Keith Moore - Redeemed From The Curse Of The Law Pt.12 Family Blessing

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go to galatians please third chapter this evening galatians 3. we've been on this subject for uh a few weeks now about being redeemed from the curse of the law you about had all of that you want to hear or yeah me neither that is some good eatin right is the truth about that uh galatians 3 and 6 says even as abraham believed god and it was accounted to him for righteousness it's important to know that everything that happened with abraham has nothing to do with the law there were no ten commandments there were no statutes there were no you know ordinances of the temple sacrifice or tabernacle none of that existed yet and he was counted righteous not because of the works that he did but because he had faith does that sound familiar it was a type of the new birth and the new covenant which is why it goes on to say verse 7 know ye therefore that they which are of faith that's us the same are the children of abraham we're told to walk in the same steps of our father abraham verse 8 the scripture foreseeing that god would justify the heathen through faith preached before the gospel unto abraham saying in you shall all nations be blessed now galatians the emphasis in this little book six chapters is among other things the gospel the previous two chapters he talked about how the gospel he preached was the one and only authentic gospel and how he got it that he didn't get it from somewhere else he didn't learn it from somebody else he got it straight from the lord straight from god and he keeps talking about the gospel and about faith and about walking in the spirit and faith notice how many times the word gospel or faith or believing is in these six little chapters as he's still talking about this right here in the middle of the book in chapter three have you heard gospel and the word faith already yeah you have gospel now when we hear gospel what do most church-going people tend to think when you hear gospel what do most people tend to think i'm not talking about the definition of the word most people when they hear gospel they think of jesus going to the cross [Music] and that is true but it's a very narrow concept of gospel because what did abraham hear and it's called the gospel now he did get revelation about jesus going to the cross it wouldn't have been you know like we see it but he was willing to offer up his only son to god his covenant friend and then of course god was willing to offer up his only son for abraham's seed because all who will believe all over this world they then become abraham's seed through faith in jesus but what did he hear what what would if you had asked abram before he died what you know god told us that you heard the gospel what is the gospel he'd probably take us back to genesis 12 where the lord told him that he was going to bless him and make him a blessing and in him what we just got through reading it will all nations be blessed what do you keep hearing blessed blessed blessed blessed well is that good news yeah oh yeah mrs well yeah but that's not the real it is the gospel that's why jesus went to the cross he's so you could get free we're about to see it just a minute from being cursed and you could be blessed even though you didn't deserve it hadn't earned it we haven't equated gospel enough with blessing see people mock and make fun of people like us and call us that prosperity gospel huh why because we say god wants you well there's all kind of people they just hear that one phrase and they go oh no that's that prosperity gospel and there's a reason why people are so animated about this and against this the enemy works overtime to keep people blind to it to keep people from seeing it because when people see how good god really is they'll come to him by the millions it's the goodness of god that leads people to repent and change so when we hear gospel what should we think blessing you should not separate gospel from blessing now you do know millions of people don't agree with that they would think that's that's heresy but are we reading the new testament are we reading galatians so what did abraham hear that's called in the in the new testament is called the gospel we know what he heard in you it said verse 8 look at it again the scripture foreseeing that god would justify the heathen through faith preached or proclaimed before the gospel to abraham and here's part of the good news abraham heard in you that's what genesis 12 3 in you shall all nations be be be people would say saved well i guess he could have said saved if he wanted to stay saved people say oh no no the gospel is saved well the bible said the gospel is blessed it's both right you don't have to pick and choose i've had people say well the most important message of all is that jesus says he saves from hell that's the most important message of all all the time i know one guy tried to get in my face about that one time i said i disagree [Laughter] he looked like i knew it i knew it heretic heretic i said if you are saved you have been born again but you're so sick you can't function in life the most important message to you is not jesus saved right you're already saved what's the good news to you he took your infirmities he bore your sicknesses he carried your pains by his stripes you're healed that's good news to a sick man right if you've already been saved for 30 years but you can't pay your electric bill right you ain't got money for groceries people say well the most important message jesus saves you're already saved come on now if you lost no question about it the most important message in the world to you is that you can be born again and you must be born again but do you see what i'm talking about jesus preached the gospel to the poor what's the gospel to the poor a lot of folks say jesus says no that's the gospel to the lost gospel means good news what's good news to the poor help me out you don't have to live broke god will help you he'll take care of you if you'll learn to do what he tells you to do amen the gospel in you shall all nations be blessed so then verse 9 they which um be of faith is that us is that us we're what blessed does the lord want us to know about the blessing he must this is new testament they which be of faith are blessed with abraham faithful abraham was abraham blessed how did that affect his life in many ways many ways keep reading for as many as of the works of the