Kenyan Dad Tries Eating Fufu For The First Time In Ghana!

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hey Dad you wiing with tissue is that serious hey still drinking but you're still taking it said [Music] [Music] welcome to my kitchen today I am making Ghana Fufu for my Kenyan Dad I am so excited it's his first time in Ghana if you want to see our experiences in Ghana make sure you give the video thumbs up make sure you subscribe and it's going to be his first time trying to PO so I'm very excited because we are from a totally different culture I'm Kenyan and where we from um in Ghana two totally different cultures so many of their meals we don't eat so many of our meals they do not eat can you imagine they don't know what chapat is here in Ghana like they don't eat chapati they don't know what chapati is I cooked chapati the other day and everyone was like wow what is this and most of them actually liked the taste so it's crazy to be in a totally different country where they cook meal so differently and that is what is making this video very very very exciting if you like this video make sure you give it a thumbs up make sure you subscribe and share the video I'm so excited to see what my dad is going to think one of the major differences between us and ghanaians is we don't we we we don't blend as much Kenyans don't blend as much we chop and I know many of you Kenyans are now fast in the comment section you want to type CH some of us blend okay some but not everyone like in West Africa everyone Blends their food it's crazy but in East Africa most of us just Cho it Choy Cho it another thing we don't put a lot of pepper in our food in Ghana oh my God they put lots of chili in short no pepper no food it's crazy I've never eaten a ghanan meal that doesn't have Pepe they even have a certain kind of porridge that has chili it's insane you guys it's insane so today I'm going to be cooking the most popular ghanan Meal which is f Fu and you're going to be making it with some Pepe soup yeah and I'm very very excited and I'm not doing it alone um I'm getting some help from some people you don't mind being on video too you shy this is iene you shy this is Irene um she's helping me out she knows how to cook really really well I've been enjoying your food by thank you like she really knows how to cook so thank you and then you have someone else the one there she called Hera very busy um yeah so let me show you guys what is going on in our kitchen today so let me turn the camera for you guys so here we go this is everything we're going to be putting in our pepper steel oh is it pepper soup or steel it's pepper soup huh peer soup it's light soup it's light soup light light soup and pepper soup is not the same thing it's the same is it the same thing the same the same thing so you can call it light soup or pepper soup say life soup life yeah soup okay okay she filling up the casava those of you who don't know casava Fufu is basically made from casava and plantain so this is a casava and then we have the plantain here so yeah why is the Cava more than the plantain in Fufu oh it depends because I can see that we have a lot of Cava and a little more than Cava ah okay but the funy like to put to use more Cava it's just individual okay here we have all the vegetables that we are going to be putting in the soup we have onions we have tomato we have pepper what is this called Garden eggs Garden eggs and what is this red thing oh this one op this one is red green pepper theed it become red okay okay okay and this thing is yeah that the G oh okay okay so you're going to boil this and and then blend it h interesting so this is so colorful oh my God sorry this is so colorful look at that you guys oh my God so colorful so in the meantime I'm going to show you guys my vegetable garden I think I told you guys that my dad brought me skuma from Kenya for those of you guys who don't know what skuma is schuma is the most popular vegetable in Kenya we eat it like every day when I was a child we used to E schuma like every day until like like in my dad's house up to date okay because um my dad was advised by the doctor not to eat schuma because of his condition he has to do of kidney failure so we stopped eating the schuma he stopped eating the schuma and we had to reduce the intake in our house but other than that we love schuma it's very healthy it's very green it adds blood to your body if you're Canan you know what I'm talking about for those who are not Kenyans or east Africans Kuma is um KES KS someone said colored greens but I know KS okay so let me show you my vegetable garden so my dad brought me this kumas from Kenya oh my God you guys I mean I planted them in my farm but unfortunately some they're dying I hope some Will Survive we are doing our best so that they survive yeah so let me show you guys so basically this is what we do during the day so guys this all this you see here this is my schuma so during the day we we cover it with um this uh because of excess heat as you guys already know Ghana is so hot oh my God see my schuma here oh this is not covered oh God this is one of the schuma this is another schuma this is another schuma guys were dying know see that other one then I have another on that side you guys can see it let scha over there this this one I cross your fingers for me and if you