Kenzo Tange Lecture: Wang Shu, "Geometry and Narrative of Natural Form"

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good afternoon everyone is with great pleasure that I introduce today Wang Shu of amateur architecture studio Wang Shu is the Kenzo tange a professor at the GSD this year the chair honors the architect Kenzo tange gay and his works by bringing distinguished architects to the GSD from around the world every year the professorship has been held by Alvaro Siza Raphael manao Enric Miralles Peter Zampa Kazi OSA Jima Grafton architects Ben Ben Buerkle and many others Wang Shu is the first Chinese national architect to hold the Tong a professorship he is the founder of amateur architecture studio with Lu Wing you and professor and head of architecture at the Chinese China architecture I'm sorry or China Academy of art his work is renowned around the world and he is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards including the French architecture Academy's gold prize in this year the shelling architecture award in 2010 the special honor at the Venice Biennale 2010 holcomb award for sustainable construction 2005 the academy award of china 2004 and many others the list is very long this is an important period as many of you know and the history of architectural multi called architectural multi cultural exchange between the United States and China because China has become the context for some of the most advanced and adventurous architectural works today embracing Western architects in ways that no one could foresee just two decades ago encountering the disparity between advanced design techniques and the low-tech methods of fast-track construction practices in China today many of the foreign architects and China have failed to build their buildings well there or fail to strategically deploy the rough or imprecise methods to achieve specific and intentional architectural works Wang Shu is among the most experimental an outspoken contemporary architects there who attacks this problem head-on almost as if he is a foreigner in his own land reflecting on the conditions there as if from afar from a perspective that no one else can gain the work of his firm undertakes radical means to combine traditional forms and construction methods with contemporary spatial arrangements the projects have established a new idiom using recycled and familiar materials tiles and bricks mainly he produces painterly and tectonic compositions of walls and landscapes projects such as the China Academy and the Ningbo historic museum two of his most well known works sculpt new masses of enormous power pierced by meandering promenades reminiscent of lake wa boo CA or hole or seiza but with even greater intensity and imagination the rise and fall of ramps weave ramps weaving in and out of his buildings reserves for and exposes to the inhabitants a radically private experience of space the three-dimensional paths tracing out these unusual circular motions in a new topological conception are really some of the most inventive we've seen the sites between buildings are as powerful as the interiors that they both derive from the same thermal environment sharing it as if there is no tension between the inside and the outside the context for this type of space is infrequently delineated by thermal boundaries in his work a fact - rarely exploited to architectural ends in China but one that is actually widely available only he has seen this only he seems to recognize the potentials that so many have been unable to recognize there as I've said his idiomatic contributions breaking through certain protocols of practice isolating conditions within the rules that regulate the relationships between the Institute's that govern the practice there and designers he has done things that the foreigners all envy it is really a remarkable evening to have him here with us I ask you to welcome him he has come so far and this is an occasion that means a great deal to me personally thank you so much Wang Shu yeah thank the professor's code because they do the so long and deep instruction to my works I think maybe my lecture have finished I don't know what I can speak forward continue Thanks and it's a really owner to teach here and we have a really good student they had a very great continued pension on the research and design some different things so today I won't give the lecture his name its geometry and the narrative Fernet report they have a very important relation to my research thinking and works of course I want a little bit deeper to explain what's the thinking and experience even work in my works and what about I understanding about the Chinese local culture yeah because now in in the folded China and all of the world the people they had the interesting to turn on now so but it's forward of can't worked okay okay we have many many gasps imagination to the China outside of China but when you really have the trip visit China we all find the the reality is quite different to your imagination of total China so what about the real reality what about imagination about the China I think when we do anything the first we show that did we become clear no clear you'll say this picture is beautiful picture it I come from here my I'm to architecture studio is also working here it's a my city Hangzhou there's painting be penned once all in the years ago inside time Hangzhou before the Mongolia conquered China Hangzhou is China's capital they have more than 1 million population yeah what this focused the city yeah in the Marco Polo spokes you can rate he had visit Hangzhou he caught is the most beautiful most a large-scale city in sight on remember mean in population it also in sight I'm the Turner topped a top point about his culture about the great landscape paintings point and in the here the first time that people the event printed books on the on the paper the techniques about the print and the first time one nation they have money print on the paper in this city is a it's many many fantasy scenes here in that time and I think for the archetype the mostly interested in seeing says he's a most the Tapco landscapes eighties model yellows China so the main ECT Lin is a modal from this city you will see this picture is not about this summer lake on the server it's a downtown center all the city is the landscape so it's not you can't separate aware is Alessia various architecture right the city varies you just older city is a beautiful system about landscape so you have the big influence is the most important tradition in China I think about the city about architecture it's a hunger here its position it's called a sauce Easter China here is a Shanghai and of course some wise just have we seen two hundred years history its before the two hundred years is its small village fulfill a but Hangzhou in the vents of the years ago we had the van million population biggest the city is older this area here is a nimble is a gorge improving it's a judge on province is very important in China because its culture for example many people who see the Japan is counter the big influenced by China is not true these are the big influenced by this prevents culture the China is that too abstract concept in that time Mongolia conquered the nose China here is the South China here as a capital so that you can these people they can have the sea trip they can directly count here so they get a big influence from here so usually I don't like to talk all the China because the China is a very it's a very new concept it's very nationalist concept china is in fact is something like this they keep the rich were ready diversity culture is a big large area in a many many local culture that composing together it means china we don't have some China still feather China's Foom something like this no it is more important things about the real local things for example this this province it's the area is similar to French but we have a 15 million population but how many many art many idea concept about the city about architecture why they happened here