law are under the curse for it's it's written cursed is every one that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them but that no man is justified by the law and the sight of god it is evident for the just or justified ones those made righteous shall live by faith and the law is not of faith but the man that do doeth them shall live in them living by keeping the ten commandments and the statutes and ordinances is not living by faith it's living by a code of what's right versus what's wrong and everything god ever said is right it's right it always will be right yes amen but a man failed to be justified by righteous conduct alone everybody messed up and fell short and came short except one hallelujah and he through his sacrifice made it available that we could be justified another way rather than just keeping all of the law we could be made right in god's eyes by faith in jesus it's wonderful thank you lord now when we say we just got through reading here about the blessing and about the curse do you know millions on this planet don't even believe these two things exist i mean millions scores of millions in our country the u.s if you start talking to them about a curse they will look at you like you poor ignorant thing yes sir there's no such thing as curses as a curse well if you don't believe in that then you're probably not going to believe in the blessing either that's right right the blessing well if you don't believe in the blessing or the curse that indicates you don't believe in god no matter what you say because if you don't believe in that you probably don't believe in in in true good or true evil or a god or a devil and there are millions who do not they absolute they think they are now educated and they have been free from such primitive archaic you know emotional crutches but it doesn't change a fact that there is a god and there is a devil there is good there is evil there is blessing and there is curse and the curse is really bad but the blessing is wonderfully good [Laughter] and if you're smart you'll find out what you need to and do what you need to to stay out of the curse is that right and get full in to the blessing can anybody say amen all right we better keep reading in verse 13 christ has redeemed us from what then it must not have been some superstitious non-existent thing he redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us he did it by taking our place taking the curse that we would have taken for it's written cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree now here's something we we we should get really strong about the bible said in fact put that on the screen first what is it psalm 107 uh 22 no no no i said it wrong psalm 107 2. psalm 107 2 i was getting two verses mixed up let the redeemed of the lord say sows added by the translators you might you might say it like this say it say it everybody say say it say what well what would do redeemed of the lord say so say what what would they say i'm the redeemed of the lord right i'm redeemed from what well if you don't believe there is a devil or a curse even though there are many bad things in the world we're not denying that there's bad stuff going on or that we've experienced some bad stuff in our life what we need to get fully persuaded about is that it doesn't have a right to work in our lives it doesn't have a right and we need to what the bible tell us to do with the devil and his works we need to stand up and resist it and this is where one of the biggest problems has been is that people that don't even believe in god don't even believe in good and evil don't even believe in jesus or blessing or curse so when the curse comes they're not resisting anything and even people go to church and their preachers tell them that god sent this curse into their life to help develop their spirituality and teach them some things and really even though we know it's an awful awful terrible thing it's a it's actually a blessing in disguise that is the devil lying to people a curse is never a blessing in disguise or otherwise never and a blessing is never a curse never never so if it's a curse you can see from the word it's a curse what do you know there's no way god wants that in your life no way no circumstances no situation where it's his will for you to have that in your life so if something that is the curse shows up in your life what should you do you should immediately stand up on the inside and start resisting it and say no you don't no you don't that's good let's just let's just go to this i don't even have to ask have you ever missed it or have you ever missed it since you were born again washed by the blood of the lamb but a failure or a mistake or a sin in your life does that prove that it's god's perfect will for sin to be in your life well then the existence of sickness doesn't prove it's god's will for sickness to be in your life the existence of poverty doesn't prove it's god's will can you see this no we're not denying that these things are around and are going on it's a lot of bad stuff what we should get fully persuaded is that jesus took the curse did he or not he took the curse became a curse in my place what does that mean then that means the curse has no right oh come on somebody said the curse has no right in my life no place in my life you resist it with everything you have and no you never accept that a curse in your life is somehow the mysterious will of god you never accept that it has to be that way if it's a curse there is no way it's god's will for you to have that jesus amen come on read it read it what did he do verse 13. christ the anointed one redeemed the word redeem is like somebody who paid the who bought a slave and set them free he redeemed me he bought he paid the price so i could be free from the curse of the law he did it by taking my place and the curse fell on him instead of me and you because it's written cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree that's why he died the way he did instead of by a sword or a spear or stoning you know they tried to stone him several times do you remember that or they tried to throw him off a cliff one time god wasn't going to allow that he just slipped through the crowd but how were they able to do that how were they able to nail him to the cross which what's a cross it's wood beams what's wood beams tree it's a tree how could the how could they do that because he allowed it you remember when they came and said you know he said who you're