have any tips for me please let me know because I don't want my School Ms to die off there were actually so many but many have died off but I'm still keeping hope alive see here there's none guys oh wait here there's also none then you come to this side oh please don't tell me all of them died this side you guys no [Music] this is one schuma here this is another one that started dying look at that okay guys please I hope this one survives I don't know where I'm going to get schine actually I don't know where I'm going to get schine gun guys my schummers are gone they are gone oh god oh there's one Schumer there this thing had actually Fallen my schas [Music] oh Lord help me and help my schomers too see this one Schumer what is this lying on it oh Lord guys you see the things you're going through here this is my vegetable garden so the thing is um this is this is a this is new for me and then I'm not Ghanaian and then I'm bringing in foreign vegetables to a foreign country because this is mostly they don't this was actually very shocking to me they don't sell schuma in Ghana if you know where they sell schuma like in the market drop a comment let me know they don't sell I've looked for schuma everywhere you know how we so used to schuma sometimes you go to the market okay kills let me say kills for other people's sake uh and then you go to the market and you're like you just want to eat some kills there's no you won't find any in Ghana they've got lots of cabbages and spinach but not um but not skuma and I hope that can change but who's going to change it cuz they are ghanians right so one thing is um I want to plant vegetables in my garden cuz it stretches it's literally from here all the way to that side over there so I feel like I can plant vegetables you know tomatoes onions now that I'm in Ghana my favorite vegetable is conom so I totally want to plant right here in this Farm as well I hope that it's going to it's going to grow and I'm going to I'm just going to be taking it from my backyard and cooking it and eating it yeah so there's contre there's Tomatoes there's onions also some fruit trees um yeah but those are the vegetables I have in mind for now so please if you have any tips for me drop a comment and let me know so right now let me go back to the kitchen and see what Miss okay so we're back in the kitchen as you can tell I have no makeup on today I am this I basically woke up like this I have nothing on my face so what are we going to be putting in our pepper soup I think add chicken chicken and what and beef chicken and beef guys that's another thing about canans they mix all Meats together it's crazy they put chicken they can put chicken beef snail which for me it's really disgusting cuz I don't take salmon thank you they they'll drop salmon they'll drop beef they'll drop chicken they'll drop snail they'll drop tilapia they'll drop go make it's everything like this guys for me I honestly feel like they eat like there's no tomorrow it's like just chill tomorrow is another day you'll eat the other meat the next day but the ghanians their culture is toally different so yeah that's what's up why you not touching it with your left hand you can use your left hand right the food you're not supposed to touch it to your left hand you can only use your right hand oh no because of I'm washing it last oh okay so this is the spice Corner curry powder I guess there's another chicken spice that was here I don't think they use turmeric for we use fresh pepper so I don't think you're going to be using this one it's just an emergency if you don't have the fresh pepper we are going to have to use that cinnamon sticks guys I actually got this to make plantain porridge because I loved it so much in Jamaica but I have still haven't gotten the other ingredients like nutmeg I looked all all over the supermarket I didn't get but I'm still in search of the other ingredients so I can make um Jamaican plantain porridge sweetest stage I've taken in my life literally tastes like custard so yeah this is one of the ingredients plant and Cava is heating up on fire and we also have our vegetables boiling so it's going to be on fire for 30 minutes guys I'm super excited when we come back we're going to be ponding some for food so stay tuned in remember to give the video a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already it's about 30 minutes later and our Cava and plantain is fully cooked we Blended the vegetables here we have the chicken um together with what we Blended theyve Blended vegetables so it's going to be heating up here so guys um this is a Fu maker which you can use it does the work of mushing but people usually say when you do it like this it's not sweet my us says you have to Pond it to make it sweet but I just wanted to show you how you use this Fu makeup this was actually a gift that you were given by a lady who doesn't want me to mention her name but she's in Kumasi I know you're going to watch this video so thank you thank you thank you so much so you want to transfer that guys making Fufu is a process it's a lot of work so please if you appreciate what we do make sure you subscribe and give the video a thumbs up that's what's up so yeah this is what technology does I feel like when you have this you don't have to waste so much time ping because ping from scratch actually takes