Kento Mori - The Sword and The Stone | Church ONLINE

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[Music] [Music] me [Music] welcome to nextgen sunday we're so glad you're here thank you so much for joining us at first church today we're so glad you're here in person on the live stream i'm just going to pray over our service really quick before we start lord god i pray that you'll touch our service today jesus god i pray that you'll be in the midst today lord i pray you'll help us god that you'll help our hearts to be touched they help our minds to be touched god thank you for the opportunity we have to come to church today jesus we're so grateful god to be in your presence today thank you jesus lord jesus name amen worship with us today as we sing hallelujah is [Music] is oh is is you're giving me waiting for me oh today [Music] jesus me you're giving me thank you jesus we thank you lord and we worship you in this place today we're so grateful for who you are oh jesus all across this room why don't we begin to lift up our hands and just peek in his name we love you jesus we need you oh god we worship you in the room today when i don't even have the words to say [Music] the battles [Music] to be afraid i will trust my god [Music] i will worship you [Music] [Music] to be afraid you are always good [Music] foreign [Music] away [Music] my god i will worship you [Applause] [Music] and i can't wait for the [Music] we worship you in this place [Music] [Music] we thank you jesus because we know oh god that you work all things together for the good of those who love you who are called according to your purpose we love you jesus declare the goodness of god [Music] mr [Music] foreign it you are working on my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are working on things my god [Music] anyways [Music] is [Applause] is foreign when i cannot see it god i still believe it you are working on things for cause i know you're working i know you're working in all things [Music] me [Music] i know i know hope is [Music] oh jesus let's put our hands together body god to the god that never sleeps and never slumbers it's important to always realize that the darkness is always submitted to life so no matter how dark the valley you're in no matter what the situation no matter what the storm if you take the situation which is temporal and you put it at the feet of our savior who is light the darkness must submit to light and so you look at your situation and then you look at your gods and you look at the situation and you say you know what that's much bigger than this and you learn to worship in the darkness you learn to worship in the storm and worship in the trial because your god has never failed you yet he doesn't plan on starting right now so no matter what you're dealing with right now my god is able and so lord here at first church prayer is our anchor so let's go before that god who has all power and all authority believing that he can and that he will mighty lord we yield to you we submit to your spirit to your word to the man of god in this house mighty jesus we bring the situation to you whatever that may be god whatever we're dealing with right now we lay it at your feet we examine it compared to the lord from glory compared to the undefeated one that said he would fight my battles that said he would war on my behalf so mighty god you are faithful you cannot lie so dear jesus we're believing you god for every miracle i'm believing to god for every situation that needs a miraculous turn around god you are able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we could ever ask or think so god we lift our hands we lift our voice we put our hands together now we're gonna worship through it we're gonna declare your name through it we're gonna praise and exalt you through every trial through every storm for you o god are the lord from glory oh jesus we magnify you and call it done in jesus name in jesus name wow welcome isn't that great to just be here just to be in the house of god in the presence of god where anything where anything is possible if you're a guest with us today we want to go ahead and say thank you so much for being with us welcome to next gen sunday then they do a great job did a great great job as you make your way back to your seats here at first church we believe that there is no success without a successor and that's why we're investing in these amazing young adults and young kids the next generation because one day somebody's gonna have to be up here with this thing i'm gonna get too old i'm already getting a lot of gray hairs somebody's going to have to take over and take it farther take it farther than we ever could so i'm excited for our next generation what god's doing in their life it's just an incredible incredible day here at first church if you're a guest with us online thank you so much for being with us we see you back there guests online we're going to put our hands together thank you so much for tuning in we pray that you feel what we feel in this house just an incredible thing as i mentioned before prayer at first church is our anchor and we pray every single monday night at seven o'clock however not tomorrow night tomorrow night's monday night prayer is canceled due to the holiday we're asking that you just you know get together with your families remember those who have served and gave the ultimate price for us however you choose to remember memorial day but no monday night prayer tomorrow night at seven o'clock but tuesday tuesday begins the first three who's excited for fasting [Music] i don't believe you i don't believe