because they have a very spatial situation this prevents 50 million population but moves and said 70 percent is a monkey a twenty percent is a water river and lake only ten percent the land is the people they can use to do the farm field it can be with a house and a city something like this so then why they have a very strong tradition about elected that are they turn around the city have strong relation to the landscape because the people they chose think about how to use most a few land to build the city they shall leave the majority line to do the farm field to do the agriculture production so they have our spatial completion in this area to happen many interesting things this Hangzhou I come the city 25 years ago its first time the city like this is the tong tong you don't see there it's a little bit that you can see the building but it's the landscape 25th later now this is the downtown like this it's really in China we have the big change just within 25 years originally where where is the mountain the mountain the far-distant so it's poetry we have a big change of course that this area is very rich is the most reach every in China I think is similar to United States will reach this area but it's very important seeing say it's a very stern channel what you cannot see here is it the China what about this various is where I don't know is the where it's the oldest world it can see many plays like this so I think the most important things now the China many people they worry about where is the China we have the sophists development big change then finally we found we lost the one scene where is the China s a hangzhou now Elsie is Hondo Islam is a Hong Kong no is handle there's a Hong Kong no is Hangzhou we will see the mountain here it's a necessity it's a hunger inside they are find because they developed so fast so traditional city it's just a leaf summer pieces here is the new city it totally mixed very high density makes together now they have no that 8 mating population 25 years ago when the first time come to here is the steel one male in population now it's 8 mating population living here you'll see the CT divided too fast the deductively is the countryside farm field village together like this is a new fun is that when not traditional it's a new farm village like this it's a city it's either go over to the city we have worried large mountain new heavy system where you'll find then it's anything like this 4th eternal it's very special you know we have a so strong landscape seat condition paintings history and the landscape own history when the people they can do something like this it's it's it's the landscape in China they have the meaning Monier some are religion you know in China the people in fact many people know believe don't believe anything they don't have some feeling about the religion but let's get in Charlie have very important it's most similar to summer religion when the people they can do something they destroy the nature like this don't care about anything you it is made in China some of very very important things lost the people they can do anything they don't care anything they just want a development they just won't get Anna money something like this it's in our city's far distance server incited wanting they'll fund even the even the village they have that big change in China is very spatial ASA we have separated system city and the countryside the cities in the count becomes farmer the firm the account become citizen they have a very separate systems the architect no Charles worked in the countryside they just can work in the cities so in the in the countryside that's building we designed and constructed just by farms themselves it no architect of working in the countryside but this deal has many many new buildings the people they just want change they want some new things they don't know really know the meaning was about new about her new life they just want to become new the judgment becomes change something like this then the people they compete to each other and the building gradually build a higher and a failure something like this this a Hangzhou in fact to to the 25 years ago and first time come to here the city still like this is the city is the lake is the dongseong is in here but for the landscape meaning about city is this fungal half is the building half is the landscape I don't own it between it's like this it's beautiful model about cities they keep this model for Vance only years no change then 25 - - no there's a Hondo the old city is here and oh this spring is Hondo is less let's um a nuclear bomb boom almost the ten times extended ten times over the city scale just amazing twenty five years ah but it's a still better than Shanghai I think yeah we still keep this area we call the vast Lake down power it's very interesting right so we talked about how the architect of ice Tuesday's spatial situation so fast development and explore explosion and the wave of the development in fact just ten years ago in China almost no people for the common people few people they know the meaning about urban planner architects its architects and urban planner it's a no society position in the society the people that don't know what meaning about architects just the ten years ago you know so twenty years ago in fact just that we see in the Academy we have the sharp discussion about the future about direction about a China's development of the city's architecture development that in the 1980s the sharp discussion inside charm is a beautiful time 1980s for China for Chinese beautiful time but after eight 1989 this is the determine event after this the old country become is at a big change they have a more open policy to the people suddenly everyone are free every architect they've become businessman no people continue to discourse about thinking about theory of a future about direction no people have the turn to discuss about this no people they have time to sinking what happened then everybody they just won't get in the money they become the business big business mind and something like this just a few very few ugly chapter they still do some serious thinking they still won't do some a series at experiment like me I think the older China may be just as three architects continue do some serious works something like this so in the two thousand years I finished my PhD study in Shanghai Chengdu University and I got my job in Hangzhou in National Art Academy but I've indeed just before I leave don't even a CT the ding of the architecture school led me to this office they tell me that we make the big mistakes we just defined you are so influenced people you study here like the secret new people no you study here you just like the secret it's just that people you live we find you are wrong soon you'll state in my school something like this then they invite me asked me do you want Stadion Tongji University become the teacher we have give you a spatial policy because insight an we just around some people they created all set of China they can't become teacher in Tongji no local student can become the teacher and told you in that time they gave you a spatial condition please stay here don't go to Hangzhou I refused why he's very surprised you refused No so many young students architects they want to become a teacher in these families University you refuse that position why I give the answer is very simple I tell him for me Shanghai is now China Hangzhou is a steel is the China so I don't means is I come back to Hangzhou is a compact to China yeah it's my way so in fact I think to the American people they invent the concept are called the colorization but in all those world rich countries is mostly love this concept collaboration I think is the China the channel it's a welcome revelation then ah in the past 25 years they do very incredible things is the Welcome collaboration then they destroyed demolished their traditional buildings and everything's about 90 percent I said I think that the big things in in this world its biggest the news in the every media if they're