Khabbab Ibn Al Aratt (ra): Under Burning Hot Coals | The Firsts | Dr. Omar Suleiman

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dear brothers and sisters uh i want to welcome you back to another session of the firsts and tonight i'm going to talk about someone who often does not get spoken about in isolation and what i mean by that is that typically when you're reading about the muslim the poor the vulnerable that accepted islam early on there are certain names that will come to mind right so the most famous one is who of course we had done a full session on less than two years ago where we talked about the full life of bilal and he will come up again in sha allah in a very specific way with this series you think about sumail and her family there are names that come to mind you might think of it and but he'll always be in a sentence with a bunch of other names and in the process of that you can really lose sight of how special and significant this sahabi was may allah be pleased with him and so i wanted to talk about the allah and a man who according to some of the scholars of the seerah was the first person to make his islam public the first person to actually publicize the islam and uh the first person to be tortured in islam the first person to actually face punishment for his islam so what is the story of the allahu and who usually falls in a sentence with you know bilal and suhaib and you know some of the other companions the sumayas of the world what is the story of this young man i want you to think about that slave market where zaid al dillah was purchased from where you had many of the famous incidents of the seerah take place and i want you to think about this young man that is in that marketplace in fact he's not even a teenager yet an enslaved young boy who is there and a woman by the name of um is walking through the marketplace and she sees this young boy and as she decides that she wants to purchase one of those who have been enslaved she is looking for someone to not just help her with her chores not just help her with her own things but she's looking for someone that she can train to make money for her so she wants to train one of these enslaved young boys to do something for her that would be a source of income for her and so as she's looking through the the market the slave market and she's looking at the faces of these boys she notices this particular young boy who who has clear signs of intelligence clear signs of strength he looks like he has something special he's distinguished in his appearance and she says that one so she purchases this young boy from the market she starts to walk home with him and she asks him what his name is and he says my name is khabab she says what's your father's name he says it's and she said and where did you come from he said from nejt so from arabia now she assumed that he must have been abyssinian because was black but he was a black arab and so she assumed that he's one of those that was enslaved from abyssinia from al-habisha but he said he's from nedjd so she said so you're an arab he said yes so she said where are you from he said from benutamim benutamim and khabib would be the most distinguished member from the companions from banu tamim another famous person from benutameen by the way so she says how did you end up then in the hands of the slave traders of mecca how did you end up in the situation why are you here so he described a situation that as he was a child two arab tribes fought with one another his tribe and another tribe and he said our tribe lost they took all of our livestock they took all of the women they took all of the children they killed the men i was amongst the children that was taken and he said all i've known as a child is slavery so i've been passed from master to master traded from place to place and all he does is he does what he what you know what he know what he's known for his short existence on earth so um recognizing that this young man was special she decided to have him trained by a blacksmith in mecca to learn particularly the craft of making swords okay as he's there training and learning how to make swords with this blacksmith in mecca who actually surpasses him he becomes an expert in making swords an expert blacksmith an expert swordsmith in fact and he becomes famous for that so he's still just a young teenager but anyone who wants to come and have their sword made or to have their sword sharpened or whatever it may be the one who's who's well known for doing so he had his own workshop so if you were working in mecca imagine who's sitting in his own space and all he does is he makes swords and he and he crafts them and he refines them and so this is what his life is he is an enslaved young man who was taken unjustly as a child and who has no life ahead of him in terms of of success and prosperity through the setup of the people of mecca prior to islam and he's known for his good character he's known for his integrity he's known for his craftsmanship but at the end of the day all of his talents are being exploited for the sake of his master he's not making any money as a result of this he's making money for um and nothing is really happening for him as a result of the craft that he is perfecting then he hears the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and his call now what's really interesting is that i couldn't find and it might be there but i couldn't find an exact incident the moment where he met the prophet salla sallam or who guided him to the prophet salallahu but it's it's very telling that you know there are some scholars that say that that he was the sixth person to accept islam and al-haradinah the first person to make his islam known and he was punished he was punished for the sake of allah he was tortured like no other person some of the scholars say he's a seventh or eighth person but you'll always find him amongst the first ten to accept islam and the reason why is that the scholars say that when khabab radhillah who caught word of the prophet saw islam privately you know just calling his family to islam he didn't wait for the nobles to debate this he didn't wait for the news to spread he didn't wait