Keanu Reeves FINALLY Confirms Why He Turned Down This Role

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what do you think happens when we die keano Reeves I know that the ones who love us will miss us in Hollywood where Fame usually means big egos Keanu Reeves is different he's known all over the world but he's still down toe and careful about choosing his movie roles lately he explained why he said no to a really good offer for a movie role but before we get into that let's take a step back and look at who Keanu Reeves really is how he lives what he's like and how he got to where he is today in his acting career early life Keanu Reeves the famous movie star has a life story as surprising as the characters he plays it all started far away from Hollywood in the city of Beirut Lebanon he was born on September 2nd 1964 his mom Patricia Taylor was a costume designer from England full of creativity his dad Samuel Nan Reeves junor was a geologist from Hawaii with a mix of native Hawaiian Chinese English Irish and Portuguese family Roots but their love story didn't last long and keanu's Dad left when he was just 3 years old keanu's childhood was like a long journey his mom wanted a better life for them so they moved first to Sydney Australia and then to the busy city of New York there she married Paul Aaron a theater director in 19 197 young Keanu even got to be in a play called Damn Yankees when he was nine but things kept changing eventually his family settled in Toronto Canada but even there life was always shifting his mom married and divorced again leaving Keanu and his sisters mostly with a babysitter still growing up Keanu learned about different cultures his grandmother was Chinese so he got to experience beautiful Eastern art and food his mom taught him to be polite and reserved like people in England often are school was tough for Keanu he had trouble reading which made it hard to keep up he went to four different high schools and even got kicked out of one for being too loud and opinionated Keanu found some happiness playing hockey he was a great goalie and dreamed of playing for Canada in the Olympics but at age 15 he realized his future was somewhere else in the exciting but unpredictable world of acting early work luckily his stepdad believed in him and Keanu found a way to balance it all he enrolled in Avendale secondary alternative school which allowed him to study and get those first acting gigs 1984 was a big year he landed a reporting job on going great a Canadian TV show for young people and scored his first acting role in an episode of the series hanging in the theater world called too he took the stage as the passionate at Mario in Romeo and Juliet then starred in the gritty play wolf boy Hollywood wasn't always welcoming some agents thought his name Keanu was too different and suggested he change it for a while he went by Casey Reeves but thankfully he chose to stand out and reclaim his unique name 1986 marked his big screen debut in the sports drama Young Blood more films followed and keanu's break through came that same year with the dark and Powerful performance in River's Edge the late 1980s were a whirlwind of roles a goofy teen in 1988's the night before a Charming but naive young man in the critically praised Dangerous Liaisons yet it was 1989's Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure that made him a true Star as The Lovable airheaded Ted Keanu won everyone over his journey in Hollywood was just taking off Keanu wasn't afraid to try new things after making everyone laugh in Bill and Ted he showed a whole different side with roles in 1989's Parenthood a heartwarming family drama and 1990s dark comedy I love you to death he even popped up in Paula Abdul's super popular Rush Rush music video Adult rolls the iconic Bill and Ted returned in 1991 with Bogus Journey this time the critics liked Keanu even more the famous critic Roger Ebert called it funny and imaginative just like that Keanu decided it was time to leave his Carefree teen roles behind he teamed up with The Talented ryver phonix in the thought provoking 1991 film my own priva Idaho Gus vanent the director W in idas from Shak kasiri as kuu played a street kid searching for his place in the world critics raved and Keanu was proving how deep his acting could go but he didn't forget about action in 1991's Point Break he played a rookie FBI agent who goes undercover in a gang of thrill-seeking surfers who are also bank robbers Keanu was totally believable as a tough but conflicted hero his band dog star was also taking off around this time then it was another Mega famous director Francis Ford Copa casting Keanu as Jonathan Harker in 1992's Dracula the role was a huge stretch but trying new things is what Keanu does best he even tried a British accent with mixed results