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there he is wait let me get y'all how to Charlie puth Charlie we got 14k in the chat right now yelling at you I don't think I've ever done a Twitter or no I've done one twitch but I've never how is your looking so professional to me I'll tell you there's a guy named Aris he's watching this right now he's also my mod he does everything he's like the guy who makes my little emotes he makes like all my little buttons that I press he set it up in my studio Aris does everything but he's also got like a whole like television program well Aris does in the cave so we kind of just transitioned it it's crazy I didn't expect it to I I have like the janky is like I have a light that I purchased on Amazon like a month ago and I thought I thought that was like some high-tech stuff all you have is a lights all you've sold the 800 million records you deserve like a to go pro stream deck you need a hole with I don't know I don't have any patience dude I just learned how to use like plugins three years ago like I if you when I was in college because you would you would we were at Berkeley at the same time I was only using like plugins since oh yeah people don't know that me and Charlie both went to Berkeley an had the same major and Charlie was the year after me and then he went on to be Charlie puth and then I can barely run my twitch account so no you were you were way way way lit in Berkeley you had like I cuz you were in loud pack and I would hear these kick drums and anyway who the hell is producing this even back then very the thing about these kids is there like an unbelievable like you I've only had twitch for two weeks but it's such a crazy community already cuz there's this thing called a discord which is like yeah another like chat server that they all use when I'm not streaming yeah so there's already 7,000 kids in it and they have their own beat competitions and like they go they review every kit and sound and everything that comes through every kid in there he has it or knows about it and well I'll ask about a snare sound or an 808 or something from any song ever and I'll have it in the discord in like minutes so really these kids are like on there on the real with it so when you make beats in front of them and like it's not fun the first few times Oh use that same room Oh music like they're so on it so I'm bringing you in cuz you're better than everybody at music so I have a little Charlie puth keys they can't say to me and my weak-ass drum is gonna sound your drums written your drums move the room but what's really interesting is that you and it just like I this is why you never planned things out because right before you got on you were like you mentioned something about keys they kind of broke up the like I heard you say something about keys and I'm saying why don't I just like pull it but shitty like like what they would use in like a Baptist Church in the not in like 1994 and that's this sounds like the Tevin Campbell [Music] like but four and it's also be it's also the vogue piano from Madonna love that I think I think it'd be hard if it's literally like treat it like baladi tempo whatever you do just like way slower then it would then it would sound cool and then if I can take you and sample you you ugly if I can just bring you up into zero and speed and everything and then it'll start to like feel sample yeah I think okay yeah okay so I'll I'll do it down here I'll do I'll go like really like really Kelly price with the course like that oh my god that in like a metal just on melody even if it's a voice memo from you like just all vowels you know you mean something just a no word melody thing so like if I got Pro Tools up in here I can just it can I just email you the stem yeah just need two steps give me like I've just give me a key step a baseline if you're feeling inclined and a little vocal thing alright I got Charlie puth cooking for me right now y'all hungry the chats going nuts for you right now [Music] really hard jonnyandgill like 1988 Johnny Gill can you them can you riff over it one time with keys yeah here let me print that is audio yeah audios cool just because you have what do you are kidding Ableton right why'd you have to say like that truth because I'm envious of those who have would have Ableton because it's just like pro school is great with audio but how fast y'all are able to cook up an edible tin and it's like oh I didn't have perfect pitch like I I would be so slow in Pro Tools because you have to like have patience like Pro Tools crashes all the times the problem with Pro Tools - for me is like warping audio is so difficult to do well and you have to go into such like a high functioning mode of the program to get the best salic into Ableton I can flip anything to any speed any tempo boom and like sometimes you'll get a little bit of like artifacts and it'll be a little bit dusty but most times like it's better than I've encountered with logic or Pro Tools or anywhere else it's too quick um I'm just I don't need to speak on Ableton like that I just I'm like jealous I wish they said Oh Chet said flex so you want me to like just do it with the same sound it's like the circle of fifths cuz as you know we know that's the Berkeley [Music] me watching Charlie play keys watch see this is where I cheat like everybody thinks I'm a good solace I just I'm not that good actually I have to fix these notes so wait wait Charlie start talking about chords is she [Music] let's just listen do you want like another round er is that cool what play the whole thing yeah I'm gonna chop it up use pieces of it yeah just like and I'm gonna give you other pad in key states it's just I don't know the the corner like I was listed before the preset Charlie drop the preset charlie just drop it just let it go Charlie hold on okay I have key skip up here see I gotta know I got you gotta update your key scape go to electric peanut now not Allah vintage Digital Keys MKS 20 gospel [Music] so good okay so just like a little pad under that [Music] seriously I love that like cheesy piano it's I know you're gonna make it like a thousand times cooler okay so piano though all like a lot of the best three sound rap