The Annual Architecture Lecture 2016: Wang Shu and Lu Wenyu

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yeah today is really feel very vulnerable here kind talk about our works is so great place here and yeah we starts over I'm Tractatus to architecture studio in 1997 in our Daniel work you know a small apartment unit it is a long time long time ago so so from that days we almost have work together 24 hours together yeah as it's a small studio tear to now they still small Byzantine people's it's not a big one and we work hard but usually we have the chance to talk about our works my wife the study is very special it's the first time they agreed go up stand here so your la pays more like the secret behind me yeah so then I have to talk along yeah they don't sit in front and but to me they talk yet today I I once taught the topics is the possibility of a coexistence of the urban and the rural areas and it's just to talk about the main topics the past ten years for our studios when the other side is really this topics have a very special meaning I think the phone to China maybe I I forgave the short introduction about modern Chinese Chinese architecture history I think that Chinese modern architecture moment ever almost a start in from a nineteen nineties in fact before that it's not called motive yeah when the icing before the 2000 almost know any Chinese architects in knowing out of China yeah in fact in the especially in the nineteen nineties there's ten years I think the old China maybe only three architects they really won't do some serious works so old as the Chinese architects is a good time to get money it's a big chance everybody we're urging won't get money maybe only three architects well I we our studio is a one of disease three yeah after 2000 the suddenly something changed and gradually more and more young Chinese architects be known auto China I think is most important reason is the Akitas can work out of the systems that's what happened we can do as the personal architects to do some practice or rental in before 2000 we only have a National Design Institute every Institute is that below to an initial it's the after two thousands they can do some a private works personal works that's the really the beginning for Chinese architecture so a cost is that time to now just I think that twenty years big change happened in China what happened I have the tea party impression is almost about hundred years ago as a very famous writer Chinese philosopher called his name is mister Lin Yutang they had the right in a paper they talked about he had the trip to the Europe to the American than a car back to China have the right paper on newspaper to say China should be changed because they found the Chinese people is the moves the slow people in all of the world we do everything is so slow so China so changed I think now China change they become most the fast people and country no order the world is the big change so now let us start my lecture today this picture is turkey in the 2012 I think they'd seen the main end of the main and the Saturday I got a pre script in the Grand Hall in Beijing in a before the lunchtime yeah it's a big ceremony after that ceremony at exactly like to the car's driver drive to me to my home place this my it's my fabric house that II they start being demolished yeah because the some more important things happened because the National will builds a new national philosophy Center is the height here a course I condensed that new national philosophy Center is actually more important than our small house so I still take my song go to there I won't he keep some memory about our family and of course after that day I think Beijing the city as they caught any relation to me just a dream yeah I spent my childhood Chan in Beijing but for me almost the new city I can't find anything they had a relation to Beijing it's totally new oh the memory for the peoples and for the city to go on this Shanghai so over the China is in the past of 20 years your County major they build how many high-rise towers yes incredible two men I see some people now is do the calculation about how many buildings we have built we find we the old building the past 20 years we have built they can lacked double population the China can live in China it's incredible how many but we still construct the building it's funny so we shall think about what is the future food for the China I think in the past 20 years for the channel cities we have a Mosin 120 big cities every city has a population more than by mailings as almost 90% historic buildings history sings be destroyed totally destroyed in the past 20 years we just used 20 years destroyed 90% over history yes but now we start destroy our history in countryside after the big cities this what happened in China so the our studio my small studio we stayed in a small Chinese city called Hangzhou I think not so many people have visited Hangzhou maybe you had chance to be the Shanghai Beijing but not haunt you but while I stayed in Hangzhou in fact I have a little bit ephemeris young architects in China so many people access me why you're stating in Hangzhou so if you're stating hunk of this small city you are no future for your career as the architects yeah because old future is in the metropolis it's in Beijing it's in Shanghai is in Guangzhou children is not Hangzhou why your state in hydro yeah because as I'll have some a special reason for example and love painting yeah this is the painting about the Hangzhou about its the painter drawing this been salting years ago in the South song dynasty is that time the Hangzhou is the largest the city in all of the world that the Mokka Polo have a right have a deep memory about Hangzhou they have moved and Vermaelen population incredible beautiful city maybe most the beautiful city in all those world is Hangzhou you can say this joins it's a landscape where is the city's various architecture because it's a very special cities they have a Moe's and Vermillion population but you can't find buildings there it's the mass of Hangzhou to to the 1950s the city still like this this you can understand was a basic concept for Chinese but meaning about the cities in this might the half 50% place is the buildings on the right the left is a lake for Chinese it's a huge Gardens it still means the