Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton Last Concert Together

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[Applause] hello everybody how about it for the king get around here you're going to sit down already i'm going to you've been sitting all night [Applause] well this is amazing being here with this great guy i've never heard so much good music and so much good singing how about a hand for this guy right here is he not something mr kenneth rogers everybody i tell you what we have been so excited about this because kenny of course says he's retiring i want to see what condition your condition's really in looks good to me donnie you [Music] anyway kenny i just wanted to say that i'm really really proud of you i just hope that many many years from now when i'm older that uh i'll know when to hold them and when to fold them yeah anyway we've been accused of it all through the years you are returned you want to hold them now [Applause] he told me not to embarrass him well anyway won't you talk a little bit it's all about you but i had to get you good i'm not sure that embarrassed me though that's i don't think it did either you ready oh no i was always going to talk a little bit i was but you sounded like you were ready to go no i said i wanted you to talk a little bit it sounded like you wanted to finish no i don't know no these people have been here all night long and i know they've enjoyed every bit of the music but i'm sure that you want to hear can he talk about you know because i think you should just tell them like how happy you are to be here and why are you retiring and what you're going to do and all that okay that's enough okay i will tell you this i am happy to be here and you guys have made this a very special night for me and a special thanks to all the talent who's been up here that's been great for me i said i've been listening and i enjoyed it every song some of those songs i'll never sing again can promise you i think actually i don't i don't think anybody in the history of music has ever had a better ear for hit songs nor could they sing him better than you all the years i've worked with kenny i never get tired of hearing him sing i'm serious i love your voice and i've really just been so honored and so proud to sing with you and we've become such good friends through the years and there's a song that we are going to sing but won't you tell them tell them about this song this song has an interesting story behind it william king with the commodores his son came up to me in l.a and said hello and when i started to leave i hadn't seen him since he was five he said i want you to know something you reminded me of something really important you can't make old friends you either have them or you don't and i got back and i called don schlitz and the next day he had written this song and dolly and i are going to do it and we're going to do it now and don smith is going to be going into the hall of fame yeah don schlitz the guy that wrote this oh i know yeah with jerry reid and alex jackson this year but he that was great that he's going in as a songwriter that's wonderful he wrote some great songs so let's sing it this is kind of our song too right let me sit closer to you in case i want to touch you or something what will i do when you're gone [Music] who's gonna tell me the truth who's gonna finish the stories i start the way you always do when somebody knocks at the door and someone new walks in i will smile and shake their hands but you can't make old friends you can't make [Music] it was you and me yep since way back sing something all right [Music] how will i sing when you're gone because it won't sound the same [Music] you can't make [Music] it was you and me since way back when you can't make old friends when saint peter opens the gate and you come [Music] i'll be there just waiting for you can't make old friends and when i'm out on the stage all alone and i hear the music begin we all know that the show must go [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can't make whole friends what not the way you've always been you can't make old friends just say that she can't make old friends [Music] but you know we have been friends for so long people are always saying to me where's kenny how's kenny i mean they really think we're a couple well we're a couple of facelifts away from looking our age [Laughter] the only reason i ever get plastic surgery though is to keep my islands from sinking in the stream [Laughter] but you know what well i had to get that you had to get that off my chest right up front but seriously i thought it would be fun for kenny to talk to you folks a little bit about you know his life because i know they sing all his songs and some of them had tales to tell but i know kenny like a lot of people don't and i know things that uh i do well i find out stuff every day i didn't know because you talk about being in the business for 60 years how could you do that how old were you when you started well you know i hit record when i was 17 years old i hit record in houston in your hometown and it went to top 30 in the pop charts really and i went and did an american bandstand but clark never remembered me being there he didn't well you were 17. so it was it was it uh like a hit around the country or just it was a doo-wop record it was a doo-wop how'd it go well something like that no but you really did start and i of course i remember you when i was i had my first television well no i was bigger than a kid but i had my first television show right after i left the porter wagoner show i had a show called dolly here and it's hard to get some yeah it was not the one that was on abc that was later but kenny was still with the first edition or you had just them and i it was hard to get guests for some country girl trying to do a show trying to be more pop and all that but kenny was nice enough to come be on the show with me and that's when i met him and i decided right then that he was a wonderful guy and a good heart and a good soul team for texas t for tennessee that that kind of stuff but i just really you know we just kind of hit it right off but it was only when we uh got together on the islands and the streams and we're not about to sing that yet because we got some other stuff to do but tell them tell them how islands in the stream came about because a lot of people don't don't know how that came about about how we got together on that well barry gibb wrote the song with the bee gees and he wrote it he produced an album for me and we were out working on the in la i had a recording studio and i finally just turned him and said barry i don't even like this song anymore and he said we need dolly parton and i said my lucky day i said well i don't know how to reach dolly and my managers at the time said i just saw her downstairs i said well go get her and bring her up and now as only dolly can she marched into that studio and that song never sounded the same and it's a great song but it was only then that we started uh after that song became a big hit uh everybody just loved us as a duet and we toured together we traveled all over the world together and so we we had a lot of fun touring we did yeah you have some favorite memories of some of our tours no you don't oh i do i do remember back in the day a lot of you know me and kenny you should be a lot fatter than we are now we used to remember we both were pretty hardy that was