really people to think about it is van country they have three to five thousands years history they keep the sole reach contour scenes traditional things then they do the big decision demolish it ninety percent adjust in the past 25 years they do this really do this than they build some new things yeah they copied from others world they won't have the new things become more powerful more similar to a murder I think in fact it's the answer China Armand they won't become American they don't want become China they won't become America this is that answer for this past 25 years history so for me I can't do this as I don't see anything because it's just happened before me and I show gave some reaction response so it's the white I think it's a professional event planner and architect assistant do this do this disaster they they do this visa garment together do this so I think maybe we need another kind architect this is the why I called my studio is the armature architecture studio I'm studio is the auto system I'm keep the distance like I won't have some an independence position do some really serious thinking and to talk about some Chinese culture is not about concept abstract concept is really come from the earth from the land from the local condition so today I want to talk about a very interesting thinking to me there's a for long time in the past 13 years I have an interesting is about in fact it's about the relation from the Chinese landscape drawing system a condition to the architecture and urban planning system what is about the relation icing the first conclusion after my research is in this country in past I think at least 1000 years we have a landscape architecture system that called whole country it's not just about summer gardens some landscape beside some buildings some a park no it's the system it's a very complete system in its core word old countries but meaning about this Hangzhou it's a city oh the city is the landscape there are they are cave to you some deep discussion about the meaning about oh the city is the landscape it's a painting most advanced all new years ago in Zion in China we have many painting electors this the very famous we called it I don't know how to translate this name it means it's very large-scale vision about this area it's a painting and from the sea to the inside continent it's a very large vision it's very long this painting look about twenty meters long its traditional if the height is not verified look like this but it's very very long as painting in Zion we have many painting like this it's interesting is the white people that join something like this now see I taught it to full pieces because it's too long you can see more clear from the oh sorry from the sea here maybe here is a Japan now there is our jumper means then going to is a young the river and going to maybe here it's a suit ran previous yeah something like this it's a I think it's very important it like some philosophy vision it's a that people they really has clear some concept kind of feeling it want oh these ever become the huge large-scale landscape the landscape is something that the mixed artificial things and natural things together it's also about very tactical Chinese philosophy we called where the people that really understand what this is means you you understand the dolls system what means that a doll the dough is to the people something more important than the human is the nature and nature is the human's teacher on a want to time the summer life they really have the some very harmony relation to the nature you shall in like the nature become your teacher there's a lineage and the Chinese believe we can create some scene the system very very near natural system there's a taught philosophy it's a firm a large-scale landscape to where every person's left-hand everything they have if they invent many scene want to do this maybe you just produce the teacup they also you can't do something like this they think we can do something very very near the natural feeding not the nature very similar nature why we like nature that that the feeling like this so in fact in China just about 100 years ago no architect no urban planner is another system our system is early call this it's cooler plus France main a system like this the school or many schooler is also like some philosopher is a point is artists they can do the painting and also is a common feature some amateur artists something like this we have we don't have a middle class in China in the transition the society no middle class we have a scholar class as a very large scale in China they have a higher education lever maybe he's just a farmer they planned on his field but when they finish his farm works that go back to house they read the book write a poem and painting his Hut is construct the buildings this is an a very quite different system so weak they can share something up from the panting and to think about what about this system it's a huge scale let's get system I think is a compound that very scientifically research and the very pointy imagination together it's about the patient's wide early insight I'm the people that drawing something like this it has a huge vision maybe it just to think some it is like some special medium is maybe you think up some what building they are Beauty here very small scale but to your vision is huge then you think about small things so you really we talk about what is secret about the Chinese garden I'll make how to make in the Chinese garden the secret is suggested for Chinese is Edward your own gender Darwin SEO this meaning is how to think about you do some to some big things in small things how to do small things in fixings this version is the philosophy principle how to think about is what meaning about it as first you'll always find maybe they think about that place I want claiming here but in your heart usually the people the Chinese written talk about in your brain in your heart it's a big division like this it's another joy and also that that term this beautiful really your phone is it's a big vision button on the side you will see the detail the difference is very carefully it's like the design you know the China Chinese pantry have another tradition later they have a reach trip investigation research on site but they don't join outside I for joy and in a compact to fall to his a studio here and some they joined justify the memory the judge that joint justified understanding about the the nature principles this the joy what meaning of the disco I sing is very similar to design you know they can be maybe they have a one month investigation here large-scale area family they have two Jones's experience understanding in a small pepper in some limit about area there you re composition everything together it's not just about to see something similar to something like this this means that deep understanding about it so is the Chinese maybe they can see this is a traditional Chinese architects joy like this yeah I think that's true because many people it maybe you'll have visit Chinese garden in Sujal that scarred is no joy when they build their gardens no drawings they just had joined like this no professional architecture join like today we do it as professional Giants they just have the joining like this then directly reference this join to build to construct so it's very interesting how to do it it's a quite different system yeah another resizing talk about the hate of the vu thinking and deliberation what meaning the see is an another famous painting this painting in is be collecting in New York in the Metropolitan Museum in New York it's once all the years ago how about this now we just want to help give you some are fading this means is that become another direction about the radical to talk about some philosophy this the the first is about horizontal vision now it began radical but about the tips this painting you are find in fact is structurally have a three different apart and it it just the environment is means they have a three different experience here