cities this means the complete cities conserved it's a 50% despair and another 50% is landscape this means cities for China of course if you really go in the cities you were found to the city like this it's not countryside it's Hangzhou it's the vine southern years ago the painter joins the hunt you'll find the city is select the thousand corners so afrikaners like this is the building totally mixed with the landscape with the natural things together this means architecture this means the cities yes that's a Hangzhou there's composed of the thousand Asajj fragments of landscape change this Hangzhou of course the hungry we have a very special meaning in the Chinese people's heart is similar like the Cathedral in fact Hangzhou for Chinese philosophy for Chinese people's the feelings but but it still have the big change and it's the Hangzhou situation now you can still the lake's do there but the city changed you can see the the city to to the 1950's is older city within the right line the very small things for now although it's a blue line inside this area is a Hangzhou I suggest that past 20 years the city explained maybe 20 times as I think III started being there is start from an eight and nineteen eighties right graduate from University I go to the city's it's my dream yeah I looking for my dream come to hear that tom is city population still be seen meeting is really very small in China is being but now it's not mailing population cities no twenty years past form of a merry tune and mailing you can't imagine what happened for one city the population next explode like that in fact for in China we have Mo's am very hundred twenty city like this in a path of 20 years explained 20 times but about the state of the countryside now this also big giant happened of course in China we have two different totally different system the city is a city countryside air countries are it's totally separate for example I'm a citizen of Hangzhou I don't have a right to have a house in countryside I can't yeah if the you are the farmers stayed in countryside you're don't high right become a citizen it's the very strict decision SEPA right to to part so for the architects we just can work in the cities in fact we almost no chance work in the countryside countries on means another watch for Chinese people's but the still had a big churn it's the in very deep mountains but it still happen something here like this so every day if you have you visit the countryside everywhere you are find they demolish the demolished every day everywhere they do the demolition yeah that because they be had a big influence from the cities the city one does the countryside they want changed the people they found a new life so that's for me it some people ask me why you are act used you and your wife studio called amateur architecture studio as many people give the present to me about tacky to answer your lay that because in China is we have a lot of a perfect professional architects but almost a no good architecture you can see in China so as being that have dot the professional system have the reason to dot professional system the second is in fact we have a long tradition no professional architects our tradition is the craftsmanship history system is totally different from the modern professional system the search reason why it's a I really love architecture so if you everything you you find the large demolition for your history your cultures I shall give some response to this in fact in China almost no ArchiCAD there to see I'm an amateur you know everybody wants it I'm a very very professional if you are amateurs means you almost account get any Commission you are no jobs so that's why I keep our students name I'm to actress studio we want to some of different things it's a that's happening now in China so we call the people at countries that become city says the large-scale movement in China everywhere happened they demolish the traditional village and still build this new new world for farmers like this is a very rich village this ivory farmer they have chance similar to American people they living in the pic villa like this around Hangzhou you can't say that every farmer family they have this special torques more toward buildings because this area we have a to high density of population so the land is really very late length so every family only have a very small place to build so they built poor like this of course people maybe a doubt well what which can't religion the people have because they deal with the spatial building you can't understand it it's a conference which can't religion it's a so our class roommates let me talk about the China they talk about the child Chinese culture will find in the cities Chinese culture probably destroyed almost just leave the very few things there then they were found in the countryside every day it is continued to destroy it so where is the Chinese culture where is the Chinese countryside yeah you know the countryside is the best event for the Chinese culture our long history Oh talk about a countryside area were filled to talk about cities because for the Chinese dreams Chinese philosophy the countryside alone near the natural world so countryside is more important than cities for Chinese but the countryside still exists in China as it still exists but very tenders it's very easy maybe if they don't care to care about it ten years later almost everything gone that's why I am NOT just the architects and also teachers for a key architect or education I think we should totally change there's a way about the education architecture of Education so so we start a new architecture school in the National Art Academy in Hangzhou and we teacher students use the different ways the basic things is a research we spent a lot of time to do the research in our countryside you are find the incredible reach the architecture conscious is they're incredibly rich things about hand making about the materials it's a really incredible traders but if it also means the chumps the channel have the big change but let's do keep the menacing likeness if if you are a Chinese architects you can't seed it let us say something out of the China something called mode in something called the future something called a high-tech you can't say something wrong do you around your real life I think