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all right watch this [Music] hey guys today we're going to show you how we wash and wax and do a full detail on our coach it's springtime and we want to get this done while it's cool before the hot summer heat and the sun comes and we also do it again in the winter now we do do intermittent quick washings but this is where we're going to do everything we're on the road and we have to take opportunities to do this when they provide when they present themselves some campgrounds won't let us some campgrounds will but we're going to get into all that details coming up on rv street okay let's get right to it we implemented some really common sense uh approach to how to make this coach look nice and and it's protected our coach is eight going on nine years old and everybody that sees our coach says wow i thought that was brand new or maybe a year or two old but it didn't start that way when we first got it so we're going to go through first here the inventory of things that we're going to need i keep all of this in one of my bays okay this is everything that i need to wash and wax and polish and all that the only thing i don't keep in my base is the ladder this is the first thing that we're going to need this folds down very small and i keep it in the toad so we keep this in the back of our car with our chairs and table and stuff like that so this takes no room at all in our bay the next thing is is i carry this tub this tub has all of my polishing wheels my my polishing liquids my waxes my compounds my soaps and all of my pads this simply just picks up and it slides into the bay i also keep my dual action meguiars polisher this is a variable speed this thing here is awesome it will take small five inch pads and it'll also take larger six inch pads they just attach by velcro and like i said it's variable speed you're going to need a 50 foot extension cord the next thing is the polish i use a ultimate polish made by meguiars this stuff is just dynamite i love this polish and i used to use ultimate liquid wax it's a pure synthetic polymer wax but i have found something much better in the last six months and that's rejects you've seen me do that use this before when i did the uh the graphics how to fix cracked graphics remember that well after i painted all those and got it fixed i covered it with rejects this is a normally made for aircraft but man does it work beautiful on a coach two coats of this blocks 100 of uv rays and that's what hurts these coaches this is what you have to protect the coach to keep it from oxidizing and getting chalky and all those type of things so i don't use wax anymore i use rejects soap this is the kind of soap that i use using the right kind of soap is important because if you'd use if you don't use the right kind of soap you're going to wash your coach and strip off all the wax that you've put on there in previous um applications i love this stuff it takes one ounce so i just unscrew this i put in an ounce ounce and a half and fill that with warm water or hot water even better shake it up and attach it to my power washer and that brings me to the power washer this is an electric power washer i've had this thing for three years and i don't even think i paid 100 bucks for this thing but it is awesome uh it's perfect for a coach it does this is not something that you would go and power wash your driveway in this is a portable electric small volume uh power washer but it it's just absolute perfect for something like this here it comes with a two-piece wand and you just put these two pieces together and twist them and that makes one uh one wand it comes with your electrical cord and the hose i'll show you how all this hooks up later it also comes with two tips so what i do is i attach once i have the soap and everything in the cannon i attach the soap cannon here and i spray and as you'll see totally saturate the coach with soap foam i'll let that sit for about five six minutes then i will take the white tip here and i will remove the canon and put on the white tip and this is how i will rinse i call this the secret sauce because when you spray that foam on there no matter how dirty your coach is when it sits it lifts all that dirt off the couch which brings me to the brushes i have three brushes i have an extra coarse one that i use for the roof because we got the bird poop and all that type of stuff up there and i need something pretty abrasive when i do the side of the coach and around the coach i use this very very soft bristle brush and then i have a third one that i use and i use this for using by hand by going inside the tire wheels the last thing we're going to eat we're going to need is this bucket and i have a rope and this is how i bring up my soap to get it up on the roof to clean and wash the roof and of course the last thing really is plenty of towels microfiber claws so that's really about it everything here you buy one time except for rejects and soap we always like to wash and wax with the slides in it makes everything nice in a flat surface and man it makes doing this job 10 times easier i can do this whole entire wash and wax and detail in one day and the other thing is always always always do this when you have a cloudy sky you do not want to do this in the sun rejects you cannot put it in direct sun and even if you didn't use rejects you do not want to have water spots water spots once they get baked in there's only one way to get rid of them and that's to polish them out all right it's time to start washing this puppy right the first thing we're going to do is i'm going to get up on the roof and i'm going to use my pole and just one quick word about this pole look how easy that thing is to extend and not extend i used to use a painter's pole what a piece of junk and a hassle that thing was have to unscrew it and put it out and screw it again and it was heavier this thing here boom boom i love this is i told my wife when i bought this i said man this thing is the most awesome pole and then i'm going to take my hard brush and the bucket of water we're going to get up on the roof and get going up there let's do it so martin is using the ladder to help him get up on the roof as you can see he's got his brush and a rope in his hand and that rope is actually attached to a bucket and he's going to hoist that bucket up with that rope there he goes just like that he's using a