2021 Orcutt National Little League Scorekeeping Tutorial

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welcome to the 2021 virtual scorekeepers clinic normally we would be all together going through our scorebook but as we know nothing is normal this year so you get to watch this lovely video attached to this video is some important information that you'll need to go through such as procedures for getting the scorebook lock up and clean up as well as some rules that you'll need to know to get started we're gonna take a look at our scorebook and what you need to know okay so we have here one of our orchid national scorebooks you'll see at the top there's some information about team home and visitors coach umpire score keeper date and the location this is all stuff that's going to need to be filled out at every game on this left hand side is where your lineup goes over here you have your cheat sheet for positions as well as your cheat sheet for what's in each one of these scoring boxes below that is your um your pitch count area so this is where you're going to track pitches down here at the bottom is where you track runs per inning and over here in the far corner is where you're going to collect signatures at the end of the game when you flip the book over is where you're going to record the other team home or visitor okay so as you can see here we've already pre-filled this out with the information you'll fill out or fill in before the game starts so you'll want to arrive about 30 minutes before game time so that you have enough time to fill this all in you're going to start by filling in the name of the team it can be yours or the opposing team your mark whether they are home or visitor you're going to put the managing coach's last name here and the head umpire goes here your name as scorekeeper the date the game takes place and the division of the teams that are playing farm miners or majors before the game starts you're going to want to collect lineups from both coaches those lineups are what you're going to use to fill in this side you're going to put the player's number first name and last name if you have it if not at least first name and last initial and you're going to use the order of lineup that the coach gives you so after you have filled in the lineup you're also going to want to notate who is starting pitcher for the opposing team so if my team is the dodgers and our lineup is here we're playing the giants their starting pitcher is going to be on this side because i'm going to be counting his pitches here i want to be tracking his pitches on the same side for convenience so you're going to put your starting picture here name league age which will be provided in the score booth and then you're going to put his number in the first column here because this is where you're going to track his pitches throughout his time on the mound okay so now we have our lineup done on both sides for the dodgers and the giants we have our starting pitchers on both side and we're ready to start score keeping okay so you can see that each player has a little row of boxes next to them these individual boxes represent each at bat that the player has this column one is the first inning so you're going to stop start up here at the top inside the box over here on the left-hand side is what kind of hit they get if they get one one b one base meaning a single 2b two bases three b three bases home run bb based on balls when they get walked hp hit by pitch and then the last two you won't really need but sac fly and fielder's choice these boxes up here are where you're going to mark your base your balls and strikes as the pitches are thrown and then this little diamond in the middle represents this batter's um traveling around the path the base path how many hits they get where they go and when they run and then if they score down here is where you're gonna mark your outs and you'll continue down this row through the first inning and the second inning on the next row now we're ready to start scoring so let's work through some scenarios first up to bat is number nine sam j sam j hits a single and gets on first so we are going to mark that he got one base by circling one b we are going to travel around the base with him from home to first by marking a line right here and then we're gonna track our pitchers pitches in this top corner by marking one pitch thrown in that at bat and then we'll move down to our second batter bryce m hits a single and gets on first so bryce also got a single so we're gonna circle one b again we're gonna move him to first base we're gonna mark two pitches now because one pitch one more pitch two and we're gonna go back up and we're gonna move sam j to second base because he advanced on that hit parker z is next up to bat his first pitch is a ball okay so we mark our balls and strikes in these boxes up here there's three spots for balls and three spots for strikes four balls is a walk so we are going to mark by just putting a dot in that top box to mark our first ball second pitch is a strike okay strikes are in the bottom box so we're gonna mark with a dot in the strike box third pitch is another strike same thing dot here fourth pitch is a swing and a miss strikeout for parker z we're gonna mark our third strike here and then we're gonna represent what happened in the whole box by marking a forward k to represent that he swung and missed at that pitch for a strikeout we're gonna add our pitches he had two three four five six pitches now and then we're gonna mark our out by putting one and circling it down here in the bottom corner mason w is up next he gets a hard hit ground ball to right field he is thrown out at first great hit mason but you got out so we're going to represent how that happened by using our position numbers over here in the corner so mason hit it to right field which is number nine and number nine through it to first base number three so in our box we're going to write 9 through it to 3 for out 2. but don't forget about our pitcher he had six pitches through one to mason now he's up to seven don't forget to advance your players mason hit a ball which allowed bryce to move to second and sam j to move to third up next is grayson n he hit a line drive to center field without the center field catching it okay so we will give grayson a single and move him to first base sam j comes around and scores closing in that diamond so we'll color it in to represent that first run bryce also made it around to third so we'll advance him on the paths and we'll update our pitch count from seven to eight next up is austin p his first pitch is a swing and a miss strike for austin in the box his second pitch is a strike while looking third pitch is also a strike while looking austin watched one fly by so we're going to mark his third strike and we're