you ain't nobody excited about fasting but we are excited about what fasting brings what fasting does to us as a church body and we're excited to see what god will do when the people of god pray fast and give themselves to study the word so the first three we take the first three days of every month we set it aside as a time of fasting however you see fit to fast but join us in what god is doing in this city because i believe he wants to have a church that will shine like never before and reach our city and our world like never before so join us for the first three it'll be a great great time uh here first church we love serving and uh if you're wondering how can you get involved how can you join a serve team growth track is the process that you go through it's just two classes happens on the third and the fourth sundays of every single month so you can go through growth track get connected and get plugged into a serve team be a part of a team to join the mission of what we are doing here in sterling heights to reach our city and to reach our world so go through growth track join a serve team uh at this time you know you don't know what's coming but i do i was in the first service today and i know pastor kento has an amazing amazing message that god has given him so i'm excited for you it's going to be it's going to be incredible and so he'll do that but the ushers are going to come we're going to return a tithe and an offering unto the lord and there's going to be a three minute time of connection on the screen behind me so if you're comfortable just go ahead and get out of your pew find somebody you might not know you might not have a name for make sure you say hi to them and if you're a guest with us today we're not we're not asking that you would give an offering today just you being here is your gift alone to us but if god is impressing something upon you we just ask that you you be obedient to whatever god is doing you can of course return that in person uh there's a kiosk in our lobby you can text to give or you can visit our website to return a tithe and offering unto the lord and here at first church we have a great value of ours that says we live modestly to give radically and i've been around long enough to know that the the money that gets returned today is not squandered it's not misspent it's spent with wisdom and understanding for the growth of the kingdom and the furthering of the gospel so so return what god has given you today with confidence knowing you're investing in somebody's forever lord we're so thankful to know you to feel your presence in this place we thank you for the next generation god our future is truly bright and secure with what you are doing with the next generation lord we are honored to be here and to play a role in the kingdom so lord i pray that you would receive what we are returning to you now i pray that it would please you god and i do it mighty lord with understanding that it's going to reach and impact a soul so dear jesus that's why i do it with joy that's why my heart is full to return to you what you said belong to you because i know one day lord one day around your throne i will meet somebody that i have never met before but because of what's done here today they would have been reached because of what is returned and we'll worship you together my lord one day in jesus name amen [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to next gen sunday uh yes absolutely in fact uh i'd also like to just say welcome to everybody who's watching on the live stream or listening to our podcast thank you guys so much for coming and tuning in uh my name is kento mori i'm the next gen pastor here at first church and i'm just so absolutely honored to be here with you guys in fact i know we already did but let's put our hands together one more time for every kid and every young person who made today possible [Applause] yes so we've had youth ran sundays in the past where the youth group would run a sunday service but today is next gen sunday which means not just the youth group but also the kids program as well so we're just so excited for the very first next gen sunday um just to jump right into things if you would stand with me in honor of the word of god i'm going to be reading from first samuel 17 48-51 and it says and it came to pass when the philistine arose and came and drew nigh to meet david and david was hasted and ran toward the army to meet the philistine and david put his hand in his bag and took thence a stone and slang it and smote the philistine in the forehead that the stone sunk into his forehead and he fell upon his face to the earth so david prevailed over the philistine and slaying with and with sling and with a stone and smoth the philistine and slew him but there was no sword in the hand of david therefore david ran and stood upon the philistine and took his sword and drew it from its sheath thereof and slew him and he cut off his head there with and when the philistines saw their champion dead they fled all right you can be seated thank you so much and if you would just pray with me for the service in the name of jesus thank you god for everything that you've already done and i worship you in the name of jesus for what you're bound to do i'm asking you god that in this moment your name be glorified your church edified and the devil terrified in jesus name amen all right i think it's only appropriate for me to say happy memorial day weekend as well i give honor to everybody who's paid the ultimate price and for everybody who served in order to preserve our freedoms you see my grandfather on my mother's