Chuck Norris | How the Texas Ranger lives and where he spends his millions

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Chuck Norris is an actor,  producer and screenwriter,   master of martial arts, author  of several best-selling books,   creator of television programs, and  successful businessman. In this video,   you will learn why he left his film career and  how he became one of the top memes of the 2000s.   Chuck Norris: how the Texas Ranger  lives and where he spends his millions.   Carlos Ray Norris was born March 10, 1940, in  Ryan, Oklahoma, and grew up with two younger   brothers. According to our hero, his ancestors  include Irish and Cherokee Indians. His father   had a serious drinking problem, so the family  lived in poverty for a long time without even a   proper home as they had to huddle in a trailer.  Eventually his father abandoned the family,   and his mother got married to the widower George  Knight. It was his stepfather who instilled a   love of sports in the young man, and also showed  him what a loving husband and father should be.   In his school days, the future master of martial  arts didn’t stand out either in sports or academic   achievements. Because of this, he was often  attacked by his peers and became more and more   withdrawn. At the same time, remembering hunger  and poverty, young Carlos began working early.   In high school, he got a job as a loader and gave  part of the money to his mother and grandmother   to take care of his younger brothers. His first big purchase was a second hand   car. And his first passenger was classmate Dianne  Holechek. At that moment, the modest young man was   in love with the girl and didn’t yet know that she  would become the mother of his future children.   As soon as Carlos turned 18, he enlisted  in the U.S. Army and while he was training,   he proposed to Diane. They got married on one  of his tours of duty. By the way, it was in boot   camp that Norris got his name Chuck. A fellow  Hispanic soldier thought the name "Carlos" was   inappropriate for a white guy, so he changed it  to Charles, and then shortened it to Chuck. Among   his family, however, our man remains Carlos. Soon Norris was sent to a military base in South   Korea, where he broke his shoulder in the first  few days. It was this unpleasant incident that   turned his life upside down: dying of boredom,  the young man went to look around and saw an   outlandish battle between two guys. The fighters  moved with incredible speed and flexibility,   executing precise and powerful punches. Back  at base, Carlos turned to a judo trainer and   began to learn a new kind of wrestling,  tansudo. He spent two years honing his   skills and competing in duels. He returned  home as a strong man with a black belt.   Upon his return to the States, Chuck continued  to serve at an Air Force base in California for   some time, and after being discharged in 1962,  he applied for police work. According to other   reports, he worked at the Northrop Aviation  plant. Also in 1962, he and Dianne had their   firstborn son Michael. In order to provide for his  family, the young father began to work part-time,   conducting martial arts training in the backyard  of his house. Later, this part-time job grew into   a serious business. Chuck opened his own  karate school, and by 1965, the school had   grown into a network of training rooms across  the United States. Chuck's family also grew   as Dianne gave birth to another son, Eric. But  not everything was smooth in their relationship,   as in 1963 the man had a daughter born out  of wedlock, Dina. She didn't get to know her   father until she was 16, and met him only at 26. Soon Norris's first successes in sports came:   in 1965 he took first place at the All-Star  Championship in Los Angeles, and in 1968 he   won the world karate light heavyweight title.  He held that title for a full seven years.   It became prestigious to be trained with Chuck  Norris, and celebrities began to sign up for   training: for example, the wife of the King  of Rock and Roll, Priscilla Presley, and the   popular Hollywood actor Steve McQueen. It was  he who advised Chuck to try his hand at acting.   In the first film, Norris was not even listed in  the credits. In the crime comedy The Wrecking Crew   in 1968, he played an ordinary gangster and was  present in the frame for about three minutes. The real turning point in Chuck's career was  his acquaintance with Bruce Lee. In 1972,   he invited Chuck to star in the  movie The Way of the Dragon,   where the novice actor played the role of  the villain. It took several weeks for Lee   and Norris to prepare for the fighting scene.  They worked together with a choreographer and   developed each movement to create a dynamic  fight. As a result, the film The Way of the   Dragon became an action movie with huge popularity  and brought our hero his first fame. On the set,   the actors became such good friends that when  Lee died in 1973, Norris was one of those who   carried the coffin at his funeral. After a brilliant debut, Chuck was   first offered a cameo role in the comedy  The Student Teachers, then the role of   the villain character in the low-budget Hong  Kong action movie Slaughter in San Francisco.   