for it to become a trans even amongst the even amongst the weak in the downtrodden of mecca he went straight to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and uh the prophet saw some call to the oneness of god to tawheed and rejection of idolatry and all that it represented in terms of not just creed but the exploitation of people like immediately it made sense to him it clicked it was his fitrah subhanallah this was a person that had not been you know particularly learned in religion he's not someone who would have been looking towards this from a a highly theological lens but it just made sense to him the fitrah made sense to him that oneness of god made sense to him and what to he represented made sense to him so he went to the prophet salla sallam and he immediately said extend your hand so i can give you bai i want to pledge myself to you before it started to spread and he accepted islam and he made it known that he rejected the idols and that he accepted the islam of the prophet saw islam he accepted the religion of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and khabab did not hide his acceptance of islam from anyone and so you can imagine that the young man who is famous for crafting the swords of the nobles of quraysh and who has no protection on society whatsoever that word is going to get out fairly quickly about his accepting of islam and so he's just saying it very freely and openly that he accepted islam and when um his master heard about what had happened she called her brother a man by the name of siba ibn abdullah abdullah and she told her brother what she had heard about khabab so she told siba to go and check and see if this was true and to take with him some of the young men of quraish to rough from the jose tribe in particular actually to rough him up if that was the case so sibara takes this group of young men they go to khabab and who is minding his own business continuing to do what he does making his swords but now he's now he's a muslim he's a monotheist he believes in islam and there is really no ritual practice at this point he's a muslim he has tauheed and siba takes this group of young men to khabab or the allah and he says to him you know we heard some news that there's no way it's true but we heard some news about you that is unbelievable there's no way that it's true what is it they said we heard that you have given up your religion and that you now follow the religion of the man from bani hashem talking about the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam not even saying his name and of course they didn't say aslama right they would they would say sabah so that was the one who rejected the religion of his people so we've heard that you've given up you've rejected your religion and now you follow the man from banu hashem so no i haven't given up my religion he said but i have believed in allah and i have rejected your gods your idols and i believe that muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam is the servant and messenger of allah subhanallah and there is something in the way khabab responded like who are you to assume that your religion was my religion and that i was worshiping these idols in the first place i just you know i'm a slave in this society you give me no value you don't value my thoughts you don't value my opinions and now you're concerned about what i believe and what this has done to me so he said no i have not i'm not going to allow you to define me as someone who rejected his religion but instead as someone who became muslim the same way would say to the people that would call out using the same derogatory remark you'd say no say islam no he became muslim so he said i have believed in allah and i have rejected your idols and subhanallah in that by the way is implicit as well that have always you know there are a lot of young people there are a lot of people in mecca that would that as they became muslim they already felt at ease with tauheed right they see the idol worship and and it doesn't resonate with them fully so i don't want to read too much into his statement but that was the answer khabab to sibba and this group of young men that are clearly coming to rough him up from banu now when he said that as soon as he uttered those words they jumped on him they beat him unconscious they picked up iron bars metal bars they started to to thump his head with some of the iron that he would use uh in his in his work and he literally was laying right there in the streets of mecca with the blood flowing from his wounds completely unconscious right and that is what some of the scholars say is the first time that such an incident took place so they beat him to a part to a point of unconsciousness they used the iron that he would use to make his materials and they did that knowing that there were no repercussions whatsoever for torturing a man like who had no protection how old was he was between 16 and 18 years old at the time okay so he is a teenager he's a young man that is accepting islam and that is going through this uh this torture when khabib allah who wakes up from this beating of his they come back to him and they ask him again and he said to billah i believe in allah and i've rejected your idols and he said it's not um he says you know what go ahead and do what you what you're going to do i don't care go ahead and do what you're going to do subhanallah they beat him then they starved him they lashed him they put him in the in the coats of metal as we said put him under the sun burned him they experimented in torture with him and nothing was working with and then in their rage they decided to to include a particularly cruel punishment they took burning hot coal and they put it on the back of khabab until they said that it cooked the flesh off of the back of khabab i want you to think about this subhanallah there's an incident from the life of um later on that would speak to how what this did to khabab long term they took the meat the flesh off of his back they literally as they burnt his back the pieces of flesh would come melting off of the back of hubbab and this young man would scream and he had no one really no peer no one to protect