side was a paratrooper for the american army during world war ii and i found out later that my grandfather from my father's side had signed up for the japanese military as well during that time so uh you could say that i'm a product of deep conflict it's like if romeo and juliet had a child that's me uh we're just all happy that they never met right we're good tomorrow is our memorial day it's a day of remembering and today i want to speak about a biblical memorial day a day where god said remember this day now this is not the first time i spoke this message at least not today i i spoke it a few months back at a youth service so if you've heard this already let's just pretend like this is the first time in fact for everybody who's a part of the 98 915 let's just pretend like it's the first time and uh for any young person who feels like they've never heard this message we know exactly what we'll be speaking about next you service right paying attention all right when god tells us to remember something it's so crucial for us to actually remember this thing you see there are multiple times throughout the scripture and and a lot of times it happened with the children of israel when god tells them remember this moment and pass it down from one generation on to the next one why because he's trying to teach us something in that moment something in that scripture and so when we hear remember this our ears should begin to perk up and say what is god trying to tell us right here so in exodus 12 14-15 it says and this day shall be a memorial unto you and you shall keep it a feast to the lord throughout your generations you shall keep it a feast in ordinance forever seven days you shall eat unleavened bread and even in the first day you shall put away the leaven out of your houses for whosoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day that soul shall be cut off from israel sounds pretty crazy sounds a little deep sounds a little too much but hey if god said it then it must be so and so a little bit of background for this specific verse and what this verse is trying to tell us this is taking place during uh the time of egypt when israel was in egypt when israelites were living in the land of egypt so for exactly 430 years in fact for 430 years the israelites had been living in egypt and at the end of the 430 years god sent a man named moses in order to bring the people of israel out of egypt okay now the reason why he had to bring them out of egypt is because they had become slaves in egypt and it's incredible the bible is very specific they were in egypt for exactly 430 years which means they left on the same exact day that they entered egypt 430 years previously and interestingly enough when joseph brought his family and his father whose name is israel into egypt 430 years previously they came in as royalty they came in with egyptians telling them hey we're gonna give you the best property the best land the best egypt has to offer here's food here's here's provision here's everything that we can possibly give you they gave it to them but throughout the years and centuries of staying in egypt they had become slaves to egypt you see this is not an overnight occurrence this didn't just switch it happened it was a process it took time to turn from royalty into slavery you see it's kind of like boiling a frog a live frog right you can't just take a life frog and toss it into water it'll jump right out what you do is you take a life frog you put it into cold water and then you slowly turn up the heat the frog doesn't even realize it's getting that much hotter until it's dead boiled alive that's exactly what happened to the israelites and this is a picture perfect strategy of sin this is what happens with sin in our lives what happens is sin will welcome you in with welcome arms loving arms and give you the best it has to offer but slowly and surely you find yourselves chained down bondaged into the shackles of sin to the point where you're dependent on sin what once welcomed you in now you need you're emotionally mentally physically spiritually dependent on something now something other than god now israel has become slaves to egypt and god prepares a way he prepares a man to take them out of egypt a man named moses and so moses goes before the pharaoh of egypt to tell them to tell him to let my people go now as any sane individual the pharaoh kindly declined his offer to let go of all the free labor that he already had and so what does god do he shows signs he gives them wonders and what's known as the plagues he gives them nine different plagues to show the pharaoh that he's not joking around that he he means what he's saying and the pharaoh kindly declines the offer still and so now we find ourselves at the instructions from god you see for the nine previous plagues the israelites the children of israel didn't have to do anything they just sat back and watched god move but now god's commanding them with instructions how to get out of egypt and so in hebrew there's a word it's called shema it means to hear or to listen now i it's so interesting this hebrew language you'll hear it when people start talking about it a specific word can have multiple meanings and it's not just nouns and nouns it can go noun verb adjective all in one single word and the reason is because there are only 33 000 words in the hebrew language when you compare it to english english has 470 000 words over 10 times more words than the hebrew language which makes sense when you interpret them they have multiple meanings but this word shema which means to hear it doesn't simply mean to hear