Keep green onions multiplying and you'll never have to buy green onions again

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spring onions are one of the easiest crops to regrow from starboard plants and with proper planting you can actually grow a ton of spring onions from just a handful of plants so you can stop buying spring onions forever indeed all these spring onions that you see in your sh were obtained from just one branch of spring onion that had only four individual plants can you believe it well that is the absolute truth hello everyone welcome to Dr ob's Garden in this video I'll show you how I went from just four plants to become self-sufficient with respect to spring onions so I don't have to ever buy spring onions again spoiler alert this is so freaking easy for everyone even if you don't have a green tumb I'll take you through all the steps and provide tips throughout the video to guarantee success so stick with me as I break it down at the end of this video I'll show you two more ways to keep getting fresh spring onions so you really don't have to buy spring onions ever again again I started with these four spring onions that I got from the market you can see that they're not even looking fresh but it doesn't really matter I've used almost dried up scallion and they work just fine you can check out that video with links in the description box for these four plants I cut off all the green portions leaving only the white portion I also trim off all the roots before I place them in water to grow some fresh root and shoot know which was the best way to start growing spring onions I put only two of them in water the remaining two were planted directly in soil and watered lightly before I continue here is a fun fact about spring onions spring onions are packed with more nutrients than regular Bob onions did you know that you can share any fun facts you know about spring onions in the comment section after 7 days I could see that the plants in water had grown more vigorously than than the plants growing directly in soil this was an early sign that starting in water works much better when growing in water it's important to chain the water every 3 days to maintain oxygen supply to the roots and prevent rotting although starting the plant in water turned out to be a better way to start growing SM onion to be able to grow an endless supply I had to move them into the soil I used sandom soil which was the same soil and in a similar container as a set that was planted directly in soil I planted them as shown and watered it lightly since the soil was already moist I kept the plants in the partially shaded area because the temperatures were getting higher and I didn't want to scat the plants I watered the plants as and when necessary to maintain a moist but not soy soil about 3 weeks after transplanting into into the soil I could see that the spring onions has started multiplying itself this is known as tillering or bunching and that is why it is possible to get more bunches from a single plant remember to give it a nitrogen R fertilizer occasionally to keep it green and fresh you can also mix in a handful of compost or decompos manure into the soil before planting if you don't want to add any fertilizer during the growth here is how the plant looks after 6 weeks each plant was bunching up nicely if this is coming from just four spring onion plants imagine what you can get if you start with more bunches of plants whilst this is impressive The Next Step which will happen at 8 weeks is what truly gives you an endless supply of spring onion all right friends this will be a good time to smash that like button if you're enjoying this video if you've not already subscribed kindly subscribe for free to support our work don't forget to turn on the notification or Bell icon so you don't miss our next video your support is greatly appreciated within a period of 8 weeks the first batch of spring onions was ready to be harvested note that it's what you do after harvesting that determines if you can get an endless apply of spring onions [Music] to harvest I made sure that the soil was moist and I gently pulled out the whole bunch by holding the stem together after harvesting I washed off all the dead from The Roots now instead of eating the whole bunch I cut off all the green portions to be used as food and kept all the wide portion to start the cycle again for this second round I kept all the spring onion stamps in water after trimming down the [Music] roots 5 days later the stamps had grown more leaves and roots and were ready to be transplanted I prepared more container is fill them with soil and transplanted the sped spring onions into it removing the soft and dead tissues before transplanting often improves [Music] survival this time I had a little he from the kiss with [Music] watering wow look at that I maintain the plants in the same condition as the first since the weather was dry regular watering to keep the soil moist and occasional fertilization nitrogen Rich fertilizer was followed to guarantee success weed were also removed as and when necessary to prevent competition for nutrients after another 8 weeks the new set was ready to be harvested this time since there were so many Bunches of spring onion I didn't have to harvest all at the same time I only harvested just what I [Music] needed if you love spring onion stems this is the time that you can eat the stems after [Music] harvesting to ensure that the system is maintained to have a constant endless supply of spring onions there are two ways to go about it the first is that after harvesting any Bunch you will plant one of the individual plants from the bunch in the same place as the original Bunch as shown the second method is the second method is quite simple instead of pulling out the whole bunch at Harvest you just have to cut off the top green portion leaving the white portion in the soil the second method is ideal if the bunch is smaller both methods work quite well this this is how the plants looked 10 days after planting the replacement plant the one in front was planted from the single plant where R the one in the middle was harvested by cutting of the green portion you can see that both of them are doing well the whole process of becoming self-sufficient with respect to spring onions took about 4 month however that was because I started with only four plants if you start with a big bunch or bunches that have many plants you can be self-sufficient within 2 months what do you think about these methods share your thoughts in the comments that's all for now thanks for watching if you found this video useful like and share it so that more people benefit from it check out our other videos or see you in our next until then it's
Channel: Dr. OBi's Garden
Views: 12,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scientific gardening experiments, regrow spring onions, spring onions, grow more spring onions, best method for starting spring onions, grow your own spring onions, grow veg, spring onion best way, best way to start spring onions, grow endless spring onions, grow a ton of spring onions, stop buying spring onions, never buy spring onions again, grow a ton of spring onions from a few plants, grow a ton of spring onions from a single bunch, how to multiply spring onions
Id: aTkxx0BZsjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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