him no one there that that was uh from his tribe that could protect him he screams as they torture him and you know in particular by the way you have this this incident where um uh she caught the allah and was speaking to the prophet sallallahu alaihi and as a result of that she took a red-hot iron okay and she actually started to comb his head with that iron with that with that uh with that burning hot coal and with that iron and so not only was the flesh taken from the back of khabab but he would be calmed with iron on his head and the agony would cause him often to to lose consciousness and to faint so this is a man a young man 16 18 years old that is going through the worst types of torture and somehow he's surviving it somehow he's surviving it but his body is being cooked as a result of him saying this is without him knowing much about you know not the quran barely any of it has been revealed yet allah knows how much of it he knew this is without any anyone around him you know you think about strangers right there's no one that's sitting with khabab and teaching him i mean it's just him and he is enduring all of this torture for the sake of allah by himself eventually abu bakr sadiq who also of course would purchase the freedom of bilateral would convince um to sell and abu bakr will be free him and as we mentioned with abu bakr you know his father abu kohafa asked him why is it that you are freeing these people who don't bring you any benefits right why are you purchasing the freedom of these people who don't bring you any benefit and he said i'm freeing them for allah i'm not freeing them for anything else so khabab was not freed or taken to abu bakr to become a sword maker was freed for the sake of allah subhanahu wa and would live his life in freedom as a result of the freedom that was given to him and the the generosity of abu bakr al-siddiq who when he would see someone tortured he would do what he could with his wealth to take them out of that situation and so they would accompany the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and this would be the case for the rest of his life who would always be by the side of the prophet now the the context of this really brings uh new meaning to a very famous hadith that took place with the prophet sallallahu ishaam a very famous incident with the messenger has been through all sorts of torture the first person to be tortured publicly for the sake of allah and he could have died as a result of the nature of the torture that was inflicted on him right the the burning calls on his back he has no flesh on his back anymore his head is is uh is burnt because of what his master would do to his head if you looked at khabab you saw a young man that had been through a lot and he's still in mecca even though he's technically freed when there are going to be bouts or when there are when there's going to be episodes of public harassment who's going to protect right so when the mushrikeen would become aggressive when abu jahl would decide to become aggressive when they take out their abuse on the people who they knew they could without any ramifications who's going to protect the person like that and so all of the incidents that would take place afterwards still going to be harassed and still going to be punished and still going to face loss for the sake of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala now the incident that i'm speaking about is a famous incident where the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was reclining against the kaaba and the narrator of this incident is none other than khabab himself he said that we were suffering greatly at the hands of the mushrikeen in those days and i saw the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam sitting with his back to the cabin the shade of the kaaba and i went to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and i said to him ya rasool allah allah o messenger of allah aren't you going to call upon allah what he means by that aren't you going to ask allah for us aren't you going to seek allah subhanahu as aid for us aren't you going to ask allah to make a way out for us aren't you going to and of course there is an assumption and there's an impatience in what he's saying to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam now this is not just a person who was inflicted with some sort of hardship right this is a person that's been inflicted with the worst type of hardship for the sake of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that's asking the prophet sallallahu aren't you going to ask allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to make a way out for us and the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam he sat up and his face became red and the messenger of allah and he was said that there were people that came before you who used to be combed with iron combs so that nothing of their flesh would remain on their bones there were people that were tortured even worse than you and he said and that would not make them that would not make a person amongst them desert their religion he said and there was a person before you that was put into the dirt and sawed into two parts yet all that would not make him abandon his religion he would still hold on to his religion for the sake of allah can you imagine a person put into the ground and sawed into two and some of the scholars mentioned that this is the man from us or surv a person who taught the young man about the religion and this person was sawed into two right by his oppressor for the sake of allah subhanahu wa and the prophet saw islam is saying none of them would abandon their religion then the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said allah will surely give victory to this deen so that a traveler will be able to travel from searing anyone except for allah subhanahu wa you are hasty you are hasty subhanallah when the prophet saw islam is saying this to khabab is the prophet saisa minimizing the hardship of khabab no the prophet sallam that people have been through these things before people have been through great hardship before and allah made a way out for them and the prophet saws is