beats of all time or like a stock piano there's something about that first preset well I wonder I always think about this like because that that piano presets from like what the is that like that outboard gear called someone in the comments probably knows Roland made it and they were trying to mimic like a real piano but I nobody used like that I that uh you gotta be tough you gotta be stung like mimic a real guitar but nobody like use it as a real guitar and it just made some iconic songs from them trying to be all authentic but it just had a sound to it I don't know it's they mad you called them to comments it's the chat it's the 20 I've got a refer to it as the chat they mad as hell most of the chat is saying that you should you should make a song with Wiz Khalifa I actually thought about when Wiz and I are gonna do another another one they're all so mad about your chair Charlie they want you to have more lumbar support I don't know if Wiz and I could ever [Music] ever like even the kid that I wrote to you again with we only did one session that's the session really yeah like what we click and we joke about it still like I mean with um Andrew cedar will never do another session because we gonna do can you where am i sending this text you what phone number do I send this you want you can put it right in our text if you want Charlie okay hold on I'm like I'm going off my laptop I'm not shall have the setup here's the thing about them you can't give them any info last week the chat convinced me that they leaked Aris like my like my main moderator like they they leaked his number and they're like your dad's numbers in the chat like did they're saying all this crazy and I literally logged off and was like naw did they really get me and then as soon as I logged off the whole chat was like how you like got you like that I was like oh my god I feel like the host personality is completely parallel to the chat oh the worst ever happened to me and I didn't do anything this spotify bracket did like they were trying to do like a producer battle bracket and they put me against mad live in the first round so i posted like oh he's gonna on me like it's the goat did it uh somehow like the pole got up and i won the round and the whole internet erupted like i tweeted like obviously he would beat me like a million times over with like one of his pinky fingers and then everybody is still in the comments like yeah you he would beat you I'm like oh my god you gotta wonder how long I feel like they would I feel like nowadays people would have the confidence to say this in person I didn't have I would never even enter a battle though like if someone's like oh you should battle did it I'm like now I'm good like I would never want to do it I got forced into it God what do you get yourself in the accounting Oh I said okay it's check your email okay got it though Charlie give me a little give me a little vocal riff even if you voice memo okay um yeah I can do it on my don't I don't don't do something like Sola we don't do something like hooky even if it's a valve okay are you gonna do a I pad voice memo yeah have you ever heard of an iPad voice memo before it actually works way better than okay something hooky so so good but how did you do that without come usek cuz I got it in my head hey guys here's a little knowledge bomb for you if your beats are just like struggling you're having a little bit of writer's block whatever just get Charlie puth to do all the and then it'll be way easier Charlie just did the whole vocal without it's gonna be it's gonna put the auto-tune to be major it's gonna sound beautiful you're gonna hear me in the background saying fire I mean I'm pretty sure here I just I just I just emailed that to you play it on the okay actually don't put it put it to be chromatic because I change the keys with the tune you won't be chromatic yeah do you go Aalto uh do you go like Alto or tenor for your voice or do you go low mail no I I go um I've always gone altered tenor dude I'll never forget the first time everyone like like artists are so afraid to like talk about auto-tune because they like they just don't talk about it I like I know how to sing because of auto-tune I'll never forget it was August 2008 and I was doing it like this was when myspace was popping or just about to stop popping but I was putting up a cover and it was at my tits everything else then had been so frustrating because growing up with perfect pitch you have the notes perfectly in your head or almost perfectly in your head but I was such a terrible singer like I was on easily and like this and I actually couldn't feasibly um hit the notes but it caused great distress in my mind because like I could hear that hear it in my head it was like it was like looking at a glitter like through a glass window of what could be and then I sang something an F major I think it was the song you can close your eyes by James Taylor and I sang it like regularly and went to audiosuite highlighted the whole thing put it to F major and I cried I had never heard my voice that perfect ever and I cried believe it like it was like it's changed auto-tune changed my life man auto-tune for some people like they don't even know what they sound like you know because they forced themselves to use it forever not sing with it forever and then I'll put it on like very discreetly before we play back like the last minute of a session and they're like oh my god like there's some sounds good about this studio it's not I'm like no like you force yourself to not use auto-tune and you need like a baby amount just to even out notes like it's not about you can't hit things or your pitcher you killed it something sounds good about this studio it's like no it's processing yeah I lied to you right on the channel processing it's CLE 76 with the input turned up the API lead vocals setting and Valhalla right on it one of my donators just said Elijah greatest that they sent you a copy of Ableton on Twitter so no way I mean looks like it how do you send a copy of Ableton they might ascend you knows but Elijah gray said they sent you a copy of Ableton also Ableton is free for 90 days right now also for everybody who got the vocal template in the