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hello everyone welcome to Dr ob's Garden in this video I'll show you a way to sprout okra or okra Seas fast to ensure faster germination and vigorous growth there are two key steps that should be combined to attain the results you will see in this video let's get to it you can use OK seeds safe from the previous Harvest or your favorite variety purchased from the store I normally save seeds from the last season so I don't have to buy from the store every time here is a quick tip never save and reuse seeds from hybrid okro varieties they will never do as well as the original seeds now after breaking open the Fruit to release the seeds the first step is to soak them in water the kind of water you soak the seeds in can affect the result you get so pay attention to this I'll be using two different kinds of water to demonstrate what I mean I will fill two bowls with water the one on the right will be favorite cool tap water the one on the left will have warm water not hot water warm water or lukewarm water if you will you should be able to dip your finger in it without being burned next I'll pour a set of 50 seeds in each water I'll cover and give each a letter well before setting them aside on the counter for a couple of [Music] hours it's been about 5 hours since I soak the okro seed let's see what has happened to them let's open the plastic bowl with the tap water first notice that a lot of the seeds are floating these are generally nonviable seeds that should be discarded let's see the warm water treatment here only a few seeds are floating this could mean that only few seeds from this lot were nonviable I'll use a spoon to skim off all the floating seeds for both [Music] treatments after discarding the floating seeds the water needs to be drained to expose the seeds at the bottom you can use a strainer to do this or use a finger to block the seed as she drain the water as shown next I'll place a layer of paper napkin in a bowl that has a lid plastic tick out bowls work great I'll pour all the seed from one set onto it this is a set from the tap water I mixed the napkins to keep it moist but not soggy before covering the seeds with 1 half of the moistened paper napkin let's do the same with the seeds from the warm water treatment because most of the seeds sank to the bottom after this treatment it has more seeds than the other but the differ can still be seen in a short while I'll cover them and keep them in a warm place in the garage the kitchen counter should work just fine it's been about 24 hours since I incubated the seed soaked in either warm or cool tap water let's see what's going on with them I'm starting with a sea soaked in tap water some of the seeds have started sprouting from The Roots I can count three of [Music] them let's check the warm water soak seats wow I can see so many seeds sprouting the difference is clearer when they are laid side by side as shown the radical or the root of the seed soaked in warm water are even longer than that of the tap water now it's clear that soaking the seeds in warm water enhances sprouting of okro seeds so you should use warm water when trying this method next is to move to the next step of this technique this is a critical step to ensure success when planting in the soil you can leave the seeds to keep them growing for a couple more days to sprout completely but that is not really ideal for okro unlike most other vegetables okro is not normally nured before transplanting because any root disturbance can affect the growth therefore sprout seeds should be transplanted as soon as possible to prevent them from growing more Roots before transplanting it is best to transplant them just after 24 hours when they start to sprout like this you can transplant in batches if the seeds sprout in brushes to transplant dig a hole about half to 1 in deep and place a spred seed in it with a root facing down cover with soil you can also place the seed on its side but make sure that the root is not phasing up and water it well you should plant only one seed per hole since the seed has already sprouted however you can plant two seeds per hole if you have limited space maintain a planting distance of 10 to 24 in apart depending on the climate and the okro variety keep the area moist but not wet for the next couple of days there is a key step that makes a big difference at this stage and you see this shortly after 3 days the seedlings will finally emerge from the soil as you can see in your shot these are seedling from the standard treatment after sprouting seeds soaked in warm water let's now look at another treatment that facilitate rapid growth this is a simple action of mching I use dead weeds as mulch but any breedable organic material can also be used let's look at the mor plants wow look at the growth in the M seedling the leaves have open fully and the seedling has grown taller than the seedlings without the MCH here is another M seedling and the similar effect can be seen this shows that mching is very critical for the growth of okro Morin is recommended especially if the weather is very dry and you cannot maintain a twice daily watering regime once the seedlings emerge the M can be spread around the stem to keep maintaining the soil moisture within the next 4 days the seedlings will begin to grow more leaves at this stage the difference between the more seedlings and those not much were still persisted the more seedling has bigger Ras the seedling without the much had smaller Leaf sizes it is clear that the warm water treatment together with Ming promotes faster growth of okro [Music] sings within a couple of months they will grow big and start burying fruits like this plant that is all for now thanks for watching give these tips a try and let me know what you think if you find this video useful smash that like button and also share it so that more people benefit from it don't forget to subscribe if you have not already done so check out our other videos or see you in our nextest until then it's
Channel: Dr. OBi's Garden
Views: 4,174
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Keywords: the fastest way to grow okra nobody talks about, how to grow okra from seed to harvest, how to plant okra seeds, how to sprout okra seeds, grow okro at home, the fastest method for growing okra, the fastest way to grow okro nobody talks about, grow okra fast, best way to sprout okra seeds, soaking okra seeds, sprouting okra seeds
Id: DYTlF6N23H0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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