Keira Knightley | How the Pirates of the Caribbean star lives and how much she earns

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Keira Knightley is a famous British Hollywood  actress who has won not only prestigious movie   awards, but also millions of hearts around the  world. Her exquisite looks, rebellious spirit, and   acting talent allow her to land a wide variety of  roles effortlessly. In this video we'll cover the   career and personal life of this talented British  woman. Keira Knightley - how the Pirates of the   Caribbean star lives and how much she earns.  Keira Christina Knightley was born on March 26,   1985 in the suburbs of London to British actors  Will Knightley and Sharman Macdonald. By then,   the couple already had a six-year-old son, Caleb.  The girl was named after Kira Ivanova, the first   Soviet figure skater to become an Olympic  medalist. It's no surprise, because at that   time half of Europe was rooting for the charming  young athlete. She was meant to be named "Kiera",   the anglicized form of "Kira", however, her mother  misspelled the name when she registered the birth   certificate, writing the e before the i. From a very early age, Caleb and Keira   were immersed in theater life. Parents not only  took them to all sorts of plays, but also taught   their children the basics of acting skills.  Feeling experienced enough to be an actress,   three-year-old Keira demanded to hire herself  a theater agent. And she did get one, though   not until three years later. But by the time she  was seven, in 1991, she starred in the TV series   Screen One, in the episode Royal Celebration. The  role was small, but it served as a great stepping   stone to the start of her brilliant career. Over  the next 8 years, Knightley was busy appearing in   British TV series, commercials, and even getting  small roles on the big screen: for example, in the   films A Village Affair, Innocent Lies, and The  Treasure Seekers. Meanwhile, the girl was doing   great in school. While still in preschool, she was  diagnosed with dyslexia, a very common condition   among gifted people that impairs the ability to  read and write. The parents devoted a lot of time   and effort to working with their daughter, thanks  to which the condition was completely eliminated,   and the efforts made allowed the girl to become  an excellent student at school. In 1999, Keira   starred in George Lucas' legendary blockbuster  Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. She   got the role of the maid and body double of Queen  Padme, played by Natalie Portman. The two girls   looked so strikingly similar that even their  own mothers could not tell them apart in makeup,   and the audience and critics were convinced  that both roles were played by Portman. In   the same year, the British mini-series Oliver  Twist was released, in which Keira played the   role of young Rose Fleming. In 2001, the British  thriller The Hole hit theaters, where the actress   got one of the main roles. During the filming  of this movie guy-actors liked to walk around   half-naked in front of the actress, who was 15  years old at the time, which infuriated her.  In the same year, the audience saw Knightley  in the TV movie Princess of Thieves in the   role of brave bandit Gwyn. On the set of  this movie, Keira had her first intense   relationship with Irish actor Del Synnott,  which lasted two years, but ended in a breakup. 2002 was a fruitful year in terms of premieres.  The actress starred in the drama Pure and in   a mini-series based on Boris Pasternak's novel  Doctor Zhivago as Lara Antipova. At that time,   the actress was only 17 years old, and it  was her first time to go to the shooting   by herself. The footage was filmed  in Slovakia and the Czech Republic,   and in Prague the actress was placed in the  red-light district for some reason. Then the girl   met and befriended a local lady of the night who  lured customers under Keira's windows every night.  The actress also tried her hand at the unusual  genre of sports comedy, starring in the movie Bend   It Like Beckham. The famous athlete did appear  in the movie as himself, though only for a few   seconds, which probably helped it gross a decent  box office of almost $77 million. Keira herself   finally gained wide popularity after this movie. In 2002, the actress graduated from high school   and enrolled at Esher College to study history,  art and English literature. However, it wasn't   so easy to combine education and filming,  and in the second year of study she had to   make a difficult choice in favor of cinema. In 2003, the actress appeared in one of the   short stories of the movie Love Actually,  which also starred Hugh Grant, Liam Neeson,   Martin Freeman and other screen stars.  Many viewers noticed the huge dark blue   hat on Knightley's head. It turns out that this  accessory was not the director's idea at all,   and served as a disguise for a large pimple that  popped up on the forehead of the actress right   before the shooting. Many years later, Keira  laughingly recounted this in an interview,   jokingly commenting on the incident, "This is  the problem with being 17 and being in films."  