Jacob Collier TIKTOK Livestream - Song Creation - Logic ProX - HD FULL VIDEO

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i learned music sitting in his chair as a boy and i still make me and the cool thing about this is that you can basically just record whatever's in your imagination you can record it's like a canvas like a blank piece of paper so say for example i press record right now and it does this all right so we're at 78 bpm right now and if i go like [Music] yeah say i did that for example then check this out this is a this is what i just played [Music] and this is what it looks like in piano roll so often when i make something i just kind of let my mind go wild and then i can make then i make my make decisions about what it is i'm making later on but for now let's just let let's run with this let's see where this can take us so i quite like that little improvised idea uh i might add some bass and here's a bass sound called clicky solid which i'm now going to play along let's see can you guys hear that [Music] yeah excellent stuff okay cool so now let's play some bass uh it's gonna go like this [Music] cool no problem [Music] now that phil at the beginning i'm just gonna i'm gonna get rid of that because i think it's a bit gratuitous so now we've got some bass and we've got some piano i wonder where we're gonna go next um i'm not sure okay well why don't we play some guitars i think that might be quite nice idea i've got a guitar right here that i could play uh maybe in this tuning cool if you're just joining welcome my name's jacob and we're making a song today and we're going to discuss music as we're making the song let's start with some guitar [Music] cool okay i'm actually going to double check that which means i'm going to play it twice because it might sound more communal here goes but you know what i'm going to do that one more time because i think i can do it better here goes i'll do some more open chords i think [Music] look at oak right let's check it out [Music] i i know what you're thinking you're thinking what this song needs is a little bit of shaker that's what i think you're thinking luckily for you i have a shaker ready here to hand i got this shaker in india it says love from india on it it was given to me by a very wonderful fan when i played in mumbai in 2019 and i love this shake i use it all the time all the time especially when it sounds like this [Music] okay and what i'm gonna do next is i'm gonna add some vocals i think welcome by the way guys if you're just joining yeah it's good to see you okay cool don't worry this is going to get crazy later on right now it's quite calm but i think it needs to get crazier than this and i think it will quite soon first of all i can record some voices now one of my favorite things to do ever is record voices and i'll record it with this very microphone that you can probably see and i'm talking into the microphone is called a u87 and um i'm going to sing some long notes over the top of this groove and then we're going to start twisting it up and making music with it so here goes [Music] cool that's another a [Music] [Music] that's another three [Music] i think we should have d next am i not another d [Music] right this is what they sound like all together so each of these little regions here is one voice and if i zoom in a little bit you can probably see but um one of my favorite things to do when i produce voices is to is to double or triple or quadruple track each part so this is an a this is an e and this is a d but i have actually done two a's two e's two d's they kind of hug each other those two and it feels good and it kind of phases together which gives it that sort of choral feeling which i really i really like so and i think perhaps what we'll do is we'll copy and paste these notes here and we'll put them here and then i'll do a higher d at the top and another one to keep okay so i think what we should do next [Music] is that some percussion what do you think about that guys percussion what do you think i think percussion might be quite nice um but i have some questions in here oh there's a tablet track [Music] [Applause] okay let's see if i can make some music out of these sounds [Music] this is quite fun [Music] okay cool i'm seeing some great suggestions coming over there uh people think i should add farting sound effects it's cool so it's very tick-tock isn't it very tick-tock uh if you're um if you're wondering what this is down here these are the notes i just played and actually if you've been paying attention you might notice that whenever i play a note on the keyboard the note lights up green so i know it's a bit kind of hidden behind the chat but hopefully you can see some of that as they as things roll past well i guys i think what's what it's time to do is to is to speed things up a little bit so i'm going to do is i'm going to put all of these tracks here into one single track and it's called a bounce in place and uh that means that we can kind of take this and we can sample it and then we can make it into something really cool but at this point i'd like to open the floodgates to some genuine suggestions so if you have any ideas of things like i could add please let me know and i will do my darndest to add said [Music] things okay i'm actually going to do that one more time and take these down a little bit okay and this is when the fun begins well there's a lot of suggestions coming in banjo looks like marimba cool clay's vibraphone hop edgy it's way too early in the day to play arpeggio now let's just see how it sounds a little bit faster [Music] i quite like it up there okay well i think we can roll with that a little bit i'm going to mute these guys and [Music] i'm going to put a plug-in