Cheap 8000w Reliable Electric Inverter, Full Load Test, Review

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we're preparing for the second big test of this 8000 watt inverter now this is 8,000 watts at 120 volts single-phase so in order to get enough loads on this thing and I am wiring in this sub panel we'll wire a bunch of loads on it we'll try to bring it up to 8,000 watts hopefully it gets there and doesn't let the smoke out but we're gonna find out together so this will be a lot of fun thank you all very much for watching here we go [Applause] [Music] I saved this sub panel from a demo job and I'm wearing it in with some six gauge wire and I just made a jumper here so both of these bus bars are going to be powered with 120 volts but they're not going to be out of sync from each other so no 240 volt loads just 120 because that's all this inverter will put out I'll be crimping on some ring terminals in order to make the connection to this terminal block something we want to check is the temperature of this wire because this is only 10 gauge now several of you corrected me on the last video when I said this is 10 gauge and only rated for 30 amps you said no under chassis wiring rules it's rated for 55 amps and thank you for correcting me on that I love getting to learn more from you guys now the 55 amps is still underrated for the 8,000 watts because at 8,000 watts this could pull 67 amps so we'll see we'll get this wired in and something else I've been working on is this drum now I use this drum on one of my previous videos where I was testing electric water heating solar panels connected directly up to a water heater element and I wired in three more and these are all 120 volt elements so two of them are 2000 watts and one is 1500 watt these screws don't quite fit so I'm going to drill out a couple of these ring terminals so the red wire is the hot leg which is black for our wiring we're gonna find out if this weekend all right so we have three elements here two of them are 2000 watt one of his one is a 1500 watt and they're wired up here to these breakers I've also got two outlets now each outlet is wired to a 20 amp breaker and all that's going through this fixed gauge wire to the terminal block this is going to be a temperature sensor and I have put the tip of the temperature probe which is right there and I'm going to put it right there into that connection and I'm gonna wrap this up with some electrical tape I have to do it two hands but I'm gonna jam it in there and wrap it up with some electrical tape so we get a temperature of this terminal now this is a 1 ohm resistor and all I do is I attach it on here before I put the ring terminal on and it pre charges the capacitors but it does it gently so the less chance of causing any damage but we now have the red attached and the circuit breakers are on so there's power and the negative is also attached down here we got the lids on both the inverter and the sub panel here we go now a couple of you asked if the volt meters are accurate so we'll check that first we have 123 this says 122 that's close enough for me as far as these displays next to check will be the battery it says fifty six point seven fifty six point six night so we're one decimal place off here there is voltage to ground so if we put this on here we can see we have half the voltage and then over here on the neutral to ground we have the other half I emailed reliable about this and they had an explanation about it they said it go it's a it's a false voltage or something I'll put it up on the screen exactly what they said but they set to check it again when it's under load and you won't find that so that's what we'll do so we are going to start turning things on and I'm going to start with the air conditioning so I have the air conditioning attached to an extension cord over here is the extension cord that leads to the air conditioning I just plugged it into this box which I labeled a and we'll go ahead and turn on that circuit breaker and you can see we have half an amp right now because just the fan is running all right we have a small load on here let's go ahead and see if voltage is still present between live and ground and it looks like it is so we still have half volts there 67 and between neutral and ground so here's one of the batteries this is battery number six and we're seeing a 21 point three degree temperature and I'll check one more battery so battery pack number five which is right here which is one II is showing 22 point eight degrees Celsius so we'll also check on that one and see how it does over time but right now we have four amps so that means the compressor is kicked on we're going to start kicking on some of these water heaters will open the panel all the water heaters are these three so we'll go ahead and start with the smallest one and that's that guy there you can actually see it start to bubble and we've gone up to 16 amps let's turn on the next and last one now with all three water heaters on we're drawing 47 amps and it hasn't blown up yet you can see they're all bubbling our voltage has gone down a little bit and the temperature sensor is is getting up there 32.5 so there is still half voltage between neutral and ground so we're currently at 5600 watts look at those water heaters bubbling away all three water heaters are on over here in fact I can turn on the last breaker that's just to an outlet not hooked up to anything yet over here we can see we're at 55 volts for the battery 119 output we're drawing 47.2 4 amps and wow that temp that temperature sensor is really kicking up 50 degrees Celsius so far that's that's pretty hot and so that is the ring terminal inside there on the other end of the red wire which is the hot wire if I put this on the live and then the shell there's 57 volts right now which means there should also be 57 volts on the box the circuit breaker box and there is 4 about neutral to the box and there is Wow hurry electric space heater oh hey the fan just kicked on for the first time space heaters now on high so that's on high we're currently drawing 60 amps Wow and we're at fifty point three degrees on that temperature probe in there DC so half of them 78 and the other half 72 all right so we're around 150 amps right now got 98 this is degrees Fahrenheit there will do it in Celsius that way that temperature sensors in Celsius Celsius on the BMS is batteries inside so these wires are showing 35 37 38 all right but we still need another thousand watts to go okay I have the heat gun I'm going to turn this