more Shakespeare followed with much ad do about nothing in 1993 then some offbeat dramas like even cowgirls get the blues and little buddha Keanu was taking risks and his career was getting more and more interesting Action Hero stumbles then a legendary comeback 1994 was the year Keanu cemented his status as an action superstar in speed his character Jack traven wasn't just some musclebound hero Keanu brought a relatable downto Earth quality to the role making his race to save a busload of hostig is feel heart pounding lie Real the movie was a massive hit and kenu was the guy everyone was crushing on he kept the Sci-Fi Vibes going in 1995 with Johnny mneumonic the idea was super cool a data Courier with top secret info implanted in his brain on the run in a dystopian future sadly the execution didn't quite match the ambition and the film disappointed critics and fans alike hoping for a change of pace he starred in the sweeping romance A Walk in the Clouds as a soldier returning from World War II swept up in a whirlwind love affair Yu aimed for classic leading man Vibes reactions were split some swooned over its old-fashioned charm While others found it overly sentimental feeling a bit of drift Keanu stepped away from Hollywood for a while in a surprise move he returned to his theater roots in 1995 he took on the iconic role of Hamlet in a Winnipeg production channeling the prince of Denmark's rage and vulnerability critics raved calling his performance one of of the best interpretations of the character they'd ever seen his movie comeback was bumpy 1996's Chain Reaction a thriller about a conspiracy to suppress clean energy boasted big stars like Morgan Freeman but fizzled with audiences neither the crime comedy feeling Minnesota nor the Darkly quirky the last time I committed suicide fared much better just when things seemed Bleak Keanu delivered a knockout punch with 199 97's The Devil's Advocate playing a hot shot lawyer lured into a supernatural Showdown he held his own against the legendary alpacino and the captivating chares Thon this was a whole new Keanu edgy intense and proving he could handle complex morally gray characters the movie was a hit and Keanu was poised for a comeback that would change everything stardom with the Matrix franchise and comedies Keanu had starred in a lot of movies by the late 1990s but his role in The Matrix would be unlike anything he or the world had ever seen this wasn't just some futuristic shoot them up film The Matrix asked big questions about reality and what it means to be human Keanu played Neo a seemingly ordinary computer programmer who starts to suspect something isn't quite right with the world turns out he's totally right everything he knows is a lie a computer simulation designed to keep Humanity enslaved by machines to become Neo Keanu went all in he studied philosophy science anything to grasp the film's mind-bending concepts but Neo wasn't just a thinker he was a fighter Keanu trained tirelessly with the legendary Yuan wooing mastering complex Kung Fu moves for those epic battle sequences when the Matrix hit theaters in 1999 it was the phenomenon the special effects were groundbreaking the story was unlike anything audiences had experienced and keanu's performance as Neo was the glue that held it all together he embodied the character's confusion determination and ultimate transformation into a hero capable of bending the very fabric of reality The Matrix made Keanu a global icon and the question it asked what if this isn't real is one that still Echoes today after the mind-bending action-packed world of the Matrix Keanu did something surprising instead of chasing another Blockbuster he starred in a light-hearted sports comedy called The Replacements released in 2000 it tells the story of a ragtag group of replacement football players led by keanu's down on his luck coach Keanu even took a pay cut so the film could afford to cast the legendary Jean Hackman unfortunately keanu's next film film the Thriller the Watcher also released in 2000 was a major misfire he played a twisted serial killer but the movie itself was panned by critics even worse Keanu later claimed he never agreed to do the film and a friend forged his signature on the contract to avoid a lawsuit he reluctantly starred in it but Keanu bounced back that same year with a supporting role in Sam ry's Supernatural Thriller the gift Kate Blanchett played a woman with psyc abilities who helps find a missing girl while Keanu played her abusive husband audiences liked it but one critic remarked that keanu's acting sometimes seemed like he was reading lines from a Serial box showing his ability to tackle any genre Keanu starred in the 2001 romantic drama Sweet November opposite Charlies thoron it was a remake of a 1968 film and sadly wasn't well received by critics