looking for and they said jesus he said i am they all fell on the ground he had to wait for him to get up come on he had to wait for him to get up and recover he let them do this why uh we to us in one way the cross is a beautiful thing because of what happened there but really the cross is a place where a lot of ugliness happened the cross was what's the word um it'd be like the gas chamber today or the electric chair the worst of the worst criminals were put to death and sentenced to die like that jesus being the glorious son of god who never sinned or failed there's absolutely no reason why he should have been there in fact the religious leaders to them it was confirmation that he was a bad evil person misleading the people because in their mind there's no way god had ever let that happen to a good righteous person the fact that he was hanging on the cross with these other two condemned criminals to them proved he must be a very bad man but it wasn't so and it was a plan that hell didn't understand it was the wisdom of god and because you know the devil he prides himself on being a genius did you know that oh yeah and when the lord allowed them to kill him and when he died see nobody expected that not his disciples no that's why they fell apart that's why they ran nobody expected him to let them kill him and when they saw him breathe his last and say father into your hands i committed my spirit and they knew he was dead hell thought they had pulled off the victory of all time they thought we did it i don't think they really believed they could get away with it but they thought we did it we did it we killed the son of god hell must have been celebrating all those three days and nights until until the father i don't know for sure i think the father stood up and that's something i don't i don't know that for sure but he spoke i know this he spoke and he said you are my son this day i have begotten you and jesus was the first one to ever be born again in the heart and core of the earth that place shook how many believe when god spoke those words i mean when you i mean you think the shackles fell off in that jail cell when the earthquake ah that was a type of what happened down there and when jesus arose the bible said in revelation that he said now i've got the keys of death and of hell hallelujah the devil ain't what he used to be he played right into the hands of god he didn't know i mean the scripture says if they had known they would not they would never have crucified the lord of glory they didn't know that was going to happen but i'm saying all that to say this why did he go why is he there why did he let them nail him to the tree verse 13 what was he doing he redeemed us oh somebody say thank you lord thank you what does that mean he redeemed it don't don't get religious on this now what does that mean redeem is like paying the ransom for somebody a slave that's sold into bondage it's like paying for their freedom so that they can go free a price had to be paid and the the only thing that could happen instead of us having to pay it ourself the father allowed somebody else to pay the price for us you should love him forever saying and he was willing to do it glory to god thank you the bible said in hebrews he endured the cross despising the shame he endured it because he saw hallelujah for the joy that was to come he saw you and i wouldn't have to endure the curse he saw we wouldn't have to go the heart of the earth and be judged and be punished he saw we could get what he wanted all of us to have anyway the blessing that he gave to his covenant friend abraham that made him rich that gave him peace that made him fruitful that protected him on and on and on he wanted every one of us to have that full blessing and no curse said out loud christ the anointed one my lord and savior my redeemer verse 13 has redeemed me from what see you don't even know what the curse of the law is unless you go back and look curse of the law being made a curse for me for it's written cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree verse 14. and in order that the blessing of abraham might come on the gentiles through jesus christ that we might receive the promise of the spirit have you received the spirit yes through faith glory to god go with me to deuteronomy 28 and let's shout some more about what we've been redeemed from and let's let's let's recognize really well and clear what it looks like so that when anything that resembles it shows up at our doorstep we begin to to to put our foot down we begin to say oh no no no no no you don't no you don't i've been redeemed let the redeemed of the lord say amen say it let them speak up right let them declare the curse has no right in my life the curse has no place in my life i've been redeemed i've been redeemed and even though i hadn't deserved the blessing i still get the blessing right because the lord qualified me and by faith in him i get it anyway get it anyway that's why they call it good news is this good news isn't it good news this is the best news anybody ever heard good news in uh deuteronomy 28 you'll find you know in what leviticus 26 and deuteronomy 28 are the two main places that you can find the curse of the law details about what it is and uh yeah more detail in deuteronomy 28 it's the more well-known but i noticed something interesting is that there's 14 verses about the blessing and 54 verses about the curse what would that be well not at least you know equal time why well one of the big reasons is because the blessing makes it simple and the curse makes it complicated i mean when you're experiencing the blessing it's just all good right that you're not dealing with the complications uh and the confusion of the curse but he needed the 54 verses to give them an adequate description of how bad and how confusing and how complicated in an evil way it would be if you forsake your god and rebel against his word and go and serve other gods but when when you're healthy and you're happy and all your bills are paid it's not complicated you're just blessed that's right can you see what we're talking about uh he said it'll come to pass if you hearken diligently to the voice of the lord your god how many think you should still listen closely to the voice oh yeah it's amazing how many people just want to ignore this and throw it all away listening closely to what the lord says every day is still a very good idea to observe and do all his commandments which i command thee this day