Kermode Uncut: Your Scariest Moments

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welcome to covered uncut a week or so ago I did a blog post about new British horror film called Borderlands which in its final act had really creeped me out and I said did you see it you know did it have the same effect on you and what really gets under your skin in terms of horror movies loads of responses to this many people saying yeah the final act of Borderlands really bothered them some people saying well you know it's a found footage movie here is some of your responses to the question of what gets under your skin this is from Natalie the window scene in Salem's Lot which is an American TV film adapted from the Stephen King story continues to frighten me even just thinking about it it's really funny that window scene from Salem's Lot comes up time and time again the tapping on the outside of the window it is a really really creepy sequence she goes on to say in Jennifer's body when Megan Fox is in a man to say for his kitchen after her bad night out and she smiles really closely say for its face I do think Jennifer's body is a very very underrated film I think it's a smart script I didn't necessarily think it was terrifying that kind of smart and satirical but nice to see it brought up this from Grubb basura I was very satisfied by the board lands not since Exorcist 3 have I felt so nervous watching a film on a minuscule budget they've made a film that really got to me I'm a huge horror fan I loved it please don't be put off seeing it because it's a found footage film for once the camera work is not obtrusive and migraine inducing like Paranormal Activity or Devil's Due it's terrific Exorcist 3 came up time and time again a couple of you posted saying think X is 3 is scarier than the Exorcist well I disagree but I do love Exodus 3 and just as an update as many of you will know I've been involved for ages and ages and trying to gather a director's cut of xs3 Legion put together but as yet the original elements still have not been found but I do live in hope that at some point everyone will be able to see Bill Blackie's original cart of the exodus 3 Legion because that really was something remarkable this from Al Shepard despite having a degree in human anatomy I'm not very good at body horror I had to close my eyes in the surgery scene in prometheus though I was newly pregnant this is very interesting because this gets right to the heart of how much is a film scare you because it's a really well-made film or how much it's ki because of something that particularly bothers you or something that's happening to you in the case of the borderlands I do think it is well-made but it does play writing to my fears of course true phobia I remember seeing the feature film buried which is set entirely in a coffin and finding that an extremely hard watch it was also I thought an extremely good movie which brings us to this from Kenny Babb in terms of ratcheting up the fear count the descent and funny games both versions of funny games were almost unbearable somebody said to me read the descent watch it in the dark and this was virtually impossible at times I spent most of it under the covers watching those two films again you wish the situation is not as you know it will turn out the first time I saw the descent a really terrifically brilliant very very claustrophobic movie I remember being completely panic-stricken by that that sense of enclosure I gave that film the Kermode awards for I think it was best production design it was made for no money at all and it's extraordinary what they managed to do with it it's just come out in a new blu-ray edition if you haven't seen it I imagine most of you have but if you haven't seen it it is really worth watching it is a perfect example of just what you can do on a really tight budget if you're inventive and smart you have a single idea and you stick to it the descent is a really terrific horror movie this from Brian's shallow I went to sit with a friend who was claustrophobic to the point where he found watching alien uncomfortable and was nearly as entertained by him squirming and hyperventilating in his chair as I was by the film friends like these here's a few more this is what I expected to see mentioned this is from angelic Jim the Japanese version of ring scared me witless the whole film has an omnipresent sense of dread and then that ending finished me off of course we should take this opportunity once again to apologize for the fact that I introduced the original ring on channel 4 film for many years ago and I committed the unforgivable crime of saying and this is scene in which this thing happens you got to find that ring scary which of course nobody did after I'd blown it was a very important plot spoiler lesson for me this from spangly specs I'm very much a wuss when it comes to horror so this may be a bit calmer for your taste but the Silence of the Lambs freaked me out and just thinking about it still does the interesting thing with science of the Lambs whatever it comes up I also talked about Anthony Hopkins performance being a little pantomime Dame it you know 80s liver with some fava beans and a nice candy we say well actually if you want a really really scary Hannibal Lecter the person you really want is Brian Cox in Manhunter the Michael Mann film just the other week I was involved in a screening sorcerer of the William frickin film I was talking to William freaking and just coincidentally the subject of Manhunter came up and William Friedkin told me that when he was initially putting Manhunter together Michael Mann got in touch with William Friedkin and said I want you to be involved and frickin said well how you're directing the film he said no no I want you to be in it I want you to play how to pull Lecter freakin said was very worried about what that meant about their relationship this is an interesting post from Wright Flyer a few things from TV freaked me out threads about a nuclear attack and aftermath made by the BBC in 1984 didn't sleep for a couple of days after that threads always comes up in this kind discussion as does the stone tape which is written by Nigel Kneale directed by psst I think and is really really creepy and stays with people people remember eighths remember seeing it a long time ago and it really really stays with them and this whistle and I'll come to you made in 1968 with Michael Horton and directed by Jonathan Miller which is absolutely brilliant really sort of chilling really spine-tingling I remember few years ago I was on a train station and I saw Jonathan Miller about to get on the train and I ran up to him surprised him and said I just had to tell you I think whistling I'll come to you is absolutely brilliant and he just went I think it's something that people say to him a lot just a few more of these I mean there were so many responses this is from Daisy I like this I'm not seeing bored lines but audition is the most unsettling film I've ever seen you just don't have a clue what's going on half the time and also go sort of normal to just completely bizarre as I've said before I first saw that at the Edinburgh Film Festival 10 o'clock in the morning but the friend that colleague neither of us had any idea what the film was about in fact for the first 20 minutes we thought it was a kind of you know strange offbeat romantic comedy and then the thing with the bag happens and everything changes it really really scared the life out of us it was brilliant this from hush the last horror movie that really affected me was martyrs I would go so far as to say it was traumatic there were numerous occasions I wanted to stop watching it haunted me for days after and even recalling it now gives me the chills despite the fact I don't think I'll ever watch it again I'd fully recommend it to anyone who appreciates true horror movies I did a blog about martyrs when it first came out saying it was the closest I had come to walking out of a film without actually walking out and when I got to the end I was glad that I've stuck it through but it's certainly not something you'd want to go back to again genuinely traumatic genuinely genuinely horrible gonna finish with this this is from touch finder and this is a very nice entry it simply says liberar take 210 a X and Ferris hello to Jason Isaacs
Channel: kermodeandmayo
Views: 185,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mark Kermode (TV Personality), The Borderlands, Salem's Lot, Jennifer's Body, Megan Fox, Amanda Seyfried, Exorcist 3
Id: wB4fB5SuS4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 18 2014
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