or to listen it also means to obey which means in hebrew you cannot listen until you obey you can't say you heard until you respond and react in fact every single parent in this room should say amen sign me up for hebrew school because my kids tell me all the time i heard you they just don't do anything about it right but now let's get into the instructions from god see god was saying hey i'm about to pass over the land of egypt in this tenth plague and when i do i'm gonna take every single firstborn son of every single household that is not covered by the blood i'm gonna kill them and so the instructions were very specific you were to take a one-year-old lamb slay it take the blood and cover the doorposts of that house you see the blood of a spotless lamb symbolize the coming of the messiah the coming of jesus who is our spotless lamb whose blood covers the sin of those who walk in the light you see the first passover was symbolic of the judgment of god egypt was a sin-filled land which means it doesn't matter if you were born a jew or born egyptian everybody in egypt was deserving of judgment and so god was saying if you don't do this my judgment that's what you're going to feel so god commanded israel to cover their homes with the blood of a spotless lamb and when the spirit of god passed over egypt those who were covered by the blood would be spared this is so symbolic for all of us all of us has sinned and fallen short of the glory of god and we all deserve the judgment of god but god has given us the instructions on how to step into the mercies of god that we may not get what we actually truly deserve you see there's coming a day when another passover is going to take place when the spirit of god is going to pass over a sin-filled land and when that day comes he's not going to pass over those not covered by the blood or he's not going to pass over those covered by the blood he's going to be looking for those who are recovered by the blood and he's not going to be taking the firstborn he's only taking those who are second born born again born by a spirit and born by water in fact if you have yet to be born of water and by spear baptized in the name of jesus and then filled by the spirit of god today's a fantastic day for that amen you see the passover such incredible incredible symbolism but there was another half another half to these instructions that god gave us and in fact he told us to remember this he didn't tell us to remember the passover we preached the passover all the time we preached the blood of the lamb but he told us to remember the unleavened bread you see the feast of unleavened bread as i read earlier is when israel would get rid of all the leavened bread in their homes and for seven days they would refrain from eating it this was symbolic this would symbolize living a clean and separate lifestyle it meant it might be it might seem unnecessary but the symbolic and the prophetic was within this instructions it was so clear in fact in first corinthians uh five seven through eight uh it says purge out therefore the old leaven that ye may be a new lump as ye are unleavened for even christ our passover is sacrificed for us therefore let us keep the feast not with old leaven neither with the leaven of malice and wickness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth you see besides getting rid of the leavened bread in israel they also had the instructions to prepare themselves for the escape god told them to put on the sandals on your feet grab a walking stick now this is incredible in and of itself you see there are people who are still bound by sin and what god is telling them bound in slavery and god's telling these people prepare yourselves for escape i know you don't see the way right now but prepare yourselves and for everybody who's living in sin god's saying if you want out of sin you have to start by preparing your lives for life outside of sin preparing yourselves to walk outside of egypt in other words in order to prepare for an escape out of egypt they had to first cover them their homes with the blood of a spotless lamb prepare themselves for escape and then finally remove every piece of leavened bread or risen bread from their homes and then and only then would they escape from egypt you see this is specific instructions on how to escape egypt how to escape slavery you can't just take one you need all of this you need both the passover and the unleavened bread you see the passover would loosen the grip of pharaoh it loosens the grip of sin but the unleavened bread prepares you for escape out of sin who cares if the grip is loosened you're still in sin you need to escape sin through the unleavened bread you see now i understand that everybody deals with different things everybody has personal battles of their own whether you're chained down by shackles of sin still addicted to the same things that you've been addicted to or you're facing giants in the spirit i'm finding the instructions are actually one and the same they're so closely tied you see somebody recently pointed out to me that in the bible for the giant named goliath this giant was actually killed twice you see my whole life i just thought that hey david killed goliath with the stone and then chopped his head off to kind of finish the deal that's not what the bible says though in first samuel 17 48-51 i'm going to read it again it says and it came to pass when the philistine arose and came and drew nigh to meet david and david hasted and ran toward the army to meet the philistine and david put his hand in his bag and took thence a stone and slang it and smote