now we're not talking about keeping the ten commandments or the statutes and ordinances but the bible in the same book of galatians says you're not under the law if you're led by the spirit so it's not a matter of keeping the commandments and statutes it is a matter of listening to the spirit closely every day the lord your god will set you on high above all nations of the earth all these blessings not blessing all these blessings will come on you and overtake you you didn't just get nudged by the blessing the blessing caught you and ran over you but you were happy about it it just left you in a better state they will come on you and overtake you glory to god if you'll hearken to the voice of the lord your god keep going blessed shall you be in the city blessed shall you be in the field blessed shall be the fruit of your body fruit of your ground fruit of your cattle increasing your kind flocks of your sheep now let's stop here we've we've looked at uh being you know the curse of sickness we went into some detail about that we've touched on some about the curse of poverty and a few other things i want you to notice this the blessing includes the fruit of your body what's the fruit of your body that's your kids that's your children does the blessing include your children it does there is you'll see in this passage and in others a description of a blessed family and in the curse he goes into a terrible dysfunctional destroyed separated family tell me the good news about that if you can find it in the curse of the law huh we talked about there's two big things you know right one if it's in the curse there's no way god won't say it in your life that's right no way what else if it's in the curse of the law according to galatians 3 13 christ has redeemed me from that if it's in the curse of the law so we know the blessing includes your children he's already touched on that but skip down to verse 28 now and let's look at the curse he said included in the curse the lord will smite you with madness and blindness and astonishment of heart you'll grope at noonday as the blind gropes in darkness you shall not prosper in your ways stop right there you shall not prosper in your ways what is that it's a curse it's the curse part of the curse of the law not prospering in your ways is what part of the curse of the law so what do i know there's no way god wants me to not prosper in my ways and i bet christ has redeemed me from that if i'm redeemed from not prospering in my ways they can mock life all they want to about that prosperity bunch but it must be god's will for me to prosper prosper is not about having a certain size account it's about doing well it's about succeeding it's about having all your needs met and then some abundance prospering is doing well what father doesn't want his children to do well but in this curse of the law you'll be only oppressed spoiled evermore no man will save you nobody will help you let you stop right there nobody will help you nobody will help you what's that that's a curse what about you if you've been redeemed from nobody helping you what does that mean you'll have help you'll have help the reason i'm stopping and talking about this there is so much in here that we haven't taken advantage of why because if you not if you don't know this well then if it tries to show up you won't resist it you just go wow you know i guess a lot of people don't have help you know i you know a lot of people these days people these days won't help each other they will they just don't they don't help each other like they used to and you know what i'm talking about you do that and you will be helpless and it'll get worse but what if you did that not having any help it's part of the curse of the law i've been redeemed from the curse of the law therefore i shall have plenty of help and then start actually making some faith confessions calling those things that be not as though they were saying i have good help man i have good help i have good help all i have all the help i need all the time i have great help i'm wonderfully helped now if even smarter you will sow some help you will be good help give god something to bless and multiply verse verse 30 you'll betroth a wife and another man shall lie with her now this is this has to do with family some people might call this unlucky in love but we don't believe in any of that why are we talking about that why do we care about this people say that's old testament brother keith i'm aware of that but remember where we started off in the new testament that's right and what did it say christ did he want us to know we've been redeemed from the curse of the law must have been important failed relationships are part of the curse of the law you'll betroth a wife another man will lie with her you'll build a house but you won't get to live in it somebody say curse that's a curse you'll plant a vineyard and it'll produce grapes but you won't get to enjoy them you don't get any of them that's a curse somebody say curse that's a curse are believers that love the lord believe in the lord and follow his spirit and walk with him are they supposed to work work work work work and the thing just fall apart and somebody come in take it away from them and they don't get i didn't write that's not supposed that's not supposed to be happening that's a curse verse 31 your ox will be slain in front of your eyes and and you won't get to eat any of it your donkey will be violently taken away right in front of you and it won't be restored your sheep will be given to your enemies and you'll have none to rescue you no help somebody say curse curse curse curse and now let's just stop is there any way that that kind of thing happening to you could be the will of god in the new testament and the new covenant huh now you got the right answer but you do understand you are the small minority that could say that adamantly but are we reading the bible verse 32 your sons and your daughters shall be given to another people and your eyes shall look and fail with longing for them all the day long and there'll be no might in your hand your sons and daughters will be taken away from you by other people and you won't have that relationship anymore you won't have that time to be with them and there won't be anything you can do about it that's a curse i said that's a curse i didn't say it the lord said it does the curse of the law involve things with your family and with your kids and with your relationships keep keep reading