Kenan Thompson BREAKS SILENCE On ‘Quiet On Set’ Documentary

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my heart goes out to you know anybody that's been victimized or their families Keenan Thompson is breaking his silence on the bombshell quite on set the Dark Side of kids TV documentary The shocking documentary alleges that there was a toxic and abusive environment taking place behind the scenes on set during the 1990s through 2000s in shows primarily created by Nickelodeon showrunner Dan Schneider the SNL star appeared on the March 27th episode of the tamaron Hall Show in which he spoke about his experience as a child actor who worked on Nickelodeon starring and St shows like all that and Keenan and Kell it's a tough subject you know because it's tough for me because like I can't really speak on things that I never witnessed you know what I'm saying because all these things happened after I left basically and Dan wasn't really on Keenan and Kell like that I mean he got it created by credit but you know it was a different showrunner so our worlds weren really like overly you know overlapping like that outside of all that necessarily and then all that negativity kind of started happening outside of like our tenure there you know what I mean so like I wasn't really aware of a lot of it though Keenan said he didn't share the same experience as others who have spoken out he believes the expose is a good thing despite being a tough watch my heart goes out to you know anybody that's been victimized or their families you know what I mean I mean like I think it's a good thing that the dock is out and it's you know putting things you know on display that need to be you know stories that need to be told for this you know accountability sake um but it's definitely tough to watch because I have fond memories of that place you know and I have fond memories of you know my co-stars and stuff like that so to hear that they've gone [Music] through terrible things like that it's just it's really tough while Tamara noted that her show has reached out to both Dan Schneider and to the documentaries production company the SNL star interjected to say they should continue investigating also reached out of course to the production company and they said that you know they investigate all of these things um investigate all of the allegations well investigate more I mean cuz it's like you know it's supposed to be a safe space you know it's supposed to be a safe place for kids and like to hear all about that is just like how dare you you know Kean also spoke about his former Nickelodeon co-star Amanda bin who he highlights in his Memoir revealing that he has always rooted and cared for her Amanda was the sweetest happiest girl and she loved to laugh she was an explosion of bright innocence and joy I connected with her because she was laser focused like me and had a very sweet supportive family unfortunately some leeches sent her down a dark path when she went left for a little while we all were sad I cared about her and I still do she's good people that's a good quote it's a beautiful quote it's a beautiful quote that's a good um I just saw a post she's trying to go to nail school she wants to go to cos mology school and I kind of follow her from afar have you been able to talk with her lately at all I unfortunately haven't spoken to Amanda since she was really really young like when she was doing like her first movies I think the soccer movie was like around that time the last time I actually saw her so um but from afar because yeah I'm just going down memory lane Dan Schneider has responded to some of the documentary's content in a video posted to the Dan warp YouTube channel watching over the past two nights was very difficult me facing my past behaviors um some of which are embarrassing and that I regret and I definitely owe some people a pretty strong apology let's talk about the massages okay watching the content yesterday it was disturbing it was wrong it was wrong that I ever put anybody in that position it was a wrong thing to do I'd never do it today I'm embarrassed that I did it then I apologize to anybody that I ever put in that situation and even additionally I apologize to the people who were walking around video Village or wherever they happened because there were lots of people there who witnessed it who also may have felt uncomfortable so I owe them an apology as well the main thing that I would change is how I treat people and everyone I I definitely at times didn't give people the best of me I I didn't show enough patience I could be cocky and definitely over ambitious and sometimes just straight up rude and obnoxious and I am so sorry that I ever was and um all right when I watched the show I could see the hurt in some people's eyes and it made me feel awful and regretful and sorry um I wish I could go back you know especially to those earlier years of my career and bring the growth and the experience that I have now and just do a better job and never ever feel like it was okay to be an to anyone ever um look I I wanted to make funny TV shows for kids and we definitely did that but if I could go back I would get it done in different [Music] ways
Channel: Access Hollywood
Views: 797,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenan Thompson, Kenan Thompson Quiet On Set, Kenan Thompson Breaks Silence, Kenan Thompson SNL, SNL, Dan Schneider, Nickelodeon, Dan Schneider Nickelodeon, Dan Schneider Kenan Thompson, kenan thompson, quiet on set documentary, drake bell documentary, nickelodeon documentary, kenan thompson quiet on set, quiet on set, documentary, drake bell new documentary, dan schneider quiet on set, quiet on the set drake bell, snl host megan thee stallion, nickelodeon quiet on the set
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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