so much time but thank God for technology so this really comes through we adding OK and garden egg theu you if you like it you use this one in your soup ah okay so you're not chopping it into small pieces okay it's optional okay wow I didn't know they also put okra in Pepper soap like West Africans will shock hey they put anything they can be able to put they're going to drop it inside I don't know if Nigerians also do this if you're Nigerian drop a comment do you also do the same to your light soup or do you not mix everything up are you just like aan where is the difference this is the Cava in plantain um but apparently this is not uh soft enough so we have to go ahead and pound so yeah in case it's your first time seeing this um this is a pistol and this is a motor and how you supposed was almost it you're supposed to Pond it this is how we do it in Africa I don't know if there's any Caribbeans who do this drop a comment let me know if you do this in the Caribbean but they definitely do this in West Africa I don't think we do this in East Africa I've never seen this [Music] before hey I'm not supposed to stand this side I'm supposed to stand here and how you holding right how am I supposed to hold this yeah I think so necklace no I think I have to come for [Music] necklace oh my God I almost oh my let teach you how [Music] to the you P the okay you have to [Music] you [Music] can't you're laughing at so as you guys can see this is just plantain so we we do this with until it becomes extremely soft and then you do it with and then you bring the C you have to add some water it become more soft this is basically how we do it here in Ghana and it's really interesting it's become so soft and that's why you're not supposed to chew it you're just supposed to swallow it Shing is a Prim in GH oh yeah it's all bad but say you can't you for no they slap you it's us okay so guys because we had already put this in the fuu machine the ponding process is not taking so long so if we hadn't it will be much longer and harder work so this is mixed with the Cava and the plantain this is how you serve it on your plate guys I just want to say I have so much respect for ghanians and West Africans who do this like it's not easy I almost hit her hand like oh my God like I literally like I was lifting it up and I mistook I don't know how they TI me like it's so easy to hit someone like I'm so sorry that's crazy so much respect to you guys like respect you don't even understand I feel like West Africans put their time like West African food takes time and uh they a lot of effort and that's why it tastes really really good I won't lie I feel like West African food is the best food in Africa I've gone to Southern Africa I am East African I've come to their food tops it if you think any other country has better food than West African countries then drop a comment and let me know so yeah um and fu is my least favorite ghanian food I won't lie I love most of the I don't mind it but it's just different it's just so maybe I'll get to used to it over time but it tastes very different maybe I'll get used to it yeah but I'm trying oh in the meantime as you guys can see um we have our our pepper soup it's been boiling on fire for more than an hour now and it's almost ready and we've got to our place with Fufu this is how we serve it so we're just going to pour our our our pepper soup on top and then we're going to serve ourselves this is how it's eaten okay guys let me say this I know the person who did this doesn't want me to say it but I'm just going to go ahead and say it so there's a there's a woman who loves us so much I I won't mention her name because she wouldn't like it if I did but she loves us so much and um she basically should I say she gave us all the most of the things to use in the kitchen like she gave us a popcorn maker she gave us this what do you call this what do you call this again air fryer she gave us a blender she gave us oh my God she gave us so many things she gave us hot pots she gave us cooking pots hot pots is like where to serve your food cooking pots um this this one what is it called multi grinding machine so you can grind um your cereals also something where you can you can chop your you can chop your onions so that you don't have to chop them with your hands she gave us so many things oh my God she G her she's given us most of the things in this kitchen and I just want to say I'm so grateful for someone to take her time to buy all these things for us it's like I don't even feel like I deserve it and I know you don't want to be mentioned but I just want to put it out there that may God bless you may God increase you and may God surprise you this year and you're such a blessing like oh my God you know so she she she sells these things she has a shop some in Kumasi and when I asked her why do you do this she says cuz they just love you I just love you guys and I just want to support you and not many people will do that so just know that we appreciate you so much both Maya and I and we don't know what we can do to give back to you like God bless you and you have inspired me I also want to be a blessing to someone I just want to bless them you know just bless them until they say God how why or until they say God thank you for sending try our way so I'm going to pass it Forward God bless you