the fruit of your land all your labors shall a nation which you don't know eat up you shall be only oppressed and crushed always somebody will come in they'll run over you they'll take everything you got and destroy you no way that could be the will of god it's a curse and christ has redeemed me from this you'll be mad for the sight of your eyes which you shall see you see involved in these things are mental anguish and emotional distress that's part of the curse of the law let's skip down to verse 41 41 you'll beget sons and daughters but you shall not enjoy them for they shall go into captivity you'll have sons and daughters but you won't enjoy them they'll go into captivity there's all kind of forms of captivity drug addiction sex addiction spending addiction problems with the authorities all kind of right and just back up to that first part you'll have the sons and daughters but you what you won't enjoy them people have just come to accept that even little ones have to be so undisciplined and so unhappy and screaming and yelling all the time that you don't enjoy them people are pulling out their hair and it gets worse when they get older the teenagers lie steal sneak out of the house cuss you out this is a curse it's not supposed to be in the house of the bless not to say that you never have to have some discussions and deal with some things but we're supposed to enjoy come on did you hear that word we're supposed to enjoy our children and our sons and daughters we're supposed to enjoy them that's the blessing anything else is the curse christ now see if the enemy will try to say yeah but so much has happened and it's just too hard in the world these days yeah you believe that more than you believe christ has redeemed you from the curse of the law how many believe the lord is so powerful god is so smart he's so wise he's so powerful he how many ways does he have of doing things of getting to people of changing situations of moving on hearts and minds if somebody would dare to believe him if somebody would stand up to the devil's junk and say no you may do that in all the households on our block but not in our house no in jesus name we command you to stop in your operations cease in your maneuvers you cannot have my children you cannot have our babies you cannot ruin our relationship we will enjoy our children and our sons and daughters and our grandchildren you got to be able to say that when it doesn't look like it and it doesn't feel like it you've got to be able to talk faith faith calls those things that be not as though they were especially when you got all kind of people not even going to church not even praying not even believing in god not even trying to do anything right somebody in this thing needs to believe god is that right somebody needs to take a stand instead of just flying off the hand and cussing people out and doing all that kind of stuff somebody needs to do something else you know who that somebody is that's us we do something different we do this we do this we resist the devil we are the redeemed and we say so we stand we know what we've been redeemed from so we stand on it we talked about this in earlier points but it's a good reminder the blessing is many things it's the power of god it's the favor of god it's the goodness of god but three big things that we've talked about in this study one is that the blessing is the power to get remember deuteronomy 8 18. it's the lord your god you'll remember him he's the one that gives you the power to get wealth or things or it's the power to get now you're here people say well we shouldn't be thinking about getting well you can be religious if you want to but you need some stuff you wouldn't be sitting in this building unless we had got the building at some point we had to get it right nobody be watching online on these cameras unless we there was a time when we said we got to get the cameras we got to get it right wherever you're staying there was a time when you got it you got the place to stay if you wrote here in a car how'd that happen there was a point where you got the car right you got it if you hadn't got it you wouldn't have it so the blessing part of the blessing is power to get what you need and even some good things you want but also the the the blessing is the power to enjoy amen good things right it's the power to enjoy now we've already covered this but you might not have been here so uh hold your place here and go to ecclesiastes or they'll put it on the screen for us ecclesiastes and you'll find this in three different places in this book of ecclesiastes you'll find in ecclesiastes 2 and in ecclesiastes 3 and 5 but for time's sake go to 3 312. i'm going to read this in the complete jewish bible the cjb it says i know that there is nothing better for them as mankind to do than to be happy and enjoy themselves as long as they live now boy you know here a lot of people you wouldn't think that verse is in the bible still the fact that everyone can eat and drink that's back to the king james the complete jewish and enjoy the good that results from holy's work it's a gift of god do you hear that phrase being able to enjoy the good things that the lord allowed you to get or be a part of that's a gift having a bunch of money does not assure that you'll enjoy any of it having the biggest house in the state does not assure that you will enjoy living in that house you can have a million dollar automobile but you can be in such a dark place in your mind in such a bad place and with god and with other people that you got it but you don't enjoy anything people are so miserable they they want to kill themselves they want to get out of here part of the blessing is the power to enjoy it amen yeah hallelujah and now you can't really enjoy it without his presence huh in the presence of the lord there's fullness of joy and at his right hand that's close to him there are pleasures forevermore he's the one that gives you the ability i i want to talk in tongues right now to try to describe it but this is so big there's not enough money there's not enough stuff there's not enough natural success to give any human being on the planet that deep satisfaction and joy and peace that they're looking for there is not there is not you cannot have it without the blessing [Laughter] but with the blessing you can have it with or without the stuff paul said in philippians he said i've learned no matter what if i got it or if i don't to be content and happy that's when he