who found it too sappy Keanu then returned to sports movies with 2001's Hardball based on a true story he played a troubled guy who takes a job coaching a little league team in a tough Chicago neighborhood while the film tried to address some serious themes critics felt it lacked depth by this time keanu's music career was also winding down his band dogstar split up in 2002 after releasing two albums for a while he played bass in a band called Becky but left in 2005 saying he wasn't interested in a serious music career thankfully 2003 saw Keanu back where he belonged for a while at least the world of the Matrix both the Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions were filmed together and released in the same year the sequels were visually stunning although critics had mixed feelings about the focus on action over the original film's deeper themes still they were box office smashes proving the enduring power of Neo Keanu rounded out 2003 with the hit romantic comedy something's got to give sharing the screen with Hollywood heavyweights Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton he played a Charming young doctor caught in a love triangle critics loved it and Keanu once again proved he could do more than just sci-fi and action would this period of experimentation paved the way for even more diverse roles Angels thumb suckers and saving the world sort of 2005 saw Keanu return to darker territory with Constantine based on the comic book hellblazer he played the titular character a cynical supernatural detective battling demons and wrestling with his own mortality while not a critical darling the film did well at the box office and hey quenu battling demons is never a bad thing next up was something completely different the quirky indan film thumb sucker the story followed a teenager struggling with his thumb sucking habit and keenu played the boy offbeat orthodontist critics were impressed praising the film's gentle humor and heartfelt performances in 2006 Keanu took another trip into mindbending with a scanner darkley this animated sci-fi thriller based on a novel by Philip K dick saw him play an undercover cop in a dystopian future where everyone is under total surveillance visually stunning but a commercial flop the film is now considered a cult classic keanu's performance was praised even if the movie was too out there for mainstream audiences later that year Keanu reunited with Sandra bulock in The Lakehouse a super romantic but somewhat confusing time travel love story box office magic absolutely critical Acclaim not so much some viewers were left scratching their heads at the plot but Keanu and Sandra's chemistry was undeniable Keanu even tackled a serious issue in 2006 narrating the climate change documentary The Great warming with Alanis moriset 2 years later Keanu reted with the director of training day for the gritty 2008 crime drama Street Kings he played an undercover cop caught up in a deadly conspiracy despite action-packed scenes the film received mixed reviews with critics calling the plot predictable and keanu's performance a bit flat Keanu ended the decade with a big swing a remake of the sci-fi classic The Day the Earth Stood Still as KATU an alien sent to warn Earth about its destructive ways Keanu delivered a quietly intense performance sadly the movie itself was panned for its heavy-handed environmental message and overuse of special effects after a string of Blockbusters and Indie flicks Keanu slowed things down in 2009 his only release that year was the private lives of pip a thoughtful look at a woman navigating life's complexities Keanu had a supporting role in the film which was praised for its strong performances and insightful storytelling the following year he dipped his toe back into romantic comedy territory with Henry's crime this quirky tale of an ex planning a bank heist with his former cellmate had the potential to be fun but it sadly fell flat with audiences so this period was a mixed bag for Keanu there were box office hits Indie Darlings and the odd misfire but through it all he kept experimenting taking risks and defying expectations what would the next decade bring for this unpredictable star 2011 saw Keanu explore his creative side in a totally unexpected way he wrote a grown-up picture book called Ode to happiness illustrated by Alexandra Grant the book was a playful slightly melancholic reflection on finding glimmers of joy in the world he then turned his attention to a cause close to his heart the changing world of filmmaking in the 2012 documentary side by side Keanu produced and interviewed legendary directors like James Cameron and Christopher Nolan about the shift from traditional film to digital film making unfortunately his starring role in the 2012 Indie drama Generation Um was less successful