However, the young actress had no problems  with finding new boyfriends. In 2003,   she began dating musician and future star of the  movie 50 Shades of Grey, Jamie Dornan, but after   two years of relationship, the actors broke up. In the same year, the first installment of the   adventure saga Pirates of the Caribbean: The  Curse of the Black Pearl was released. The   movie was inspired by a Disneyland ride called  Pirates of the Caribbean. Walt Disney himself   was involved in the creation of the attraction,  and it opened shortly after his death in 1967.   The world premiere of the film took place  on June 28, 2003 at Disneyland, after which   the attraction was closed for renovation,  expecting a large number of fan visitors. The path from the idea to the realization of  the movie was quite long. The creators of the   film tried to sell the idea to movie companies  back in the 90's, but were rejected. Initially,   the project was called just Pirates of the  Caribbean, but in the process of filming it became   clear that there would be sequels, so they added  the mention of a pirate ship to the main title.   Keira Knightley got the lead female role, and she  brilliantly portrayed the gentle but courageous   Elizabeth Swann. Keira's casual look with her  short haircut didn't quite fit the image of the   governor's young daughter, so the 18-year-old  actress wore a wig on camera. By the way,   her casting competitor was beautiful Jessica  Alba, but director Gore Verbinski liked Keira   very much and gave the role to her. The movie turned out to be vivid,   fast-paced and memorable, bringing in $654 million  at the box office on a budget of $140 million,   as well as 5 Oscar nominations and one Golden  Globe nomination. The BAFTA Awards jury gave   the movie the award for Best Makeup and also  nominated it in 4 other categories, including   Best Special Effects. The actress also received  nominations for the MTV Channel Award and Saturn.  Despite the fact that after the release of the  film, Knightley became really famous worldwide,   her next films were unsuccessful. The historical  drama King Arthur and the thriller The Jacket   were poorly received by critics and audiences  alike and flopped at the box office. Keira   got back into the game almost immediately. In  2005, the drama Pride & Prejudice premiered,   based on the work of the same name by Jane  Austen. The role of Elizabeth Bennett was   especially important for Keira, as she always  felt a remarkable connection with the character,   bordering on obsession. But director Joe Wright  initially doubted the choice: Knightley had   already started filming for the action movie  Domino and as a result had a short haircut and   prominent muscles. It all changed by a personal  meeting, after which Joe was absolutely mesmerized   by the girl. The hair issue was again solved with  a wig, and strong arms were concealed by the long   sleeves of the dresses. Needless to say, Keira  went all-in on this role. She was nominated for a   Golden Globe Award for her superb acting and was  also nominated for an Oscar for the first time.   The movie received a total of four nominations,  enjoyed an enthusiastic reception from audiences,   and grossed $120 million at the box office. She was riding a wave of success, when the   biographical action movie Domino premiered.  The story of an English bounty huntress,   rebel and daughter of the famous actor Lawrence  Harvey with an unusual name Domino interested   director Tony Scott. He found Ms. Harvey in  Beverly Hills and persuaded her to sell the   screen rights to her life for $360,000. Knightley  received a fee of 2 million for this role,   and her co-star was infamous Mickey Rourke. But  neither a compelling story nor Domino herself   being on the set helped the movie take off, and it  failed miserably at the box office. The box office   barely made it to half of the budget spent. By the  way, Knightley's character's prototype has never   seen the film - at the time of its release, she  died of a painkiller overdose at the age of 35. At the same time, Keira ended her  year-long relationship with American   actor Adrien Brody. And then, in 2005, she  found a new boyfriend, British actor Rupert   Friend. The couple stayed together for five years. In 2006, the audience saw a sequel to the pirate   action movie titled Pirates of the Caribbean:  Dead Man's Chest. By the way, the second and   third installments were filmed at the same time,  and their total budget amounted to about 450   million. After the release of the first movie, it  was obvious to everyone that the movie company had   stumbled upon a gold mine, and fans were literally  going crazy with impatience to see more adventures   of the beloved characters. Box office receipts  also didn't disappoint: the film grossed 1 billion   dollars. The creators of the film won an Academy  Award for visual effects, and Keira was nominated   for an MTV Channel Award. It is unknown how much  she earned for the role, but her fee for the third   movie, which was released the following year,  amounted to 5 million. Pirates of the Caribbean:   At World's End also grossed almost 1 billion, and  the actress was nominated for an MTV Movie Awards.  