telling him to remain strong and the prophet saw someone he says that you're being hasty he's talking about the victory from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and perhaps some of the the commentators of this hadith mentioned perhaps seeing the prophet sallam reclining in that way you know there's an assumption that the prophet saws is not suffering as much as him but the prophet saws would undertake enormous enormous hardship uh you know for the sake of allah subhanahu ta'ala and in the process of establishing this deen and it would be long term and it would be in so many different ways inflicted upon the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam so the prophet saws is saying this to the allah and there are people before you that were combed with irons nothing was left on their bones of flesh that were cut in half just for saying i swear that allah will give victory to this deen so much so the prophet saws mentioning a time of safety that a person could travel from sana'a to hadra mouth fearing no one but allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala but you are hasty and some of the scholars also mentioned by the way that you know in the story of the people of the ditch that are referred to in certain if you remember the young man who uh you know who who the oppressor was trying to kill he told them look you want to kill me you say bismillah and you shoot at me and it's going to work right and the man is jala he was hasty he wanted to end this not realizing that when he gathers the people and he says bismillah and he shoots the arrow and he kills the young boy that he's going to prove the young boy's religion he's going to prove the point which will lead to all of his people leaving him right so the believer is deliberate the believer is patient the believer watches the plan of allah unfold and they know that allah will give victory to this deen allah will allow the plan to unfold but sometimes we become impatient and so that is something that we see from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and his advice to allah i know he's not belittling his sacrifice the prophet salaam is telling him look it will come it will come right he's giving him a sense of confidence as well a sense of certainty that that victory from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is coming and subhanallah beyond the victory of allah subhanahu coming you know when we talked about sumail remember the prophet saws just promised jannah and when we talked about the ansar when they came from madina and they told the prophet saws they will take him in and they'll undergo the sacrifices needed to support the prophet salallahu and madinah the prophet saw salaam said to them when they asked what they get in return he just said jannah he didn't tell them about all the other things and so what the prophet saws is telling is that islam the religion that you are striving for the religion you're being tortured for will succeed you might not live to see success in the worldly sense you might die in this way right you know you don't know what's going to happen to you in regards to your physical being and if the torture will be increased if you're going to die but the deen that you were tortured for initially will thrive because allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala will see his promise through that's what the prophet saws says to comfort him however think about this you know may allah be pleased with him and his parents he saw abu jahl killed in badr and the prophet saison knew that that meant something to him and it comforted him right and the prophet saws went to him and told him that allah has killed the one who killed your mother because all those years ahmad had to watch the man who subjected him to that torture and killed his parents he had to watch him walk with arrogance through the streets of mecca and the prophet saws told him that would kill his own master right in the battle of badr he would be the one to take the life of umayya to get his revenge back so you know ibn masrud would stand on abu jahl ahmad would watch abu in his own lifetime um who would comb the head of khabab with that iron and burned flesh off of his head and off of his back she had a sickness in her head as well and she you know she went to a point of insanity where to try to deal with the pain she tried to cauterize her head so the same punishment that she inflicted on khabab she would do it to herself and she started to take and comb the flesh off of her own head and khabab who could see that happening in front of his eyes subhanallah until she eventually perished you know as a result of her sickness and as a result of uh you know the the uh the insanity that she would encounter uh after what she had done to habab so allah subhanahu wa ta'ala answered and sibara who tortured khabab initially and who would carry out the torture on behalf of um who recalled that on the day of when hamza allah went out to duel remember before the actual battle there would be a duel he saw hamza of the allah and go forth and hamza dueled with sibara and he killed sibara on the day of before hamza of the allah himself was was martyred may allah be pleased with him i mean who did see those that tortured him what happened to them as a result and he would live to see as well the victory of islam as he would live all the way to the time of the allah and see the victory of islam he accompanied the prophet saisam in every battle serving honorably as he did from the very beginning there are a few notable incidents that i want to mention with one of them is a narration in the bukhari that says i went to al-assad and i demanded something that he owed me so he owed me some money and it could have been for a job that khabab had done for him but he owed khabab some money now is a very powerful man khabab has no one right and when i said to him when when i demanded allah he said to him he said look i'm not going to give you your money until you disbelieve in muhammad sallallahu alaihi sallam right check for muhammad and i'll give you your money go ahead and disbelieve in muhammad sallasam i'll give you everything that you want khabab