Kevin Van Dam Tips on Strike King Ned Rig & Thunder Cricket

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all right now let's get up there and fish with we've covered so much more ground economy Chinese the truth Wow Wow [Music] [Music] - overlying playing tackle boxes there [Music] I [Music] exciting part for me is that I still and every day I get up and and this punches I've seen over the years all different ages we've had I used to just this week ourselves and if you were totally twenty there's no and I ended the rain like this and I had had 4.5 years principal and and Oh [Music] lines today but samanther and dryer [Music] and here was always up every year every damn store that's what's hard to be that I still just don't think I do things out here's these names to use for this reason so there's definitely a lot you know different things that came out last year really glasses I that's you I like to [Music] what I is [Music] that's why great tool Alicia tonight [Music] laughs so that was with hot water congratulations this has been about problems in geometry and I mean Frankie's here on so much at stake partner that was super stretchy boy and he took my magazines and he started and ten years clásico said I'll bring it works for me and I really did and over the years I've been couple of those things like that that come out and I just really did have real quick remember original slogan that was the first release of bison jerky it makes a lot of sense so the nectarine again this is a very new person and that's ranking so they original concept that takes artistic work piece of it now they made them PRV [Music] it's a small piece of stick work and it's predominately head it's got a lot of power wire to it that is what you gotta learn enacted fish her out there he's here [Music] is the biggest it is out there let us sink to the bottom it's like a massive steel and I they are was trying to hammer this guy right here who [Music] maybe [Music] first we try this and we [Music] [Music] because I really like to [Music] the Towson in Ohio basically you can happen [Music] [Music] and I still have the proper safety head Vito rate saw Marco awaited my favorite the best days this might be where the plant I [Music] [Music] [Music] like that it's for that guy [Music] beauty of these web pages really what there I like [Music] but the guy wasted almost exclusively breathalyzer that's been across with [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa but penis - OH - it's like asking the guy for a while each hope I just been popular ten compering power [Music] [Music] [Music] you don't know where that you're not yeah the only place probably better than this right now the place is the best whatever that may be and these swimmers that'll really efficient condition and all that's telling your size [Music] no stinger major third page rank Masons like that this implies that really this is her white it's a really [Music] a wire [Music] it's got a it's vibrating actually a lot [Music] get up and jump off the side as much [Music] any predator uses the landline to the old one town right these are just super right it's almost a third mate type attitude water wind really [Music] [Music] like that way to swallow in your life this kind of disappearances I like to do relax a little softer just a lot of mentions where we they buy suspense different basic lots of tickets positive Lance Roberts and last week so I think the sensitivity can be able to grasp identification of red lights was that slow or softer action that last time out here that's very good for things like that but itís natural things like that we're doing or the try to be able both part of he likes around here my color is wait swimmers or last drop something that has a little bit of act or the has participant winners like that - something like that everywhere now and goldwater's or early spring when the first base without control when I first come out of the gate another one is a little frightening this is another way that tensions a lot of patience a super-good regulates a lot of attitude flat sides and a tight vibration [Music] that outfit one of things about radish head is every time it politic just has a quiver to like it was like a real kind of Wiggles back down to the bottom and attach stop there just like that always fighting I thought that's a lot of fun it's a lot of trickier [Music] like I have it's important to have a temporary position it poses and when you got books like this the OL and the victorious nation is burdened these rats the other basis today I [Music] the cold water is to slow it down a lot of those natural three visits would be so happen in your life decrepit frustrating [Music] [Music] I've got a square head and the same thing the liberal speak because it sneaks I could [Music] this quarter dollars awesome because I can really anywhere that soon [Music] these relays I think this do a lot of things but if you kind of stop the startup a lot of sweaters just by that despite making life decisions oh the fishery that I was in they make baits out there in this case [Music] I almost really better [Music] it [Music] Hey do you miss a chair and then it's go I haven't still love us penetrate its penetrated every tool in on this is very much in the diviner [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] older times the year after that's where a little bit comes but if you watch the tournament you see a lot techniques and they've all got the Bombers we've worked a lot too there's a lot of the sizes available because of that way that lady pushes water I run over to the bottom to hold down two thousand cups you know to create sounds 1/2 5/8 out in since May deformation the same thing really happen at the suite mates first came out there which is the big 10 sure you'd love to visit the small one up off the top that we got states in all sizes Commission talked about a lot [Music] I say it's part as generators as his comments made he makes it work itself our confidence in defending attachment is a lot anything that you choose [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] positive reviews or something [Music] [Music] for this small matter for it is the best smallest Terrace excluding Appomattox was the linebacker itself and that doesn't believe me why
Channel: Eternal Angler
Views: 301,549
Rating: 4.4153438 out of 5
Keywords: kevin van dam tips, kevin van dam bass fishing tips, strike king ned rig, strike king thunder cricket
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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