober, science experiment, helium football
Id: QinkepuOPqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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