Kevin Bridges' Offensive Christmas Gifts & Festive Singing | The Jonathan Ross Christmas Show

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okay oh okay it's a tough one that is a tough one okay you good to go yeah and let the time start now Santa real deal oh that's been on it hey [Applause] on them [Applause] Kevin uh what about you for Christmas how are you uh are you someone who's easy a buy for are you someone who uh what sort of gifts do you get I get quite offensive gifts so you think you get to like your mid-30s people start getting your moisturize on yeah but then they sit and explain why they've got you certain products this is an eye robot it's just for the big bags under your eyes yeah add big bags undermines until last Christmas I actually got a gift I get a Garmin another watch yeah oh yeah man you'd have loved it it tells you your that I don't understand anything but it's telling me my VO2 max yeah does that make sense yeah and how much distance you've done uh what was the elevations yeah but I don't understand what is a VO2 max it's basically your max what do you say it's your V it's your max of the VO2 ah fascinating [Laughter] this series everyone it was quite a nice amicable atmosphere there you know it felt like you really have made friends that you'll you'll keep for possibly for life no definitely I've gone well with everyone and particularly AJ I built a good bond with their images I think I'm just seeing myself as a kid that's why yeah but I think everyone was nice and we really enjoyed it they're a bit too nicely did you enjoy the show Kevin nah two I'm a couple I would say that was a quick lying brows everybody was looking people wanted to see Shane Richie and Vernon K having a Belmont after I turned on the god Channel everybody's sitting crying around the fire Christmas day I'll probably go 10 to 12 miles 10 to 12 hours yeah wow how long will that take you let's take you about an hour but I know well 12 miles should have taken about an hour 15 minutes 10 miles I'll go I'll be like 61 minutes I would accept that on an Uber yeah that's impressive yeah it started to map my run up yeah and then you can look at the actual map of where you've run yeah and I'd run at some point taunt and come back and I noticed on the app it was quite a phallic shape that's what I thought the next day if I just hit a rate of this hill I can get a right testicle that's my mission for lockdown it's trying to get back walking this up he's gonna cut my shot all runs through pubes on um do you uh do you have a sing song on Christmas because I saw you doing karaoke in I'm a celebrity and it wasn't I wouldn't say it's your greatest talent I know what my weakness are I can't sing or dance but I just know it's always as long as they just said oh the gays are gold medals yeah I love the fact that there is a slightly condescending no towards an Olympic champion not just a bunch of gold medals um but the reason I ask you so I know Bradley is a very musical family of course Bradley we know has had hit albums ladies and gentlemen he's a big singing star now on top of all his other skills and also Barney is a very gifted pianistmas as well don't you think I do yeah yeah so I guess you have a do you have a sing song at Christmas in your house oh we do yeah we do I quite enjoy it we love getting the karaoke out that's quite fun yeah that is fun but it's a yeah I quite like that it's nice well I wonder whether we could tempt you to do uh lead us in a bit of a Christmas Sing song here this evening a Christmas Christmas song we have a piano we can bring out if you are free do you know any Christmas tunes Barney I do yeah okay let's bring out the piano and Bradley I want you to take the lead yeah we'll all take a lineage okay you point to us when you want to do the line but if any of us aren't up to standard please feel free to stop it we'll do it again well no I think I think what it is it's like a parlor party sort of uh sing song in it like you would at Christmas there we go yeah okay go on Barnes you're up [Applause] you go have yourself oh it's nice [Applause] make the Yuletide [Music] okay next year all our troubles will be miles away here we are here we are as in olden days happy Golden Days of yours Faithful Friends who are dear to us gather near to us once more much someday soon we should all be together be together if the fates are loud [Music] [Applause] a shining everybody come on [Music] merry Christmas everybody I'll tell you what singing is harder than it looks
Channel: Kevin Bridges
Views: 207,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kevin Bridges, Kevin Bridges Stand Up, British Comedy, Comedy, Stand Up Comedy, Glasgow, Scotland, christmas songs, last christmas, kevin bridges, british comedy, comedy, stand up comedy, glasgow, scotland, the jonathan ross show, itv, jonathan ross, chat show, hollywood, celebrity, stand up, comedian, stand up comedian, jonathan ross chat show, interview, sofa, holiday, scottish comedian, kevin bridges interview, jonathan ross show kevin bridges, kevin bridges christmas, michelle keegan
Id: 0NHWKgJIn6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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