discord I gave away my vocal templates Charlie oh all the plugins in it or on sale right now for like a lot of 80% off or some crazy so if you're missing plugins from the vocal template and you need them I'm pretty sure they're like 80% off right now and they're dumb cheap sorry I didn't mean to do that wall I can't I can't make the beat and be on bass on because of how this is rigged so I'm gonna make the beat but come in the chat if you're chilling Charlie come no I'm what I'm gonna watch you right now okay fire and then last thing before you go let me drop a bomb hold on best ways to stay inspired during the quarantine when you're stuck in the same room every day making music Charlie puth go I get on chat to get on chat and get on live with Kenny beads give me a plug give me the real answer no do something that you wouldn't normally do like don't worry about making a hit like don't like every like just and that's how the best is gonna come out like what stuff like how my career started happening was when I stopped caring about making hits like when my all my schoolwork was done and I was just like going on he lead it calm and listening to the bedroom after dark playlist and just making pop R&B vibey that was in like 2014 and that's when label started hitting me up because it was just it's it just sounded so easy and it was free-flowing and now I'm back in my parents house doing the same thing again I don't got like you know we pushed everything back no one's touring right now just take this time and I hate using the word vibe but just do that and take the time call you take all the time you need we've never this is the first thing that can be a snack watch well Charlie thank you so much twitch everybody say thank you to Charlie for pulling up come in the chat Charlie come hang about to make this big not leaving I'm gonna troll in the chat all right fine I'll see in a second all right let me download these samples we're making a beat with Charlie puth by the way if you want to make a beat today if you're subscribed to the twitch you can go in the disc or you can get the sample that I personally put in there today we're gonna pick a winner at the end of the stream subscribe to me go to the discord link your account get the sample flip it let's go crazy let's make a beat with Charlie puth productive day we already did a toes breakdown got a beet challenge in the discord savage came in for no reason we had Charlie puth give us the sauce come on let's download this real quick he was just joining right now Charlie puth blessed us he came through he played some it took him about one second did y'all notice that he was having a conversation the whole time and he literally did that in like two seconds and it's better than anything I could have played it's crazy I don't even know what BPM he did I even asked him alright screen I know screen I know I know I know I know I know screen I know what is the 100 BPM I was like what the are y'all saying 104 guys thank you so much you guys were so chill you know what there's crazy twitch I feel like people forget to tell you guys how chill you are doesn't really look like a hundred honestly but let's see [Music] let's cut the out of it okay you guys are always right it's a hundred just relax I got that was a little solo thing this must be the other Keys let's cut the oh damn that was crazy I was like what the is everybody typing 100 in the chat for I am [Music] I'm Charlie puth with chords it's not hard to make beats it's not you just need someone who sold like 300 million records to play the keys for you and then you're in oh I don't know where this comes in now all right oh that comes in before the beat oh this parts called being too good it's like a little bit too good alright let's figure this out so let me choice I'm crazy [Music] [Music] no tuned Charlie I'm exposing you this is a Charlie puth acapella no Tooting how much bro give me 10,000 in the disc or for it or give me one one Bitcoin I'll sell you Charlie puth someone said Stevie Wonder tie beat that's the biggest compliment you can get let's go stupid Charlie wants auto-tune so let's give him auto-tune he said be chromatic okay be chromatic did he say Alto or did he say little man I think you said also I'm cuz I'm no good took one little incense break off camera all of a sudden um no good guys to ruin it like that it's the worst part [Music] is the click dumb loud I'm sorry I know it's super loud I'm sorry I'm sorry all right let's give him a little sauce real quick if you are subscribed to my twitch and you are in my discord you know that I gave away my vocal template so right now as you can see charlie recorded this on his iPad which is insane and I'm gonna throw that tomb a vocal chain right on it by the bing bada boom if you're already subscribed you already have this vocal chain so I don't need to show it right now all you need to do is subscribe and go get it in the subscriber rewards this isn't even the updated one that you all have you all have a newer one than this big Duda said who raided no one rated we're just having a good time today why are you even thinking don't even use a cerebellum don't overthink it buddy just come in and have a good time join the chat join the discord if you don't have the link let me give you the link real quick we're having a beat competition by the way there's a sample in there if you want to make beats today go in there get the sample make a beat we're gonna judge it later shout out to Elijah grave this is Cuban macros 20 you're an amine cyd Noi one rule long follow for all the donations shoutout to all my new subscribers shoutout to all my new bit we're calling what were we calling the people who throwing bits I don't like that that don't feel nice okay off top we put this little chain on it I want this a little faster whoa oh god damn it this really ruined it not really really wrecked it this vocal chains not even as good as the one that you all have in the in the discord oh but this is good enough to get this vocal a little more pop in a little chain that I made let me see something oh no you a little short reverb with some RC that's not this preset so you got to with it a little bit oh thank you for the bits let's