going to do a backwards k because he watched it and didn't swing we're also going to mark our out down here in the corner and we're going to circle that update our pitch count he had 8 9 10 11 pitches and that's the end of our inning to show our end of our inning we're going to draw a diagonal line where the last batter was and then we're just going to swiggle out everybody else in that inning we're going to go down here to the bottom and we're going to mark how many runs came in by counting our color diamonds one run then you're going to slide over here to your pitcher and you're going to fill in how many pitches he threw that inning he threw 11 pitches so this is up to you if you want to color in each one i prefer just to line down to 11 and then draw a line to represent that that was the first inning now this team is done batting for now and is going to take the field so we will flip our board to the giants okay so we flipped over we have our starting pitcher for the dodgers on this side his name league and his number in the first column so we're ready to track his pitches and we're gonna stick in our column one because we are in the bottom of our first inning and number nine malik j is up to bat malik j hits a hard ground ball to second base the second baseman throws him out at first okay so we're gonna use our cheat sheet over here if we need to to see that second base is position four he throws it to first base position three to get malik out so we're going to notate that in that at bat box by marking four dash three one out one pitch for austin liam h is up next his first pitch is a swing and miss strike for liam second pitch is a ball above that mark our ball his third pitch he hits the ball but it goes foul so a foul ball the first two foul balls are strikes you cannot strike out on a foul ball but you do want to notate them as what they are strikes or just fouling off so to do that i'm going to mark an f in the strike box that lets me know that the second strike was a foul in case the coach wants to know where the count is or why the count is what it is you'd mark the foul a little bit different next liam h hits another foul so he can't strike out on a foul ball but we need to count that pitch so we're gonna mark that up here in this little extra box with an f to let us know he hit another foul next pitch liam h swings and misses a strikeout swinging for liam we're gonna mark it in our k box and then we're going to represent it with our forward k because he swung and then we're going to count our pitches for this at bat we had one two three four five don't forget that extra foul uh five pitches plus the one from before our pitcher is at six now sorry with two outs okay next up to bat is max g number seven max is a hard hitter and he hits to left field to get a double way to go max g so we're going to mark that as a 2b because it's a double we're going to show him on the base paths going to first and to second and we're going to mark our pitch he threw one pitch so we went from six to seven brady c is up next on his first pitch he hits to shortstop and gets a single well done brady so we're going to give him one b show him on the base pass base path running to first and mark our eighth pitch now does max g make it through he does he advances on the throw and we're gonna move him to third base sawyer g is up next on his first pitch he gets a strike marking it in our box next pitch is a ball third pitch is a strike fourth pitch is a ball fifth pitch is also a ball sixth pitch another ball sawyer has now got four balls he has been walked also known as base on balls you're gonna look over here for the bb represent the at-bat by circling bb move brady to fur or i'm sorry sawyer to first brady is gonna move to second but max is not gonna move on a walk he's gonna stay at third update your pitch count he had eight pitches before then he threw one two three four five six pitches in this one he is now at 14 pitches next up to bat is hunter b the first pitch hunter gets hit by the pitch ouch over here on the side we have hp to represent being hit by a pitch we're gonna circle that one hunter is going to go to first sawyer is going to go to second brady's gonna go to third and that's gonna walk in max g for the giant's first run make sure you count that pitch that hit hunter he was at 14 now he is at 15. next up to bat is number three sam p on his first pitch he hits a double all right we're going to give him a 2b for a double show him going to second advancing hunter all the way to third moving sawyer to score and brady to score two more runs for the giants don't forget to update your pitch count 15 one more 16. up next to bat is number two jackson a jackson two jackson a strikes out looking jackson gets three quick strikes right down the middle pitcher must be angry after all those blocks and hits and now we're going to give him a backwards k our third out of the inning update our pitch count 16 17 18 19 pitches and go ahead and represent that over here as well for austin i'm going to line down all the way to 19 and then count how many runs we had one two three runs that inning squiggle out the bottom of it and draw our line for the next inning okay we are now at the top of the second inning we have a pitching change so brady is done pitching and now brody r comes in to relieve him okay so brady ended with 11 pitches so we're going to total him out at 11 here we're going to add our new pitcher brody below there hisley gauge which again you'll find in the score booth we'll say he's league nine and let's see his number is number one so we're going to put number one on the top here we are going to represent a pitching change in the at-bat box by circling the pc so we know when that pitching change happened and now hunter p is up to bat facing brody hunter p's first pitch is a foul ball okay we're gonna put that in our strike box with an f his second pitch is also a foul ball second strike with an f his third pitch is also a foul ball can't strike out on fouls so we're going to put that one up here in the corner his fourth pitch he hits the ball to short but gets thrown out at first okay so we're going to show that short stop is position six and he threw it to third base for the first out and brody our pitcher threw one two three four pitches in that at-bat next up to bat is aiden m his first pitch he hits a double to left field to be for aiden show him on the base path all the way to second next up is adam y on his first pitch he swings and misses strike second pitch he hits the ball to short short tags eight and m out as they are running to third so aiden m was caught on the base path so we're going to show that out in aiden m's box we're going to show it by him running halfway and then getting out in the middle here and you can put the number of the position