please um thank the lady for me in the comment section welcome back guys now as you guys can see it's dark outside that means it's dinner time and we're going to be serving our f um there's my dad waiting for food and let's have him this is different and my dad can't eat red meat so because my dad can't eat red meat he always takes fish or chicken so I ask um maybe a little soap all the okra is finished yeah it's so guys the food is finally ready so the food is ready this is the F exactly this is the fuu Dad you need to wash your hands okay so this is your first time um trying F right I'm so excited this is a so Dad I'm very excited because you're about to try um one of the most popular meals from West Africa other than jolof you know jolof fries right yes are you sure you know J fries I'm just seen it you just seen it you've not tasted it yet hey you have to make sure you test jolof fries before you leave Ghana if you think my dad needs to try jof fries drop a comment also let us know any other meal that you think he needs to try before he leaves Ghana so yeah I think now after Fufu um we're going to be trying a Ghana jolof fries you know there's a very big competition between ghanians and Nigerians are arguing about who makes the best Jolo fries now you have to try it if you want my dad to try a Ghana jolof fries you have to give the video a thumbs up and share the video so we get lots of views and comments and then also um tell us what else he needs to try don't want to talk too much cuz I'm salivating I want you to dig in this is a authentic ghanian food made a ghanian way and it is cooked it is eaten with different types of soups the same way you can eat schuma with chicken beef egg and ugali this is the same way you can eat Fufu with with with fish you can eat it with chicken you can eat it with beef you know so feel free to dig in I told them not to put too much pepper I hope it don't be too much yeah let's let let's begin so this this food you don't you don't um chew it you put it in your mouth and swallow no chiwi and no spoon no you use your hand the same way you use ugali I've never seen you eating ugali with spoon never I think you're asking for the spoon because of the soup it's got a lot of soup yes yeah but this is how we do it in Ghana when you're in Rome you do as the Romans do yeah so this is how you eat it you take your Fufu see Dad take why you making that face you take your Fufu you dip it in your soup like this and then you swallow no cheering so what are you saying Dad give me a spoon for the soup yes and Yol and what Yol no Fufu it's not jol it's jolof j jolof and but this is not jolof jof is the our version of pilow is a j love so yeah but the food is actually very healthy the way we make it it was hard work you have to pound it pound it until it becomes very soft you know and this is actually Maya's mom favorite food but I think when people are a little bit older it's hard to teach them new things you know because they are so used to living their life in a certain way so yeah this is us so that on a scale of 1 to 10 one being very bad and 10 one being really good and 10 being very bad where would you rate this food six six [Music] why six youra is not good no Jolo Fufu Fufu is not good but chicken is first class so the Peppe soup is on point according to my dad but the Fufu itself not so good no point but the pepp pepper soup is actually on point yeah so I see for me what I usually do sometimes when they make this Fufu I would eat this soup with the rice and then the Fufu I don't eat it usually most of the time but is [Music] there oh you guys forgot to add me what did you say Dad one side of Po this side m said po you know what po means you said po of Po you know po means you said of of f mhm not f f f one side of Fu have got more Pepe than the other side soup m s tear are coming out te are coming out yeah and today they reduce the amount of peer they they put because of you because of your sick so welcome to West Africa you cannot say you have come to Ghana if you haven't tried Fufu so now you have or you have officially been to Ghana mhm when I tell you I'm having for food this is what I'm eating that's it guys we have I hope you have enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up please if you love fuu so much don't be mad at us we're just being honest as foreigners who don't cook this food in our country this is our very first time especially my dad trying this food so yeah this is our honest opinion so if you like honesty give the video a thumbs up and make sure you subscribe and drop a comment next time I want to do my dad try jof fries hey but that one is hot the pepp too much you know why this is this soup is called pepper soup because of the Peppe they throw the main ingredient is the Peppe they throw so much Peppe and then the other things so yeah now this is peer food thank you for watching guys [Music] bye The Tears by hey Dad youing with tissue is that serious yeah hey you still drinking who but you're still taking it he said the soup is very nice soup and and the chicken this friend of mine very nice but Fufu is a no no like this [Music]
Channel: Miss Trudy
Views: 162,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HhljDqrNgkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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