you are really foolish the stupid money yes it's that it's a chance for the architecture for Chinese culture well and really learn many things from this research so we see lots of things about that about our verbs is also about there's also to my students especially we sing maybe not just about concept and openings problems it's the more basic things it means the way about construction yes about the architecture systems so we we think about this because in China our traditional system is a Pressman system this means maybe some people will say Oh trust my system no Theory no conserved yeah no design it just been doing to me something it's not right they are have totally different philosophy in this hand making system I find of course now in China we have they are the largest construction site hello sward our older construction sites that become modern system the majority material is a concrete and steel there's for the hand making for the traditional materials for the natural materials almost an open position in this system this what our Studios approach removing interesting about this is this the hand making system materials craftsmanship still can work to work with the mudan system together yes as possible so we want to retreat a way full of diversity early then I talked about nature and not just about some seeing similar to nature III most similar to I'm allowed to talk about in the nature of nature's is being very rich diversity and we find a more reach and the diversity world in countryside so we learned a lot of things from the countryside and I say also seeing the city shall learn from the countryside in this time in this world now yeah another way is a way we won't use the knowledge we can learn from the countryside to influence the cities so next we were talk about what we will do I think in the past 15 years the largest project from for our studio is Junction campers it's in Hangzhou China setting is designed for the National Art Academy in Hangzhou is a new campus this this Academy also to vatra very fast in the 2000 they are very small school old Art Academy is very certain people's students and it church together vine thousand and now we have ten thousand people's yeah later become money more large so we need a new cameras and slows the competition my studio get this project we spent more than ten years to do that start from 2002 and the last one P wouldn't be finished in the 2013 so you can say the red point it's a sham shine campers that's our campers it's a it's in fact there is a very large campus they have more than 30 buildings our studio in the past 13 years we designed a 30 buildings here but it's similar to the paintings you'll find in every corner yourself can one small buildings here it's a basic idea about scampers the architecture makes ways the landscape togethers of course you ever see the surface of the building the texture is a little too rough the dark colors is all the recycled traditional breaks stones shells pieces from the demolition site all over the cities all those our province this is the campus we standard is the in fact I think maybe we create mainly new prototype for the Chinese architecture is imagined is what our in major in fact your account fund does any oh the Chinese architecture like that yeah it is totally new but the still keep some relation strong relation we hope to the Chinese tradition the I designed is building for the fashion designs for kouchi and you can see the small building as the average small build small building for one professor studios this our architecture school they have for building as a group as building it has the sample Dean had a coil system and some beauty and they have a different roof they have the sensitive response to them to the nature changed this of building for our architecture department the outside from the entrance and a year side to look out from the entrance you can see that the buildings relation to each other they really tear log to each other like the village buildings so that's a why one of my students talked to one of my teachers they say hey peaches campus he stays so hard won't get rid of the countryside to the cities its history then they come to this campus they found here is a big big village do is the in the village and another side I think is it means they we are successful the touch of em we want beauties of new buildings they can be on to the susceptor separation between the city and the countryside rebuild the relation between the building and the natures yeah that's our architecture department the outside yeah you can say we use the concrete and the recycled bricks to different materials to to combined it together we also divide were some a new system about construction for example this wall we worked with a Christian together we use the more than 40 different 40 different sighs recycled materials Briggs tells ya because they have a so many different to reach there's two different different science and in fact a very difficult to construct to each other that is the materials so the read we should do some a new approach where is the craftsmen together to think about how to do it another idea is so similar to some a philosophy to our Studios how like there's so many differences rich things they can't really work together this is the last one building we build in as the campers after 30 big buildings will design this the last one starts design from a 2010 and we finish the construction in 2013 it's totally new things we won't try its it had the large span wood structure and the huge it's a large-scale rampers construction is the guest house for the Vista professor if somebody here have chance to visit our Academy I can invite you stayed in the scarehouse we have a 29 rooms here and wine let's go that the professor the architecture other Shahzad revisits our campers I invite him sleep in this guesthouse they tell me I can't imagine in the whole his life the sister de Pays late the best asleep it's the some peaceful place yes of course I a little bit to talk about our design concept here for example this building they have somewhat relation to the discussion to the traditional Chinese landscape paintings yeah you can see I give the analysis about these paintings they have usually the people instantly is not easy to understand understand the Chinese landscape