By the way, despite the fact  that the film was made in 1974,   it did not appear on the big screens in  the United States until 7 years later,   when the film company was able to capitalize  on the popularity of Chuck Norris. More important roles required better skills, so  in conjunction with filming, our hero was trained   in the Estelle Harman acting school. He was the  oldest student there. At that time, he was already   34 years old. The effort was not in vain, and in  1977, Chuck got his first major role. In the movie   Breaker! Breaker!, he played a tough trucker,  trying to find his missing younger brother.   The fee of the little-known actor was only 10  thousand dollars. But in the next film, Good Guys   Wear Black, his rate has grown to 40 thousand.  In another film, A Force of One, Norris played   a karate champion, teaching the police martial  arts, and received 125 thousand for his work.   From that moment on, Chuck became really popular  and films with his participation began to please   fans of action movies every year. In 1980,  he played a bodyguard of a rich lady in the   film The Octagon, in 1981, a policeman in the  dramatic action movie An Eye for an Eye. His   fees rose to 250 thousand dollars. 1982 was  marked by the release of two films at once:   Forced Vengeance and Silent Rage. In 1983,  Norris tried on the role of a Ranger for   the first time in the film Lone Wolf McQuade. The popularity of the energetic actor was growing;   he became a real star of the Cannon Pictures  film company and signed a contract with them   for the making of five films. They were notable  for the variety and complexity of stories,   and the audience liked them. The most famous film  of the time was the movie Missing in Action about   a Vietnam war veteran who returns to find and save  his comrades-in-arms. By the way, Chuck dedicated   this action film and its sequel ‘Missing in Action  2: The Beginning’ to his younger brother Wieland,   who died in Vietnam in 1970. And after the release  of the sequel ‘Braddock: Missing in Action III’ in   1988, Norris threatened to sue the Cannon film  company for an insufficient advertising campaign   of the film. The actor himself considered  this film the strongest in his career.   But let’s go back to 1985. From that year  to 1993, the actor showed his signature   U-turn kick in a dozen films: Code of Silence,  Invasion U.S.A., The Delta Force, Firewalker,   ‘Hero and the Terror’, ‘Delta Force 2: The  Colombian Connection’, The Hitman, and Sidekicks.   In all of these films, the viewer was treated  to the obligatory happy endings, fight scenes   in which Chuck was victorious, and minor love  lines. The actor also voiced an animated series   about himself, ‘Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos’. Big changes were happening not only in Chuck’s   career, but also in his personal life. In 1989,  after thirty years of marriage, Chuck Norris and   Dianne Holechek decided to part ways. The divorce  was amicable and without scandal. The former   spouses have maintained excellent relations  with each other and their adult children.   The really big breakthrough that brought Chuck  Norris worldwide fame was the start of the filming   of the TV series ‘Walker, Texas Ranger’.  The series has been on American television   for a long nine seasons, including the pilot  season. It tells the story of Cordell Walker,   a Texas Ranger who fights crime in his home  state. At first glance, one might think that   the main thing in the show is spectacular  fights, but a deeper analysis makes it clear   that the screenwriters placed a vivid emphasis  on family values and friendship. Harsh at work,   Cordell Walker in life is a loving father and  husband, always ready to protect his loved ones   and help his friends. These topics are touched  upon in every episode and make the series even   more appealing to viewers. The fight scenes are  good too, and some of them even became iconic.   Despite being busy with the series, movies  starring Chuck continued to come out almost   every year. Among them are: Hellbound, Wind in  the Wire, Top Dog, Forest Warrior, ‘Logan's War:   Bound by Honor’, The President's Man, and the  TV series Sons of Thunder and Martial Law.   Moreover, Norris didn’t forget about his  coaching activities and in 1997 released   a video ‘Chuck Norris: Private Lesson’, which  clearly demonstrated the techniques, punches and   throws inherent in some styles of martial arts. During the same period, the actor met a new love.   She was the model and designer Gena O'Kelly. At  the time of their wedding in 1998, Chuck was 58,   and Gena was 35. They both already had the  experience of marriage and children. As the   actor himself admits, it was love at first sight,  so they got married soon after meeting. 3 years   later, with the help of artificial insemination,  they had twins: a girl Danilee and a boy Dakota. According to rumors, ‘Walker, Texas Ranger’ was  not supposed to end in 2001: the show was going   to be extended for at least two more seasons.  