Kick Rocks! “Don’t tell me to kick rocks.” Awesome video by Defend Our Freedom

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys I'm doing this video for a channel called defender of freedom he actually he's like a second Amendment guy and if you go to his channel I'm gonna put the link in the description here it is there he's got a bat he's got some pretty badass guns I was checking out some of his videos earlier after I found this one this is actually I think it's his First Amendment audit is what he says he I think he started said he started watching STV news first and he got empowered to do this and he does his uh his audit and I think he does very very well you guys go subscribe to this channel let him know San Joaquin says hello and tell him that we appreciate everything he did he did in this video and hopefully he continues to do it because I think he's very good at it and let's see where we go from here big shout out to defender of freedom thank you for going out and doing a First Amendment audit and recording these officials and I'm gonna play part of your video and you guys go subscribe to the full video you guys got to go watch the full video I'll see you over there are you doing filming from public on the public easement oh you're not gonna search me what your name the badge number I don't have any weapons on me but you're not gonna source me what's your name and badge number what's your name and badge number what it's your policy to give your name and badge number no you're not searching me if you search me you're gonna be in some you're gonna you're gonna get some big legal trouble if you search me for what reason do you have to search me I have no gun I have no weapons on me not even a knife well you don't know that you're not searching me you're not searching me you better get a supervisor out here right now you're not searching me what would you search me for what have I done wrong what crime you suspect me of committing you go kick rocks yep you go kick rocks now you can go kick rocks I'm not here on a public roadway filming First Amendment protected activity did you swear an oath to the Constitution cuz I don't put you in your place right now well you shouldn't even approach me what about it I'm in public you go up to random people and say what are you doing you go up to random man and say what are you doing right now first of all you have no idea who I am you have no idea who I am exactly no you're not ID me ID me for what I'll sue that department up one way and down the other you try to ID me or search me I'm telling you right now I know the law I got a lawyer what is my name no we don't not unless I've committed a crime you suspect me of committing a crime no I know how this works buddy youngster I know how this works I'm not telling you anything when your supervisor gets here he's going to teach you something young men no he's not no he's not I'm that idæan why would i ID when I have done no crime you don't suspect me of fact I'll step back here but why for what though this isn't Germany is this Nazi Germany where's your papers you didn't want to give me you're gonna give me what your policy says your name and badge number no I didn't know I didn't well if you came up to me to search me are you kidding me you're gonna search me for what but why though you just go down to RAF Road and see a guy walk and say I'm gonna get out and search you because that's what you're doing here not happening why because because what what reasonable suspicion articulable suspicion that I'm committing a crime do you have right now tell me that no you don't I'm telling you right now I got a lawyer and if you try to Terry stop me right now you're gonna be in hot water buddy so if you value your job get somebody out here with stripes on that sleeve no get your supervisor here if you want to what's on my side that's a light now if it'll make you happy okay now I'm not anti law-enforcement okay I respect what you guys do okay let me tell you you know what tomorrow is what is tomorrow okay so for all those that fought and died for our freedoms I'm out here doing constitutionally protected activity what that is is constitute First Amendment okay you know what that is freedom of press freedom of speech I'm on a public roadway and the public easement and I'm filming what my eyes can see you can't trust past my eyes so you tell me why would I get searched Hey I understand I'm not anti law enforcement I'm not no you don't I'm telling you right now if you do this without a supervisor here I'm gonna sue that department for everything you got you're gonna lose your job get your supervisor out here now I'm requesting it at your policy you're not searching me you're not searching me I already showed you my side I'm telling you right now if you search me it's without a supervisor here it's gonna come down on you you understand I got a lawyer and I'm gonna sue that department for everything you've got get yours get your supervisor out here right now no a supervisor that's your policy to get him out here get him out here I'm asking for it you know what your policy is even okay then I want your supervisor out here right now or you can go kick rocks am I being detained am i detained okay am i detained am i detained Freight detained for what this is unlawful detainment okay is suspicion a misdemeanor or a felony okay so you're detaining me for nothing you're detaining me for nothing what are you detaining me for okay if I'm detained what crime you suspect me of committing what crime you suspect me of committing what do you think my face is gonna shoot a gun or get a knife okay let me tell you okay let's start this over sir how are you I just want to point out that the guy doing the audit I love his approach I love the way he speaks I love the way he asserts his authority of being a free man hid the the authority he has over himself not the authority that the police officer thinks that he has over the videographer I just want to say his approach is outstanding this officer wanted to put hands on him and search him and all that from the very beginning and this guy is just basically hitting every every pitch that the officer is pitching this guy is hitting him out of the ballpark home run every time he's like batting 5 for 5 in this ball game you guys keep watching pay attention he's good okay now you know what I appreciate that without this whole search thing I appreciate that sir okay sir what I'm doing is tomorrow's Memorial Day this is a First Amendment constitutionally protected activity that I'm standing on the easement and I'm just filming what my eyes can see I'm just filming what my eyes can see and that's all from the roadway from public I'm there I've never crossed into their property I've never stepped over a private liner that's it and that's all I'm doing I'm just walking around and I'm and I'm filming not anti-law enforcement whatsoever not anti you personally I just walked down basically and as soon as I asked the guard house he came out and we just we we talked and then when after he got done talking with me I just walked on down and I came back to Swain and you were there so that's all there's nothing I don't sir good name sir sir are you gonna shake hands with me oh okay name and badge number sir name the badge number no name and badge number though you came up on the scene what's your name and badge number okay okay okay so let me let me tell you who's in charge here I guess hey sir how you