Kickass 12V / 240V Power Inverters for Camping

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hi I'm Clayton from Australian direct in this video I'd like to educate you about inverters help you choose the right inverter for your application and then show you through the range of kick-ass inverters and these are extremely high quality and excellent value for money so what is an inverter simply a device that you can connect to your 12-volt battery systems or battery packs and it will convert that 12-volt DC power into useable 240 volt power ie like the Power Point at home and often people will use them to charge up their laptops when they're traveling they might want to charge up their batteries if they're a tradesman for example in their cordless drills and you can even go up to the higher powered inverters if you want to run things like refrigerators or you want to run things like microwaves I'm going to talk about running microwaves as well now in the range here you'll see they start small and they get bigger and the reason for that is that the inverters basically have an output what's called what's okay and that's that's the amount of power you can take out of the inverter so the smaller ones obviously a smaller wattage and the bigger ones are a higher wattage output so I think it's important for me to show you how you can determine the amount of Watts you're going to need or how many how many watch you're going to be drawing by just giving you an example on some 240 volt appliances so here we are with the range of 240 volt or mains powered appliances so if we have a look underneath for example this toaster you'll notice on most 240 volt appliances it will have a description here of what that what it is in the power consumption so this one's 850 watts and for example this is a milwaukee battery charger for their cordless tools and you'll see that this one says 240 volt 90 watts so massive difference in the power consumptions in wattage something to note is that devices that heat or cool so toasters or microwaves or air conditioners anything that heats or cools will Jenn draw quite a lot of power and you need a big inverter to run them whereas things like battery chargers laptops that kind of thing they don't quite draw as much now some of the laptop power supplies don't have clearly written how many watts they draw normally it's around a maximum of 150 watts so a 300 watt inverter will run them I'm going to talk a bit more about microwaves in this video one thing to know is that the actual cooking power is what the microwave sold on itself it's a 700 watt microwave it doesn't mean that it draws 700 watts it means that's how much cooking power it provides so for example this microwave here if I spin it around you'll see here that it's a 650 to 700 watts output microwave but the input is 1,100 to 11 hundred and 50 watts now if you can't determine the wattage of an appliance I do recommend these you can get them on eBay or at Bunnings it's a little power wattage meter that you can plug into a PowerPoint and actually measure how many watts of device draws now I keep these at home just to kind of get an idea of what my appliances are drawing like how much my alarm clock draws and that kind of thing so handy device they have and using one of these into the PowerPoint device plugs in you'll be able to work it out if you can't ascertain now when you're running an inverter you always want to keep a bit of headroom and what I mean by that is if you've got a thousand watt inverter you don't want to run the inverter at a thousand Watts all day long it's kind of like your car you're not going to get in the car and leave it on 6000 rpm because that's you know that's the maximum rpm of the car you're going to you're going to use the car and just drive it and keep it around 2 to 4,000 rpm so same with inverters so I recommend 20% Headroom so for example if you've got a device that draws 800 watts then I would use a thousand watt inverter just to just so the inverters not working its butt off all day but one thing that I will note is all of our inverters that I'm going to show you do have a surge output of double they're rated capacity softer 1000 watt inverter it will surge up to 2,000 watts for a short period of time and that's so things like motors and things that have a high startup power when they get going for a few seconds but then cut back to their normal consumption can run off of the inverter okay so just remember that now if you just want to run one device off of an inverter then you just need to work out the power consumption in watts you need to make sure that your inverter can is capable of running that device remember the 20% rule if you want to run two devices then it's quite simple as well you just add them together so for example we've got a drill here that's 90 watts now let's say hypothetically this laptop power supply here drew 100 watts then collectively would be 190 watts of power consumption so that's your total consumption give yourself a 20% Headroom a 300 watt inverter would be fine to run that so if you won't want to run multiple devices just add them up and you'll work out the total consumption it's time to do the microwave test now we have so many customers wanting to run a microwave off an inverter you know grandma's cooked you up an amazing lasagne you know you're on the beach waves are crashing you just chuck that lasagna you're in presto five minutes later you're having grandma's lasagna on I mean what could be better than that and I'm going to show you that it's possible with a kick-ass inverter now what you can see here in the setup is the kick-ass 2000 watt inverter now this is the inverter that I recommend of course if you want to go to the 3000 watt we're not stopping you but the 2000 Watts fine now what we've done is we've sourced some microwaves that have got a low consumption obviously microwaves range from you know 600 watts cooking power up to you know industrial microwaves so what we've done is we've sourced some microwaves for you that have a low power power consumption so they'll run easily on the inverter and we've tested