on this which is going to make it sound even warmer and more interesting and the plugin is called rc20 and it goes like this add some crackle [Music] add some space and reverb [Music] okay there might be a bit too much crackle um keep the suggestions coming i'm just about to get to them [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] this is a really really fun and useful plugin which i use quite a lot called lfo tool it means you can sculpt the dynamic curve of whatever tracks you like so i'm going to sculpt the dynamic curve of all the tracks that you just heard [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] uh some hats let's do some trap hats [Applause] so so i've just added this beat and i think i might add like a um okay i think i need some open hi-hats so for that let's use brooklyn okay cool okay so all right someone's suggesting synth chords uh let's see if i can do some maybe some brass synth or something [Music] if i'm going to do is i'm going to loop this whole section just like that and then in the second half of the section we can start playing i'm going to delete some of these upper things up here [Music] okay i'm gonna quantize that [Music] someone's suggesting uh strings so i might do some some some strings [Music] oh actually oh that's a good eye that's interesting instead of going around this whole pack passage why don't we loop this thing three times so it goes like this [Music] that might be fun i can take the end of this one and put it back there let's see how that sounds do so just have some little sprinkles someone's asking for some raindrop sounds vicky okay i can do some raindrop sounds with my mouth this is how this goes now let's see what this sounds like right so that was that's like in the in the original key so what might be a fun thing to do if we're going to make a little song with a structure is to start in the hierarchy and then to go back into the lower key and then maybe do that twice and then come back to the higher key again that might be cool let's try it in fact one thing that comes to mind that we could try is as an intro [Music] okay and then i might automate this up if i automate the eq this thing here sorry there you go this thing here is called eq and it shapes the sounds that you're hearing so the sounds on the right here are high frequencies like and the sounds down here are all the low frequencies so one thing that one does when one mixes a song in the creation process is sculpts how that sound wants to feel and actually i'm gonna give you a good example of that and i'm gonna do it actually yeah i'll do with this piano up here so you can hear exactly what i mean right so all these lines here they go falling down now those are all the frequencies of the piano and i'm going to see what it sounds like to turn up all the high frequencies a lot but before i do that i'm just going to go and mute this and additionally this okay so here's the high frequencies and then if i take this my frequencies away sounds really muffled and warm [Music] which is cool so i think for the intro what i'm going to do is i'm going to i'll leave that piano as was before i'm going to take this thing this guy [Music] and i'm going to start it with the the low frequencies playing and then i'm going to rise it gradually up so that the hyphens is playing and this is actually a common trick and you might recognize the way it sounds in just a second but here goes um let's do let's do latch actually oh my bad sorry let's do read there you [Music] go you know what i mean and then it's going to drop drops of fun let's do a but i need to just like a reverse symbol sound so i'll do it with my voice in fact i'll go i'll go that's my version of a symbol and then i'm going to reverse that symbol inside this audio editor down here and i'm going to say reverse okay and now it looks like that and here's what it sounds like it's quite exciting all right so let's put that there cut off the end so it's nice and clean now when i leave my base there it is okay [Music] i'm going to add it on that drop [Music] i could do it again i i quite write some lyrics guys can you help me with some lyrics i'd like some ideas for different lyrics i could sing about what should i sing about might be kind of a fun thing to do some people ask me what the bass sound is that i just used and the truth of the matter is it's a trillion sound wow clicky solid saw really really good i absolutely love trillion i use it all the time i recommend you do too okay let's see some lyric ideas are starting to come through and uh let's see i've got right cheese oh well okay cheese breakfast a lot of food are you guys hungry you guys look hungry birds oh forest okay walk in a forest cup of tea to hit bubbles i don't know if bubbles is a topic a lot of people are very hungry around here that's fine by me very rain forest autumn it's not really the autumn is it well actually i guess it depends where you are in the world um magic space honey oh someone says finding love in the forest or something well that sounds like a fun day out um oh nicholas dreaming of flying i actually like jimmy flying lock i'll start with dreaming of flying and then i'll see where i can get to so i'm going to copy those into my notepad there you go right and let's just make this a little smaller actually can i make that smaller okay i'll i'll refer to that as i go [Music] um [Music] and again sorry [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] oops i forgot the melody [Music] [Laughter] okay are you thinking what i'm thinking because i'm thinking this actually is a cool round you know what i mean so basically you have [Music] say that again [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i'm going to do octo fire [Music] okay