However, after learning about Gena's pregnancy,   Norris decided to hang up his cowboy hat. During this period, Chuck's acting career   faded into the background and he concentrated on  activities of another kind. Chuck began writing   books, three of which became bestsellers.  One of Chuck's latest works is called   ‘Black Belt Patriotism: How to Reawaken America’. The actor also became active in his social life,   promoting religious ideas and concepts of  traditional values. In 2006, he became the   author of a column for a right-wing political  publication, where he expressed his beliefs. As   a matter of fact, Chuck still actively opposes  the legalization of same-sex marriages and   fights for the right to freely carry firearms. Together with his wife, Norris served on the   board of the National Council on Bible Curriculum  in Public Schools, where he is an active advocate   for the introduction of mandatory prayer in  the classroom. Norris also founded a charity   which helps children and adolescents get rid  of their addictions by taking up martial arts.   Meanwhile, viewers could see the action star  in the films ‘The President's Man: A Line in   the Sand’, Bells of Innocence, ‘DodgeBall: A  True Underdog Story’, and The Cutter. In 2005,   the crew of ‘Walker, Texas Ranger’ got together  again to shoot a feature film, ‘Walker, Texas   Ranger: Trial by Fire’. Several more sequels  were planned to be released, but the ratings   of the old-school Walker were not at their best. Norris is known in the U.S. for his loud political   statements. For example, in 2009 he said  that Texans may well aspire to create an   independent country on their own territory.  Moreover, the actor expressed confidence that   he could be an excellent candidate for the  role of president of the newly formed state.   For several years, Chuck Norris did not  appear on the movie screens, but in 2012,   he joined the team of ‘The Expendables’ in  the second part of Stallone’s film franchise.   Incidentally, the name of his character Booker  is an homage to the movie Good Guys Wear Black,   where Norris' character is named John T.  Booker. Also, in both films, Norris plays a   retired military man who participates in a rescue  operation to help his old comrades. The film was   warmly received by both audiences and critics  and grossed $315 million at the box office.   In 2017, there was tragic news about the personal  life of our hero. He admitted that he gave up his   acting career because of the fatal illness of  his beloved wife Gena. Then the spouses began   a lawsuit against 11 companies responsible  for the production and distribution of drugs   used for MRI. The Norrises said that these drugs  were the cause of Gena's severe health problems   and demanded damages of over $10 million. According to their claims, in 2013, Gena went   for a routine MRI procedure, and a few days later,  the young and healthy woman woke up at night with   severe abdominal pain and was admitted to the  intensive care unit for several days. Over time,   the symptoms were joined by tremors, muscle  weakness, low body temperature, weight loss,   hair loss, and other serious health problems. The  situation deteriorated so much that at one point   the woman could no longer take care of herself.  And her husband kept his vow to be there for her   in sickness and in wealth, interrupting his career  to take care of Gena until she fully recovered.   The outcome of the drug poisoning litigation  was unpredictable: the dispute was dismissed   at Norris's request without settlement, and  each side agreed to pay its own legal costs.   The woman's health was severely compromised, even  though she recovered and survived after a long   period of therapeutic treatment. It is known that  Norris now tries to spend as much time as possible   with his family and travel extensively.  Although such squabbles affected him too:   the actor had two consecutive heart attacks. By the way, this is not the only case of   litigation involving Norris. In 2018, Chuck sued  Sony Pictures and the CBS network, which owns the   distribution rights to ‘Walker, Texas Ranger’.  CBS originally agreed to pay the actor 23% of all   profits from all broadcasts. But according to the  actor, he was under-receiving income from viewings   of the series on online streaming services.  The actor demanded a payment of $30 million.   Notably, Norris holds the title of Honorary  Texan. He received this honor not only   because he lived on a ranch in Texas for  many years, but also because of his roles   as Lone Wolf McQuade and Texas Ranger Walker. Chuck lived a large part of his life in the state   of Texas. For a long time, he owned a gorgeous  2100-square-foot house in the Northwood Hills area   of Dallas. Among other things, the four-bedroom  home had three fireplaces, a media room,   a pool surrounded by lush greenery, a large  patio, a gym, and even an elevator. In 2013,   the property went on the market for $1.2 million  or, according to other sources, $1.6 million.   