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okay so this just goes in there and then that's it [Music] yeah there it is oh yeah throwing it out there don't put all that in do you do you have nope welcome back after that uh brief intermission I did get into a car accident in the midst of the holidays so I didn't have a hand which made cooking rather difficult so thank you for bearing with me but he's okay I'm alive and uh this is our guest for the week Kelly Bergland Kelly berglin is my former castmate but today we're going to bake which is something that I never do she also doesn't bake so I don't know why we're doing this but she likes this cake and this was her idea and suggestion so I said if there's anything else you would like to make we can make it and you didn't give me any suggestions so I said let me make the one thing that I bake I'm trying to get you outside your comfort zone I think it's going to be great this is a really easy cake to start with I think you're going to be all right okay so we're making a olive oil cake that's right orange olive oil cake and we we're totally cheating cuz we have all of the ingredients right here baking is precise we have to make sure we're have you made an orange one before yes I have how'd it go it was my favorite so that's why your that's as opposed to like a lemon olive oil cake that's why I chose this one okay so I'm going to start with dry ingredients and you're going to do the wet ingredients correct can I tell you something I'm realizing right now at this moment what that might become a problem a second I was really tired this morning and I'm just genuinely realizing this right now when I was measuring everything out I believe I read the baking soda and the baking powder as tablespoon not teaspoon so I believe those are tablespoons not teaspoons so just throwing it out there don't put all that in do you do you have nope I said I can bring the things that you don't have I think we would need it to be honest with you for a for baking a cake you think don't use all of it but they're different yeah but it's just but the tables they're different and baking soda and baking powder are like crucial ingredients to the cake being baked so I now have tablespoons and teaspoons and all of the above and I had to run downstairs thankfully there's a grocery store right next to me and buy the rest of the equipment for this now we have that well now what okay so we're going to to do dry ingredients in one bowl and wet in another so you can do the wet ingredients I'm going to do the dry y I'm going to put this I'm going to um put some orange zest in some sugar and I'm going to massage it so those oils get going all right dude in the sugar that's not this show well I have to explain people aren't loging on going oh how did they bake that is it not the point of a cooking show is to like explain what we're doing dude that looks like scrambled eggs this is all supposed to be in here together yeah okay okay here you go three eggs a cup of orange juice uh some other stuff Greek yogurt and vanilla extract right yeah that's right so we all good yeah I think we're good looking at me like I up flour has been pre-measured lovely then salt what's your favorite thing to cook outside of this um I love making like a good chicken dish of some sort like chicken and mushrooms pasta I suggested these things you never said chicken okay I said we can do whatever we can cook whatever but I thought it' be wouldn't have need teaspoons for that you know they're not a bad thing to have just like in their kitchen yeah it's F but I had gone this long without needing them and I cook a lot so I know but you're growing and your um skills are evolving so are you still massaging no I'm mixing all the dry ingredients together and then those going are you still talking okay mix it together okay now we're going to put the dry and the wet Bring It On in okay Wet Ones can I dump them in here sure go crazy good good job hey you know what we forgot to put in what olive oil olive oil wait we forgot to put in you were supposed to put all the things I was supposed to put over here I don't remember that part this would be a main ingredient you were doing the wet ingredient and I was doing the dry ingredients so a little sugar in here that we should put in there too there we go wow that was cool this is this is really exact um don't over mix there you go while I do this um we have our aligned baking pan so hang on quite lit okay so this just goes in there and then that's it yeah how do you make the sauce the sauce in the sauce the glaze on top is thought it was a sauce it's a glaze on top that you pour on the cake when it's done so you have to make the glaze yeah it takes takes about two seconds oh cool so we can do that in the hour that we have to wait for the cake yes so you do that while the cake is baking you just mix together orange juice and powdered sugar to your desired consistency you know I was getting a lot of DMS that were saying uh people people watch this cooking show and they find it very soothing to watch it's like easy watching I feel so soothing this one doesn't feel soothing at all this feels element you're stressed and I can feel it and it's the easiest cake I could have like started you out with you don't bake this is the only cake that you bake I'm just saying it's easy