Keeping a scorebook pt1

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okay welcome to Mike Scott baseball calm today we're going to be doing something I call the chalkboard sessions we're going to learn about how to keep a score book I'm surprised how many people struggle with this so they don't quite understand the language that they see on a scorecard so I've got my extra-large scorecard here we're going to be filling it in as we go learning about the common notations the common symbols that you'll see in a score book and when you're keeping score how to put them in the right places so let's get started and start looking at some of the basics okay you can see that we have a diagram of our field here and I've given each player on the field a number okay and these are standard numbers throughout baseball so what we're going to do here is we're going to give each player number our pitcher is number one our catcher is number two our first baseman is number three our second baseman is number four you have to go across the diamond to your third baseman your third baseman has the number five your shortstop is number six you go to the outfield you always start with left field left field is number seven centerfield eight right field is nine now when the ball is put in play you write down the number of who was hit to so if we had a ground ball to our shortstop number six and he picks it up and throws it to the number three player which is our first baseman that is a six to three play and that's how you write it in the score book now if we had a flyball out to our left fielder okay goes out to the number seven player you can write it a couple different ways the standard ways of writing it usually our f7 flyball to seven sometimes you can just put the number seven since nobody else touch the ball to make the out so you could just put a seven also now if you have a line drive to your second baseman okay a lot of times they'll write it out l44 a line drive to the four player who is your second baseman you can write lo4 but it's just another standard way of showing not just where the ball was hit but how it was hit okay let's move on to our first inning okay now that we've covered some of the very basics let's start taking a look at our scorecard here first thing you need to do is you need to put your lineup so you list your batters one through nine you put their positions that they're playing beside each player and you put the number that they're where on the back of their uniform you got your home team your visiting team and you got your date up there now let's start taking a closer look at the score book design okay let's take a close-up look at our score book design this design has a couple things that we want to focus on the main thing that we want to focus on is this diamond shape right there showing the field this is where most of our notation is going to take place and most of the information about the at-bat or about the game is going to take place now this score book also has layers across the top one B is a single to be double then we have our triple or homerun and our base on balls if you take a look at some other score books sometimes they'll list them vertically along the side and sometimes they'll even give you a couple more options maybe a hit batter or an error and E okay now other things about this design you'll see that it has places for called strikes and balls as three across the bottom for every ball that's thrown and two across the top for strikes and they give you a circle here to identify who made the out and how many outs there are in the inning so let's start taking a look we're going to get started with our first batter here so our first batter okay leading off he is going to have let's say that he's got to get a single but he gets a couple pitches thrown to him first and say the first pitch was a ball first pitch of the game was a ball I'm going to put a little dot right there second pitch of the game was a strike I put a dot there so that shows that the count right now is one ball one strike and then let's say that he got a hit let's say that he hit the ball he got himself a single we're going to come up here we're going to circle the one B that shows that he got a single then we're going to draw a line from home plate okay to the first base bag right there and then if you want you can put where he hit the ball so let's say that he pulled in ball into left field put a little dot up there sometimes that helps later on for coaches for defensive alignment if they see a guy constantly hitting a ball in a certain spot maybe they change their alignment so that's our first batter he came up got a ball for his first page strike for a second page got a single on the third pitch he's now sitting on first base now just for timewise I'm not going to do all the balls and strikes the rest of the batters but that is a good way to understand how that works so let's go to our second batter here let's say the batter before he finishes his at-bat this first batter decides to try stealing second and he makes it okay so before this batter finishes this batter steals second what we do is we draw a line to second base and then we put an SB for a stolen base and we put it right along the line where he went okay so now this batter is still up this batter is now on second base up here okay so let's go back down to this batter now again I'm not going to fill in all the balls and strikes but a very common thing that happens to baseball common notation also in a score book is when a guy strikes out when a guy strikes out okay swings the back he strikes out you put a nice big K in the book that shows that he struck out okay and since he's the first out of the inning I'm gonna come over here I'm going to put a 1 in that circle that tells me that he struck out and he's the first out okay let's go down to our third bag we zoomed out a little bit to get a