the philistine in his forehead that the stone sunk into his forehead and he fell upon his face to the earth now listen to this part right here it says so david prevailed over the philistine with the sling and with the stone and smote the philistine and slew him slew him past tense for slaying him which means he killed him he killed him with the stone and then it goes on but there was no sword in the hand of david therefore david ran and stood upon the philistine and took his sword and drew it out of the sheet thereof and slew him past tense for slay him he killed him again and cut off his head therewith and when the philistines saw their champion was dead they fled so the question stands how in the world is david able to kill goliath twice you see there are certain giants that we face certain obstacles that we have to go through that need to die twice before it's over that which brings forth life must live twice that which that which brings forth death must die twice lucifer fell from heaven and the bible says he's gonna fall again into a lake of fire goliath was killed by the stone and immediately afterwards was killed by the sword so what does this mean to us you see i can't tell you how many times i would come to a sunday altar call or monday prayer service or personal time in prayer and i'm battling something i know that i'm fighting something within my spirit and i'm trying to do everything in my power to pray through it and then i feel the release in my spirit i know that i killed something in that prayer meeting i know i killed something in that altar call i know it without a shadow of a doubt but not too much time goes by when i'm start to face the same exact beast the question is why you see i don't know about you but there's been so many times in my life when i come into a prayer meeting confused truly confused in my mind because i was so convinced in the prayer meeting last week that i already killed depression i already killed the lust i already killed the anger in my life why in the world is this starting to creep but back up into my spirit god i thought this was already dead you see the stone represents jesus in psalms 18 david says the lord is my rock this stone killing goliath was a miracle only through the power of god could a small stone topple a giant and slay him now the sword represents a lifestyle of discipline the word of god is like a two-edged blade and the scripture is used for correction and for training in righteousness which means you can't just have the power of god in a moment of prayer you also need to follow up with a lifestyle of discipline a lifestyle carving out the same things that's been in before you can't be the same something needs to change [Applause] jesus name you need both to kill goliath you see you need those moments in prayer you need these moments in prayer when jesus sweeps in like a flood and you begin to tap into the spirit of god and that giant that you've been facing is finally slain in that moment but it's not finished there because you need to kill it again you need to follow up with a disciplined daily life you need a cleansing you need to practice what the israelites did by cleaning every single area of their life not just from the sin but what from the sin has touched that's how disciplined you need to be here then and only then through the sword and through the stone are giants killed you see it's so interesting to see what the bible tells us to remember versus what we actually remember you see in exodus 34 after the israelites were free from israel but still carried the baggage of israel they were caught worshiping a false idol and so moses comes down from the mountain in exodus 34 and 18 and and god tells him god commanded israel to celebrate the festival of unleavened bread it doesn't mention the passover he says remember the unleavened bread later in the life of david after fleeing saul the king of israel who's trying to kill him david finds himself at a temple in a place called nab speaking to a priest named ahimalek and david's asking the priest for help and he's saying do you have any food for me and so the priest goes back and he brings out holy unleavened bread from the table of showbread and then david asks for a weapon he says is there a sword or a spear now i love this because he had no idea what this priest had first samuel 21-9 it says and the priest said the sword of goliath the philistine who thou slewest in the valley of elah behold it is here wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod if thou will take that take it for there is no other save here than that and david said there is none like that give it to me you see for david there is no sword like that sword he remembered it i i just love to picture david asking for some kind of weapon and this old priest would bring out this the sword that's been trapped up for how many years wrapped up and immediately david recognized the hilt immediately because there is no sword like that not for david what an awesome moment you see god will use testimonies as weapons against the next battle in your life you'll be prepared one giant into the next giant one moment to the next one victory will help the following one you see we focus so much about what god does and trust me i'm not minimizing that at all but we tend to also minimize our response to what god does we teach about how god miraculously used a stone to slay goliath but david remembered the sword that killed him we teach about the blood of the lamb that covers our sin but god told israel remember the unleavened bread remember your response to goliath and remember your response