responded and he said wallahi i will not disbelieve in muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam until you die and then you're resurrected meaning it's not going to happen right until the day that we're resurrected in front of allah he says will i die and then be resurrected are we resurrected after death remember these were people that didn't just believe in idol worship they didn't believe in either they didn't believe in a hereafter either so the allah and who said yes listen to the arrogance of him and uh in his answer to he said well i'll have wealth and children then and i'll pay you then okay so if we're going to be resurrected then i'll pay you your money then because surely i'm going to have wealth and children there as well and that is when allah subhanahu ta'ala revealed on behalf of in response have you seen the one who disbelieved in our signs and who says i shall certainly be given wealth and children okay the arrogance of us in his response to so that's actually the context of that ayah there's another incident which uh you know if you want to talk about up close and personal with the uh with the with the seerah and with one of the most famous incidents of the seerah and this is where i regret not having you all in front of me so we can start to connect some of the dots fatima the sister of omar remember we talked about one of the 10 promised paradise is married to fatima saeed and fatima secretly embraced islam okay and zaid was of course tortured by the father of um for being for being a monotheist before the revelation came and we and we know what happened there so either is the cousin of um and he's married to the sister of um he's married to fatima bintil the very famous incident where um was on his way to kill the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he was stopped on the way and told that you should handle the members of your household first he said what are you talking about he said don't you know that your sister fatima has embraced this religion and um said you know detour i'm going to go handle business at home first and he marches to the home of fatima and saeed when um who got there was actually in the house teaching them the quran okay so it's khabab fatima and saeed and when um who got there um would kill khabab right who again what's going to stop omar from killing khabab he's on his way to kill the prophet sallallahu what's going to stop him from killing maybe his sister his brother-in-law because it's family but what would stop him from killing kabbab so when when they knew that omar was at the door khabab hid okay so the incident where um bursts into his home and he and he goes into rage and he hits his sister fatima and that's when he feels sadness that's seeing what he's done to his sister fatima and then he sits and he reads surah taha right he reads the quran and um is moved guess what happens who comes out from behind the curtain and he says to um that i hope that allah wa ta'ala has answered the dua of the prophet saisam in regards to you and um what are you talking about and that's when khabab reveals to umar that he heard the prophet saws saying oh allah give victory to islam through one of the two omar's or one of the or the more beloved of the two omars to you and the prophet saws mentioned um was abu jahl the two staunchest enemies of the prophet sallallahu salallahu at the time but they both had leadership qualities and strength so the prophet saws said oh allah give victory to islam to the more beloved of the two to you and when khabab told um i hope that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has chosen you to be that one that the one that the prophet saws specified when he said um that's when um who went up and made his way uh to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was the one in the house when that all went down that was observing it from behind the curtain and then came out and who informed the law i know so he plays an integral role actually in the islam of as well because allah subhanahu used him as well to soften the heart of umar and to direct him to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam now later on uh subhan allah you you see that who lived alongside the prophet saw sallam became an honored man in the ummah the way that bilal was so i want you to fast forward now years and i'm talking about decades later and now sitting in the assembly is um and bilal and khabab and a bunch of people and it's in the khilaf now the prophet saws that islam started off as something strange and then it will go back to being something strange the way that it started okay so there is a period in between where islam was not strange where islam was victorious where the where the people of islam were living in prosperity and there was the growth of the deen and it was spreading throughout the world and this is that time um who khabab would have had to hide behind a curtain from to not be killed by him is now the khalifa of the prophet saws the man who he was out to kill that day and islam is no longer something to be hidden where fatima bintil or saeed mused have to hide their religion islam is spreading throughout the world and you have an assembly of these glorious sahabah bilal and who is no longer a slave tortured in the desert under a stone he's the he is the master who was freed by our master as we as referred to by um others our master freed by our master and so the sahaba are sitting and reminiscing on the days in which they have been through the hardships they have been through and um is praising bilal and praising khabab umar knows the suffering that these two men went through in particular for the sake of allah subhanahu tan and um expresses a preference to khabab he says the only per you know the only person uh you know more worthy than you in this assembly would be bilal right but he's talking to both of them and he's praising bilal and khabab the two greatest people freed by abu bakr greatest companions of the prophet saws and he's asking them about their days in islam and they talk about their days of torture subhanallah they recount their days of torture now as they are in a place of victory and lifts up his shirt