KickAss Triple Anderson DC-DC & Ignition Wire Kit Explained! DCDC Charger with Lithium Mode.

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hi it's clayton from australian direct and the founder of kick ass if you don't know this bloke this is craig uh firstly like to say a big hello out there to our competitors hopefully you'll learn a bit from this video um and and to all the people out there that like to fire up social media and disagree with things i say jump in as well but i tell you what i've got something pretty cool to tell you kick ass dc dc charges have evolved and i'm making a quick video this isn't a flashy video we're going to make it up as we go along about what's different between our first generation of charges and the new dc dc charges because some things have changed haven't they craig claudio they have we've got some big improvements on this latest model wait do you see it so people used to buy dc dc charges and they used to work really really well with just two wires positive and negative going to the input side and that worked really well with old vehicles but the new vehicles now have changed and most not all of them will work much much better if you use an ignition wire now craig did the old dc charger and all most of the ones on the market have an ignition wire that you can quickly disconnect if you need to no it didn't wasn't a quick and easy job yet to actually plumb it in white yourself like our previous model but um the new version is great let's talk about it yeah let's talk about it so we made the dc chargers plug and play and for all the super nerds out there who like to hardwire you yourself i've seen some people saying you know well this is a new one with the triple which i'll talk about i don't want the anderson plug thing called side cutters cut it off there you go wire it up yourself so but we'll go back to the old one so this kick ass torch which you should own if you don't already have one because they're cool look at this got functions party torch phone bank that's going to be the divider between the old and the new so the old one came with the two core cable okay positive negative came down the cable and plugged into the input side of the dc-dc charger that's it and it worked as long as you had an older vehicle that didn't need an ignition wire but if you did need to run an ignition wire and we're talking about a plug-and-play so battery boxes that kind of thing surprises coming in the future but if you do want something that's plug and play and you needed that ignition wire you'd have to go and get a wire and then run that to your vehicle and then hardwire it in and connect it up to a source now when i say ignition let me be clear in your car you've got off you've got ignition and then you've got on when you're on ignition can you play music yep car stereo turns on craig so ignition isn't going to turn on so we call it ignition wire we should probably call it the on wire when it's on on and the engine's running this will send a signal to the dc dc charger to start charging so on a lot of new vehicles i'm not going to get into the complexities because i'll do that later but the voltage from the start battery of the vehicle isn't sometimes high enough when it should be to have the dc charger running at all time so you needed the ignition wire now i suggest that all vehicles pass 2 000 pretty much should use an ignition wire okay so how did we fix the problem well before people used to run a wire to the back of their vehicle conjured it and they couldn't unplug it and remove it especially when they were using battery boxes and it was a pain for us it was a pain for the customers so on the other side of the kick-ass torch okay is updated software let's talk about that quickly you can charge lithium with this one and competitors this will reboot a lithium battery that has been disconnected due to low voltage this will actually turn the battery back on without having to buy any gadgets customers you can talk about in the forum how we do that we'll tell you about it later it's in the manual you can download it but lithium agm automatic charging now let's say you're old school and you've bought this and you haven't got our new wiring kit which i haven't told you about can the old one plug in craig certainly can mate it still works exactly the same look at that so you can plug the old one back in reverse compatible want to hardwire it 99.95 on ebay you can get yourself a pair of side cutters chop you can wire it up yourself kick ass torch did i say the kick-ass torch is the power bank as well these things rock magnetic but what's that got to do with dc charges probably not much just trying to sell one everyone loves them though waterproof um so triple anderson plug we put on here why because the new wiring kit can you see this cable has the ignition wire inside no more conduit now if you want to run it without the ignition wire that's fine don't connect it up under the car and i'm going to talk about that in a minute now i call it the ignition wire but remember it's called the on wire okay on not ignition don't know why we're calling this tomorrow anyway it's got a little eye there so you can plug the charger in like this positive negative and ignition wire all connected want to remove it no problem so what's the difference when you wire it up craig well the main difference is up this