said i can do all things through the anointed one who strengthens me now he just got through saying they had sent him multiple offerings and he had everything he needed but he wanted them to know i've learned how no matter what i've got in the natural right now i'm still enjoying being with the lord i'm enjoying life with him why because it's not dependent on that and when that happens you stop being unstable up down up down elated and depressed depending on if i can get what i want that's right now this is true with all of us every one of us if you let the enemy he will always have you reaching for something you don't have thinking you can't be happy until you get that and if you get it guess what comes next there will be something else come on y'all with me that you've got to have to be happy and content or that you just can't be satisfied and you just you're miserable until you do and if you were to get it guess what's going to happen the very next it's going to be something else and what he intends is that you are miserable unsatisfied unhappy no matter how much you got no matter what you've got no matter what's going on there's always something else i need lies deception that's right you know what you need thank god christ got it for you so you have the blessing of the lord that makes you rich that without the car without the house you're already rich come on y'all with me enough that makes you rich and no amount of toil one translation says adds anything to it amen all our hard work cannot make us blessed you can't bless yourself but the blessing of the lord i you know just in my few years of walking with the lord i've experienced different degrees of this but the more fully you follow him and the more you please him the more you live in his manifested pleasure the more aware you are he loves you even when you're acting like a heathen even when he is completely displeased with what you're doing and somebody said well you know no jesus has already paid the price so he's pleased with me all the time that's reasoning not revelation you have been accepted your name's in the book don't be stupid and think he doesn't know if you're rebelling against him i didn't say you were lost right didn't say you had to make an additional sacrifice it's there but if you don't want to be with him and you don't want to please him you don't care what he thinks well that's an issue between you and him and he'd like to do more for you but you're not in a receiving mode yes oh but friend when you obey him and follow him all the way you sense his presence in ways that other people don't he loves them too but they're not letting him do it for him come on can you see that you he gives you the ability you know with his presence you can have a half a cup of water and a cold piece of cornbread and feel like you're on cloud nine man i mean like you you you're so elated because this is something money can't buy this is something things cannot accomplish in you look in the fifth chapter of ecclesiastes ecclesiastes 5. and uh what's this 17 or 18 5 17 let's look at it 18 i think that's where we'll start this is what again this is the complete jewish bible again this is what i have seen to be good and calmly uh was that 17 uh anyway i can't keep reading it it's appropriate for a person to eat drink and enjoy the good that results from all his work that he engages in under the sun for all the days of his life that god has given him for this allotted portion also everyone to whom god has given riches and wealth does god do that riches and wealth along with what along with why he didn't just give you the riches and wealth what else did he give you the power to enjoy what kind of power is it what power the power to enjoy it that's the blessing hallelujah somebody say the power to enjoy it so that he takes his allotted portion and finds pleasure in his work this is a gift of god not not just the stuff but the power to enjoy it that's the gift of god that's the blessing of the lord somebody say thank you lord thank you lord this is the prime thing every house needs we must stop pulling on each other um i know when i first got into ministry i counseled with some uh rhema student married couples that were having problems and others i began to see him recurring theme remember one couple i was sitting across the desk from one day and and she was saying to him they had gotten kind of animated about it and they said she was saying you you don't give me what i need and he interrupted and said well you don't give me what i need i need this and i need and she said well i i need this and you never do this and you never say that he said well you never do this and both of them are saying i need i need neither one is giving anything so there's nothing to receive all there is is i need i need i want i need and it's believing a lie that that person can fulfill you and give you the power to enjoy life there is no such human being that can fulfill you in your life and give you the power from now on to enjoy life there is no such human person alive and there won't be only your creator only your father god has the power to enjoy life that's why everybody who has become fixated and infatuated with someone and imagines that now i will be happy forever we'll always be disappointed soon oh but friend when the husband is complete in god and the wife is complete in god without the husband the husband's completing god without the wife come on can you see this or not that's right and they're fellowshipping with him and they're full of good things they got something to give can you see that to each other nobody's pulling and making demands both parties giving this makes for enjoyment of life you can enjoy things this is the blessing the strife the anger the emptiness that's the curse isn't it that's letting the devil just come into your house and manifest we should never have screaming fits and hitting each other and breaking furniture i don't mean you get it down to once a year i mean never never this is never supposed to happen people say well yeah but i this is the way we grew up at home well you're a new creature now you've been born again no people keep yielding the wrong stuff and people keep doing what they can get away with but it makes for a miserable life and it ain't god it's not god doing it to anybody that's right can you see in in the curse broken relationships lost children mental anguish what is that help me out what is that that's part of i mean we're not this is not