that got him out or if it was a throw the same way you do up here so i'll just put a six because short stop tagged in or you could put t six you're going to represent that second out here in the corner and then you are going to show atoms at bat as a single and he makes it to first he threw one two pitches and that at bat plus the one up here so now he's at six pitches okay so we've gone through the full lineup now we return to the top at number nine sam j so instead of going over we're gonna stay in our second inning by going all the way back up to the top in the same column but to the next box over so on his first pitch sam j was hit by the pitch okay hit by pitch is over here hp moving him to first and that moves adam over to second next up to bat is bryce m on his first pitch he swings and misses okay so i'm gonna add sam jay's pitch to the pitcher he or from the picture he has now seven pitches and bryce got a swing and a miss swinging a miss first strike his second pitch was also a swing and a miss his third pitch was a strikeout looking okay so we're going to mark him his third strike and we're going to do a backwards k we're going to give him our third out of the game or of the inning and we're gonna update our pitch count seven eight nine ten pitches now we have these one two three four batters in the middle that did not bat this inning we're just going to squiggle them out mark a line at where our inning ended no runs were scored so we're going to go ahead and put a 0 down here at the bottom one run total for this game we're gonna go over here and we are gonna update brody's line of pitches he is at 10 so we're going to line out to 10 and draw a line for our first inning and we're going to flip it over to the next batting team so we've pretty much covered the basics that you need to know for farm and mostly for miners but there's a couple situations specific to minors and majors that we would like to go over if you are a farm only score keeper these situations will not apply to you but if you are scoring for minors and majors then these are things that you might see in a game bottom of the second brody r starts off the batting lineup his first pitch he hits a hard ground ball to third and gets a single okay 1b single for brody now we're going to go back to the top of our lineup same column because we're in the second inning malik j is up to bat next his first pitch is a strike his second pitch is a ball the ball passes the catcher so brody takes advantage and steals to second okay so this is something that you're going to see quite often in minors and in majors so malik got a ball we're gonna mark that here for him on that past ball brody stole second so we are going to slide him to second but we want to make sure we know how he got there so we mark a little s next to it or some kind of way to know that he stole that base and we are still in malik's at bat the next pitch he hits the ball over the fence for a home run go malik so we are going to mark hr for a home run we're going to show him going all the way around filling in the base paths his home run also brings in brody and we're gonna fill in that we're gonna update our pitches we had one pitch to brodie and three pitches to malik and now our pitcher did not change so he had 19 20 21 22 23 pitches that we are going to mark over here by sliding it down and lining it out this game went on for a very long time and now we are called for time by the umpire one thing important to mention is as scorp keeper you are the official timekeeper for the game so at the beginning of the game you're going to notate the official start time that the umpire provides you you're going to write that somewhere up here in the top wherever you prefer let's say it's a five o'clock game you're just going to write five o'clock that way um if the game does get called for time you can verify or support that decision by the umpire um by telling what time the game officially started a lot of time the coaches or umpires will ask you first official start time so it's important that you notate that to keep it on track a lot of times with these games they don't go full innings they go full time so important that you notate here at the end of your inning we're going to mark out down here at the bottom that in this inning they got two more runs for a total of five so there's a few important things that you have to do at the end of the game you want to notate the score and then you're going to collect signatures so this game was five two one or two this game was five to one sorry about that light hold on there you go it was five to one giants you're going to just write that big on the side that wasn't used and then down here in the corner is where you're going to collect a signature from the head umpire at the end of the game okay one more situation that is specific to majors is substitutes in majors the teams will bat nine and have two to three players on the bench that are substitutes these players will sub in for someone in this order to get their innings and at bats during the game so when you get your lineup from your coach it'll have the subs listed in some way and you'll just list them down at the bottom of the scorebook and they don't have to be in specific spots you're just going to write them here so you have them when you need them in between innings uh the coach will come up to the score booth and he'll say 12 for 2 13 for one that lets you know that 12 number 12 george is going in for number two jackson and number 13 bob is going in for one brady let's say that happens at the top of the third inning you're going to take your subs name you're going to write it below the person that they are subbing in for and you're gonna write the top or bottom of the inning that they're coming in for so george comes in at t three top of third and then let's say at the top of the fifth inning jackson a comes back in coach comes back over and says 2 for 12. you're going to mark next to jackson a t five because that's the inning that he came back in so that just lets whoever looks at the scorebook know which at bat belongs to which player so that concludes our 2021 virtual scorekeepers clinic thanks for bearing with us as we try to get you as much information as we can in this weird crazy time if you have any questions about score keeping reach out to one of your board members or your coach please be sure to read the attachment that has procedures and rules that'll be really helpful to you as you get started in your scorekeeping thank you and we are so excited to be back at baseball and look forward to a wonderful season
Channel: Orcutt National Little League
Views: 1,713
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: lZnzF4rRJ50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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