In 2007, Keira starred in the drama Silk and  military drama Atonement, based on the novel by   contemporary British writer Ian McEwan. The film  was again directed by Joe Wright, who was honored   to open the Venice Film Festival with his film.  The movie generated a storm of positive reviews   and won numerous awards, including an Oscar, two  Golden Globes and over two dozen nominations.   Keira has been nominated for a Golden Globe as  Best Actress, a BAFTA, and an Empire Film Award.  However, the actress didn't get along  well with the Daily Mail. In 2007,   Keira sued the publication after a picture of  her in a bikini was placed next to an article   about a woman who blamed slim celebrities  for her daughter's death from anorexia. She   eventually won the trial, receiving compensation  that she donated to an eating disorder foundation. Many years later, the celebrity admitted that  during that period she had a nervous breakdown,   and later she was diagnosed with post-traumatic  stress disorder, caused by the sudden fame that   fell upon her. She had been unable to leave the  house for months and underwent hypnotherapy to   deal with panic attacks that occurred during her  outings. The girl was also very self-conscious   when people discussed her body. Movie companies  even enlarged her breasts on movie posters,   which infuriated Keira. She sees no  point in hiding her natural forms and   now demands not to make them bigger than they are. In 2008, the biographical drama The Edge of Love   was released, the script for which was written  by Keira's mother Sherman McDonald. But the film   wasn't successful and went virtually unnoticed. The next bright role in Knightley's filmography   was Georgiana Cavendish in the melodrama The  Duchess. The movie was heavily banked on from the   beginning. The studio bought the screen rights,  paying $7 million, and the film's promotion   opaquely hinted at Cavendish's family ties to  Princess Diana, hoping to attract the attention   of her army of fans. Knightley vehemently  opposed this publicity move, saying that   the Duchess is interesting in her own right, with  no ties to the story of Britain's late favorite. In 2010, the melodrama Last Night premiered,  starring Keira Knightley from England,   Sam Worthington from Australia, Eva Mendes  of Cuban descent, and Guillaume Canet from   France. But the multinational cast and  tear-jerking plot didn't help the movie.   Audience reviews were very lukewarm, with box  office receipts totaling just over 7 million.  Next came the crime drama London Boulevard with  Knightley, which the public characterized as "a   bunch of nonsense" and a "searing disappointment."  The movie Never Let Me Go also suffered the same   fate. It was released in 2010 and brought the  actress a nomination for the Saturn Award. The   sci-fi comedy Seeking a Friend for the End  of the World was released in 2012 and wasn't   successful either. Between these films there  was a mini-series Neverland, in which Keira   voiced Tinker Bell, and the historical drama  A Dangerous Method, which tells about the   difficult relationship between the founders of  psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. But   Keira's performance has sparked great discussions  behind the scenes of various film festivals.   Experts agreed that the actress severely overacted  and looked extremely unnatural. The members of the   Saturn Awards jury were of a different opinion:  they nominated Knightley for Best Actress.  In February 2011, Keira Knightley had a  fateful acquaintance with the vocalist   and keyboardist of the British indie rock band  Klaxons James Righton. But more on that later.  In 2012, the drama Anna Karenina was released,  directed again by Joe Wright. In this movie,   Keira co-starred with Jude Law and received a  nomination for the European Film Academy Award.   Then the audience saw the movie Begin Again. In  this musical comedy drama, Keira replaced Scarlett   Johansson, who dropped out of the project. The  film was generally well-received by both critics   and audiences, allowing it to earn $63 million at  the box office, 8 times the film's budget. And on   May 4, 2013, James Righton and Keira Knightley  had a wedding in the town of Mazan in the south   of France. The celebration was modest, only  the closest friends of the couple were invited,   and the bride even decided to reject the classic  outfit in favor of an elegant, but strict jacket   and a light dress by Chanel. After being married  at the local municipality, the husband and wife   and their guests went to celebrate the occasion  at an estate owned by the Knightley family. 