Khutbah: Please Just Don't Tell Me

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[Music] i'll speak to you about a couple of places that are close together in the quran these are towards the end of surat taha that's the 20th surah of the quran and the first place i'm going to start with is the 99th and 100th ayah before i go into these ayat i just want to tell you what the the essential subject matter is a lot of times you run into somebody who says please don't tell me if you tell me something that's let's just say you're talking about something is you're learning about something and in the conversation you meet somebody who says listen i don't want to have this conversation please don't tell me because if i know then i will be responsible so it's better i don't know that way i'm not going to get in trouble because if i find out then allah will ask me about it i'll feel guilty about it later it's going to be a burden on my head i would rather not feel that burden and not even have that conversation in fact you'll meet people that will say listen i try to stay away from any conversations learning about islam or learning about the quran or learning about what the prophet said or what is right and what is wrong because i don't want to be in trouble and i notice that you're starting to learn some things save yourself because the more you learn the more burden you're going to feel because you're going to learn some things that you shouldn't be doing you're going to learn about some changes you're supposed to make and when you learn about those changes it's going to put too much pressure on you and you'll just be in trouble for no reason if you want to stress for your free life it's better you kind of stop from learning so much because it's just going to make your life difficult right and why put yourself into that trouble see if i don't know then i can't get in trouble for it now before we go into the quran let's just take some examples in life see if that works in life a doctor tells a patient listen you have a very serious the patient says no no don't finish that sentence don't tell me if you don't tell me i'll be fine because if you tell me then i don't know maybe i'll need surgery maybe i'm gonna have to get heavy medication so if you just please don't tell me at all my life was just fine until you told me so let's just i'm leaving this office i don't want to finish the rest of the sentence in another situation somebody's sitting at home and they're changing tv channels or they're watching their weather app and it's a severe warning evacuate the city because in the next five hours and you turn off the app you turn no no i don't want to hear this so long as i look outside the weather is fine right now i don't want this guy to give me bad news i hate the weather man he just keeps giving me bad news and i don't want to deal with it if i didn't change this channel my life was if i if i didn't watch this channel before my life would have been good thank god i turned it off in time does that sound like an insane person to you or no a friend of yours in school says hey did you forget the exam is and exam is next you say no don't finish that sentence i don't want to know if it's next friday or next two days from now or next but don't tell me because if you tell me then i have to study don't tell me just i don't want to deal with it my life was fine why did you even bring this up save yourself why are you even looking at the calendar yourself this is safer for you this mentality doesn't work anywhere in life why because in life we are dealing with reality and then you say well no allah is different because allah is in authority and so if i didn't know the rules i can tell allah and judgment day allah i didn't know the rules that's why i didn't follow it right well that's that that way i'll get away with it because ignorance can be you can plead ignorance actually in court in the court of law you can actually go to the judge and it's something else a defense for someone who claims to be innocent they can say i plead ignorance right so somebody was you know they entered a a do not enter you know no trespassing it says private property or something else right and they didn't see the sign or the sign was covered by a tree or something or they were in a hurry and they didn't read the sign and they entered and now there's a case against them and they come in front of the judge and they say i didn't know i didn't see the sign and they could actually plead innocent they could get away with that but let me give you a different example you're driving a car and you never wanted to learn traffic laws you didn't want to learn about stopping at a red light you didn't want to learn about stopping at a stop sign speed limits you didn't want to learn any of those things so you're going through a few red lights several car accidents happen finally the judge the police catches you you're standing in front of the judge before they throw you in jail for all kinds of chaos you created and you say i never learned these rules but this is different because if you never learned these rules why did you get inside a car why did you get inside the car if you if you think that you are capable of getting in the car then that getting in the car comes with responsibilities so actually my life and yours is similar to the driver the moment allah put us on this earth he put responsibility on us the moment we became the age of adulthood when we reached what the quran calls when you reach that age you and i become what's called responsible worthy of being asked human beings will be asked on judgment day about that before a human being will be informed and great deal about the priorities they made and the things they put off till later we are not simply roaming for free and we have no responsibilities did the human being think that he's just been left around without purpose but you when a human being thinks that they are roaming free and until if they find out that they're responsible then the responsibility begins right that's actually not the case you're already in the car you're already on the road and if you do if you say i didn't know if you say i didn't know that can only work that excuse can only work if you looked everywhere for the rules and you couldn't find anybody and then you drove whatever way you could and then you say well i tried my best to learn but i couldn't find any resources and that's why i messed up now you have a defense there were people who lived at a time when there were no prophets before rasulullah there are people who were alive and they didn't have muhammad rasool allah they didn't have the quran maybe they lived in a village where they never heard about islam they don't know they don't know anything about any prophet nothing