KeyShot Quick Tip - Creating All White Backgrounds

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[Music] welcome back to another key shock quick tip this one today is going to be a really quick quick tip we get this question a lot how do i create a super nice all-white background for my rendering well there's two ways and i'll show you right now the first option is to head over to your environment tab locate that background drop down by default keyshot uses the lighting environment as the background but we're going to switch that to color and just make sure that color is set to white which it is which is great and that right there is a really quick way to achieve a white background and keyshot now you're probably going to notice your shadows bleeding off the edge just a bit it's not perfectly white but it is a really fantastic and quick solution however if you're a keyshot pro user you'll have access to the photographic image settings in the image tab so with those on i'm going to switch over to linear and then scroll down to the layers drop down and just check off background color again make sure that's set to white and then you can see when i toggle this on and off the difference that it makes it really does clean up those edges and makes the background a really nice crisp white alright that's it for this keyshot quick tip thanks for watching
Channel: KeyShot
Views: 12,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keyshot, cg, 3d rendering, 3d animation, engineering, product design, marketing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 36sec (96 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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