to show um his back now um has seen a lot of hardship in life he's seen a lot of a lot of pain in life he's seen a lot but when he saw the back of khabab he was shocked because there was no flesh on the back of khabab it was completely melted and burned off and it had not healed fully and of his torture decades later as they're sitting in the majority of um in the assembly of the khalifa of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam says you see the promise that the prophet saws gave to him that islam will succeed and that they would go back and they would look at their moments and they would remember what they suffered for the sake of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala one of the things about people that are tested and we see this even in our lives that you see subhanallah some people that are tested allah i test them and test them and test them and you think of the hadith of the prophet sallallahu you know that the most beloved of people to allah subhanahu are the tested ones when allah loves the servant he tests him so he's going through test after test after test you read about the life of it is a life of trial it's a life of test and there's a narration from uh from al-qais that allah became so sick that he was cauterized on his stomach on his abdomen seven times so he was he was in extreme pain and went through another you know extreme difficulty uh due to his illness and he said lola is that had the prophet saws not forbidden us from invoking allah for death i would have certainly invoked allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for it and there's another narration he says that we went to visit and khabib was you know this is the the late the last days of khabab and he uh when he said when we visited we made hijrah for the sake of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam some of us passed away without taking any of their rewards in this world so some of us died as a result of the hijra as a result of our migration with the prophet saws without taking any of the reward of this world and khabab started to cry remembering he said i remember musa a man who lost everything for the sake of allah and when he was killed on the day of when we you know all we could find was his striped wool and cloak when we recover one half of his body the top half of his body the bottom half was exposed if we covered the bottom half the top half was exposed so allah so allah's messenger ordered us to cover his head and to and to put some grass on his feet and to use the the uh the rest of the cloth to cover him and khabab of the allah and who cried and he said some of us have had their fruits ripened in this world and are collecting them he was saddened because khabab would actually become very wealthy he'd become very wealthy and he was saddened by that because he said he was afraid of the ayah of habitum that you have exhausted or used all of the fruits all of the goodness all of your rewards you've taken your rewards in this world for your good and there's nothing left for you in the hereafter so he was worried that it was a form of istidraj a form of of allah subhanahu ta'ala putting the blessings forward and the only thing left in the hereafter would be punishment which is subhanallah amazing considering what this man had been through for the sake of allah and that's a lesson in staying humble if khabab did not feel entitled to the blessings of this world for all that he went through for the sake of allah who are we to feel entitled and to and to talk to allah subhanahu wa about allah as if he owes us like allah owed him anything everything he went through was for allah and he didn't have that sense of entitlement so even as he as time went on and his wealth had accumulated but he was extremely generous with his wealth he was afraid because if you are witnessing the beginnings of islam khabab is not supposed to make it out of the first few days of his torture right for all practical purposes is probably going to be killed in the first batch of those murdered for the sake of allah being a person of his status that comes out with his islam like that and is tortured that way he's not supposed to make it longer than all of these other people but he ends up outliving all these companions these great companions living all the way through to the khilafah of ali felt a sense of fear that maybe it was his companions that rushed and took the rewards of the hereafter while he was left behind and he was only gathering the rewards of this world of course that's an expression of his humility and that's what we learned from in this situation and uh i i end with a very beautiful saying from the allah he says that when i had come back from the battle of safin he said he passed by the qabar the grave of khabab radhiallahu ta'ala passed away in his khilafah and he went to visit his grave he said may allah have mercy on khabab he said he embraced islam with everything wholeheartedly and he performed the hijrah in full obedience he didn't hesitate with his islam nor did he hesitate with his hijrah and he lived his whole life as a mujahid striving for the sake of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and he said today and he he was he suffered in his body and his physical body for the sake of allah subhanahu wa uh in in ways that no one else had suffered and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will not let the reward of go to waste so surely his reward is assured with allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala we ask allah wa to be pleased with and those companions the sumayas of the world the bilals of the world the sahibs of the world those that struggled and strove in the way that they did we ask allah to be pleased with them and to gather us with them around our beloved sallallahu alaihi wasalam in jannah [Music] was you
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
Views: 155,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yaqeen institute, islamic research
Id: G4M8XJ13LS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 0sec (2580 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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