so they don't know how to pray and they are looking and looking for an answer and imagine for a moment that a person like that is looking for an answer and they die looking for an answer they never found the answer and allah allah made question this person even though that's not how the questioning will be why didn't you pray five times a day why didn't you do hajj why well it wasn't even revealed yet or i didn't know i had no idea that kind of a person might even have a defense because they had no resources they had no access to that the way allah will judge them allah knows but for sure allah does not hold someone accountable when he didn't provide them with guidance right whatever guidance allah provided that person whatever opportunities allah provided that person allah will judge based on that so now come to you and me you're talking to somebody about what allah says or they're talking to you about what allah says and you say don't tell me what allah says please stop if you tell me it's gonna it's kind of way heavy now this thing this attitude first of all the first part of this i wanted to highlight how illogical that is how does it make any sense and how you're assuming that you're not already responsible when you think like that so this thinking is wrong i am already responsible whether i learned or not the fact that i delayed my learning makes me more liable it doesn't free me it actually puts me in more trouble and believe me people have lived a life where they didn't want to learn they didn't care and later on in their life something allah put in their heart they decided to start learning and when they decided to start learning instead of feeling more burdened the truth of it is you can ask millions of people that have gone through this experience when they first started learning about their religion properly you know what happened first time they actually truly felt free they didn't feel enslaved or burdened they actually felt freed they felt freed from the the the chains of culture they felt free from the expectations of people they realized they've been trying to make people happy when they should have only been concerned with making allah happy and making allah happy is very easy and making people happy is very difficult they've been putting themselves in difficulty all this time then they realize that they've wasted so much of their life they they look back and say i should have been learning this 10 years ago i wasted so much of my time instead of saying man i wish i delayed another 10 years i could have had another 10 years of freedom when someone actually does start learning instead of regretting it they regret the time where they were in ignorance that's what they regret that's what a person actually regrets that's the reality of it but today what i really want to dedicate this khutbah to is when you and i decide that we want to ignore something on purpose we don't want to know because we're going to become responsible you know in in physics we talk about how in newton's laws of physics to every action there's an equal but opposite reaction right and that's in physics right there's action and reaction well sometimes we take an action and there's a spiritual reaction so we take an action in this life in this world but the reaction is in the unseen the reaction is in the world that we cannot see the reaction is in ways we cannot gauge by physics or chemistry or biology and those reactions allah teaches us about some of them in the quran and this action someone who wants to ignore on purpose there are a couple of reactions and there are actually three reactions not one there are three reactions to this one action which means this is a pretty serious action it gets three reactions let me tell you how do you remember these three one of those reactions is in this life one of those reactions is on judgment day and another reaction is after judgment day in the aha after that so there's three reactions allah talks about in surah this life there's a reaction there's a reaction resurrection day there's a reaction and then in the afterlife after that there's also a reaction so it's pretty serious stuff now the he not in that order he mentions the first reaction he mentions is the day of resurrection why because the day of resurrection is a day when we are held responsible for everything we did and mentioning that is absolutely essential in the 99th and 100th ayah allah says we have given you from ourselves especially from our treasures we have granted you a way to remember vikra now this vikra is the quran and then allah says whoever ignores it on purpose whoever deliberately intentionally ignores it what does he say about them then this person is going to be the one that will be carrying a huge burden on the day of resurrection they will have a burden on them on resurrection day look at the power of the speech this is a person that said i don't want the burden now that's what they said and allah says this person did not want to carry this burden now so i will make them carry a huge burden on the day of resurrection now you decide would you rather carry a burden now or would you rather carry a burden in the next life that's the decision you have to make and what's incredible is in when allah talks about the carrying of of of when we carry the response the burden of obeying allah learning allah's word learning about the prophet saws when we carry that it doesn't actually become a burden on us he says by by putting that burden on you allah actually makes your life easier he puts the he reduces the load from you it's the opposite effect it doesn't work like this world it's the opposite effect the more we carry allah's word the lighter light becomes life becomes life becomes not heavier but lighter it's the opposite effect so now let me take you another place this is actually where things allah explains this further in the same surah that was the 99th and 100th ayah then he goes on in the 125th this is where we're going to learn about this life i said there are three reactions the reaction on judgement day we're going to have to carry a burden whatever we didn't carry is going to get much bigger and have to carry it then but what happens in this life he says and whoever purposely ignores remembering me and remembering allah is what remembering the word of allah remembering the guidance of allah whoever purposely ignores remembering me mentioning me someone wants to walk away from that and allah says for this person there is no doubt about it this person has a life a marisha in arabic is used for a life that is bank this is a strange word in the quran pretty much never else has it been used it's been this is actually a muslim sifa it's an adjective now what does this word mean let me just explain this word to