on low let's see if it if it works [Music] all right when we did that something is sounding off inside the inverter yeah so something sounding wrong you see we have a hundred and nine volts instead of 120 and over here we have sixty two amps so we haven't gotten up to sixty seven amps which would be eight thousand watts so something is wrong I'm going to go ahead and turn this off it looks like the volts have come back up here but something is sounding wrong inside there still you hear it [Music] 55.9 i'm gonna turn off the heater all right whatever was making that weird noise is now off okay well maybe it's a 7,001 he so at 7000 watts we did okay but pushing it to we're probably around seventy eight hundred watts but that voltage dropped so it maybe it just couldn't get past that 7000 watt marker it was not sounding good so I've dropped it back down let's see how many amps were pulling right now we're at forty to forty eight point two amps so we're i what was that that was like fifty-seven hundred watts so shoot that's uh let's go ahead and turn the heater on again so the heaters working okay right now and the heaters on high so so long as we don't push it past that mark right now we're at sixty sixty point four amps sixty point five and my multimeter says it's 121 but now something just kicked off again stopped working as well so I don't know what that noise is but it dropped the voltage and the amps so it's not putting out what it was I just turned off the heater and that came back up so almost 4444 so we got oh we even had hit 45 there for a second so 45 degrees on these these wires remember these are supplied by the manufacturer and I think they're a bit undersized for trying to power this big of an inverter now we're up at 130 well that standard water heater temperature so in Celsius were at 54 56 now this is still running it's been pretty consistent now at about 6,000 watts that guy there in the middle is twenty point one degrees Celsius let's let's watch what happens when we turn the heater on we're currently at forty seven amps fifty-eight but it's starting making a noise inside so that nasty noise that was starting in there let me get the camera close to it so you can hear that so I have no idea what that is I just turned that on again for a sec I just tried turning this space heater on low almost 6,500 was at 6500 watts we seem to be operating okay there's no noise but if we turn this up to high we know that we do get that noise coming out of there which would wind up being you know closer to 7000 ones so it peaked out at 55 degrees Celsius for the temperature sensor so we're doing a little bit better than that it's still warm you can see all that steam coming off the these things are really cooking I wonder if we're gonna get a boil out of this water there's 113 forty-five degrees Celsius 6500 watt seems to be the max we go any more than that we step it up just another 700 watts and that thing starts making noise okay we're almost at the 1 hour mark and let's go ahead and check we're still pulling 53.1 amps and the ground has 0 and and inside 70 the 70 degrees Celsius inside there 77 so something's hot in there and this air blowing out at me is certainly warm the case this is after an hour of running and inside our water look at 90 degrees 90 188 close to boiling this is all in Celsius so you can see we're at in Fahrenheit we're at 195 degrees this connection point 139 44 145 degrees Fahrenheit whatever internal component in there 178 84 88 89 90 yeah even this connection right here at this point is showing up really warm at 155 56 degrees Fahrenheit 69 degrees Celsius well that's one hour of testing you can see where our battery voltage is down oh and we need to check the temperature of the battery cells they seem to have been staying pretty cool yeah so we still have 21.7 on number six the battery itself is staying cool even though it's drawing all these amps that's you know just like 2 degrees Celsius warmer than it than when we started so the battery doesn't seem to have any problem you can turn off our water heating elements so we'll go ahead and shut the air conditioner off everything is off 192 this should start going down the fans are still running these two fans are still running I'm gonna let them continue running without shutting off anything else to cool off the internal components you can see that temperature sensor is certainly dropping quickly after one hour of testing nothing blew up the inverter is still here and it still works so we need to be thankful for that nothing caught fire nothing melted thing and it never reached 8,000 watts we did reach seven thousand watts but we were making quite a racket inside there and we couldn't seem to get it over 7000 watts because it was dropping the voltage output with whatever noise problem was going on inside now on the good side once we dropped the load back down below sixty-five hundred watts that noise went away and the voltage came back up so at least we didn't permanently break anything so I'm trying to look on the bright side of things here guys now I'm still not happy that there's voltage present on the case I wish the case itself had zero volts but you know let me know in the comments below what you think of that if if that's a serious danger or if this can still be used now in my opinion this would make a great job site inverter because I don't even need the ground for my power tools my power tools are you know inside plastic cases they're called double insulated so they don't even have ground plugs so I can use my miter saw my table saw and stuff out in the field and this we know powers them and powers them well so I think this is a terrific mobile application inverter temporary use you know where you're just using it during the day and then shutting it off at night but I I don't think I want this running my whole house on a continuous basis it got pretty warm but that's just my two cents on it I'd love to hear what you guys have to say about it thank you so much for watching please like subscribe comment share and check out the links in the description below that really helps me out
Channel: DavidPoz
Views: 312,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy powerwall, off-grid, off grid, house, solar, home, power, kwh, test, review, inverter, 8000w, watt, 8kw, large inverter, 120v, 48v, 48vdc, reliable electric, cheap, wzrelb, sub-panel, circuit breakers, Temperature sensor
Id: TZbjy9t933E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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