Kdramas To Watch 2021 | Episode 2

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oh my god might be the perfect drama what's the best show i've seen lately i keep telling people it is [Music] hi everyone welcome back to episode 2 of what to watch i'm going to be ranking what i've watched since summer and what i recommend this list is basically just what entertained me the most there's no categories it's just what i couldn't get enough of but maybe soon i'll actually do rankings by genres and categories but today we're just doing everything that i've watched without spoilers don't worry number 11 is doom at your service this is a show about a girl who falls in love with doom and it started so promising it has park bo young obsessed with her and i've never seen the lead before but i really like him it started so great it felt like dokeby goblin guardian the great lonely god i mean i wanted to love it the most because i've been missing that don't give e5 but it just didn't do it i loved the star cross lovers faded romance but it felt a little slow to me i mean sure there were many moments that gave me butterflies but overall the story just didn't carry it and maybe i should have pushed through or maybe i should have focused only on one show but that's not me so that's going to be number 11 today next all right i have to say everything else my list today i do recommend number 10 how to be 30. this show is super cute it's kind of like a more pg-13 korean version of sex in the city it's about three best friends turning 30 and their careers and their love lives and their friendship and it's so cute it's very short they're only 20 or 30 minute episodes i love all of them their side relationships are relatable some are precious some are not but it's good it feels very grounded so i like it a lot number nine is mine this show is major penthouse vibes but like a more grounded penthouse it's about two women who married into this extremely wealthy family and the lengths that they go to survive and not forget themselves and also there's like death and betrayal affairs and mistresses and some crazy crazy twists and turns uh i had a really good time watching the show so i highly recommend it it's definitely more dramatic and dark and adult-like although i was really obsessed with the grandson and his relationship with the maid i wish that would have been its own show i think that would have done even better but it's really cute show well it's not cute but it's a good show i recommend it number eight she was pretty so this beautiful popular girl and this new kid to town who's overweight and kind of considered a loser they become neighbors and then best friends they're actually each other's first love after they move they lose touch for years and now they're both adults he comes back to town and wants to rekindle things with her and she is no longer beautiful she's developed like a rash on her face and she has super frizzy hair which anyway she got more unattractive and this loser kid grew up to be park sojun so she doesn't want to spoil his perfect memories of her being pretty so she lies to him and has her beautiful friend pretend to be her so she doesn't have to see him ever again but then in a fun k-drama twist they end up working together and having to see each other every day i need something sweet to balance out squid games rom-coms my favorite but i'm having a tough time honestly getting through the show because she is so obnoxious like her character is so much the overacting it's just a lot to handle and then maybe she's doing that so she seems less attractive because she's a beautiful girl and all she needs is like a little foundation and to go back to a hair salon and have them give her a keratin hair treatment and she would look the same though i'm watching it for him but it's honestly it's a lot he park so june's character is so mean so mean it's just ah i don't know i'm hanging in there i think i'm on episode 5 now so there are moments there are definitely moments and i'm waiting for her to finally get her makeover and the reveal i'm gonna leave this at number eight number seven so i married the auntie fan this show is so cute it's about an idol who has a misunderstanding with this journalist and he thinks she's stalking him and they end up getting into a fight and it goes viral on the news and so these producers have an idea that they should put them on a tv show together there's like a popular show in korea called so we got married and i think it's based off of that where they have to pretend to be married they have to live together like they're married for the duration of the show and of course it just follows their relationship during this time this show is so cute i mean it definitely feels like a smaller budget web series but i loved it it was the first one that i finished in such a short amount of time because i've been having trouble getting through shows lately so i was so happy to see this and it's got it all it's funny it's light it's sweet it's super romantic and it gives you butterflies so highly recommend it i'm not the biggest fan of stories where the plot of the entire show is based on a misunderstanding that could have been cleared up so easily with like a quick honest conversation but it's super cute it's a lot of fun and i highly recommend it i also believe that this is the best idol show that has come out this year so oh number six nevertheless we need a moment of silence for nevertheless this show oh my god i'm blush look at me my friends and i were shook at this show like so unexpected