you you might find a translation that says a depressed life or a tight a difficult life but i don't want to use the word depressed because some of you are in the counseling profession or psychology profession depression can be a a term a clinical term and the quran is definitely not using clinical terms right so i don't want to use those words so let's explore this word a little bit then understand a person who ignores allah's words or allah on purpose they get something happening in their life every part of their life their family life their career life their alone life their sleeping life they're waking up life their their physical life everything is described with this one adjective it's not like one part of their life is affected their entire life is affected their day is affected their night is affected their relationships are affected their thoughts are affected affected with what this comes from which is actually used in arabic for zukan meaning when you have a stuffed nose and you have a cold and you have a lot of mucus built up and you can feel your face swell up like a like you know sinus pressure right and you can't breathe from your nostrils your nose is completely blocked and you're feeling like your eyes are swelling up and you feel like there's somebody just pumped something inside your face and you're feeling stuffed right that's actually called that's called something that has been if you took a pillow and you put things in it and more things and more things in it and you keep stuffing it in tightening it in that's actually also a kind of uh it's called they talk about a person who's getting really really fat like the meat is stuffed inside this person they're actually called they're called dinakos or dunak actually in arabic so this word is then also used a person who's so pressured in their life because you know the more you fill things in like if you put air too much air in a balloon the pressure increases right you put too much inside the pressure increases when you put when there's too much mucus inside the pressure increases the headache increases right so this pressure internal pressure is actually what bunk refers to and the arabs used it before islam to talk about a person who is experiencing bank what would they say about this person this person has become weak physically when i see he's become weak emotionally they become stressed too easily they become anxious too easily they become angry too easily they start crying too easily they become they lose their their their thoughts too easily they can't concentrate they psychologically they've become weak they say and in their opinion meaning they're not able to analyze things properly they're not able to think straight because you know when you're under a lot of pressure you can't think straight when you're really late for work where's the keys where the keys because you're in your face they're right there but you can't see them because you're under pressure right now even things that you can do normally you stop you you can't have the ability to do them because you're under pressure and then even their ability to think there's so much pressure they can't think straight just like when you and i are stressed out we can't think straight when you and i are really under a lot of pressure we can't think clearly it's very difficult to be under pressure and be able to have presence of mind what is allah saying describing a person who ignores what allah says he says their entire life gets filled gets described as danka and it's interesting also that banken is a muslim it's an adjective it's actually an infinitive what that means is they're not i it wouldn't be enough of a translation to say they have a life filled with pressure no their life itself becomes pressure that's the power of these words the light their life itself becomes pressure they're always stressed and anxious they might even have physical ailments they might not able to be able to make correct decisions in their life they're getting trouble from all sides in their life constantly under pressure constantly under stress and then why did this happen because the one place that could have removed all of the stress from their life was the word of allah was the thicker of allah and they said no no i don't want the vikan of allah that's too much stress that's too much pressure i don't want them you see that how ironic that is you see how funny that is they did that the person ignored the word of allah because they wanted to avoid pressure avoid stress they thought it would make life tight it would be too strict and what does allah say about his his guidance whoever allah wants to guide allah expands their chest for surrender allah describes coming to his word surrendering before him he describes it as your chest expanding loosening he tells the prophet islam when revelation came and revelation was very heavy we're giving you a heavy word and that revelation when it came to the prophet sallam allah reminded him of his favor on him and he said then we expand your chest for you then we broaden it meaning we give you relief so the irony and the ignorance of this person the tragedy of this person is they think they are giving themselves relief by not learning by not coming to the diker of allah and the crazy thing is the only reason they've got pressure in every part of their life is because they're they're not releasing that pressure by coming to the dekker of allah they're hurting themselves this is the second and heavy consequence in this this consequence yeah allah already told us the person who ignored allah's responsibility will carry a burden on judgment day now look at the tragedy of this this person this life was filled with pressure will bunk on every turn bunt with the children done with the spouse pressure with children stress with children anxiety with children anxiety with spouse anxiety with parents anxiety at work anxiety finances anxiety and health everywhere they turn there's problem problem problem pressure pressure pressure and then they come on judgment day oh finally this dunya is over might as well get some no now the akhira version of the wizard now the burden and then so allah describes this person in these ayaat and he says not only are they living this pressured life here now he adds another problem on judgment day we will raise him and hurt him on judgment day in a state that that person is blind we already learned that they're carrying a burden now they're blind on top of that they're blind on top of that and when a person is raised on judgment day blind they're in shock because they weren't blind when they were in this life and this person is raised blind now so he says why did you raise me blind i used to be someone who saw i used to have vision why am i being blind