to the passover that's what gets you out of egypt and that's what slays giants now i'm not downplaying the stone and i'm not downplaying the passover but we need a revelation in the church of what these things actually mean when god says remember these things i'm not finished but if the band could make its way up and the music could make its way up you see i wonder to myself what would it have been like at that first passover out of faith 600 000 households would dip paintbrushes and branches into that crimson blood and cover the doorposts out of faith saying i have no idea what god's got in store but i'ma do this out of faith and in that evening the spirit of god passed over egypt to kill every firstborn son who was not covered by the blood in the daytime they would smell blood and fire and in the night time the whales of agony what a terrifyingly powerful moment that must have been for israel but then but then god commands a response with the unleavened bread you see before the israelites the bible calls this the feast of unleavened bread but let's be honest this is a fast before the israelites went on a week-long feast of unleavened bread there was a day of preparation and this day was so crucial this was the first day before the seven and it was basically spring cleaning of every single israelite home they would start by taking an old taking out all the old leavened bread and tossing it in the back of the house and setting it on fire you see i thought when i heard about unleavened bread i thought it was just hey we're just gonna refrain from eating no it goes way way deeper than that they would take the old bread burn it in the back then they would take every single plate every single bowl every silverware and they would boil it because it's touched leaven before then they would take cloths and wipe down all the walls all the furniture all the windows the ceilings the floors everything that's ever could have possibly touched sin they cleaned those surfaces and then they would take a lit candle and a feather brush and go through every single crack and every single crevice and every single corner of their homes to make sure there's not a crumb of leavened bread and then at the end of the day they would prayer pray this prayer they said blessed art thou o lord our god king of israel of the universe who has sanctified us with thy commandments and commanded us to remove the leaven all kinds of leaven that are in my possession that i have not observed nor removed shall be known and counted as dust of the earth you see this i love this so much because they were so thorough they were so thorough the fact is you will never be able to remove every bit of sin never but the israelites they they grabbed the smallest pieces that their eyes could see removed that leaven and said for everything that i'm missing right now for everything that i that i that i didn't see and that my eyes can't see god i'm asking you to call it dust of the earth so the question is when does a crumb turn into a dust for the israelites there was no compromise they removed everything that even came close and said god i'm asking you to cover the rest that i missed this is so significant to the mindset that god's calling us to the perspective of sin in our lives so significant you see there are things that lead us into sin things that have been touched by sin it might not be sin but has it touched sin and through this feast of unleavened bread god is showing us that it's not good enough to just tiptoe around sin but to get rid of everything that is and everything that's been touched and everything that could have been touched by sin clean it all to look at every single thought every single thing that i watch every single thing that we listen to every single motive in my heart every single desire that i might have and saying god i'm willing to change it all if it's ever been touched by sin cleanse it and if it is sin my god imma remove it and for everything i missed i'm asking you in jesus name to call it as dust of the earth you see this is not a sunday morning message this is a monday morning message this is something besides today this is when life changes on a sunday morning and you need to change your life on a monday morning if you do not have a disciplined walk with god and a prayer life to carry you do not have the sword to slay a giant if you're still compromising on how much sin you can actually get away with you have yet to celebrate the unleavened bread and because of that you are gonna stay in egypt you see god did not come to earth to make our lives better he came to earth and died for our sin so that we could have a completely different life he's not looking for better he's looking for new jesus name [Music] but those things these things i'm talking about they come through a burden of consecration and a desire for conviction if you're not chasing conviction then you have no idea what these israelites were talking about when they cleaned their lives the way they did they were looking for their sin they were looking for the leaven if i could have everybody stand with me [Music] you see i'm sure i'm sure that there were israelites who sacrificed a spotless lamb on that first passover but who didn't participate in the feast of unleavened bread they experienced the power in the might of god but didn't follow through with the feast of unleavened bread thinking that the passover and the spirit of god was good enough to take them out of egypt unwilling to respond by cleansing their own homes and because of that they were not only cut off from israel they stayed in egypt as slaves far too