theorizing or guessing we saw it in the scripture is that right we read it for ourselves in deuteronomy 28 it is part of the curse of the law tell me the good news tell me the good news we've been redeemed from all the curse of the law i don't have to have this don't settle for misery and disrespect and yelling and screaming not enjoying your children not enjoying sons and daughters i didn't say you had to have all the answers in your head i said don't settle for that that's right you can do that right now you right you in your heart you can say i'm not settling for that right couldn't you i'm not settling for that lord what we need to pray it actually everybody here by watching online say it out loud father god i believe your word these awful things are part of the curse of the law i choose to believe you you've redeemed us from this i ask you show us how what changes to make so that we can enjoy our families each other with you in jesus name hallelujah is that his will will he show us yes he will got to be willing to make some changes too though now yeah right sometimes it's as simple as this shut up that's that's right it can be as simple as that sometimes you're you're getting all wound up and you'll start to open your mouth the spirit of god will say be quiet and now we're going to find out if you're really serious about this or not be quiet and that can be tough depending on the situation saying nothing doing nothing can be tough go to uh let me remind you you go to psalm 127 please and i'll remind you of deuteronomy 28 41 and if you're serious about this mark this verse this is specific what you've been redeemed from you'll begin sons and daughters you won't enjoy them they'll go into captivity that's a curse you've been redeemed from that you don't have to have that get a picture of the blessing psalm 127 and psalm 128. well i'm moving a little too quick how much time you got oh you got a lot of time oh great great great great uh go to psalm 68 let me work my way to 127. psalm 68 verse 5. not having a good family and not enjoying your family is a curse it's a curse and and the lord went to great lengths and paid a great price to deliver us from that notice in psalm 68 5 god is a he's a father of the fatherless you know you hear sometimes people say well i i never had a father are you born again well they never say that again you've got a father you've got the best one there's ever been he's a judge of the widows that means somebody that stands up for the widows god in his holy habitation sets in verse six the solitary in families if you say well i have no body you need to get a hold of this verse right here you have a word from the lord if you feel like you have been all alone read it out loud say god sets the solitary in what in families there's a great church family right here right yes these teams are families aren't they there's all kind of opportunity but notice the problem he brings out those that are bound with chains but the what rebellious are going to dwell live and stay in a dry land uh the the esv the english standard said god settles the solitary in a home he leads out the prisoners to prosperity but the rebellious dwell in a parched land if you won't listen to anybody you'll wind up alone and lonely and that's not god's fault it's not god's plan you know if you think everybody has to do what you want all the time and it's your way or the highway where you'll find yourself alone in the highway it's a lonely place it's a dry place think about this god delivered all of his people out of egyptian bondage they spent 40 years in a parched is that right dry unhappy were they enjoying that they weren't supposed to be there it's supposed to be over in canaan's land by now years ago why why wasn't god's plan why rebellious wouldn't listen i'm telling you friends this is the biggest problem on planet earth no question won't listen anything else everything else god can fix and we'll fix but if you won't listen he won't make you listen and so then you're stuck in a dry parched place but if you listen be willing to listen he'll give you a family the family you never had the family you didn't know you could had they don't have to be blood they can be by by the blood because we if you're born again we're family more so than anything else this is forever family he'll give you and what does it take to have real family the blessing of the lord that enables you to enjoy amen being around each other right right i mean we can't you can't stand the sight of each other that's not family that hate black people blessing of the lord enables us right to not get hung up on the little stuff that doesn't matter and the fellowship around the things that do and to get past the mistakes and failures of the past right whatever it takes the blessing has the power to enable us to enjoy our time with each other can you see this is this wonderful or is this one this is this is the good news whoo go to uh psalm 127 now then psalm 127 these are short psalms so i'm going to read all of this one and then we'll read the next one too they're just a few verses psalm 127 are you there except the lord built the house they labor in vain that built it notice they got it built but it don't mean a thing whole thing was for nothing except the lord keeps the city the watchman wakes but in vain you can have the the best army you can have everything else and you need it but if you don't have the lord helping you it won't be enough it's vain for you to rise up early and sit up late in other words in order to eat the bread of sorrows every moment every hour we miss sleep by worrying we totally wasted that part of our life we totally wasted that part of our life that's that's ours our days we won't be able to get back and it didn't accomplish anything it just hurt us and didn't help anybody else he gives his beloved sleep so we should receive it and enjoy it that's right low children are in heritage of the lord the fruit of the womb is his what reward keep going as arrows are in the hand of a mighty man so are children of the youth happy is the man that has his quiver full of them they'll not be ashamed when they shall speak with the enemies in the gate this is not a picture of us losing our children to the enemy this is a picture of our children growing up and being even stronger in god than we are and not giving any place to the enemy or the authority of the enemy i mean when we have these uh presentations on christmas time and resurrection sunday we got a