cake starting me out do you want to start with like a five tier wedding cake yeah that would have been fun just really go for it I'm sorry it's just putting two two things into is it good one bowl yeah I think you're good like is there a specific consistency good that's good it's just okay we're doing this you're going to pour it in here gently gently okay there you go it's a big cake is it supposed to is the paper supposed to look like that it's going on the other side of the paper this going to be what are we going to do like the the paper's going to be like cooked into the cake you know what I mean this is my first time using parment paper cool normally I just sure you told me buy it normally I just do like the flour and the olive oil but sometimes it sticks like a little bit so I thought we' try the parchment paper cool this is a good time to test that theory uh so now we're going to put it in the oven right yes okay so you're not going to eat it anyway so I'm speeding again on this just explain real quick what you guys just did okay I think the parchment paper might have been cut either too big or too small so it was overflowing after a temporary argument we we decided Collective in a bad mood to take out the parchment paper it's okay it's going to be so worth it I thought it would have been funny to leave it in there but no it would have baked into the cake I don't think that would have been a good idea next step here we go okay putting it in the oven would you open the oven for me please yeah sure okay this cooks really quickly quickly don't hurt yourself bizarrely quick how quick this thing is an hour is not that long [Music] wow look at that 5 seconds later she's done done that was okay now we need to get it on a plate we got to get it out how long should we [Music] go pretty impressive silence the whole thing okay oh we're flipping it back to business flip the C the cake is out of the oven and now we are going to careful flip the cake flip it w oh that was too easy okay what set it down y I hear you let's see we got to like sure yeah just for good [Music] luck oh yeah there she is is it coming out no wait just keep going just keep going you want me to keep going so that it falls [Music] violently hold on we should have kept the parchment paper no because the parchment paper would have been we're actually on camera into the cake take a little knife I'm running around the side I got it okay beautiful one more flip okay can I take the top off please yes nice I got you beautiful okay that's actually a good looking cake it's kind of cute all right let's make the glaze okay so this is kind of like we're just going to eyeball it little bit you need me to squeeze this yeah a little bit of powdered let's TR there I love powdered sugar can we when we do the glaze and we finish it can we like a little powdered sugar on top yeah we can do that I put that out there too sometimes I just do the powdered sugar but I thought we'll go fancy and do a glaze oh I love powdered sugar B about it I don't know this one recipe said to have a pinch of salt and a little bit of vanilla extract so maybe we'll try that too go mix we want it to be kind of a little thicker all right stop there let's see I think we need a little more right y okay keep strong let's try that better sure I do that why not you know what I do is if I make chocolate chip cookies and put salt on chocolate chip cookies flaky salt flaky salt I have smoked flaky salt that I use sometimes this is looking pretty you can you can add a little bit more you want to do it sure team workk just a little just a little here we go all right this feels like this feels right there we go thankfully we can speed this up in [Music] post all right do you want to do the H we're almost there we're almost there go you're baking it's a science it's a it's an art form one minute she's smooth and creamy and uh okay so just do like a little drizzle like start in the middle did you want to taste your SP you know supposed to taste everything before we do it do you want to make sure that it's not sure like what if it's like overpowering orange that's good I mean it's sugary what I think it's supposed to be see what happens when you dump into the middle okay nope let's do a little there you go pretty oh and then get the powdered sugar oh my God more sugar okay more sugar more sugar just like dusting that's [Music] beautiful and last but not least you could have gotten the equal amount of the it sank in [Music] okay there it is there it is hold on hold on oh my God we did this work with me hey it's all part of it it's beautiful I think it's good well I'm just perfection Perfection Perfection okay it's beautiful here we go okay uh let's cut it open like the classic cooking show see what inside looks like I hope it's [Music] gooded yes chef that's what you're supposed to say we Chef we Chef H we need a okay hang dude it's kind of cute look at the inside looks great it's pretty moist that not good no that's good I think it's great yeah yes yeah that's one of the more successful things we've done on this show a I'm so happy that baking went well baking went well there's your cake that's how you make an olive oil cake [Music] yummy
Channel: Bradley Steven Perry
Views: 94,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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