Khumjung to Dole and Machermo

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foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] don't fall off the cliff you still can't see Everest is behind this Brown Mountain right here little things fourth tallest [Music] right here is the crazy I can Trail to go up to 10 bushy [Music] lots of helicopters now you can see the village of forte we'll be Crossing through that on the way down here and also which we're passing through we're still climbing [Music] you can see the little village past tangochet as well I think that's pink lotion [Music] yeah you're coming manga is deceptively just saw our Corners up here it's our green bags you're on camera [Music] [Music] oh who's the trail we just came up it's worse than it looks I'm gonna have our tea some great views of forte caught the climbing Village it's a sherpa Village over 70 of its inhabitants have climbed to Mount Everest and most of them many times biggest concentration of every so much here is live here and we're just climbing down unfortunately down down down to a river in order to climb way back up again down [Music] pretty spectacular I think we're going all the way down to uh [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Trail so far but at some point we're gonna have to make up all the altitude that we lost not looking forward to that stays gradual like this would be amazing [Music] close to the down to the river crazy Rocky trails to close this little ice waterfall here and all these cool red birch trees everywhere [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Cottage dually altitude 4100 meters and this little Contraption outside is a solar heater so put a pot here in the sun directs the heat the boiled water and the boiled potatoes so we're in doorway I'm not sure how long you guys have been in Nepal um a few days though a few days now so I wanted to get your impressions first of all of um of the country um well after many years of reading and wanting to come here it's a dream come true and it's exceeding my expectations even if I had to fly home today I already a trip of a lifetime and we still have more to see so what was your first impression of Nepal coming into Kathmandu um different I've traveled a lot but you truly feel like you're in somewhere different you know yeah although some it still speaks some English but just the contrast yeah and your impression of uh of the hike we do it uh don't underestimate it like I think in the Rockies and the Appalachians the Andes this is where the hiking here is more like mountaineering it's extreme A Day hike here is brutal and a little older now and I wasn't so well prepared it's so bad I can't let Mike down but I'm going to make it up to him by punishing him with an equally brutal trip so my friends have decided to not continue in the glacial loops on the goiko Lakes Loop but are going back down to Forte and um maybe going just going up on the um the average space camp Trek I'm going to be continuing up to the grocery Lakes Gregory and then maybe I can catch them although I'll be a few days behind I should be able to catch them because they'll be moving a bit slower let's zoom out and stud because I'm a mountain stud apparently no no I just have a little bit more experience uh is there something no athlete that's for sure you are now um Isabella what do you want to say not over yet yeah it's not over yet you guys still have one yeah the biggest takeaway for me is like just the genuine kindness and happiness that we don't see just like aggression or tension and stress that is pretty much everywhere in the world but it's different here good special here yeah it is and hopefully we get to see these guys again uh pretty soon thanks so now here are two just being chitra the porter we are heading off to maturmo um I've sent my porter dummy back uh along with the guide with my friends they're heading down to Forte I don't really need a guide because I've been here before um I'm not taking my porter because dummy isn't familiar with the area uh he's only been here once 15 years ago I only brought him here uh well they only brought him here for me on special requests because he's my favorite but Ginger here knows the whole area so I won't get lost [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign forte in the background Circle yeah yeah and this guy [Music] it's nice up here [Music] thank you [Music] rest stop here comes our farmer pretty gradual up supposed to be the poly flat all the way to you the chairman we'll see [Music] just ran into some Tibetan snow up here we should see more at the Goku Lakes [Music] it's a pretty nice walk from the doorway to mature mode for sure you know most people come here and either do every space camp track or Enterprise circuit track but there are endless trucks here in Nepal and some of the ones that are lesser known are actually better I think goikio Lakes Track is probably better than ever Space Camp and without all the people I've only seen two other tractors last few days and the views from Gregory are probably better than anywhere on the airbrush space camp truck so if you're looking for an alternative and it can also be joined up in various ways with the Air Force Base Camp truck too [Music] thank you little village of loser next Village will be my turmoil I think comes a little cow to visit us [Music] [Music] foreign every afternoon here unfortunately when I was here in February we had many days that were clear all day but watching afternoon this problem is that private it's supposed to be a Thai fried rice anything to avoid so I'm in mature MO it's night time and I came to look at the stars because this is the perfect place to go if you want to look at stars there's no uh and no light pollution at all however it's been snowing as you can see and it's all clouded over so that's just not going to work um so I'll tell a story instead about maturemo this is actually where the yeti story started many years ago this was the first sighting of the Yeti we saw the yeti skull back in uh back in kumjung and had that kind of weird setting back in in musam as well if you've been watching the series that weird animal that went down to the river to have a drink but um there are a lot of people here that believe in the yeti people that's where they've seen it but this was the very first sighting was in maturemo as far as what it really is they do have Bears here it could be it could have been a bear or there's other animals here like um these leopards and things I'm not sure the camera's picking that up there's some sound in the distance [Music] foreign
Channel: Chew on this Travel
Views: 88
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goyko Lakes, Trek, Dole, Machermo, Nepal, Everest, Ama Dablam
Id: 6WVJ0Jv7unA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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