before jiffy sunk i know we're going to tell them about what jiffy suck is because kenny we'd be on tour and gain weight and then we'd be off for a few weeks and kenny would go get liposuction and uh i'd go do my stuff so we you know we kind of he'd come back but he'd be looking like this at the end of the tour because we ate all the time and then when we'd start back on tour he'd be just flat as a whole cake and i said how do you get so skinny so quick and he said well i'll do that new liposuction that's when it was new then so anyway he just thought you could go out and eat a bowl of beans and get it sucked out i guess but right before the show but anyhow i don't know if any of you know these and all musicians all singers you know we travel with our little uh steamers you know you've got to steam your clothes and usually they have those little hand ones that you know where you steam your clothes but they came out with one that kind of was on a stand and had that little you know the little hook where you really could steam them off like professional and so i had one and i thought i'm going to get kenny one of those for his dressing room so just as a gift because it was a good thing to steam our stage clothes so i had him put in his dressing room when he was on tour and so kenny came in the room he said what is that a jiffy suck i said yeah that's that's your portable liposuction machine so yeah so we can just go out and eat some she tried to borrow it but we had great great times together didn't we did i mean that's the one thing she is like this 24 7. no no i'm telling you is that a bad thing no i'll tell you when we were doing uh you can't make old friends it was a very touching song for us because it was written about our relationship and we were in there and i was in the studio just saying my heart out and i looked over and dolly wasn't at her microphone and she came walking around and she came in to my studio put my arm put her arms around my neck and she said kenny i want you to know something i could never sing at your funeral well it was that song about saying you're assuming i'm going no i didn't assume that you know that part where when he was singing about when saint peter comes marching in and i thought you know that somebody said oh that'd be a great song for the two of you to sing at each other's funeral whoever goes first and i thought there ain't no way i could sing i could never i'd be so heartbroken something ever happened to you so i have to go first i have to go first well good lord you're just retired we died i mean it's like amazing the years we've had i remember some of our fun times i remember once we were uh down in arkansas remember when we we were touring there and and the uh razorbacks the ball team down there we were at this big arena i guess where they played and we were about to go and the way that we had our show staged well he would uh he would start the song he would do his show and i'd come out toward the end of it and so he would start the we've got tonight's song and then i would after came to my part i would just appear on the little stand and then i would walk down and then i'd you know be get applause well anyhow it was my time to go on i had on my big beaded gown and my big hairdo and my makeup all done and i was standing backstage waiting going and i saw this razorback head you know those big hog heads that they wear at the gates well i thought i think i do have some fond memories i do because i i was thinking i got to make i got to do this i saw that old hog headlight over there i said i got to put that thing on and appear at the top of the stage when i come out singing and so sure enough i risked it all i didn't notice it for 30 seconds i thought that was just her but needless to say here i come singing we've got tonight there's been all kinds but anyway it was fun so we had a lot of good memories we've had some great years we really have but you know what you've just been amazing i think that uh what you've done in the business has been great now how many how many uh yeah i know we're not i'm not your first you had a lot of you had a lot of girls before me do you at partners how many girl singers did you have there sheena easter yeah sheena kim karns dottie west yeah you and me and ronnie millsap all the lovely yeah i just did a song with ronnie and he's like i told him we need to do an album we call it the blonde leading the blind it's like hey we can say that about you and me now with your blonde hair the blonds dumb blondes yeah but anyway kenny i just think you're great and i you i'm yeah but anyway kenny i just think you're great and i you i'm you know you weren't my first either you know i had some couple of duet partners too you know porter wagoner was you know i had him it's disappointing and then no but you know you've just been like one of those people that's just been kind of embedded in my heart now i go on with a lot of foolishness a lot of craziness because i like to have fun try to lighten things up but there is a place deep in my country heart that goes beyond understanding and goes beyond the jokes and goes beyond everything else because i know i'm artificial out here but i'd like to think my heart's real and that's probably the only thing real about me but in that heart of mine i have a spot for you that's never ever going to be touched by anybody else and i'm going to hold you there forever and i want to sing you a song that you i guess you guys know i will always love you do you know that i want to sing this okay to you just sit there just take me if i should stay i would only be in your way so i'll go but i know i think of you each [Music] you memories i guess that's all i'll be taking with me [Music] cause we both love you and i hope life treats you real and i hope that you have all that you ever dreamed of oh and i do wish you joy and i wish you lots and lots of happiness all this i wish [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is oh kitty that is so nice thank you so much it's a very special song well it is and that's too sad ain't it you know what i can't think of anybody wait what what i have to talk to these i wish you would take a second and say thank you so much for coming here tonight to help me say goodbye you guys have been wonderful and the talent on this show i i mean i said over there and i said wow i forgot about that hit i forgot about that hit so it's really been fun for me and tonight is as much about me saying thank you as it is goodbye yes 60 years of great talent and now without the stool okay you want to do i can't think of anybody i would rather sail away with uh-huh and everybody gets to sing on this one are you ready for us to do our battle i am right in the street [Music] [Applause] maybe when i met you there was peace unknown i set out to get you the fine tooth calm i was soft inside there was something good in [Music] to all that i can't explain hold me closer and i feel enough [Music] [Music] no one in between [Music] everything is [Music] but that won't happen to us any [Music] is [Music] together with each other [Music] oh [Music] [Music] thank you guys so much right how about we go out like rock stars absolutely one two three
Channel: maniniyot kuwait
Views: 25,478
Rating: 4.8832893 out of 5
Keywords: Kenny Rogers, Dolly Parton, Island in the Streems
Id: pbLFD4iPaVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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