end right which is the real biggie that we've got so underneath your bonnet we'd normally go to your battery so once we've we've done it all for you we've got our fuse but there we have we have the little wire that's ready waiting for you we give you a little bit of extra wire and that's what you need to tap into your vehicle's ignition on or engine signal yeah so something like the car's fuel pump relay or anything that's it when the engine is on that gives you a hot or 12 volt source that's what you need to connect it up to we've given you everything to connect it up all you're going to do is pop like that if you can't find it mate just go to your auto life they're not going to charge a fortune to put in one wire but mate we've done it all for you so it's pretty easy bloody oath and i don't know for that i'd say that on tv bloody oath mate so the ignition wire why didn't we just make it permanently connected well if you've got an old vehicle you probably don't need it so you don't need to find anywhere to connect it how will you know it's working because it's bloody working it's charging and it doesn't stop charging halfway through when the vehicle is running okay if you see the charger start charging and then turn off and then start charging again you need the ignition wire but you know what just connect the blade ignition wire it is so beneficial so how do you find now we call ignition wire i'm going to have to go to some counseling what's it called the engine on wire engine on wire on wire right so you connect this up to positive and negative your battery pretty simple fuse that's all built in i would suggest that everyone just connects ignition wire why not plug the bullet connector together so this wire here when this detects a positive signal it tells the charger to change the way it thinks a little bit and start charging when the car's on okay and it's got some safety cut out features for all the people who want to pick it apart check the manual we're keeping this simple for the ordinary person okay so you can either take it to an old electrician or what you can do if you want to play around with things get yourself one of these it's just a little test light so negative goes onto the chassis of the vehicle and this little pin here you can stick into cable like this you see like that and if the light comes on there's power so what you do is you go around and craig what kind of places would you find a wire that comes on when the car is on on but the best one is if you most modern cars have a great fuse box system so if you pick your fuse box up you have walk underneath you can count your fuses and a lot of them will actually say spare ignition ignition wire heated seats a lot of things that cars don't have he likes heated seats the only queensland once again you get your test site you check it while the ignition's just in the on position and there's no power we're laughing turn the vehicle on the engine running we get our little test light beeping we know that's that's what we need to tap into so just to summarize that what you can do is turn the car key to accessories and you want to look for a wire that's off then get your mate to turn it on does the light come on with it poked into one of those wires nope try a different one turn it back to off find a light this on turn it on does the light come on you might be doing it for a while this is a layman's way of doing it until you find a wire that does come on once you do connect this little wire into that wire happy days if you don't know what you're doing i'd suggest that is for people who've got a reasonable understanding what should we say a little disclaimer here go for the disclaimer craig make sure that you're a qualified auto electrician before you do this all rights reserved kick ass products proprietary limited otherwise don't be a tight ass go and see an auto electrician if he charges you a fortune to kick one wire get a different one that's pretty much it any other questions people have got lithium we've talked about that um are you going to do a better video yes um are the chargers going to be in stock long probably not seems like most people are out of stock at the moment this is a bloody excellent idea guys we've been working on it for a long time it's a dc dc charger with a solar controller remember on the input side here you've got your solar as well so you can connect it unregulated of course you'd buy a kickr solar panel and then on the output side this is what goes to the battery that you're charging okay and in our website and we'll put a listing guy over there our marketing manager come and say go to the camera just stick your face in front of the screen mate this is jai yep jai can you make sure you put the anus into ring terminal with fuse adapter in there because you can plug that anderson to ring terminals which is one of these we'll put that as an upsell so say you wanted just to connect it to a battery you could buy this little adapter on the output side and connect it to the batteries nice and easy yeah thanks for buying kick ass don't be silly don't buy anything else and thanks
Channel: Australian Direct
Views: 21,255
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Id: uS8kNllhMXY
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Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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