now on judgement day and allah says that's how our revelations our ayat came to you you remember how arab came to you then you forgot all about them forgetting means forgetting forgetting also means dismissing you know how you say to somebody man forget you ah forget that guy forget the guy wins what ignore it a friend comes to you and says forget about this quan stuff live your life they stop others from doing it and stop themselves from doing it from from coming to it so here he says allah is telling this person on judgment day my ayat came to you you forgot them you ignored them you were blind to them you wanted to see reality with your eyes you didn't want to see the vision that allah was giving you with his door well you didn't want noor well if you don't want noor then you don't get neuron judgment day you have no light in your eyes just like that today you're being ignored you're being forgotten being forgotten means you don't think about somebody you don't care about somebody you don't hear about their cries allah is basically describing this person as becoming irrelevant on judgement day because they considered allah zayat irrelevant just wanted to complete this this small passage it ends at 128 and 127. has this us a secret this is the last secret of these ayah that i'll share with you and that is how we will give reward or we will pay back those who went too far asrafa those who went too far the ones who go in excess if you had an argument with somebody they said something different harsh to you you responded with something harsh okay they scored one you scored one they said something mean to you you you you came back with a hundred hundred times insults that's as-rafa you went too far you exceeded talks when when tribes used to go into into fights with each other one villager killed another villager from a different tribe now this village comes and kills the entire village this is i'm gonna kill you your cousin your chicken your burn your house down i'm gonna take you all out anybody that ever carried your name i will end your lineage right because you know you slapped my goat or something that was israel is one someone who goes too far too far islam can be in spending allah talks about that in the quran right so you know islam is for example you need certain things but you want to go far beyond that and keep getting more and more like for example if you got invited to a wedding or you know some celebration right and you're not that hungry but you see the guy in front of you took five pieces of chicken and eight kebabs and a mountain of rice and you're like he built the mountain of i need to at least have you know a lot of hours at least something i should i should compete so you and you're not even that hungry but you're like there's three more people behind me they might get the next drumstick so i'll take 12 drumsticks and i'll take the entire salad and you know you're just building this like monumental architectural work on your plate that you can't even carry at this point and you take it and you ate two bites of it and you're like i'm done that's isla you didn't need all that you wished it all that's islam right now why did why did we the subject today wasn't this off the subject today was a person who ignores the reminder a person who says i don't want to know allah is telling us now the secret that he knew all along about a person like that that person knew all along that they're doing something in excess they're talking about other people in excess their earn their their their backbiting in excess their spending in excess they're doing some kind of they're being vengeful they're taking revenge with others in excess they're developing hatred in excess there's some excessiveness in them and they know that if they get a reminder from the word of allah the word of allah will call them out on their excess and they don't want to hear that they don't want to hear that because that will put them in check that will make them stop doing they know what's wrong somewhere inside them they know it's wrong and they actually want to ignore what allah is saying not because they don't know but part of them already knows i have a pretty good guess allah is not okay with what i'm doing i'd rather not hear it directly it's they're not that innocent so since i didn't know that's why i'm not responsible oh you knew something in some some part of your conscience was poking you and so what does allah say man that's how we compensate the one who went overboard the one who was excessive and did not believe in the ayat of israel and the punishment of the achara remember the third reaction is even worse and is even longer lasting so judgment day was already scary enough this life was already scared enough i don't want to live a life of pressure and misery i want to feel relaxed in my life when you guys have pressure from the exam when you have pressure from finishing a work project when you have pressure from a huge family obligation pressure pressure you know when the pressure is done when the event is done when the exam is done what do you do i can breathe there's a release this person does not get a release in this life they get out of one trouble they end up in another trouble another truck another bunk another bunk another bug in every part of their life and then the burden on judgment day and then allah says this is nothing compared to what's coming in the last life because what they're getting in the next the final life in addition to being blind and being scolded by allah what's coming in the final life is far worse and far longer lasting than any of this allah protect you and me from it so this this state this figure of speech that we use in english they say ignorance is bliss uh be careful with that statement it's a very ignorant statement and there's no bliss in it there's absolutely no blessing i pray i pray allah protects our loved ones from falling into this trap and i pray allah protects you and me from falling into this trap and if we have become someone who's been ignoring the word of allah in any part of our life then we will then we maybe we might realize that the the difficulty that has come the bunk that has appeared in our life in different places may have been because we ignored allah's word and when we remember allah's word and live by it again maybe allah will bring you know unlock the doors of his blessings and release and mercy and that pressure that we've been feeling will go away so i pray allah removes that pressure from all of your lives and gives all of your relief and myself barakallahu li walakum [Music]
Channel: Bayyinah Institute
Views: 87,385
Rating: 4.9631901 out of 5
Id: D7PE58tPyjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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