the movie was panned by critics leaving audiences thoroughly confused but Keanu wasn't about to give up 2013 marked a huge milestone his directorial debut with the martial arts film Man of Tai Chi inspired by the life of his stuntman friend Tiger Chen the movie followed the story of of a young martial artist drawn into the dangerous world of underground fighting Keanu teamed up with Yuan wooing fight coreographer from The Matrix to create dazzling action sequences critics praised the stylish fight scenes but audiences weren't hooked making it a box office flop keanu's bad luck streak continued that same year with the fantasy epic 47 Ronin this reimagined take on a classic japanese story should have been epic but it stumbled with critics and viewers alike despite a huge budget stunning visuals and Keanu in a starring role the film just didn't connect it was a disappointing end to a creatively ambitious period for Keanu but as any fan knows this wouldn't be the end of his story The Baba Yaga returns after a few years of critical and Commercial Duds Keanu desperately needed a win in 2014 he founded in the action-packed super stylish John Wick Keanu was back to doing what he does best playing a brooding Unstoppable force of nature this time he's a retired assassin out for Revenge after his beloved dog a final gift from his dead wife is killed Keanu loved the character and worked closely with the filmmakers to craft John Wick's World critics and audiences were equally thrilled John Wick was a breath of fresh air in the action movie genre with its slick fight scenes neon drenched visuals and a surprisingly emotional core not only that but the film was a smashing box office success launching a franchise 2015 was a bit of a mixed bag for Keanu he starred in the horror Thriller knock knock a remake of the campy 1977 film death game playing a family man terrorized by two young women Keanu got to show off his bewildered dad Side the movie sadly was not a hit with critics still Keanu bounced back by lending his distinctive voice to two documentaries that year Deep Web about the dark side of the internet and mune The Last Samurai a tribute to the legendary Japanese actor 2016 was a whirlwind for Keanu with five movie releases showing his incredible range first up was exposed a gritty crime Thriller a about a detective investigating police corruption the film itself flopped and Keanu caught some criticism for his limited acting choices but fear not the year was far from over Keanu unexpectedly showed his comedic chops voicing a tiny adorable kitten in the action comedy kananu this hilarious self-aware movie was a hit with the critics he then took a dark turn in the neon demon playing a creepy Motel owner in this visually striking but disturbing horror f film and if that wasn't enough Keanu appeared in the bad batch set in a dystopian Wasteland the year ended with Keanu back in the courtroom for the whole truth while the film itself was forgettable Keanu as always gave a solid performance Keanu even squeezed in an appearance in the Swedish comedy web series Swedish dicks 2017 was all about Keanu returning to his action star roots with a Vengeance John Wick too saw the Unstoppable assassin facing off against a Global Network of killers after a bounty was placed on his head the film was a critical darling and a massive box office hit proving audiences couldn't get enough of keanu's stylish fight scenes and surprisingly touching performance but Keanu didn't limit himself to just one genre that same year he tackled a serious subject in the drama to the Bone playing an unconventional doctor helping a young woman battle anorexia while the film generated some controversy it was praised for its realistic portrayal of the illness Keanu even popped up for hilarious cameos in the films a happening of monumental proportions and spf8 reuniting with Winona Ryder the iconic Duo from Dracula in the 2018 romantic comedy destination wedding was a delightful surprise but Keanu also returned to darker stories co-producing and starring in The Thrillers Siberia which unfortunately was panned by critics and replicas 2019 was a huge year for Keanu first he unleashed the thrilling John Wick chapter 3 Parabellum this time John Wick was on the Run facing off against A League of Assassins and bringing his World building to new heights the film was another smash raking in the cash and solidifying Keanu as the ultimate cinematic badass then he he did something no one expected he voiced a hilarious Canadian stuntman Daredevil named Duke Kaboom in Toy Story 4 that same year fans were delighted to see Keanu playing a hilariously exaggerated version of himself in the Netflix comedy always be my maybe and that's not all 2019 also saw the first ever kukan Festival in Scotland celebrating his career and giving fans a chance