bigger picture of the scorecard we had our first batter still sitting on second we are second batter struck out so let's go down to our third batter now let's say at this batter okay he came up and he had a double I'm going to go over to my to B right here I'm going to circle the to be showing that he got a double I'm going to put in the book okay aligned to first and then aligned a second showing that he's now sitting on second base but the other thing that we need to do is we need to go back up to the first batter who is on base now this batter actually came around and scored so I continue all the way around I make my square I color it in easy way to tell when a guy's score you have nice colored inbox right there the last thing I'm going to do for this guy is I'm going to put a 2 B right there between third and home that shows that this guy scored okay on the double okay you came all the way around coming home he scored on this person's double right here so it's a great way to show how a guy scored and who hit them in now we go back down to this guy again if you want put where the ball was hit let's say that he hit the ball here okay just for defensive alignment later on but the other thing you can do is you want to find a little space you want to put a little tally mark right there what I'm showing right there is that's an RBI okay he hit a ball that drove somebody in so he has an RBI okay let's continue here so right now we have one out with a guy on second okay we're going to go to our fourth banner here again keeping things fairly simple to start off let's say that he hits a fly ball to left field okay left field is our number seven guy you can write this a couple different ways but usually the common way is to write an f7 for fly ball to seven some people will just put the number seven but you know common notation is usually an f7 okay now he was also the second out of the inning so I'm going to put a two there this batter did not advance anywhere on a fly ball to the left field so that's all we need to do for that batter right there now again keeping things very simple let's go to the next batter in the order okay and again let's just keep simply hit the ground ball to the shortstop shortstop picks it up throws over to first that is a six to three okay he's out so that's a third out of the inning okay we put a three there so that finishes the first inning right there but as a scorekeeper there's one more thing that you should do just about every time you draw a line nice dark line underneath the guy who made the last out okay okay maybe draw a line down there but what you're trying to do is you're blocking off the next batter coming up okay you want to make sure that you don't put any notation underneath the last down you always got to move over to the next inning and start a new column okay so let's get to the second inning okay so here we are starting our second inning now you can see that the mark that we made here blocking off the last batter can you can mark off any way you want but you just make sure that you start the next inning over and you start with the next batter so let's say that this guy he leads off and he it's a ground ball but it's an error by the third baseman okay so he's going to reach first base we know that he's reached first base and since this one doesn't have any notation for an error what you do is you come down here beside where he's going to first and you put an e5 okay that shows that he got the first base on an error by the third baseman so he's now standing on first base so let's go into our next batter right here okay now what's going to happen here is we're going to have this guy walk ok keep things fairly simple again now we have a notation for a walk here so I call him to the base on balls circle that right there and I move him to first base again now we have to go back up to this batter here okay we got to make sure that we move him over we put a b b to show that he advanced the second base i walk by the batter after him okay so right now we have runners on first and second okay now we're going to do something that's a little tricky but it is definitely good to know this batter coming up here this next batter he's going to hit into a double play he's going to hit a ball to a second baseman he's going to throw it to the shortstop and throw it to first so it's going to be a four to six to three double play okay now what we have to do here now that we know that he's into a double play we have to augment and we have to fix everybody up above so this batter was the one that got forced out at second he is out four to six okay this batter that led off the inning he actually moved over to third he got there on the four to six okay so now we have to go back and make sure we have all our outs so this guy was actually the first out we put our one there okay trust you hit into a double play he was the second out of the inning we put our two right there so right now we have just a runner on third and we have two outs in the inning now let's go down to our number nine batter down here again a very common thing that happens to baseballs a guy strikes out but this time he strikes out looking ok the pitch came in he did not swing the bat what you do for that you make what they call it backwards can you still keep it okay but you make it backwards it shows that he struck out looking now again he's the third out of the inning we put it three right there we put a line underneath now usually has a nine batter you don't have to cross off the bottom but again it's just good to get into the habit of crossing that off okay so that finish is two innings right there okay and let's move on to the third inning
Channel: mikescottbaseball
Views: 475,351
Rating: 4.7979593 out of 5
Keywords: Keeping, a, scorebook, pt1
Id: XtmtVHXQpD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2011
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