Ken and Barbie are BROKE! - Dave Ramsey Rant

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well we invite you to join us you need to remember something about this show this show is all about common sense something that's not real common anymore that's why we have between 8 and 10 million listeners at any given moment plus people that don't have common sense like I haven't at times I've done some pretty stupid things have you done stupid things everybody's done stupid things raise your hand now those of you who didn't raise your hand you have a problem with lying right yeah we've all done stupid stuff we've all looked back when we go who are you you're an idiot oh you're me oh man we've all done that haven't we I cannot believe I did that you know the everybody knows they've done stupid stuff what everybody doesn't know is that everybody else has done stupid stuff if you go to church you know that at church there's Ken and Barbie every Church has at least one Ken and Barbie some churches are full of them but they have this one little couple that their kids are perfect they're perfect their hair is perfect they're beautiful they can sing on key everything seems to be all perfect you know what I'm talking about everybody knows that you know who Ken and Barbie are you know you can name them right now don't lie and I'll never forget when I first start doing financial counseling you know the crazy people come in and you know of course you need financial counseling you're freaking crazy you know that one right and and you know Sharon and I had gone through going broke we had lost everything but I'll never forget the time that finally you know I was over the church doing a financial counseling session one night and I look up and the people coming in it's Ken and Barbie and I unpack their finances oh my god they were stupid the dumb things these people had done were unbelievable now I got to tell you it's not it doesn't speak well of me and it I really I hate to admit it but I'm gonna be truthful I was a little bit happy I was happy that they weren't perfect you know that's wrong I was wrong but I came I told Sharon I said Sharon we're not the only stupid ones Ken and Barbie are stupid to you believe it oh it just felt so good find out I wasn't the only stupid one the big myth big myth about money is is that everybody thinks everybody else's guide together and the truth is almost no one does the Wall Street Journal says seventy percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck let me do that again let's try to get the try to get a visual for this in your mind right now where you live on your street count out ten houses down the street you see all ten of them seven of them have too much month left at the end of the money seven of them are living like they work at Congress they spend everything they make and then some they buy cars they can't afford vacations that can't afford clothes they can't afford their kids go to schools they can't afford and then running up debt hand over fist they're saving nothing in their 401ks or in their retirement but everything looks good on the outside in Texas they call that big hat no cattle it's like going to Universal Studios one time when we were took when the kids were little we took them there to visit and we went out on the movie lot you know where they shoot the streets the street scenes and you got these little houses lined up down the street only when you walk up to the front door the house and you open it there's nothing back there it's just a facade for the lens of the camera seven out of ten people walking around in America that's what their lives are they're a facade for the lens of their friends and families camera they're faking it they're fakes the sad thing is that nobody that they're fooling actually cares when you get to retirement though you'll care because the car you're driving if you're paying a five hundred hour a month car payment which is about the national average it's going to cost you five six seven million dollars in your retirement by the time you get to retirement because five hundred bucks a month invested from age thirty to age 70 decent growth stock mutual fund and a roth iras around five million bucks see that's when you care because that's when you get there and you say man I sure hope the government which is well known for its ability to take care of money will take care of me I hope they've got a plan because I didn't now I guess I'll be one of those old people being a greeter at Walmart guess I'll be one of those old people working in McDonald's now if you're an old person working at McDonald's or Walmart I'm not mad at you no I'm not making fun of you but I got to tell you my goal is to not be working at McDonald's when I'm 70 unless it's the one I own in st. Thomas I you know really I want to do a little better than that don't you well you're gonna have to freaking wake up America and quit faking it and quit lying with your purchases because when you buy things that you can't pay for financially speaking that's a lie you're living a lie and it's time to stop it's time to get on a written gameplan be a grown-up put on the big girl pants the big boy pants and say I don't care from 32 it's time I grow up I don't care if I'm 52 it's time to grow up and growing up as adults devise a plan and follow it children do what feels good and we have raised a whole culture full of grown-up children and it's time people it's time for a renaissance in the art of personal finance which is about maturity it's living like no one else so that later you get to live and give like no one else you know why generosity is down because people are freaking broke that's why you spend everything they make and they got nothing that's why generosity is down we have the resources in this country to fix most of the world's problems if we quit being stinking consumers all the time and faking it running ourselves so far up in debt that we can't even breathe it's time you guys you guys hearing me it's time it's time to get out your credit cards and put a piece of scissors across them I don't care what some idiot on some blog says cut the stupid things up I've met with thousands of millionaires and I've never met once a Dave you know I mean all my money with my Discover Points they those airline miles that was my financial breakthrough I'm really glad I've got those credit cards they changed my life that car payment changed my dadgum life I've never met anybody that said that that was winning with money when you're winning with money you're doing some things that caused that to happen it's not an accident you're getting out of debt so that you have your income to invest in to give you're doing it on a plan a written plan you're greeing on it with your spouse and you've learned the ancient word and you pronounce the ancient word regularly in your house oh you've forgotten what the ancient word is it's a lost word it's a magical word it will set you free are you ready recite the ancient word with me America No nobody hears that word anymore do they that's the ancient word it's a lost word in our vocabulary no no you can't freaking afford it so you can't buy it no Ramsey you're mean you're arrogant yeah well maybe maybe I just love you enough to tell you the truth and you're too much of a wimp to hear it this is the Dave Ramsey show you
Channel: The Dave Ramsey Show
Views: 365,968
Rating: 4.9201469 out of 5
Keywords: ken and barbie are broke! - dave rant, ken-barbie-broke-money, ken n barbie r broke, dave ramsey ken and barbie, ken and barbie are broke, dave ramsey ken barbie, ken and barbie broke, dave ramsey barbie, dave ramsey barbie and ken, barbie and ken are broke, ken and barbie are broke dave ramsey, dave ramsey ken and barbie are broke, dave ramsey ken, ken and barbie dave ramsey, dave ramsey broke
Id: MgInipC-Tk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 22 2014
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