rag here so he can get over the rounded lip now he's just using the brush so martin is hosing off the portion of the roof that he has just washed and he does this in stages so martin is at the back of the coach now and he's almost finished and this is what the roof looks like when it's all cleaned okay well it's time to finally start washing the outside of this thing we're done with the roof we got everything hooked up which i'm going to show you in a minute we're going to take the soap i love this soap it's really thick and we're going to put in about an ounce and a half okay about a shot and a half you see that there now we're gonna go add some hot water okay we're getting closer so i got the wand all put together the hose goes up underneath here on one end the other end of the hose goes to here this is what powers the wand then i've got the water hose here and it goes to the water softener i'm going to go turn on that water it's going to charge and fill the pump with water we're going to put the cannon on and then we're going to turn this baby on and watch what happens when we do that all right watch this [Music] is that not sweet [Music] that my friends is how you wash a 12 and a half foot tall vehicle that foam was gonna sit there for about three four five minutes and it's gonna loosen up that dirt and then i'm gonna take my pull and my soft brush and brush it and if you'll notice i stopped about two-thirds of the way down the reason is is that i do it in these little sections that way i can let it sit i can brush it i can rinse it and then move on and when i get through with one side i come back and i dry it off with my towels i don't never want to have water spots again so after i dry it then i'll move around to the back and then the other side and so on all right so now we're going to use the brush and extend that baby up lock it into place and let's do this [Music] okay i've taken the soap cannon off and i've put in my white tip here this has more of a wide fan and not a snare of a narrow fan this thing here is how i rinse it [Music] [Music] but this is how we do it wash a little bit at a time rinse and wipe off no water drop no water stains no none of that kind of stuff and that's the way you keep the coach looking nice okay so we're all through with this side here it's all washed rinsed and dried off and now we're moving to the back and i wanted to make a little comment about the back you guys know that when especially when you're driving in the rain and you're towing your towed vehicle this whole area back here and the car just gets nasty in those kind of cases this coach right now is not that dirty but i wanted to do this video and i also wanted to put on another coat of rejects to protect it because we're starting to enter into summer and i don't want to be out here in 95 degree weather doing this but when your coach is really filthy like when you drive in the rain you want to give this thing use that soap cannon and really just lay on that foam and let it sit there for about five six seven minutes and then rinse it off and that'll get ninety percent of that dirt off it'll that foam will lift it off and then apply another a second coat of foam then you can use the brush and get the final dirt off there and rinse it off that's the way to do it when the coach gets really nasty we started at 10 doing this video and it is now 12 35 we have washed the whole coach including the roof dried it all off and now we're ready to put on our rejects final coat to protect the polish that we've got on this thing so i keep two dedicated six inch foam discs here and i've labeled them with a highlighter one's for polish one's for rejects because even though i've washed it and you'll notice this when you wash yours too you'll still come across some spots where you'll see some black streaking or some smudge marks or something that the soap did not get off not a problem so as i'm applying rejects if i run across a spot and i'm like oh look at that there there's some black streaking i'll get my polish pad out i'll put it on the polisher i'll get my polish put some polish on there work that area a minute at the most wipe it off with a clean micro cloth i'm done okay so this is a perfect example of what i was telling you how even though we've washed this coach and it's all nice and clean you can see we've got some of this stuff going on underneath here all right so we just put a little bit of uh polish on there rub it around and once we've polished it we just take our micro cloth and wipe that off look at that this shines just like a beautiful little baby's butt so let's get started putting on the rejects remember what i said earlier you cannot put rejects on in the direct sun so you always want to be putting it on the shady side right now the sun's there i've got about an hour before it comes over here so i can knock out this side and then when the sun gets over here later in the afternoon i'll do the other side okay so we take a six inch pad we put that on the velcro we get out the rejects and we put in about like that right there and we start smearing it and putting it on very lightly you don't need to put this heavy like a turtle wax or something i hate that stuff but this is a thin coating it doesn't take a lot and as we move down the coach the pad will get saturated with this you'll end up using less and less because it'll be in the pad you know you take it and you just spin it around like that you put it on low and let her go that's it again and you keep doing this and you want it to sit for about 15 minutes and then you come back and wipe it off with a micro cloth [Music] and we discontinued just like this doing about two or three feet at a time moving the ladder starting back up another three feet moving a ladder another three feet by the time i get to that slide it's going to be 15 10 or 15 minutes then i bring the ladder back and i wipe it off with a micro towel microsoft towel uh by hand i mean it comes off so easy i move to the next section and here's a shot of the driver's side all completed look at that just looks so good he's this will last six months all right well it is now 2 220 and we started at 10 we have it all washed we have it all wet all dried we have rejects one whole entire side and that four and a half hours almost includes us all setting up for the cameras and everything so this would go a whole lot quicker if we weren't filming so i'm trying