120   bottles of wine and champagne were purchased for  the buffet. The ring that the groom gave to the   bride was inherited from his grandmother, but  Keira was especially touched by another gift.   James gave her a 100-year-old olive tree  that he had planted in the garden of the   French estate. On the trunk, the man touchingly  scratched their initials and their wedding date.  2014 brought Keira three interesting  premieres at once. The action movie Jack Ryan:   Shadow Recruit and romantic comedy-drama Laggies  directed by Lynn Shelton were released. The main   role in it was originally given to Anne  Hathaway, but the actress refused it due   to the filming of Interstellar and Song One. Another gem of that year was the biographical   war drama The Imitation Game. The movie was  based on Andrew Hodges' book Alan Turing:   The Enigma. The story of breaking the code of  the German Enigma encryption machine during World   War II attracted a lot of attention from movie  experts, and Knightley's performance received   nominations for an Oscar, Satellite, Golden Globe,  BAFTA and an Actors Guild Award. The movie earned   $233 million at the box office. Notably, the  niece of the famous English mathematician,   whose story is told in the movie, completely  disagreed with the choice of Knightley for the   role of Joan Clarke, saying that her uncle's  colleague was much more straightforward than   the character created by the actress. Then the actress's filmography featured   a movie of a very unusual genre for her -  the biographical survival adventure Everest,   which tells of the tragedy that occurred with  the expedition of New Zealand mountaineer Rob   Hall in 1996. Interestingly enough, the scenes  with the actress were filmed in just 6 days.  In May 2015, there was a pleasant change in  the Knightley-Righton family - the couple had a   daughter, whom the happy parents named Edie. After  the child's birth, Keira quickly recovered and   resumed her acting career. In 2016, director David  Frankel released the drama Phantom Beauty starring   her among other stars, including Helen Mirren,  Will Smith, Kate Winslet, and Edward Norton.  In 2017, there was the premiere of the  fifth installment of the franchise,   Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No  Tales. To the great disappointment of the fans,   the film was heavily inferior to its predecessors  and received mostly negative reviews. By the way,   Keira only appeared in a small scene at the end  of the movie as Elizabeth, Will Turner's wife. It   would be reasonable to put an end to the outdated  franchise, but there is talk of filming the sixth   installment of the pirate saga, titled A Day  At The Sea. Jack Sparrow, Will and Elizabeth   Turner are indicated as the main characters.  However, it is reported that this will be the   first movie without Johnny Depp, and it's still  unknown who will replace the charismatic actor.  In 2018, there was the premiere of the adventure  family film The Nutcracker and the Four Realms,   in which the actress played Sugar Plum Fairy,  as well as another biopic, which recounts   the fate of the French writer Colette. The following August, Keira gave birth   to James' second daughter, who was named Delilah.  Knightley admitted that it's much more difficult   to deal with two children and it was far from  easy to combine motherhood with work. She had   a particularly difficult time shooting in the  movie Official Secrets, released in early 2019.  That same year, she starred in the romantic  anthology Berlin, I Love You, as well as the war   drama The Aftermath. In this movie, her character  appears nude to the audience, but the body doesn't   belong to Knightley, but to her double. The following year saw the release of   the comedy Misbehaviour, followed in 2021 by the  drama Silent Night and the animated feature film   about a German-Jewish artist during World War II,  Charlotte. In it, Keira voiced the main character.  Boston Strangler, a crime thriller  based on true events, premiered in   2023. The movie is on the Hulu platform and  has received mixed reviews from the audience.  Fans are eagerly awaiting the release of new films  with Knightley: the crime thriller Candy Store,   the series The Other Typist, in which she acts  as a producer, and Black Doves are in production.  Due to the high demand and productivity of  the actress, her fortune is now estimated at   $80 million. Her revenue growth dynamics are  quite high. Thus, compared to 2019 figures,   her fees have almost doubled. Meticulous analysts  also calculated that Keira earns 100 times more   than her spouse. Apart from filming, the beautiful  actress is quite popular with advertisers. She   became the face of the advertising campaign  of the legendary perfume Chanel Mademoiselle,   as well as jewelry and makeup of  the same brand. At the age of 18,   she promoted the British jewelry house Asprey, and  then became the protagonist of a commercial for   the Scottish brand Black Dog Whiskey. In addition  to all this, Keira also plays in the theater.  