A few years later, the actor's estate in  California's North Tustin was put up for   sale for $3.5 million. In the center of the  two-story house, there was a floor-to-ceiling   glass vestibule. Brick walls and wooden posts  and beams complemented the overall style. A lake,   saltwater pool and trees that cost  more than a million dollars to plant,   adorned the grounds of the estate. The Norris family currently resides on a   ranch in Navasota, Texas. In addition to the usual  things in celebrity homes like a gym and stables,   the actor boasts a Chuck Norris Museum  and a real life alligator. What's more,   there's a lake on the ranch, and the family uses  military vehicles to move around the property.   Another of our hero's favorite vehicles are  American pickup trucks. He had a Ford F-350,   and another similar snow-white  vehicle was seen near his ranch.   Chuck Norris’ house is not just a good investment  in real estate, it's also a super return on   investment, because across the street from it,  there’s CForce Bottling Co, one of the largest   privately owned water bottling companies. It  occupies nearly 3 square miles of manufacturing   space. The CForce Water brand was launched  by Chuck and his wife in 2015. Naturally, the   actor became the advertising face of the water. By the way, this is not Chuck's only income. For   just $300 anyone can order a video greeting from  Cordell Walker. Not a bad price for a 2-minute   video recorded on the front camera of a phone. Another line of his income was the smartphone   game Non Stop Chuck Norris. The game allows  users to take on the role of Chuck Norris'   sidekick and defeat an endless array of enemies. And, of course, we can't ignore the phenomenon of   Chuck Norris' popularity online. His entire acting  career is a fertile field for the creation of gags   and memes. The unwavering indestructibility of  his characters has become the ground for more than   half a million memes, collectively called "Chuck  Norris Facts." These facts usually describe Chuck   Norris as an invincible hero who can handle any  situation and defeat any opponent. For example:   “There is no chin under Chuck Norris's beard.  There's another fist there.” “Chuck Norris once   looked at the sun for hours... the sun failed  and blinked.” Or "when Chuck Norris cuts an   onion, the onion cries." By the actor's own  admission, his favorite joke goes like this:…   In fact, not only Internet users, but entire  corporations are involved in the creation of   memes. In particular, Google has prepared an  easter egg for anyone looking for information   about the actor on the web. If you type the  text "find chuck norris" into the search box   and click "I'm feeling lucky," you'll go  to an article with the following content:   "Google won't search for Chuck Norris because  it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds   you!" Web search suggestions might also be "Run  before he finds you," or "Try another person."   In the 2000s, memes about the actor became  so popular that Norris himself released The   Official Chuck Norris Fact Book: 101  of Chuck's Favorite Facts and Stories,   and starred in a commercial that was based on  those jokes. According to the advertising slogan,   10 million people can play World of Warcraft,  because Chuck Norris allows them to live.   The sellable image of the invincible Chuck  generally played into the hands of many brands,   which starred him in their commercials.  The American actor became a character in   a Toyota commercial, in which, thanks  to his autograph on the front fender,   the pickup truck was transformed into  a superhero. He also became the face of   non-alcoholic beer "AB InBev", the T-Mobile  group of companies, a poker game, Fiat cars,   and in 2021, "New Year Eve Offensive" from Chuck  appeared on the World of Tanks YouTube channel.   Today Chuck is a loving husband, father and  grandfather. He has 13 grandchildren from five   children. His fortune is estimated at about $70  million. He spends all his time with his family,   does charity work and helps children and  teenagers get rid of addictions. In recent years,   the actor returned to filming only once, appearing  in an episode of the series Hawaii Five-0.   By the time he was 83, Cordell Walker had  proven that he's cool in everything he does.   What's your favorite movie starring the  invincible Norris? Write in the comments   and don't forget to give us a like.  Otherwise, Chuck Norris will find you.
Channel: MixShow Star News
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Keywords: chuck norris, chuck norris 2023, chuck norris net worth, chuck norris now, walker texas ranger, chuck norris movies, chuck norris walker texas ranger, chuck norris wife, chuck norris facts, chuck norris meme, chuck norris family, chuck norris house, chuck norris biography, chuck norris children, how chuck norris lives, chuck norris life story, chuck norris car, chuck norris and bruce lee, chuck norris and van damme, chuck norris jokes, MixShow Star News
Id: 9t6Xh532TOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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