here's what the voices sound like [Music] i think we need some more harmonies you can quote me on that okay [Music] i've got some other ideas for some notes here let's put these vocals in a bus and solo them let's do that one again [Music] and something's rattling i think it might be this one [Music] now just because i like sparkles i'm going to make them sparkle with some high end and the eq and i can take out a little bit lower because we don't need so much low end let's add some reverb to that [Music] i know what you're thinking you're thinking are there any other notes that you can add jacob and the answer is of course yes there are always more notes that you can add let's just lower it [Music] all right more basis if you're not listening on airports or headphones i'd recommend that you do because this is stereo it's in stereo guys that's the truth of the matter and here's a trick that i sometimes do if i can't hit a note because it's too high [Music] in fact just before i do that i have other ideas for notes or fly or fly [Music] cool [Music] is [Music] hey i think we should listen to that in [Music] context [Music] oh [Music] ah [Music] i think this should be upper semitone [Music] all right so now let's add some other words in uh here were your ideas from earlier if you're just joining hello and welcome we're in london well i'm in london anyway i don't know where you guys are let's see what could we add there were quite a few rainforest requests so um so yeah maybe we could have a look at the rainforest let's see if i can find some rainforest sounds actually i'm just going to look in my sound database that's the one that is the one right there dragging it in okie dokie [Music] okay guys what animals live in the rainforest i i know a few animals but i don't know all of them and i need your suggestions so give me some animals that live in the rainforest and we'll incorporate them into the lyrics [Music] um let's just clean that up a little bit okay let's write down some of these ideas this is great i really appreciate this monkeys tree frogs birds parrots jaguar panda snake lemur frog lots of frogs i can't do frog sounds really maybe you can dragons okay dragons toucan deers well i think deer is the plural um rabbit i don't know if rabbits live in the rainforest but i guess today they do base frogs fox fox fox guys i don't know about this i don't know about i don't know if you're right here um uh okay well let's think about how we can incorporate some of these animals into our song let's close that down and make that a bit smaller so we can see what's going on here um okay well i will hear i will hereby impersonate a lot of these animals with my own voice i think that's that's just the best thing to do here isn't it um let's start with them let's start with a bird okay and i'm actually going to put an effect on that down here called crystallizer and the crystallizer effect is made by sound toys and it's this one and it's it's a very exciting effect because here it is because what it does is it enables you to do this isn't that cool cool okay i'll do a couple of other animals and see what kind of interesting effects we can find um snake i guess i can do right that's actually that's kind of a good cabasa or like a rain stick type sound so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take that snake sound here and i'm going to slow it down so that it lasts forever the um key command for that is option drag if you're interested in logic oh i like that in fact what i'm going to do is i'm going to keep the long one but i'm also gonna make it shorter because that is just a nice shaker sound and maybe we can apply some of the shakers i can apply a shaker on every off beat of the section okay i appreciate my snake and uh and then this is like the crash symbol this long one is like the crash symbol oh sorry cool and there's a fun thing you can do logic where you do a crossfade and then you right click on it and you do slow down and does this cool snake okay so let's make this one a little bit quieter okay i think it's time to add another animal let's see what other animals we have here um i guess rabbits are not very well versed in animal sounds but rabbits probably do something a bit like this sometimes during their day i don't know i don't know if they do but the good thing about this is that it's rhythmic so i assume rabbits sniffle around a little bit so let's slow that down a little bit so it fits with the tempo but not that much okay and then let's let's put this in the groove this is cool okay this is this is going very well we need like a bass sound bass frogs what the hell okay frog what the frogs do come on guys oh actually i've got a frog got a live frog yeah why don't i think of this before there he is you see him hey mr frog okay now it's easy one take okay so now what we're going to do is have a listen to that see how it sounds you can hear me stumping my foot so let's take out the foot stamp with eq okay and we can turn that down about 6 db because we don't need to be that loud and then we like it what's like the lowest frog what's the lowest possible frog i might have a bigger frog yeah look at this got i found a granddaddy frog big guy but he sounds just as high as the other one good okay well we can pitch we can pitch spend him to be lower can't we then we might have finished our group for this section here we go thank you very much thank you so much for coming to my live stream okay so that's the frog sound am i going to transpose that a lot excuse me a lot lower using timer pitch machine so let's transpose this down by minus 2400 cents which is two octaves oh oh yeah that's what it sounds like really slow oh someone's suggesting no one can see me up here as the next