Keira is no stranger to being altruistic, and in  2018 she was appointed Officer of the Order of the   British Empire for services to drama and charity.  The actress was previously involved in a campaign   against domestic violence. The two-minute  movie tells the story of an actress who,   after a long day at work, is assaulted by her  partner who accuses her of infidelity. This issue,   which, like a virus has affected almost all parts  of society, hits close to Knightley's heart.  In 2015, Keira Knightley and Emma Watson joined  the charity Women for Women, which launched a   campaign for stars to sell their branded clothing  to benefit women in countries at war. Among the   items were Keira's favorite Christian Louboutin  shoes, which she only wore on special occasions.   And in 2020, she joined the Amnesty campaign  to find the UK's most inspiring human rights   activists across the country. These days, the  actress is very much concerned about what is   going on in the world. After the publication  of the diaries of 12-year-old Yeva Skalietska   from Kharkov entitled You Don't Know What War  Is, Keira volunteered to voice the audiobook. To maintain her family's privacy, Keira  Knightley doesn't have any official social   media accounts. Unlike her colleagues,  she doesn't strive for excessive luxury,   remaining committed to a rather modest life. She  is sure that money spoils people and tries not to   lose her sense of moderation, even when living  in wealth. However, her garage contains five   vehicles. The legendary car Porsche 911 Carrera  4S, has a special place in the actress's heart.   It's equipped with a 3-liter six-cylinder engine,  boasting 443 horsepower. The actress also owns a   luxury sedan Mercedes-Benz S-class, which not only  has a stylish exterior and comfortable interior,   but also impressive technical performance. Another  piece in her collection is a creation of the   General Motors Group, the Yukon XL SUV, popular  in the US. Keira also has a Hyundai Tucson,   which is quite modest in comparison. It's an  unassuming, everyday Korean SUV, a great choice   for city driving. It has also been reported  that she owns a comfortable Range Rover Sport. As for real estate, the Righton-Nightley  couple owned a house in London in a lively   neighborhood in the East End, which is considered  a destination for intellectuals and people of the   arts. Keira bought it in 2012 for $3 million  from famous English actress Samantha Morton,   but soon after she put it back on the market. In 2014, the star couple purchased a nice   three-story 18th century mansion worth nearly $6  million in the Canonbury neighborhood of Greater   London. Five cozy bedrooms with fireplaces,  four bathrooms, a kitchen-dining room,   a spacious living room and a wine cellar make  it very much like the timeless home of a typical   respectable English family. The interior of the  home is absolutely classic and is done in light   shades with occasional accent pieces. Until 2017, Knightley owned a luxury   apartment in New York City, which she sold for  $6 million. The reason for the sale is unknown   and many are perplexed as to how they could  part with such an amazing place to live. This   two-story apartment is located in the heart of  Manhattan and is furnished as comfortably and   tastefully as possible. Light modern geometry,  soft colors of finishes combined with noble wood   and bright accents in textiles and furniture  make this place truly unique. The property   exceeds 3,800 square feet and features three  bedrooms, a huge kitchen, a private patio and   striking 23-foot ceilings. In all the homes of the  family reigns an atmosphere of elegant restraint,   peace and warmth, seasoned with good taste, which  the actress brings in everything she touches. Keira Knightley is a very bright, talented  and hardworking actress. She is successful   not only in her profession but also in her  family life, which is a rarity in the movie   industry. She is particularly good at historical  movies. There are persistent rumors in Hollywood   that the legendary Barbra Streisand is going  to make a movie about Catherine the Great,   in which Knightley may play the lead role. Do  you think Keira would portray the Empress well?
Channel: MixShow Star News
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Keywords: keira knightley, keira knightley pirates of the caribbean, keira knightley house, keira knightley movies, keira knightley 2023, keira knightley husband, keira knightley and natalie portman, keira knightley net worth, keira knightley child, keira knightley biography, keira knightley family, how keira knightley lives, keira knightley life story, keira knightley cars, pirates of the caribbean, keira knightley and orlando bloom, keira knightley and james righton, MixShow Star News
Id: 1gbzRaxK084
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Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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