them to make sure they work so either you can buy one of our packages or you can go and source your own microwave on the input side you want to make sure that it's not more than 1200 watts and remember that the microwave power is different to the input the consumption of the microwave so this one here is I think a 600 watt microwave but it draws around 1200 watts one is running now into the inverter I've plugged this little watt meter just for the sake of the video to show you how much power is drawing you see at the moment is the microwaves drawing point 6 of a watt and that's because the little display is on now the inverter is connected to the battery via the short cables and then the inverter is connected to the microwave so it's time to put some water in the microwave there we go now we're going to set the power of the microwave will go 2 minutes boom and away we go water is cooking everything's working perfectly now remember that it does draw a lot of power out of your battery system so you want to make sure your battery that you're running from has is in a good good state of charge and you're not going to be running the microwave for hours on end because it will drain the battery flat quite quickly now if you want more information we'll have a write-up on the website about that I'm not going to get into all of those details but I will say running the microwave for a short amount of time is going to be fine now we look at the power consumption here from this microwave and you'll see that it's drawing around 1200 watts okay so everything is working fine grandma's lasagnas in there cooking away and you're done so on the website 2000 watt inverter or 3000 watt inverter for your microwaves either by one of our package deals or go on sauce yourself a microwave that doesn't have an input rated power of more than say 1200 watts it's as simple as that remember also if you want to so yeah there you are you can see that the the water is already warm okay if you want to you can also run a toaster so I just go and grab the toaster the trick is when you're buying these things you go into the shop you're buying them and you start looking at the the packaging and try and find a device with a low power consumption so at home you want the most powerful toasting you can get of course but when you're using it for camping you want to try and find something that's quite efficient so we plug the toaster in okay so toaster on boom and you can see here very very close on the power consumption side 830 Watson is rated at around 850 but if you look inside you'll see that the toast is operating fine to make yourself some Vegemite on toast at the beach so there we have running a microwave or a toaster or any high-powered appliance now air conditioners are a different story really in our range I don't recommend any of our inverters for running air conditioners I recommend getting a generator to run things such as air conditioners but electric fans that kind of thing of fine like I said sleep apnea machines modified sine-wave sorry pure sine wave inverter pure sine wave inverter check with the supply of the sleep apnea machine as to what size they recommend or you can check with one of these what meters which is even easier plug your sleep apnea machine into one of these we're not selling these at the moment we might later but otherwise just get one down at Bunnings and you could work it out for yourself so here we have the kick-ass range of inverters and I've got to be honest I'm really happy to have these on the website we've worked really really hard with kick-ass to find a affordable and quality inverter now there's a lot of garbage on the market that's downright unsafe and also unreliable because we're bringing these in directly from our manufacturer we can keep the cost down and give you analyzed aluminium frames really really good internal components these units have low battery cutout so they won't drain your battery flat they'll cut out before that happens they've also got overload warnings and protection so if you try and draw too much power out an alarm will go off and the inverter will switch off so really high grade units now in the range there's a variety of sizes depending on the wattage of course but there is one thing that I'm going to show you first which is a modified inverter now all of the inverters in the range except for one what's called pure sine this is a little modified now a modified inverter is older technology been around for years now modified sine wave isn't exactly the same as the Power Point at home so there are some devices that won't run properly from them but the devices that will run fine and your laptop's battery charges for drills plug packs for mobile phones that kind and I've brought this unit in because some people just want to get a really affordable inverter for running devices such as that so this is a little modified it comes with a cigarette lighter plug so you can plug it into our our battery boxes or your vehicle and it all comes also it comes with that alligator clip so you can connect it directly onto a battery now if you want to you can also cut them off and put ring terminals on moving up from the modified we have a 300 watt pure side now the 300 watt pure sine-wave is will run everything it's exactly the same as the Power Point at home so those of you who want to run things such as sleep apnea machines that kind of thing pure sine is what you need you need to check the power consumption by the way of sleep apnea machines to see what they draw some have a humidifier and many people will basically turn that humidifier off because that's what draws most power but you can speak with your sleep apnea machine manufacturer just as a side note so this one is a pure sign comes with a cigarette lighter socket and I did forget to mention that the both of these units have a 2.1 USB output so you can charge your mobile phones as well or your ipads or whatever from that USB output so there's the two units if you want to keep your cost down you got little 300 here modified or you've got the 300 pure sign now a very very popular size is 600 