it not just about some of form is not somewhat three different is sports one site is about another site they have independent levitation narrative system here it's quite different it's also like this one this one side another side is one root is going to this way and another route to go into this boy here is the multi something like this this missin it's a little bit similar to the modern art clip a CERN painting they want to join a different side and so object together same time yeah it's another drawing like this you will find they have a two part this this part I call it inside this part it called outside the inside is a huge Keith some a schooler the reading the book writer pointer here is a huge cave and this is the outside it's not just about summit directly drawing some natural things it's about understanding it is about the recomposition about nature yeah it's the inside and have a to scholar here in fact piece of are important is about some a value system about the philosophy it's opposed to one one thousand and a five hundred years ago in China contrary the big chant about the direction that people they really feet and boiled politics hit the reality they have many civil war many disaster many destroy so people directly turning his attention to nature just for nature it's the big chain there's a why we have this great tradition from as a time the people they spend vents on and faith Henry year to think about how that people they can live with the nature sings together how like the people of life architecture say T joining porn similar to some real natural things who sinking and will in fact in China past align what means the baseline Ural a the best life is a mass cooler they're living in mountain countryside it's a like summer we are something like this it's very topical this is a schooler here wife three two or three children they're living here very deep mountain a the in fact it's very difficult and difficult life you know you live in the deep mountain is not very convenient it's worriedly keep the rubber far distant to the root to the common life to the rural society to the cities the living here but you are fine his building is very carefully to construct this not just means I'm pro-life it living here and maybe some students here something like this it is also like some schooler living in the mountains we have the transition the early when the live in the when the oh the country have some disorder situation and have some a big disaster on the comment and and really I think oh we shall go into the mountains to ask the schooler test cooler what's a lot way what's this about answer to this reality is our culture so it's a schooler to living here another things is because of the people they won't understand the nature so that for the schooler you have a transition about the trip every schooler they need to have the trip when the before the for example we sing the schooler is architect before it is done architect they should do the trip we invest on the site but it not just invite the one side they will do something there in fact is that I'm usually the schoolers trip is means two years and three years autumn home and some TA for him and attacked on a book either a write book poem panting on this trip and spend a long time to do it every schooler so do something like this it means you are a schooler yeah you are fund a schooler is here his ta follow him yeah Sta but another interesting thing you are found in fact is not nature it's not directly about some of nature the nature is not like this as what about this is about some more deep realization about nature its mean some creation is come from the nature it means some for me directly means I'm an architecture have been planning it's come from nature so if you sink up from this angle everything will be changed it's so interesting fantastic another system you know yeah the apparent is an inner structure they will think about architecture the last it is about outside right in same painting you are find the inside like this they can join outside and inside in the center on same paper together oh it's fantastic for me the earlier that many reach a deer from this so what - will and think yeah talk about nature but another interesting like this for example the justice say this painting as interestingly in fact this painting have another way to read they have a two part down part and our part here is Monier reality thus cooler the living here what about this is about human nature about this schooler is about some singing model in his scholars brain in his really a vision is meaningless the China they use some away directly use the join panting - XPrize what to think about in your brain in your heart what about the thinking thinking they can express directly by drawing and painting this part okay this part this part is nothing here it's even here it's also nothing here it lacks some meaning when they disclose about place someplace it is really can give you deep impression we have some a feeling is that is in here it's a reality buddy another side you have some a spatial atoms fear maybe they have the religion to some please why is so the males away something like that so I think it's a very helpful to architects we do the design how luck to your design your design about one place it notes java balls here is canon trills I'm a very far very deep realization imagination here there's also it's very important the principle is how we can design a landscape in huge scale for example in the one city scale you need some a special way to do it to do this system another thing like this is saying this is cooler here living here what about this isn't it it means some imagination it means maybe something while having meals when something else always sings this cooler please human nature please ability about imagination they can in here just answered give you the feeling about some mountain is not here right it's a it's fantastic I think but in not on another time you will find around is a schoolers house we have a so carefully detail right they seem something they have a row far distant imagination the same time they are very carefully thinking about his surrounding center is very important sometime it can do quite different things quite different feeling about different distance different a vision together center so how the precision a curate about this wheel the wheel and thinking and in the first page we see this very long painting heute painting is in fact the painting is very narrow very small but very long but in soo narrow so small painting you will fund the detail as a so clear so accurate they makes a great reality and imagination together something like this in fact the depending maybe they've had just like this very small but very long very long something like this and you are find this painting is not just about some abstract concept he had many many separation diversity in the different different place they have different things happen there yeah they say is it really a college a world they have some ability they can do large-scale control but in same time they really can keep the diversity difference in the different place diversity difference we have the same experience for example in our province we have maybe very handily differ in the pronunciation about the Chinese language the right word is the same but that presentation is the incredible difference right the nimble people's Chinese pronunciation is similar to Japan is really called all days the Chinese it's Japan is the Chinese there's a career people you know that's a big difference some people the it's the mountain the people living here and the living here the pronunciation about the Chinese it's quite different even can't understand it to each other it means the diversity is really means I'm a local culture they kind of the really under root to the earth and land I sing is mo for me it's more important design I can create some the Chinese still some people surely are going to be pleased we need the Chinese feel about architecture I don't think so yeah you are