paintings you can see some strange some student scenes some among teens like some of it's not true it's like some affort stones in the fake mountains and the summer like some accordance buildings inside a little strange but in fact it's nearly the people I seen can't understand how to how to see the Chinese paintings I talk to my students one day suddenly I find if you want see Chinese paintings it's very simple it is ratatouille let's painting invite you come coming it's not painting like this you've seen here - these paintings no that's paintings you should come in to visit so you can go in from the this dumb part curved as a small bridge than you kill in these paintings usually the Chinese painters they joins painting from the dumb part they run from to up like this they'll similar to the the precise of the Chinese construction the architecture construction like this they build the the speech system when you go in you're John Waite then you continue then your coach into the middle part your finds the house here then you can see when people see there that people see there you see there see you in fact is it's not some other body it's you yogi and you stand there to see from the building to outside this means mostly more important things than the foam in the shape the architecture is experienced you stayed in the building to see out to outside I think one day miss Fanshawe understand this soviet-designed is the new buildings almost and no form to outside the totally experience is and then you go in the building experience you you'll see outside you see the surroundings you see the environment he found this way yes when they found this way that day of his hope his desk they have a book about Chinese gardens I think might be they have a relation from this idea to this experience then still go up you are fund on the tops of mountains that have some pervading there this means the summer position you can go up to there you have some conserved a painting beyond the common world you lack the Philosopher's then it have the perturb you to see this word again so I'm the architect sometimes I also a child I have the idea is can we build design on the beauty while architecture we can repeat this experience refuses that people can real can get this experience is this architecture so this this is a long idea to me and for example when really you go in these paintings but meaningless work to you pressing the pencil question I asked her to me because you are fond you be surrounded by the so reach natural sings so different were diversity and the different things around you this the basic failure is means atmosphere like the luck here you stand here you almost everything around to you it's me into space it means place it means atmosphere and as means what so that's my way I designed this is my joy to to now I only know how to use pencils I don't know you how to use computers so this way that's Hawaii to join the architecture but but for people a counter more easy to understand when I join this sketch how what about sinking here what it amid imagination here so maybe I can give another join us to talk about you won't say this is the building it's a very similar to there is landscape paintings your entrance here in the down part there's a very small entrance you're going and you have many layers experience waiting to you so every layer like some new surprise a little bit new surprise like this when you go through the building then the family you go up to the roof of his building and along this very narrow way on the roof go down that time you are feel you've become a point you become a philosopher you have the bird view - oh this world about this architecture it's a basic idea that causes building I gave this name called chose kills tells him to talk about these topics that's the entrance like the landscape painting just a 100 meters away you'll see this building almost nothing it's just a spiral small entrance there then you go to near this building they'll find suddenly something had a merged the fact that the visions very large tells roofs but yes then there is the entrance like small corners then the things like this gradually become bigger they really go in you are fine oh it's the incredible hook complex world inside the same this the outside is so simple but inside incredible complex in fact there's so many different small place sometimes the people very easily lost here many many people complain to me this building is so easy like the people lost their why your design building like the people more easy to lost here I think this means my basic philosophy I want you lost here yeah if you really lost here it will really enjoy something here and it really go in the building and they you your vision from you to inside to the outside the best vision that this this is this is the means of shape this beings of form is not come from the outside outside the building almost like something disappeared but it's really go in you will find all this means a space it means the place unless you had it many bird will wish in this buildings because they have a very different layer about height you have to challenge to have many times small part of you to see this world it's the basic vision angles for traditional Chinese landscape painting it's a little bit too slope it's not very high burden it's like this low bird will like this it's the best angle if you control it angle the Chinese people is very easy to get a feeling oh it's a tree depending I don't know why why he got this feeling because you controls if the angers the people's vision yeah this is this a structure I called it I spent a lot of time to think about structure like that yeah because now we have some in reverent problem we legs the natural resources for example wood how used a small pieces of wood to build large structure I think I am a highly interesting about this kind of think use this this though that's what we try is the most achieve small pieces wood on the market how to use this material to build large spare instructors the family you go up on the roof yeah you get in many times I like to guide my friends to visit the roof everybody will say oh I'm feeling like this so something suddenly emerged like this yeah you can see from the little bit of a distance gradually just building disappeared in the environment in the trees