lyrics no one can see me up here okay let me just write that down no one can see me up here great okay what what oh okay let's put him up to to here yeah that's cool that's the captain uh-oh something's going wrong okay digging it it's quite a strange vibe very strange okay and if you're in the forest you personally then it's probably gonna have a heartbeat in it because your heart beats whether you like it or not right and here's what it sounds like and let's take out all those high frequencies that make it sound like a voice and make it sound really heartbeating okay hmm i've heard better heartbeats in my life but you know what oh that was pretty good [Music] cool okay so what we'll do is we'll put this here sounds like this [Music] now there are a lot of people requesting tea stuff actually my mom brought me a cup of tea just before this texture live stream that you're watching uh has a little slogan on it says if you truly love nature you will find beauty everywhere vincent van gogh and here we are making music out of a forest hmm pro what we're gonna do is we're gonna record slurping hmm great great i love it let's slow it down devilish now let's make it sound even worse with a flanger you can literally make music out of anything it's really easy okay we're gonna am we're gonna automate that to change throughout the thing really cool and it memorized that motion because i hit the latch button down here if you are interested this is logic for those who are asking this is logic this program okay so i don't know what we're gonna put that but maybe we'll put it at the end actually that's cool so let's copy and paste this groove and this is what it sounds like sloppy warpy uh i'm gonna record some [Music] claps [Music] man i forgot about this in that key well now i'm really dizzy okay i'm going to copy and paste these claps on top of each other just like this i'm gonna go [Music] pretty good and now they're all way too loud so let's turn them down up here in the gain function and i'm going to pan them a little bit which means moving them left and right and that's down here in the panty panty whiny and you probably won't notice the difference unless you're in headphones with panning because phones are generally in mono and i know what you're thinking you're thinking what jacob you need jacob is jacob brainstick okay let's recall rainstick oh we're getting kind of a lot of tracks here we've got 155. see it's so easy to make tracks so easy just so um let's see i'm going to change my inputs to [Music] mojaves and we're going to record range too [Music] all right cool and let's put crystallizer on that again and if you've been paying attention you'll remember that crystallizes the effect that goes just add some interesting texture you know what i'm saying makes things feel a bit more vivid um i would also like to play something else i don't know what though [Music] okay [Music] now let's add this lyric no one can see me up here [Music] [Music] uh no one can see free uh b [Music] no [Music] no one can see me see [Music] um something the tree oh we're living freely no fear that's great guys we're living freely no fear [Music] fantastic freely no fear [Music] no one can oh my mind is finally clear man i should write songs with you guys on the line this is great [Music] sorry that was very loud [Music] [Music] is [Music] is clear as the clear is the light i like the light skies appear and i steer clear it's a lot of rhyme somewhere my fear disappears i like that somewhere my fear disappears um i'm gonna change it to someday my fear will disappear hey modulation all right will disappear [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody [Music] [Music] wow [Music] is [Music] i need some lyrics for that [Music] already [Music] [Music] is [Music] think about it i think i think we've earned timpani [Music] just for the second time sorry [Music] sorry about the crackles [Music] can i do some [Music] you know that some of them funky stuff [Music] let's do that oh sorry it's too late [Music] oh [Music] okay [Music] is that in the right key actually kind of is actually not an 808 [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh every time i find your love it disappears jeez can't relate [Music] every time i don't love you if it's summer [Music] every [Music] every time i find [Music] oh sorry my bad every time i find your [Music] life [Music] i need like a second couplet for that every time i find your love it disappears [Music] um any ideas something with a similar number of syllables people want the jessie motif we can definitely add the dressing motif that's very easy let's go to uh i'll do that second time every time [Music] oh am i flying or am i falling why is it so hard to make things more clear if only i could keep you i can't hold back after all these years i like the falling metaphor oh we need a voice pyramid okay okay i'll do a voice pyramid let's make a pyramid bus with lots of pyramid sparkle sorry the falling we could do the falling sorry i was out of tune i can be in tune [Music] though [Music] every time [Music] every time okay here's what it sounds like okay let's let's make this sound better take down that and let's put a compressor on it and let's make the compressor smaller and let's turn down the input gain and put a limiter on it and see how it sounds now [Music] yeah that's actually not bad that's slightly flat in fact it's 18 cents flat let's correct it that's better and that's about 11 cents flat so let's correct that too we don't need two of those and i think i can do better version of that one cool okay [Music] so what we're gonna do sorry what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna drench this in reverb by sending it to a large [Music] reverb great