often the church emphasizes on the powerful moments in the presence of god and i'm not downplaying those at all but we need to think about our response here we can't cultivate a spirit in a atmosphere for god to move in and and not be willing to cleanse our lives minds and homes from every crumb of sin that we can find this is not simply removing sin but cleansing everything that's ever touched sin how many times do we come to church impacted by a powerful presence in the holy ghost but we never take the next step out of egypt too many people experience the passover but will stay as slaves in sin because they don't cleanse their lives they don't cleanse their lifestyles you use church as a crutch to carry you on a week-to-week basis god's saying i'm giving you something so you can carry on with you i don't know about you but i'm sick and tired of coming to church bowling my eyes out in the altar calls knowing inside of my spirit that i've killed something this day and waking up still facing the same giants i'm sick and tired of it we've acknowledged the sacrifice of the lamb of god experience the power of the blood of god but are confused on why giants still stand tall [Music] i'd like to invite everybody to these altars we're going to pray not simply for an experience trust me we can we can muster the spirit of god and manifest itself here but we're looking for a life change we don't want the first step we want the second act this is a message for those sick and tired of egypt wondering why i'm still found when i felt a breakthrough last week in the name of jesus let's pray let's usher in the presence of god that giants may fall and to seek the disciplines that it takes and the convictions that it takes to slay them again as we pray in the name of jesus i'm asking you god and move in this house give us the boldness give us the strength the determination it takes to change my life on a monday [Music] is i know [Music] me i know you're working with all of these i know i know [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] thanks [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] you are working on [Music] [Music] giving way to [Applause] [Music] is [Music] you [Music] you [Music] is [Music] up i did not tell you did i tell you that was going to be a great message a great great message pastor kento thank you for giving yourself the study of the word of god into prayer and uh he's over there talking and and talking about the stone and and god kills it the first time and then we gotta we gotta kill it the second time and all i keep thinking about is over 2 000 years ago there was a rock that fell into the forehead of sin and killed it the first time but it's not just and that's not enough that's why we need to kill it a second time we need to repent of our sins we need to get buried in water baptism in the name of the lord jesus christ and we need to be filled with the spirit of the almighty god with evidence of speaking in other tongues we need to kill it for real and for sure final and uh it's just incredible he talked about the disciplines of monday of tuesday wednesday and we've all been there let's just be real like we've all struggled with something had some victory on a sunday and by wednesday afternoon we're in the same struggle and so it's it's this time i would like to remind everyone we've got a little vase out here if you go out these doors it's on that circle table a few months ago we made a consecration to the lord in a time of commitment in our homes to make sure that we had a time of prayer and a time of study in our homes we have to like pastor kento said we have to as the people of god develop the disciplines and the habits in our life that will keep us from going back to bondage that'll keep us from going back to israel we got to kill this thing once and for all because god did not die on a cross to have us live and struggle day after day the bible says go from glory to glory to go from victory to victory if anybody ought to be living a victorious life in this day and age it ought to be the people of god and the children of the most high lord we are so thankful for this message that you have given pastor kento this great revelation mighty god that you are in a partnership with us god and what you killed we gotta kill so dear jesus we pray disciplines in our life lord barriers and safeguards mighty lord commitment to prayer into fasting lord and into study of your word mighty jesus i pray god your your blessing upon these people lord i pray that you'd be with them when they come and when they go god fight the battles ahead of them walk the road ahead of them mighty lord as we all grow and strive to please you a little bit better to be the children of god that you have called us to be and to be the force that you have placed on this planet to take over spiritually finding god you have empowered your people and you have empowered the church of the living god with your authority with your might with your power oh god that the church would take over in jesus name we pray amen amen amen just remember for all of you that have the discipline of monday night prayer no monday night prayer tomorrow night but remember first three tuesday we're excited about the results of prayer and fasting god bless you all have a fantastic holiday tomorrow god love you [Music]
Channel: First Church Sterling Heights
Views: 431
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: tnin0uNXRP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 30sec (4170 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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