fond thoroughly I spend many time in my studio see something like this house this incredible creation ability for example this about water how about the movement of the water you're fond you cry beautiful under detail understanding about the water about the stone of what mountain is the stone is also this mountain what about the skill what about the feeling of other skill you know that the full architect the feeling of our scale is very important but more important is you know how the scale the different things the dialogue did speak to each other they speak some a narrative story to each other yeah I remembered it my friend Professor Peter the jury is in here one day in Hangzhou they see my high-rise building I design a high-rise building he he asked me out but what about your buildings a scale I don't know and he'll tell I tell you they have a to building one is designed by you is another one is I don't know how people do it but that building they just have some design about this scale but your building is different your building is about story of the scale what's meaning about the story of the scale which means the scale the different objective scale they have some ability to distortion with themself is about discussion that's different the scale they discussion each other something like this here is very important you early I think about what it'll scale it means a small it means a big for example here is a stone it's a small skill that here is a mountain but it's a sign sand feeling it's the mountain you know it's a big things so I don't know you need to to know and spend my time to think about it I don't have the accurate answer but it really gave me a big influence it's another way the people they join something like that lion painting that in fact very narrow painting and the you are fine in fact the detail but the detail is the difference this artists are different he keep the speed about the writing yeah well do early Chinese car is not caught joining we call the writing writing on pepper writing a painting writing they have us on the speed very fast is very important keep the feeling of emotion about a speed of a direction about orientation to do it you are fun this artists it's a great is the masterpiece is be conducted in tabby so so what are the speeds of our sinking in the different distance I thought that just the thought about it it means here just near us we stand here to see something that it's a Chinese paintings that how to understand Chinese Spanish as the way you should go in to its panty if you're going to is very important so usually we talk I talk about the Chinese are conditional architecture I asked I asked the student do using Chinese hug each other you have Sufis odd you had an elevation you really know because the facade and elevation is not important and what important is that going to go into then you have some inner experience about it it's very important so so if you alone understand Chinese painting first you should go into you stand here are you'll see here but we still here how good here because here is in the another place violence thousand miles away but the people the imagination can't do it right in the reality you can't do it but you have the ability a called imagination you can do it but another side for me most are fantastical things that this artist you can join this two different distance things in sandpaper it's means I can't design a landscape architecture they can keep the different distant vision in some building that can do it so you raise some people they find o you in your beauteous almost sings it's very strange you stayed here on a penetrating one big doors on a seat another scene this means that people just that might be behind 50 meters away it's a similar to they living in another world yeah really architect can do it it's very interesting I left some failing to write the poem high tech failure right it's in fact you have some pratik element for example you heard a song the people in my building adjusted 50 meters away they talked to each other the sound let come from a very far distant place it's very strange something like this yeah something like this something like this what something like this something like this there is another painting i prevents all in the 500 years ago I suppose one big mountain yeah inside time you early when you go into the building first the scene you will face a painting like this the painting have very important in relation to architecture we call is this painting be putting the middle axis of the building when you're doing to the big buildings you are face to this it's a it's not monument but it has a similar meaning as about the philosophy but it moved for me interesting it's this painting you see you can see all the mountainous means you stand in the very forties in the place give the big vision to see it right but they did some study about this detail right or you'll find the art is the germ a rude bridge every detail very clear there what's meaning as meaning it's a during something it's just near you let's scale like this but in fact is have the summer fat beast in the vision said time together it's it's a ah maybe it's mode similar to some movie logic yeah well now more than movie you really know your something like this and I do this scale alright for this painting is increasing your font is that scholar is it almost a science girl but this is maybe 1 1 to 1000 scale is the one-to-one scale but the people is a same scale this the one village is another small tongue as the peoples then here they the people they drawn quite different scale things in some time continue do it and another side you will find the structure of this mountain same the texture saying the big things and the small things saying yeah it's more interesting transform this what about this is a part outside in the server now is a campus for the traditional scholar they directly use the natural space at the campers for another that is the not nature it means when the artist print this according to the memory understanding is not nature is some new creation confer manager very near niche is the design is another kind of attack here right either have a many reach meeting about turning about interior and exterior inside and outside yeah it's a another painting like this is where farmers in fact it's about mountain here is the city here between the mountain and the city for their traditional Chinese what means about mountain the mountain means our past they come from here among 10 means future everybody family family when it when they retired we have active Monty's is our life parsed in the future it's also means inside or this is the Serb here city is in here in all the Chinese tradition we build many big cities but in our value system the city in the very low position Chinese Singh city is not important city the just the people they won't get money to get won't guess I'm a society position they won't do the politics temporary they go to the city to something there but what about the real meaning about life countryside here you're a common people living here it's many area about living the mountain note everybody can do it they just some a special schooler monks the living in the mountainous this means summer religion some meaning advanced is the people's teachers the living in the monkeys for the common people we are do the rural life if we conduct so they've got life we're living here between the city and the monkeys what about the place they have two pending about Hangzhou our cities well it's not the server Villa is the building in the tong tong around the weights lay around the downtown Center what's meaning about oh the city is a landscape they were fine as building in a downtown a near here we have a summer system this is a landscape system is in fact the building totally mixed with the landscape together we can't separate to think about it for example we may think about the Chinese buildings of facade you can't separate the trees in stoned then just a leaf architecture to talk about the facade is no meaning