and and then i'm gonna uh copy and paste that okay actually i'm going to do ever as half as many as those like this dude a little bit wider not that you'll know if you're listening on a phone [Music] okay let's listen to what we have so far [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] is [Music] every time [Music] every time enough and then what we're going to do now is do a synth solo because i want to and how should i get i always need like a good sine wave synth for this so i'm going to go into es2 because it's the easiest way to make it i think [Music] and then you want to do how do you do this now that will do [Music] okay [Music] that was so bad i'm really sorry and i also want to send this to some reverb so i feel a bit more confident [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay i'm just getting distracted now let's put down the solo [Music] i give that a six out of ten but we'll leave it in for now [Music] i always say this is missing [Applause] [Music] flying [Music] [Music] i'm gonna delete the solo it's too bad have another [Music] let's delete that let me move that [Music] [Music] okay i think we're in pretty good shape [Music] flying no one can see me [Applause] [Music] is every time [Music] [Music] okay now it's not bad i quite like it every time it's a good fight [Music] do you think we should bring back the lyrics from the first section into the into the first into the second bit [Music] i think the answer is probably yes [Music] [Music] if you're just showing some people are asking we've made this entirely on this live stream from scratch which has been a good experience for me and i hope for you as [Music] well [Music] somebody said out of yup somewhere yeah [Music] another one okay then this can come back oh i can see how this is going to end now this is good [Music] oh oh i know what's happened today [Music] okay [Music] i don't know nothing about me somewhere that's a nice idea i'll put that one measure later and i'll do it again [Music] slow down fade the end of the solo hmm not sure about that [Music] that didn't work so well oh i know what we should do we should bring back the grandfather frog nope nope nope nope yeah oh hey now play nice logic oh okay this is my idea for the ending you take the grandfather frog and let's make a new grandfather for a track but let's put an infinite reverb on this one or maybe not infinite but pretty nice ah nice i absolutely love the way this plugin looks and if you're very careful you can even freeze it [Applause] we're not going to freeze it today we're just going to leave it hanging and we can take the reverse we can take that from the beginning [Music] and we can put it leading up to the pop [Music] [Applause] [Music] cool oh something went wrong oh yeah i went out a little at the end as [Music] well too low [Music] [Applause] yeah nice much better okay [Applause] [Music] cool [Music] that's a different song all right guys this has been so much fun sloppy working all right let's uh let's listen to the whole song all the way through i'm gonna just do a little bit of housekeeping make sure everything's figured out let's see let's do a quick track count 179 i've seen worse uh all right i'm just about to press play so if you're just joining or you're still watching okay sorry that's just two different things if you're still watching thank you because this has been an amazing fun experience for me and we've been going for about an hour and a half it's just flown by as the hours tend to and um if you are just joining my name's jacob and what we've been doing today is making a song from scratch with some suggestions from you guys and it's been fantastic and i've had a really lovely time and i've experienced some rainforest animals uh in a nice way and i've also experienced a sense of freedom through the lyrics inspired by you so i'm gonna play the song now in its complete form we've started today with zero nothing no music and we've ended up with some music and this is what it sounds like [Music] um [Music] no one can see me is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] mmm [Applause] yay cool everybody i added some tremolo strings that time and they sound like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] just fade those out and maybe some long notes now cool and i actually want to i just want to fade those in so that it's not so easy [Music] nice [Applause] excellent okay cool well everybody it's been a total pleasure and a privilege indeed to hang out with you guys it's been good fun really cool it's gonna save my project a lot of people have been saying save and i always forget to do save saving that's what i forget to do but it's all good uh someone's asking how long is the track the total length of the track is actually i don't know because i i'd heard my timing display two minutes and 15 sec oh no two minutes and 15 seconds think yourself like that yeah track count is 179. um the only thing we don't have is a name and maybe that's something that you guys could help me with was it i have a dream i had a dream [Music] flying i don't know maybe this should be the title i don't know okay guys look it's been it's been wicked it's been good good to see you hope you're having a good day uh hope you're doing safe and feeling healthy and all the things that are difficult to feel in this period of time um and uh yeah thanks for thanks for stopping by um i'm gonna play the song one more time just because people seem to want to hear it and then i'm gonna you
Channel: Micah Howie
Views: 99,078
Rating: 4.9590483 out of 5
Id: cvKY5L9C4Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 44sec (4724 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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