to give you a sense of time on how long it takes to do each step but we just finished the driver's side and you can see remember my rejects pad we'll look at it it's starting to get filled in with particles and whatever i don't know what all that is but i'm going to take that off and i'm going to start with a new pad because now we're starting on the passenger side and i want to start with a nice new pad so whenever you get pads you don't buy one or two you want to have several okay to do different things so let's get started on the passenger side now okay so i wanted to show you a little tip here on the back if you look up here we're going to do the back the same way we're going to use our ladder and start at the crown up there and work our way down but when we get to this ladder part you cannot get a polisher in behind here so what we'll do is we'll use the assist of our ladder and we'll and we'll climb up here we'll apply it by hand and we'll get behind the ladder and put rejects on by hand once the rejects has dried again after about 15 minutes then we'll come back with our microfiber cloth and wipe it all down but that's just a little trick about the the ladder that's why i wear these sleeves right here because when you're getting but when you get in behind the ladder you can scrape your back of your arm on these edges and it'll cut you or scratch you so wear a little protective clothing while going in behind these areas okay another thing i want to bring to your attention now that i'm up here on the front part this is one of the awesome benefits of using rejects too because as we all know well we're traveling in the rv like in the late spring and summer and this thing is just splattered with bugs rejects you come in this with a wet a damp cloth and those bugs will come right off and and i put it on the windshield and the front of the coach so glass and the front of your coach to get rid of bugs and repel water it's a great thing a full detail wash and wax on the motorhome also includes washing our window shades okay well no washing detailing a motorhome would be complete without us doing the tires too what we use on our tires is aerospace protectant 303 this is not a petroleum-based tire dressing this is actually like a suntan lotion for your tires and it protects your rubber parts we buy it by the gallon because we can save money and then we put it in a smaller container and we keep this in the bay we've also dedicated a rag for that and we can we keep it in a plastic bag next to the small bottle and what joanie will do is she'll just put a couple of quick shots on that rag and wipe the tires when i'm always putting away the equipment and stuff like that joni will always come and she likes doing the tires and making them look all nice and shiny so joanie will put another coating here on the rear tires and this protects the tires the rubber from a destruction destructive uv rays but if we're parked anywhere for like four five six days or more when we're done we'll put wheel tire covers on my final icing on the cake has taken meguiar's ultimate fast finish this is a spray-on wax i do that on all the windows all the other windows not the windshield and this keeps those windows so nice and clean if it rains or the campground sprinkler system comes on and it gets wet or whatever this will prevent spots all you need is just a little bit you put it on and your windows are just like glass well there you have it folks everything is all done detailed out nice and shiny all the carpets on the stairs are clean we pulled the uh the coach into the spot and opened up the slides so i could go ahead and do the wash and i took a damp rag and wiped the ends of the slides and then rejects those also but everything looks so nice and shiny and protected and i am just so happy this is over it took one solid day starting at 10 o'clock and that is including a time to set up for all these different uh video shots so if you were to start on say nine o'clock in the morning you could be ready and barbecuing by probably five o'clock getting a nice cold beer and uh this will all be behind you for another six months so go get your coach clean make that puppy shine now i wanted to say i know there's a lot of you out there that are not able to do this you either have a health issue or you're getting old or you have arthritis you don't feel safe getting on the roof i under i understand that and you just have to pay somebody to do your job for you but most people out there are able to do this and they're looking on ways to on how to do it themselves so that's why i always like to do it myself i use the right equipment it doesn't take me long it's a one-time purchase and all i got to do is buy more soap and more rejects that's it sometimes your coach doesn't get really filthy and require a heavy washing it just needs a light a light wash because it's just dusty i've got a great tip coming up in another video on how to do that kind of a washing you can do the whole entire coach in about 30 to 40 minutes and it'll look great so don't forget we're going to have links to all these products in case you just want to make it easy go click on it'll take you right where to get it be sure to watch some of our other videos that i mentioned during here like the safe water video and maybe even the how to fix crack graphics this all this all is about taking care of your coach correctly so if you like this video go down there and click the like button and if you haven't subscribed consider subscribing and ringing that bell to be notified the next time i upload my next video uh it's free it's subscribing is free anyway i hope this really answers your questions on how we wash and wax while on the road this is rv street stick around [Music] you
Channel: RVstreet
Views: 67,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to wash my motorhome, what RV wax to use, Rejex your RV, make your RV shine, how to wash my RV, how to protect a rv from the sun, power wash your RV, Meguiar's MT300 Dual Action Variable Speed Polisher review, protect your RV from UV, Meguiar's Ultimate Polish review, Polishing your RV, soap cannon for an RV, rejex your RV, Washing your RV, taking care of the outside of your rv, make your motorhome shiny, protect your motorhome from the sun, how to detail your motorhome
Id: 7KmgneT3HPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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