quiver full yeah is that right will you put them all together we got a bunch of wonderful wonderful children of god they're the heritage of the lord they are the reward of the lord they are the blessing of the lord and they are not to be considered terrors they're to be enjoyed that's right that will require you telling them no and not changing not giving in you know why kids keep screaming over and over again because it works pitching fits because it works if it if it never worked they'd quit just just a thought [Laughter] blessed is everyone that fears the lord what what does it start off with what blessed tell me what the blessing is among other things it's the power to get to good things that you need and want what else is it's the power to enjoy the good things god has given you blessed is everyone that fears the lord and walks in his ways you'll eat the labor of your hands happy shall you be and it'll be well with you this is the opposite of the curse do you remember we read you won't get to eat what you worked for you build a house somebody else will move into it right all you work all your plans somebody else take it away from you you don't get to enjoy it that's curse that's a curse you'll get to eat and enjoy the labor of your hands in fact you know isaiah said what is isaiah 65 or so my people shall long enjoy mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands he goes he goes on to talk about they won't build and somebody else get it keep reading it'll be let me read that again let me read that again you'll eat the labor of your hands happy somebody say happy happy happy shall you be and it'll be well with you what are you experiencing you're experiencing the blessing not the curse you don't have the curse you got the blessing it's well with you you're happy you're enjoying it your wife will be as a fruitful vine by the sides of your house your children like olive plants round about your table this is a picture of beautiful your children are like beautiful healthy plants they're thriving they're in an environment that lets them grow and just thrive they're being nourished they're being fed with everything they need like a plant would need and they do you look around all the table all of them beaming happy no cussing that's right no mental problems amen keep reading behold that thus shall the man be what be blessed that fears the lord the lord will bless you there's a recurring theme here in there blessed bless bless you out of zion you will see the good of jerusalem all the days of your life wherever we are you'll see your children's children and peace hallelujah upon israel somebody say peace is this the blessing you're enjoying life they're happy they're healthy things are going good and not only did you enjoy them now they're flourishing got kids of their own they're enjoying their kids and you're enjoying your kids kids because you are you're a blessed man you're a blessed woman somebody say glory to god i'm blessed i'm blessed i'm blessed this is not fantasy this is not hype christ redeemed us from the curse so that the blessing of abraham would come on the gentiles hallelujah oh somebody say glory to god glory to god let me go ahead and read that one i quoted to you earlier isaiah 65 21 they'll put it on the screen you're not to turn there isaiah 65 21 it says they talking about god's people they shall build houses and what inhabit them live in them enjoy them they'll plant vineyards and do what they'll enjoy the fruit of them they they'll not build and another inhabit they'll not plant and another eat for as the days of a tree are the days of my people that means you live a long time and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands i'm laying hold of this right now i said i'm laying hold of this my work phyllis and my work is in ministry this church is part of our work the sarasota church is part of our work now you know faith school and and all those things word supply now faith life international we're going to long enjoy are you part of this too you're going to long enjoy is that we're going to long enjoy huh the fruit hallelujah the work of our hands we're going to long enjoy it somebody say long enjoy long enjoy verse 23 they will not labor in vain nor bring forth for trouble for they are the seed of the blessed of the lord that's exactly what galatians 3 says is that right jesus is the seed of abraham the blessed now because of our faith in him we are also the seed of abraham we're the seed of the blessed of the lord read that last part with me read that last part we're the seed of the blessed and and and their offspring with them are what blessed blessed empowered to get every good thing empowered to enjoy every good thing hallelujah and i hadn't quite got to this last one much yet but the last one is an even bigger thing the lord said it's more blessed to give yes than it is to receive the blessing of the lord enables you to get the blessing of the lord enables you to enjoy and even more blessing enables you to give come on give so that you're involved in the blessing of others even empowering them to bless you and i were in the middle of that last week is that right in the middle of him helping empower others to be blessed and to be a blessing in other parts of the world that's jesus called that more blessed you got blessed blessed and more blessed hallelujah stand on your feet everybody [Music] hallelujah praise the lord just close your eyes if you would and focus on him [Music] don't think this is just hype and fervor from me tonight like we mentioned earlier just because something's been in your life doesn't mean it's the will of god doesn't mean it even has a right to be there but if we don't resist it we don't stand against it it'll continue it'll stay there and get worse say it out loud christ has redeemed me from all the curse of the law therefore the curse has no right in my life it it has no right to be in any of my life and i resist it i refuse to accept it i refuse to allow it in jesus name the blessing of the lord oh the blessing has been given to me and i received the blessing i am the blessed of the lord and my offspring are blessed and we shall long enjoy the good things of god and then go to glory hallelujah hallelujah
Channel: Jason Wigood
Views: 731
Rating: 4.6190476 out of 5
Id: EbZgkcMYlPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 38sec (4898 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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