you should have a heart bility knowledge and ability about the trees about the storm about the play situation when totally you can talk about architecture is so it's know why I totally know for that no elevation it's quite different the concept than this one the last one is about a spring this one is about summer very hot it's also oh sorry it's also a office building and maybe a small school campus near the city's downtown here is the lake the downtown is around as it's Lake yeah in the summer you're fun because too hot no people stand here that once cooler that's thin here then they say that the landscape from here then what meaning about this one I think I taught my students it's the camera it's the most similar to camera that the people that's been here through the architecture camera while see the landscape to give the lens to be the meaning narrative mean narrative meaning and skills yeah it's altar for so usually the people Chinese people they rely some life they can directly have the light with the nature sing together the fresh air is very important fresh air whilst this was a meaning in China was a space the space means some of fresh air they can float penetrator disputing this means a speech if no air this means this space is the debt so everything what means what nature matter is means you should do everything like some live things they have life real life is building if no air pine attracts the building that means that space is dead is not a live is not nature so they were fun it's quite different assistant feeling they were find the building like this it like the wind air can penetrate it's very important of course even in the winter the building closed very cold they still keep some space open they need the fresh air is meaning a neat nature and not closed everywhere another important thing about moment because the lies and live things it shall be moved if something's thought is may never be die if something is dry is me this something is dying so we've seen many mood and architect it's very abstract this feeling is very dry so it's means we have no relation to nature no relation to really reach life so 90 modern architect I can give the conclusion it's the bad things in not living right is the tooth dry it's the need some of white feeling it's another another drawing a give your time it's a campus and find is a water is air it means some inner space it not just means I'm all set nature when the people they join something like this it means some outside inner maybe outside the inside space something like this this is is that it's a it's a cameras teachers and students all right we have water air is very clear concept yeah what my way yeah I do some experimental I want those something comes from this feeling and a sinking do some architectural experiment so first I guess I'm feeling is I can do arc attempt as a mountain it's means we can do like some natural scenes against some experience directly from the painting why how is a small building that do this is in between 2003 and 2005 we have garden lineal ground it's probably product design and your professor touch the Mori also design a small house in this project and the 16 architected to working together and some ephemeris puzzle and the maroon under someone not femoris that me and some artists maybe I was sickening people we working together do this everyone is just a select one I select this teahouse about the sixth 16 square meters high reminded touch memory selected a small pavilion to sell the newspaper about it 20 square meters yeah my building is bigger 60 square meters this one how design a first the thing I do I give artificial such a renovated site is it's a flag I design earth small earth here here then I design this building to have a relation to this earth scale as very clear the concept the second is being some section relation like this and summer trees it's not treated and not just what declaration is have a very important meaning to this buildings then the relation about it is the people's vision the position the people stand here to see here people stand here to see they can see to each other dialogue to each other the building in fact is very small just as 660 square meters but he can control the large scale such as feeling like this I can't give another simple concept it's a small pavilion they can drink the tea they have the window then the window with the garden when the root of the monkey if you want drawing a mountain we didn't need join everything another feeling is about it's the live things you should give some a living a leaf feeling about the materials so we do the cooperation with the artist ceramic artist we do this very tiny small tells is about many colors the rally karma Chinese traditions ceramic pieces as colors we do the research of all the colors then it means salvation yeah it's the mountains the road is now the old amount is they tells me in the mountains Road come from here but you can leave the feeling it's a mountain you this building it just near a mountain so that gives the atmosphere in fact the most important seeing for my building is the feeling about an atmosphere because you relay the people they count against the clear concept about a fall they just can feel our spatial about atoms fear on such early in my pigment building is not so beautiful just other pictures it's a everytime if you have channels visited outside your fun is better than pictures yeah in this world you have a to kind buildings some building is very beautiful on the pictures when you go to the side and other disappointed it's so small ways I don't know what's about the pictures but another's candies and then you see the picture is now so beautiful but when you go to the side quite difference fading kind of sphere it's what meaning about a sphere right it's model finish it's a voter poem but just them in the raining days it's a water problem you know no raining it's become the place that people they can't drink the tea here right it's a use the ceramic pieces we cook is a recycled the people they use the ceramic to do the port to put the local way they have many cross pieces we do the collection this tells oh it's not very clear but you can get a feeling out of about atmosphere about the inside outside but the pity things is to to know the people don't use this old is 16 beauty is just empty there because this big big plan stopped so we finish this 17 building that the beauty no use there for there for five years empty speed it's a small buildings you like that just the top this talk about it still the painting we talk about the smell stone is a stone it's the mountain is about feeling about different the scale this tea house just as 660 square meters this my in both his room use in is about thirty thousand square meters is a huge one well also get some feeling from a joint quite apart from my spatial interesting because when we design something here you'll find the city they just come to here here is still the farm field right and you will find around this building it means nothing right they have a demolish every village here like to become empty field to build new cities this this party is a new CBD of Ningbo city designed the master planner in the summer building designed by the another famous young Chinese architect jinhwan MA it's a this area called small Manhattan in that city small Manhattan but it's very interesting when you first to this situation no any relation to that is I have the transition they have some relation to some exist the things it's totally empty Yura is a crazy job you like the God you do something create some new seeds before you nothing here something like this so you should you shall find a summer it's same shoe reason do something here for me so why I design a cloud is a mountain I thought it had a connection to this joins a transition in this area and another side that way we use the material about the recycle to break stairs when we do the design we still have the last of one village when we began to the construction they began to Kamala SH the last one