Hey everyone, it’s Lena
here, and in this short video I’m excited to show you how to make music with Logic and KeyLab Essential. Let’s dive in. Logic comes with a dedicated
KeyLab Essential MIDI script which allows KeyLab Essential
to be recognized instantly after launching it alongside your DAW. However, it’s always good to make sure
you’re using the latest DAW versions to ensure the best KeyLab
Essential integration experience. Normally with the latest
DAW version you won’t need to dive deep into the menu to set it up, as it's done automatically
when you launch your DAW. Let's begin with the main encoder. The main encoder is used to navigate
through the tracks in Logic. Simply turn the encoder to move between tracks. Clicking the main encoder will
show or close the selected plugin, allowing you to access its parameters. Next, we have knobs 1 to 8 and faders 1 to 8. In device mode, these knobs
control various parameters of the currently focused plugin. Simply turn the knobs to
adjust the parameter values. This will allow you to shape your sound while playing with your instruments. Additionally, in mixer mode,
these knobs and faders control the volume and panning of the corresponding track. Use the knobs to adjust the parameters and slide the faders to control the volume and panning. Knob 9 and fader 9 have dedicated functions. They control both the volume and
panning of the selected track. You can use knob 9 to adjust
the panning position and fader 9 to control the volume level of the selected track. Now let's explore the contextual buttons. Contextual button nr 1 toggles between
device and mixer control modes. Use this button to switch between controlling the devices and the mixer in Logic. Contextual button nr 3 is used
to mute the selected track, while contextual button nr 4 is
used to solo the selected track. Now let’s move on to the pads. Pressing the pads will trigger sounds in Logic. This means that pads will send
midi notes and trigger the sounds coming from melodic or drum
instruments assigned to your track. This will be great for
finger drumming your rhythms. If you're using Analog Lab,
it's important to ensure that the correct device is
linked when you open the plugin. To have full control over Analog Lab, you can enter Analog Lab Mode by selecting the Arturia program using the Prog button. When Analog Lab is selected,
you can manage the plugin just like you would in standalone mode, including navigation,
selection, and applying effects. Okay, and that’s it! Hopefully this video demonstrates
how quick, easy, and fun it is to use KeyLab Essential with Logic. For more detailed information on
KeyLab Essential and how to use it, make sure to watch the rest of our
‘how to’ videos on our channel. Thanks for watching and see you soon.