to geek out over their favorite Keanu films fast forward to 2020 and Keanu finally finally returned as the iconic Ted Theodore Logan in Bill and Ted face the music after years of speculation it was a blast from the past proving that some roles are Timeless Keanu even had a voice Cameo as the wise Tumbleweed sage in the SpongeBob Movie sponge on the Run he also ventured into the world of video games bringing the rebel rocker Johnny silveran to life in the sprawling cyberpunk 2077 2021 saw keanu's long-awaited return to the world of the Matrix in The Matrix resurrections while the film wasn't as groundbreaking as the original fans were still thrilled to see Neo and Trinity back in action comic books dog star returns and what's next keanu's creativity really exploded in recent years in 2021 he didn't just act in stories he created one his comic book series BR RZR KR about an immortal Warrior struggling with his violent past flew off the shelves fans and critics were blown away by the thrilling action complex characters and stunning artwork naturally Hollywood came knocking and Netflix is turning bur rkr into a film with Keanu starring and an anime series to follow but Keanu had even more in store for his fans in a move nobody saw coming his '90s band dog are reunited after 20 years away what started as casual lockdown Jam sessions with old friends turned into a full-blown album somewhere between the power lines and palm trees released in 2023 the band even hit the concert circuit letting fans finally see Keanu rock out on stage from comics and music Keanu turned his attention to the world of Formula 1 racing his 2023 documentary series Brawn The Impossible Formula 1 story delved Into the drama behind one of the sports most incredible Underdog victories Keanu a lifelong Motorsports fan was the perfect host for this exciting Insider look collaborations became a theme for Keanu he teamed up in 2024 with the acclaimed sci-fi author China mavil to write the Book of Elsewhere this new story expands on the universe he created in barzer car he's even delving into into the world of westerns with a standalone Tale in the Brer car comic series called a faceful of bullets comedy seems to be the next Frontier for Keanu he joined forces with aiz Ansari for the comedy film Good Fortune set for release in the future and Jonah Hills dark comedy outcome about the messy World Of Invention with Keanu on board these movies are sure to be both hilarious and thought-provoking and of course Keanu isn't for getting his action Roots he's ready to step back into John Wick's shoes in the upcoming 2025 spin-off ballerina although the fifth John Wick movie is on the back burner fans can still look forward to more of keanu's stylish assassin taking on the bad guys roles that he rejected with reasons but behind the action hero image is a thoughtful actor who carefully chooses his projects over his long career Keanu has turned down quite a few big roles proving he's not afraid to say no and stick to his own path one famous example is Oliver Stone's gritty War epic platoon 1986 Stone wanted Keanu in the film but the movie's brutal depiction of the Vietnam War conflicted with keanu's views he opted out allowing him to pursue roles that aligned better with his own beliefs he also chose a Stage production of Hamlet in Canada over a role in the Blockbuster crime Thriller heat 1995 this wasn't just any Stage production it was the coveted title role in one of Shakespeare's most iconic works at the Manitoba theater center in Winnipeg even with Blockbuster sequels and superhero movies on the table Keanu doesn't always jump at the chance he turned down Speed 2 cruise control 1997 likely due to a lackluster script and a desire to explore other types of films later he prioritized the John Wick franchise over the chance to join the Marvel Universe in Captain Marvel 2019 Let's Travel back to 2001 imagine Keanu with long blonde hair and pointy ears as an elf in The Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring it nearly became a reality but scheduling conflicts with other commitments prevented it according to sources Keanu was passionate about the role of Aragorn even contacting Peter Jackson to try and land the part a few years later in 2008 the hilarious and over-the-top Tropic Thunder hit theaters but without Keanu he had some creative differences with the filmmakers and his schedule was packed Ben Stiller originally envisioned Keanu as the lead before taking the role himself that same year the visually striking Speed Racer came out inspired by the classic anime Keanu could have been the lead But ultimately felt he wasn't the best fit for the role even the Multiverse bending Spider-Man no way home 20202 was on his radar with director John Watts originally planning on Keanu taking the role of Craven the