watts now 600 watts draw too much power at full capacity to be able to write be run from a cigarette lighter plug so I've really thought about how to do it and what we've come up with is this great little concept of having an anderson plug so these are the ring terminals that connect onto the inverter itself and then you've got an Anderson plug now many people who have got our portable battery packs or I've got a 12-volt system set up have anderson plugs and what's great about them is you can just plug it straight into an anderson plug in your away now what about if you want a 600 watt inverter and you don't have an Anderson plug no problems we've got an adapter included which will give you a couple of ring terminals now if you don't want the ring terminals you want to hardwire it you can cut those alligator clips off put a couple of ring terminals and connected permanently to battery and it's easy to remove the end if you want to so super handy now that is only with the 600 watt inverter 600 is a really good all-rounder I use mine and obviously you've got to check all of your devices but you know for a stick mixer in the kitchen if you want to do some cocktails on the beach you can run your laptop's they really are versatile inverter the 600 so after that we can't do the Anderson plugs anymore because the bigger inverters need to be connected directly to a battery via short heavy-duty cables now the 600 watt inverter and the 1000 watt inverter is a little bit different too because they don't come with the USB charging output not a big deal because obviously you can plug your phone charger into the inverter and remember with any inverter you can also plug in a power power board like a from Bunnings power board six-way output you can plug that in plug everything in now such as 600 moving up to the thousand as I said this one doesn't have a USB but what we start to bring in anything over the 1000 you get the remote control and you might say what do I want to remote control for well if you're installing the inverter into a caravan or a camper a camper van you might want to put the inverter in a cupboard somewhere out of the way which means it's not easy to access the switch to switch it on and off so what you can do you can use this remote control which has got a really long lead and you can actually mount this to the wall or somewhere convenient and switch your inverter on and off remotely that's super handy so all of the inverters from 1000 and up come included with a remote control now most people are going to charge you for that there's a very good quality remote now all of the units we've been talking about up to this 1000 have one single output socket one one power plug after that we with the 2000 and the 3000 you actually get two outputs now in the 2000 and 3000 you get your USB socket back as well your USB plug so remember that the 600 and the 1000 are the only ones that don't have the USB socket everything else the 300s the 2000 and 3000 do have the USB socket now the 2000 watt you starting to get into some really serious power here and what you'll find with these inverters is they come with either one or two sets of depending on the size I believe the 1000 set and the 3000 comes with two sets of battery cables you can see that they're short and they're very heavy-duty now the reason for the short distance is because we don't want to lose any power along the long cable so that's included and these need to be connected directly to a battery so you can do that quite easily if you've got one of our battery boxes you need to take the lid off and you'll need to run the cables through the battery box directly to the inverter the 2,000 and 3,000 watt inverter x' for those of you who want to start getting into heavy-duty stuff like running a toaster or running a microwave but remember that when you are running these heating or cooling appliances that the inverters will use a lot more power from your battery and drain your battery a lot quicker so I do recommend when you when you get up to these these size inverters it's okay to run them on a 120 amp battery if you're using it for occasional use so for example if you're going to run a microwave for 5 or 10 minutes to heat up a meal but I wouldn't be doing that if I was running a catering business and just running the inverter all day off of one battery if you're going to be using the microwave or your toaster all the time all day long you need to look at a bigger Bank of batteries and you can talk to us about that if you've got a commercial application alright so we've got the 2000 watt unit and then we've got the big kahuna here the 3000 watt unit now these are some serious inverters and remember that these units also have all of them can handle for a very short period of time double their capacity so if you've got an electric motor that draws twice as much power when it starts up for a few seconds and then drops back to its actual normal power consumption these units will handle it and they they do what they say a lot of them say they'll do double the output and they fall over these will not do that that concludes my demonstration of inverters if you've made it all the way to the end congratulations for being patient I'm Clayton I'm the owner of Australian Direct now we've got sales team standing by who can answer your calls lots and lots of information on the website as well a video to watch is our ultimate dual battery system video that talks about our portable battery packs such as this that have got all your sink sockets and that kind of thing built into them we specialized in solar panels dual battery wiring kits AGM batteries absolutely everything you need for your 12-volt setup so feel free to send us an email give us a call anytime the number on top of the screen and thanks for watching
Channel: Australian Direct
Views: 264,931
Rating: 4.7910905 out of 5
Keywords: 12 volt, 240 volt, Inverter, Australia Direct, Kickass products, camping microwave, caravan, 4wd, pure sine wave, modified sine wave
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2016
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