Kevin Hart's daughter on her dad's embarrassing jokes

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60 Minutes Overtime happy times I'm ready look at me good move I'm ready Vibe let's Vibe this week on 60 Minutes we're doing a profile of Kevin Hart we spent a couple days with him in Los Angeles nice that's great Kevin was a shoot with his daughter heaven for fabex which is an apparel company that Kevin is involved with Kevin Hart tells a lot of stories about his family on stage and lot of them are embarrassing me and my kids talk in one of his uh standup specials what now he tells a story about his kids giving him gifts I recently got mad at my kids because I feel like my kids don't put a lot of thought into the gifts that they give me piss me off I'm serious he's told jokes about you on stage what's that like well you know it's great it's fantastic you're lying you got some of them suck some of them definitely suck why is he blowing my business out there he's a little sneaky guy it gives her a place to sleep okay you know where food comes from but I will say that the older she got she got more vocal with what she liked what she didn't so in all seriousness she talked to about it 100% you know as your kid grows older you have to be a little more conscious of what you're doing based off of what they feel and what they like and what they don't and I made a promise to her so I haven't talked about her since cuz she gave me like a hard threat I did I threatened him right so I stood on yeah I appreciated it 60 minutes and this what you want huh this Kevin Hart famously works out every day at like 5:00 a.m. and I'd heard this I'd seen it on his Instagram I think Kevin Hart actually does workout every day he's in really really good shape we met up with him for a workout and it was a tough workout it was no joke come on and's going to throw up in the car I just caught a piece of my reflection in that mirror and I get it I get it I get all the hype you talk to Kevin's friends they'll tell you that he up in a pretty tough neighborhood in North Philadelphia in a one-bedroom apartment with his mom Nancy Hart his brother Robert Kevin's dad was was in and out of his life an addict for a long time was addicted to to drugs his mom wasn't thrilled about standup she didn't like the atmosphere she didn't like smoking she didn't like cursing she didn't like the drinking in in a comedy club so she never actually went to see him perform standup comedy but as Kevin said she was supportive very supportive of him from afar and I told her I was like I'm gonna do like comedy I'm gonna be a comedian my mom didn't Flinch she didn't Flinch she didn't have a negative reaction and she H support you she gave me a year you got a year her exact words you got a year to figure it out I got an apartment and I was struggling I couldn't pay the rent and she kept asking me did I read my Bible and I was like no right now is in the time for me to read my Bible like I'm going through it mom they going put this pink notice on the door and then one day I was like man let me just read this Bible so I can tell her I did it and I know I'm being honest and I opened up the Bible all the rent checks fell out she had like the rest of the year's rent checks in the Bible Kevin our when Kevin you know looks at where he is now he credits all of the experiences that he has gone through to get him where he is where like I grew up in how I grew up if you had have taken any level of hardship out of the equation I'm 1,00% sure that I don't that I don't get here you wouldn't change anything in your I would not change anything because it got you to exactly where you are I would not change anything every piece of good every piece of bad you feel like things are supposed to happen and it's supposed to be perfect it's not supposed to be you hear about where people have come from and where they were able to get to that story is so great cuz it's like this and mine is like this and then it's and then like this and then it's like this and then like this it's a lot of it and I love it man I I I truly am appreciative for every stage of it like every single stage
Channel: 60 Minutes
Views: 456,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 60 Minutes, CBS News, Kevin Hart
Id: PtLZKFEbml0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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