doing will you shake hands with me sergeant okay okay let me tell you what's going on here okay before this gets any deeper okay tomorrow's Memorial Day yes I came down here yeah first it over yes sir the First Amendment the right to free press okay the right to free speech okay I came down here to do an audit which is basically I'm walking up and down on the public easement and just all I did was just film in a refinery I'm talking to people I'm telling them you're live by the way but um I'm telling people you know like we have a First Amendment right tomorrow's Memorial Day this is for all the people that died for our freedoms and immediately when I got here the guard approached me and she was really nice we did we just talk back and forth he asked me not to film I said sir I can I walk down that way then when I come back basically you guys pulled up the first thing that this young man did which he's in that he's a nice guy okay but he still he's got a lot of learning to do first thing he did was he got out of the car and said I'm gonna search you for weapons yes and I said surger not gonna search me though you piensa this is not a stopping first state unless I committed a crime yes sir but but sir can you tell him did I pull up my shirt and show you though all the way around well I just didn't feel of it I had to get Freddie I appreciate your professionalism what's your name and badge number sir just because I because you're a good guy I want to get it on third okay yes sir let me take this back from you yeah we had some concerns about you being here in videotape and what concern that's just what I wear I like them I was Second Amendment in a First Amendment guy no not pass tempo I know where the property lines that I'd research before I did this sir I promise you okay hey first of all I thank you for your professionalism you're going live this is really going to show good on the department this youngster behind me he needs some training I'm pretty sure you guys don't know who I am or what I do so that's just what I'm saying you're not gonna know who I am or what I do but let me just tell you this so this is going out to a lot of people so your professionalism does show this youngster know that come out of the car putting on gloves hands an ID mean that don't fly with me and I told him that okay I told him that because would you just go over to tusk and just see a guy walking and get out and say and say I'm gonna I'm gonna frisk you cuz this ain't Germany okay no I understand you have to do a call for service and I appreciate you I appreciate the call for service but he acted hesitant oh and he wouldn't tell me if he called a supervisor though so I'd appreciate if you trained him if you trained him that would if you would say I respect your First Amendment and I'll train him I would be a happy camper tonight and I'm not saying he's not a nice young man yes sir the body Kam's yes yeah I told her I wasn't gonna ID if I didn't commit a crime in which in which I have nothing to hide but I will not ID myself unless I'm suspected or have or unless I committed a crime or and suspected of committing a crime this doesn't stop you don't I mean I know the laws a little bit so a little bit yeah a little bit enough to know that nothing against you personally man just you're a little bit gung ho when the gloves and the saying it you're gonna search me you know I mean I think you'll be a good officer I think look I think you're gonna be a good officer I do I don't I don't have no doubts about that but I just think you need to learn a little bit on the streets how do I look deescalate deep yeah okay okay deescalate and communicate those are the two key words sir I appreciate you for getting him out here though and like I said I do think you're a nice young man but you there's a couple little things though that I would have done differently didn't call you no names and I'm not gonna call you no names didn't curse out not gonna curse out how you doing sir I like this guy he's cool so what we doing tomorrow cookout with the family uh yeah I'll probably go hang out this is I'm off work and I just thought you know hey a lot of people requested me to do this I don't I don't normally do these but I but when I do do it I know I know where my boundaries are and what I can and can't do and different things yeah I'm just doing it just to do it I got I just got a large following and I watch people that do these and you know different things like that all right my good sir would they they would leave about why you right you got many Oh oh no no it was a joke can I explain that to you sir no hey no no don't know can I explain to you know from that from the street view from the street view yeah he said don't fill me I pointed up to a dome camera and I said hey don't film me and I smiled at him that's all I did I point it right there but see here's the thing sir I'm gonna probably throw away so I mean I'll leave after well but I don't I'm not leaving right now like I said you've been very professional this could be okay would you would you do me a favor would you do me a favor then would you would you eat the favor is the favor is if you would explain to the security here that people on public property are not under their jurisdiction when you're on public easement or property which is easement easement is out here I know where I know where I know where I can I want an easement sir I'm telling you sir I I'm telling you don't make me get a blueprint anyways but on pretty much all property I get that okay yeah your hair looks like mine if that gives any consolation we are going to generate an incident report I'm not idea though you could put my name down as good citizen okay well I guess you're gonna be a little slumped in well I'm gonna and I'm going to tell you we both agree that we're in a public place yes sir okay and we can also agree that I can't ask you in any public place for your identity not unless I've committed a crime under any in the middle of committing crime or you suspect me of committing a crime well I don't know I don't I don't know what you're here to do well it's not really the bait I have the right yeah as a law officer to identify you okay and under the Ohio Revised Code I can show you that Ohio revised let me ask you a biggie right now are you detaining me right now I might detain if I want to walk away are you detaining me you answer right think about it well okay but I'm just saying already are you detaining me see you guys hey this is a good young man teach him a little bit sir hey let him let him ride with you a few rides this guy over here is quiet but he's good you're a good young man but sir he'll be a good officer you teach him a little bit hey you guys have the weekend with your family grow out I think this was a damn good video there's a lot more to this video that you guys didn't see in order to watch it you guys have to go to his channel and subscribe make sure you let him know San Joaquin says hello and that I appreciate his hard work thank you guys
Channel: San Joaquin News Network
Views: 978,254
Rating: 4.7064877 out of 5
Keywords: first amendment audit, 1st amendment audit, san joaquin valley transparency, auditing america, second amendment audit, walk of shame, kick rocks, awesome video, defend our constitution, outstanding, police in america, homework, opportunity, today, new, wow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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