hunter ultimately he wasn't interested in the story changed directions on the subject of Reeves and shared universes Dwayne Johnson confirmed in an interview that Reeves had been eyed to play or rather voice the mysterious director ctor of the Cyber terrorist organization Edon in his spin-off film Fast and Furious presents Hobs and Shaw 2019 in the end Reeves passed after discussing the role with Johnson and his collaborators because as The Rock told us it just didn't feel right creatively much like feige and the MCU Johnson's ultimate goal is to get Reeves to join the Fast and Furious offshoot in some capacity so who knows depending on how the actively developing Hobs and Shaw 2 shakes out Reeves may end up playing some other character be they Friend or Foe to the titular duo in the sequel relation with Jennifer S Keanu Reeves possesses an almost paradoxical reputation he's Hollywood's beloved nice guy even while remaining intensely private about his personal experiences this makes the occasional glimpses into his life all the more intriguing especially when they touch on profound events like his relationship with Jennifer Sim their story began somewhere in the late 1990s while initial accounts suggested they met at a 1998 party thrown by Reeves's band dog star Jennifer's Mother Maria St John provided a different version emphasizing a longer connection between the two she even indicated that she had been present when her daughter and Reeves initially crossed paths though the specific circumstances remain shrouded in a deliberate ambiguity Keanu and Jennifer's relationship progressed quickly and by December of 1999 they were Overjoyed to discover that they were expecting a daughter they planned to name her Ava a Beacon of Hope in the midst of keanu's growing Fame following speed and his upcoming role in The Matrix however this anticipation was cruy shattered when Ava was still born a month before her due date tabloids reportedly offered substantial sums for a photo of Jennifer's pregnant form a distasteful Invasion that Reeves apparently resisted the weight of this shared loss proved too much for their young relationship though initially separating a bond of shared grief seemed to remain it's no surprise then that by 2001 they had reconciled in an attempt to heal together then in a devastating turn tragedy struck again on April 1st 2001 Jennifer attended a gathering at musician Marilyn Manson's home early the next morning after reportedly being driven home by another guest she tragically lost her life in a car accident at the young age of 28 the news was a crushing blow with sources suggesting that Keanu struggled to contact the Los Angeles County coroner's office out of a desperate hope that somehow the reports were a mistake Reeves's characteristic privacy makes it difficult to fully understand his inner struggles yet the outward signs were unmistakable as a Paul Bearer at Jennifer's funeral his grief was etched onto his face for the world to see keanu's down-to-earth personality and genuine interactions with fans have made him an icon in today's world he's been recognized for his incredible career by everyone from Forbes Magazine where he graced their celebrity 100 list multiple times to the Hollywood Walk of Fame where his star shines brightly of course the Matrix made him one of the highest paid actors of all time and his talent has earned him countless Awards and nominations in 20 and 20 he was even ranked one of the greatest actors of the 21st century by the New York Times Keanu Reeves is a True Hollywood original despite facing tragedy he always finds a way to be positive and humble his success comes from both his amazing acting skills and His Kind downto earth personality he picks roles that challenge him not ones that are simply Blockbusters demonstrating a commitment to his own artistic journey through it all his fans around the world have loved seeing his movies and are inspired by his life story he's truly an icon and an inspiration well that wraps up our in-depth look at Keanu reev if you enjoyed this do me a favor hit that like button smash subscribe and ring the notification Bell so you never miss an update thanks for watching
Channel: Retro Discovery
Views: 4,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john wick, keanu reeves, john wick 4, Keanu Reeves, REVEALS Why He Turned Down This Role, reveals, turned down, role, hollywood, fame, movie star, iconic, lucrative role, Keanu Reeves life, Keanu Reeves career, ultimate expedition, john wick full movie, sonic 3, keanu reeves alexandra grant, reasons we love keanu reeves, Keanu Reeves FINALLY Confirms Why He Turned Down This Role
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 38sec (2018 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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