something like this originally in this area they have a 30 beautiful tall it's not very in fact in this area almost no village after village they have a beautiful design by scholars Christmas but now it's just the empty area that's my feeling what means about mountain is awesome a spacial way is to directly you first to a big mountain like this this structure is master plan they only have some narrative system about the place for example this building have many space like Turkey we called it Keith right they have a scholars reading room small one here it have summer space like the way lay inside and outside there's many different a space like how to cave if you call it Keith you shall give the feeling about a cave you should give the spatial light confirmed it it's like to keep this means this O'Keefe is the valley it's not just about give some concept you should give the real feeling then the people they can feel oh there's the Keith it's the valley yeah something like this but another site is not a really natural Keith right and some a new creation things let's look what was feeling about a material it's really want to cement natural things if the building is a like a Hume party it's similar to the humans body the material folds outside and inside was unlike the skiing and adhere this means they show some a live feeling the earlier I like the material I thought is that the material they can press that to live things they can breathe right now you can find in the local condition so many interesting is a recycled construction in the tradition in this area it's the Chinese tradition and the principles we count vast anything with anything come from nature it lacked a gift so the people they should very carefully to to do it too fast to deal wastage so we have a return recycled condition here right they have many special things for example this break we call the drag dragons ball as being they can put a small bamboo inside then it can use the very simple to task to construct very high wall is the similar to put summer still inside yeah it's a transitional building here in this area but now in this area I think just the five-person that we kept 95% be demolished yeah it's my way in fact if you want to I just talk a little elevated you would really want to something like this it is in the National construct regulation nothing about it so it's new new experiment so we should do many experiment we should give them very accurate analysis for example here we have about 40 different canned bricks different size breaks tells how the different hand have how how many proportion you need and how to do it it's very carefully analysis and experiment about it how about a structure with the material the Oasis system very complex and the family we finish the construction look - it's very interesting it's what give the things and the natural failure may be like this I do the very calf design use the venery use a computer about this facade about a material arrangement very accurate then give this joint to the construction to the construction company and transmen then they start to work but when they do this work because the building is very high 24 meters high so the people they working inside there's a security net in fact every craftsmen they can't see the large scale walls nature can see small area and that ice ice then also the building I can't see I can't see nothing right so it means some people they are calling my joining to do this work but I can't control it I'm worried like this play finally it'll really like summer surprise to me it's my design it's not my design it's my design makes the crustmas in version just the untier it's very exciting it is unchanged to your design something like this and I talk part to the craftsman is more similar tools I'm a teacher to teach some art and a philosophy I talk about how to relax how to lock the different density how to like dry sings and voice things in the summer different a prepetition to make the gatherer how to start do and so about and something like this I talk directly talk to the farmer workers craftsmen but they very like to discuss this to me is really I think the in China sometime I'm not worried about feeling about the future but another side sometime I really still have some hope over the future especially when a did cosplay is a trans man with the farm worker about this I find that it Candice that we really have a great contour great people they can understand so abstract things it's a philosophy with just artists can just maybe philosopher can understand but Chinese farmer transmen lekha understand they can create with you together high quality incredible chief incredible fast for example we do this concrete use the bamboo a cost we we don't touch our air for more than 20 times but the family is very success successful I think it's a wall we can the different way put together it's not just that single logic Yuri is my is my work is a principle forever and not just have a single logic at least two different laude MIT Kaiser it's my vision about this world this means forever not not I don't I don't know where they can find in the life a real life just the only one logic right Ryan you'll find I saw beautiful is a lie tradesmen it do the reinvention here it's it's it's my design yeah but it different from my design so it's a really exciting yeah that's farmville currency like this they construct as buildings really amazing you are fun the building is rate here is a weight so the different colors is that s my Keith is entry is the inside is a lobby is the inner Valley here it's also the valley here it's the another chief here as people really love this buildings yeah I asked this woman do you like this building it hey tell me I have visits the building within three months three times why because I love it because my my house that had be demolished but I can find memory here so it's very interesting originally the museum they want a sink maybe three thousand people one day visits is too much but the family from the first day every day more than ten thousand people visit this mailing just a three months one meeting people visit this museum that people love it right so I think this very that the memories are important the memory is not just by the way Chinese traditional artists drawing the landscape painting they also is very important away about architecture that in this world and we can and we have the in this painting we have a two different kind of architecture or the one can't is have for everywhere fine the summer seeing it before this building some exist the scene in this building another kind of building elect some crowd floating in it in air in the sky no root some buildings the road to the earth to the land another kind of building is very abstract very dry I don't know if this come from there is kind of a fear by so it's quite different Oh another bill that I elected very Mars I called a half mountain and hot water a small relax you'll find this building but it's a different firm in the past one it's a solid it's empty right it's my another museum Art Museum if we finish in 2005 it's a little bit smaller than annual history music right answer it's these buildings you have found this building here is a landscape but in fact oh this is a building is a detector it's a half and a half little structure is my structure and it's increasingly nimble everywhere when I design something and the following ways Martin's building is a follow for my works here it's a much envious works about urban nazar my my way is different but it's very interesting when they win this competition the urban planning Bureau II don't like my design I have the short question I say your your design like this it means what its meaning no relation to CT right they sing much in years work they have the relation to city my work is no relation to city they don't think the landscape they have the radition to CT right that finally the mayor's about me so I can do this work yeah it's also about memory or rendering this building in fact is a renovation to the old building