forests if you become a court of the sky you're find the building like this it's a really huge beauty I lived in those and 9,000 square meters in fact it's not small it's huge they have a tea house meeting Center and the teachers with torrent and guess the house and a 4-part different factories from bond together yes it's tempers case means wave on to something I use the knowledge we learn from the countryside to some new proud to influence the citizen to you influence the city people like they Sam understand maybe city have a different vision they not just was high-rise building maybe they have a different vision but another side we also want to use some new effort to do something in the countryside so this year in the Venice finale we we have special works about our new twin works it means to works combined together the vine works is in there's a small city called foo yung it's a circle circle point red point yeah they invited us design a group of buildings enclosed include the history museum art gallery and a city files museum three museum together is large buildings about 40,000 square meters and before I cutted the Commission I tell to the mayors of city you should give me three months I were to research then I will give you answer I will get this commission all refused then we do the research to to this part is a small coach this area they have a 300 village family way fine still have 20 village still keep some traditional building there other buildings other village Oh chain pic changed its the almost no two little things there this means within ten present so I asked the mayor if you can like my studio do some work in the countryside selectively one village to the conservation and redesign I can get a staff this commission about museums if you don't I can't do this in the countryside I am no time to design your Museum the family they say oh we are looking forward some people say that so family we have a to project together there's a museum I designed this this my sketch is about relations to very famous Chinese landscape painting in the Yuan Dynasty and it's from for me is the most important things how to deal with the buildings of scale to the surrounding environment they also have the research about the materials and we have a close relation to the local materials and craftsmanship that our best cover is before we do the large-scale construction maybe are these two summers small buildings taste the basic skills basic the basic way how to construct and for example here we select this card building just beside the entrance with 200 square meters we taste the material there's a small one then we use this way to the large-scale construction the rudest roof is a very large it's about a tongue of over hundred meters and plus the handy meters has been that 10,000 square meters one roof so now it's in construct you can see they have the drawings on the wall it's our Studios wall we use the computer recomposed use the research photos to recompose the construction about this wall the crust Mahon the joints on site and they construct according to that to do the construction this one will be finished its makes the local black stones and the recycled the bricks together so you can search and find the different colors a small point the same time we do a different work in one village so we won't find some of way we won't find some kind of architecture they can beyond the conflict between the urban and the countryside they called experiment in this village called a win-win Bentham village they studies from the 2012 two children now the village is still in construction the village productor is different you come to give the limit about time in fact you shall have a spent lot of time to discuss with the local farmers yeah that's our research in all this area finally we go to this Venson village is very small it's very typical situation like this this village in fact is some new building as the old building totally mixed together doctor but we I call this the village like that cause a semi discipled village this means that they still keep some of traditional things there this means they still keep some hope for their futures of course they don't go to their some terrible things were happened every day like that the city they have they invite some people to the new urban new master plan about new development the building's the code is American house yeah they lack that I talked to the farmers the culture to the people the thing of the village maybe I can give you a different otherwise different way for example use this area they designed about a 15 new house here I talked to them it's too luxury yeah because if you go back to see your original village here's is a mountain area you need the land to the farm so that the traditional people they know this so they build a variant density density village why because they shall keep the land to the farm you continues the land so luxury like the city people to build your mark and stairs new house so same time the new part of the village I gave the new design they originally the they were a beautiful team cause they're my new plan I learned from the from the basic failing and a texture from the old village a design a 24 new house in same place the SS the old buildings that is a new building designed by the farmers themselves very popular style in this Elizabeth Lim have some relation to British still I don't know then we are going alright hot would spend a lot of time to talk to the local people about this we won't try some different voice and the people asked asked me the best customizer we shall learn from from of each but there are examples I talked to them your examples is yourself because you can say your original old village how you were ancestor to bill to your village yeah they know the basket principle is a keep the people's your deserve if you want to keep the good relation to the environment surroundings you shall have give yourself some limits your count it expands no limits so it's a basic principle so it is on a new part they also gradually design some new building inside the old village we keeps every old buildings than they gradually to to change exchange the new building built by the farmers themselves they are strange new buildings we use our buildings with - - to exchange them that's my sketch and the back sorry