see you [Music] okay so let's do a little bit of [Music] that's such a cool sound when we give it too much [Music] try poof gave me these chords if you're just joining in kind of a big deal I mean I'm not I'm not freaking out anything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Charlie in the chat y'all make some noise for Charlie on twitch it's his first day y'all come on tell him tell him tell Charlie what the POG is tell Charlie how emo it is show them what to do guys come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] an 808 I'm still so mad that they named to this the candy 808 she at least says Kenny on it it's the worst 808 in the world so bad let's do a bass first you gotta do a jazz bass line in low key you got to keep it simple because the chords do so much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so all these Middies hella boring right now he's trying to get the notes right cuz Charlie's a jazz genius once I get the notes right we'll go back we'll swing the bass a little bit we'll add some extra to it make a little more fire oh I gotta charge my computer so Charlie who which be boom save alright let me check my computer hold on hold on I'm sorry how are we feeling let me get a for all can I go we get a bog in the chat are we having a decent Monday we're feeling okay let's get the charger going okay boom we're in their clothes clashing so I'm just gonna take all the cords from Charlie put them in a little group you know we can't use zero latency because we're better than that we deserve more than that it's 2020 wearing a quarantine okay just a about some latency came in the grocery store without contracting a deadly virus like what was sit at my house I'm worried about latency turn the latency off we got 15 K in the room let's just hold on hold on hold on hold on guys if you've never been in the stream before let's just get our energy right it's a Monday half of us are in the house you might be on call of duty right now you might be playing Animal Crossing I don't really know what to tell you but let's just do this [Music] [Music] [Music] an idea this might not work but it might work [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just follow me for a second to follow me there's an idea [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh wait people are mad not even listening that's my new donators [Music] Charlie approved this text to me base notes look at this base notes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I like this one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Charlie I know you know I was talking all that let me know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and this is D minor D minor what oh we need E minor now I don't give a Charlie stop telling me what oh my god I need to not look at the chat like I was doing shout out to my new subscribers under my new donator thick my next big my next lick my thick my next lick my big man baby they trip and eventually well up a gothic my next lick my big my next lick my big man [Music] I was a snare I'm no I'm not looking at the chat can't take you today just put a frog in there for me that's all I need just throwing frog [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] new young this all I want all I want is new tea [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll fix the vocal I'll fix the bubbles [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you why not [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] shout out to the count [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] people are still yelling at me about this mad little oh my god shut up Charlie proof for this stems let's go crazy I can hear a lot of people on this that first chord change I felt like it just looping like Charlie was saying like with the circle of fifths kind of vibe good that loop would just feel to continuous I wanted to do something to break it up so I'm trying to treat the full thing Charlie gave me kind of like a sample in parts I'm still gonna build this up a little bit [Music] having this whole other vibe here kind of breakdown thing makes this go back to that one core kind of fodder and it's it's a little complicated that's not on the one but you would want it to come right here yeah sample up let's just pick a better one no you I don't have to hit you all weird didn't they whenever you start to warp 808 too much the vibe gets up [Music] I hate the sound of like 808 so once they have a complex Pro or like beats or some on and it always feels weird to me that's a Ableton term if you're not familiar [Music] that speaking [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that that little reverb I put on is hanging over don't wanna turn it off alright on that drop happened so it's clean [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] knowledge in here okay so I'm feeling pretty good on it I'm gonna do some more things to this part but [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh almost there it's Charlie with us cuz knowledge with us knowledge can you fix this be just make it good this is unsavable knowledge can you just take this beat and then like make it fire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what else has reverb on it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think we're in there I think we're in there I think we're in there knowledge my boy yeah Charlie puth in here we had knowledge in here we had Luba savage in here what the floor donated instead I took your advice started the ableton trial it's great
Channel: fliko
Views: 350,674
Rating: 4.9692202 out of 5
Keywords: kenny beats, charlie puth, charlie puth making beats, charlie puth singer making a beat, kenny beats live, kenny beats live twitch, kenny beats live 2020, dont, over, think, shit, dont over think shit, making a beat in live kenny beats, kenny beats cookup, charlie, puth, voicenotes, attention, atlantic, how long, see you again, we dont talk anymore, marvin gaye, one call away, atlantic records, nine track mind
Id: xAet1NEOGJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 27sec (5967 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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