the building the people devoting the power for making the boat here to Shanghai so I keep that structure that's this is a bridge that people originally the waiting here laughs tap the big boat to Shanghai so I tell to my clan one day if you want to change the function the still won't is building become the voting place voting the boat to a Shanghai yes you can use it yeah they did the function they can change yeah alongside environed it's very difficult things is the city street are included the city street inside my buildings so it's not easy which very sharp discussion with the urban planning Bureau about this as you I want the city street penny straight my buildings so I think is about what why I talk about this because for my fearing every time I not just a designer building designer Street designer area every time I design a new world a world you know this painting is meaning it's not to nature is the new world is new understanding imagination of nature about some reality something like the days so have time so so it's very important if they have the feeling about the advantage design a new a world it's quite different from you design a building it's quite different so now we can for example that people know the car Chinese gardens in the pseudo cities they're not just about garnish it's also about an undercount modal about the city design and urban planner in the originally in the pseudo is more than 400 smog artists in the city so large amount gardens in the city is a means they become the structure it becomes a model about the cities I call it the small garden account is the world field where the land like this that the city have many open place they can praise this the nature full handed garden extended place to get brace to the nature's something like this for example okay give you our example in our previous we have about 9,000 tall like this beautiful traditional tall adjust that select one to interchange introduce this feeling it's luging in Dongyang yeah here is Hangzhou here in the middle is our privilege it's very typical you know it's be built about I think 600 years history Tong the big family living here is the join is a 200 years ago it's a schoolers showing it's not the architects job urban planners it's in China it's a schoolers job but it's important is you are fine what is the people single which thing is as thus meaning in this system what meaning about system it's very important right they have very a spatial system of the landscape and the people's living to have left I'm from for example from in the beginning we have the entrance the water pong on the gate and family entrance and to the final point is the pivoting it's a very complete system another side you are fine you have many things visit scholar and the gardens many gardens they have a scholar party place they have a school they have a teepee William they've regarding school keep avoiding some system like this in all these towns design it's not designed by one time design was in the 600 years gradually development but the main structure I think 600 years ago they have that they have to the decision about these structures so it's uh it's interesting as of just the in the first very hundred years we have molding architecture education in China its first group of students that graduate from a United State go back to China around in 1920s we have professional architecture education what happened I don't know and yeah this does scholar architects 600 years ago then this vision about this pawn this part is another part from the east to west it's a landscape system its entrance for people they can have the rest here it's a bridge trees so in China this mean architecture right and that's just about this one this means architecture sorry it's an chase gate to know and the pond and family entrance building is household schoolers and reading room and tea house rollers right is and it's another one like this it's a professional major joy about this tall about find the lens eAssist landscape system disappeared it's very interesting and the professional architect they do the major drawing then they really the part is in close I'm understanding they don't think the colonel is pong the mountain sees ways important so it's disappeared in the drawing the litter my another experiment is conference on a research about this and it's my imparting the resources about for example it's a campers in Hangzhou for China Art Academy it's a Sam failing it's a relation to the mountains yeah in in the past 13 years my most important work is the campers in Hangzhou for National Art Academy it's a really it's a big huge building it about rose and about 30 different big buildings it's in a larger scale yeah I also gave some failing from the vision to the nature this is a very important place in Hangzhou first to the Buddhist temple I call these campers traditional campers it makes ways the nature totally together and my way you look - that's my joy it's also very small just like this AES 3 very small one as all similar to our classes the sister and it's similar to I give the analysis to the Tong and the village you are fine in the system then you will find that this small joint it's a far-distant evasion and a very near distant vision that we join on the same joy since the set very small it's very important you think you can control the feeling in the different distance in the same time same page of sorry is Tula and it's a site it's my master plan some architecture say oh it's so ugly master plan then they go to the slide that's it Oh everything is right yeah it's same system as fairly yeah like this is our architect or department let's the students Daniel run but how right hmm can't move now sorry about this yeah it's very interesting is that many photographer they tell me it's very difficult to take the photo to my buildings it's because if it if you take the picture to single building it's not beautiful it's a too simple so I get away how to see in my buildings is my is my way in the different angle different distance the total image makes together this means experience you it's people that on the roof let's our architecture school here it's my office here as a teacher's office here a man can teach on the roof this our museum we have a bouhaus collection here the schoolers raiding room so are losing this like to the c'était is the only one direction for Chinese for China is and we do another thing is well the city's renovation I kick the short time to see it it's a very long but very difficult to do we do in see in the part of the two years is important I just show you we left the city become a new system I call the landscape system right so this is a pointed feeling for Chinese as a how to do something like some feeling like this for example that is a new building is continuing is say this planting this means the diversity difference is very important I see then I design this class the house is assigned this loading is a foundation many diverse this space here is a drawing lesson next the summer after Nexus emblem you will find this new building our campers so this all philosophy the Chinese think is not important for very hundred years this is our Studios philosophy is my studio it's a very small I keep the scale very small because I sing I don't like too powerful things as my students I sing our work is meaning some a new start for Chinese architecture but the only one can't post opportunity I don't think we can see all our architecture is means Chinese our new turnout detector items in so it's just the some people do some experiment thank you yeah I'm sorry it's because my English is are very bad so they speak just late wait long what about next state do you have time about the crowd yeah I see yeah okay yeah I said thanks to Jesse as he
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Keywords: 11042011, Shu
Id: Qq8sD7aGH2M
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Length: 106min 6sec (6366 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2011
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