about the sinking is about how to design the high density house together and the like the average house still can keep a small coach art-history system and elect every building these do have some share some simple system but they still can keep very clear difference one to another one it's a you can see the sketch is not what my sinking and for the 24 new house I designed eight new protector as I free new prototype we have a three times small change for lesbians at 24 this means every building you can find is difference like there some basic scenes is about inner space I think it's a cultured for Chinese culture is the I think it's the most important scenes because our lifetime everything happened it's wrong to culture they don't have the culture it means totally lost or failing about our life but if you'll go to this area find almost every new new farmers house no coach art because they just want to occupy every inch of the land yeah it's perfect even the idea the sector since it's a family hall first to the culture the early Chinese we have traditional we have the family home this hall you have a very important meaning nearly they put our figures with traditional our insist they're over Buddhist there we married here and we invite a guest to have the dinner here and many important scenes public things happened in this place but if you go to see the new farmers how co-founder no no see family hall it's this beard it's been the total agenda for people's life so it's me my why I asked is this concision it's called his question as the various a Chinese culture in fact we just talk about Chinese culture Chinese culture in fact is disappeared so I want to sub effort rebuilt it the even designs on the joy practice this like some small dictionary gave the farmers they can get this to do the renovation to his house by themselves the vine is from a Tucson turtle now three years passed gradually the villager have some change its before after some people say Oh after the your works the village moon years the original village yeah the feeling like this this the entries of the village in fact a very collapse and como this after our works gradually they change like this yes another corner after the our work this building is old building every farmer asked me why you don't demolish that they think it's the most ugly building is finished I spend a lot of time to to talk to them exchange idea I think this the most beautiful building in your village so the vine family I kept it and change the your new building this the the you can say that this corner that's the new building the farmers building we do some change for them this is corner you can see in the distant place a closer small small groups small small buildings there is a everybody sing it shall be demolished I talk to the people wait maybe they can do a small a new approach about this corner then they become like that now everybody say oh this moves the beautiful corner in this village yeah here is old building family we just do a small work it's a small pervading for the people all the people they can say there then and talk to each other just as various little things put there everything changed this old the farmers there something Latika changed they not big Jack a little bit change they can say the old village to their new part of the village they connected to each other they built a new bridge for the village it's very funny it's just that two or three months later we'll go to there again you'll find that people they naturally find this place it's a it's a it's very simple to meet each other so many people every day they stand if this new new new bridge this new house we design used a trampers to build a new house here so when we design this there's many people worried no no farmer lack it there no feral act is a trapper us building now they want a modern building in thunder bounce this ramp Aris Moody I just talked to that everybody please keep your passion wait so just a one year later when the building be finished then we still wait a half years later the the village they - very very formal ceremony to the people to select their new house everybody have the right to do the same to select and family this building is a first one as being the people's opinion changed Joseph is in two or three years they have changed now this new building you can't greasing to remember my sketch about this serious buildings let's be finished in fact it's not just about design this our laboratory in our architecture school we beauties of the laboratory especially for the Rainforest construction and our free checklist skills we do the pretest in the laboratory zan live is a craftsman together even this summer foreigner together this guy is come from anakata from France Grenoble architecture school we working together and the way to the taste about a way how to use the modern way to do the vampers construction this the joy it's a very joint they do the disjoin like the every farmer they can select their preferred house like this they just after this this year's Spring Festival they do that and we're happy the people family the the locket yeah it's in the entrance they say the picture just when the first thing that we come to the village we do the decision they've got they start his work I talked to my assistant to my students basic of mine is you will see this group of the lady very high-paid seated here after maybe three or four years there are work to finished as escoba ladies still sit here they're still happy yes means they touch overhead yes this picture is just a few it's few months ago we take these photos they still sit there they're more happy because they had more confidence to their culture to their village they very light to talk to their new new change to the everybody something happened here yes in I think in the next 10 years for our studio that's our new job so every year we won't start one very new village works ten years ten village maybe something new interestings have happened thanks
Channel: Royal Academy of Arts
Views: 9,889
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: Royal Academy of Arts, art, visual arts, architecture, China
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 16sec (3556 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2016
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