this show is basically about college kids this girl who starts hooking up with this like super popular attractive bad boy in college and it just follows their relationship where he's playing her and the whole time she's wondering is he into me is he playing me is he using me for sex like that's what the show is about it's very realistic it's very grounded for kids in college who are dealing with this i feel like a lot of people would find this show super relatable but oh my god this show worked because it had a female director it was tasteful and beautiful and oh my god songkong the storyline felt very immature like it was written from a young person's perspective the conversations they had it just all didn't feel very thought out but the butterflies and the situations are crazy this is also the most adult-like sexual k drama i've seen for younger people ever but honestly i would watch songkong like read a newspaper for an hour every day so this was a very fun show to have him star in my friends might have quit watching it because we were all getting so frustrated with him and their relationship and everything but i never got bored i just wanted to know like what was gonna happen i just hate that this show probably left a really bad impression on young girls like psa song kong's character is not real run away if you meet a guy like that do not go see his knobby do not go see his butterflies he is using that pickup line on everyone it's not gonna be unhappy ending for you and if you watch this show understand that it was written to make you happy but it is not real life okay all right that's all i'm gonna say about that highly highly recommend this show ah number five wow okay this list is getting tight if you asked me the other week what's the best show i've seen lately i keep telling people it is my roommate is a gumiho however on this congregated list it is only number five so that tells you something there have been some really good shows this year my roommate is a gumiho might be the perfect drama it is about a gumiho gumiho is a mythological creature but in this one they can only live for a thousand years and then they either turn human or just disappear so they have to absorb human energy to live to feed this gumiho has like the most romantic bump in with this girl and she swallows his bead and so they end up living together so he can watch her and his bee of course they fall in love and it's just so good i love the actors their chemistry was amazing the whole story was perfect it was funny it was romantic it was lighthearted there was enough of everything i think to keep you going the story moved quickly i loved the love triangle my favorite part is that the lead actress is not your typical female lead she was very strong willed she would say the things that she felt like the questions instead of in most shows they hold back and you're yelling at the tv like just say this just tell him she does every time she speaks her mind and it was so refreshing i was like yes i think that was very well written you must must must watch my roommate is a gumiho like favorite show this is where it gets tricky number four right now i have squid games everyone's talking about it i started watching it i'm only three episodes in so far it's so good it's basically about these people who are in debt and so they agree to play this game for millions of dollars like a life-changing amount of money to get them out of debt however if you lose or get eliminated you die you either die or you win a lot of money it's pretty insane and this is interesting because so far they're playing children's games um like red light green light episode 2 is a little slow because they're showing you the back stories but i think once i get a little further into the show it's gonna be like incredible it's bloody i've been watching it over dinner which i don't really recommend or like right before bed probably don't recommend it's not scary it's a psychological thriller and it's bloody and gory but it's not like frightening if that makes sense go watch if that's your thing i recommend it oh this list number three of shows i have watched since the summer has to go to vincenzo vincenzo is one of the best k-dramas i think i've seen loved it vincenzo was adopted and raised by an italian mafia family after the death of his father and some issues within his family he ends up coming back to korea where he was born and is in search of basically i guess we can call it buried treasure however in order to get it he has to get through a building of highly involved nosy tenants that live in this building and do not want to lose their home that they've been in for so long this was an epic show it has little bits of everything it was super dark and dramatic and action intense and then it would be light and sweet and cute like a rom-com but then it would just flip back to dark and scary and thriller there's mystery and then there's law court cases and then there's like a psychopathic killer and then vincenzo is like beating everyone up it's a rollercoaster of a show just when you're like uh this is too silly for me like vincenzo like whips out his lighter and just starts like beating up all these bad guys and you're like oh okay yes i loved the lead couple in the show i wish it was a little more romantic i guess they couldn't do everything like you can't have a perfect show also this show introduced me to oak pacion and i'm not okay skip ahead five seconds if you don't want a light spoiler he's my new favorite villain ever i might be biased but loved him sometimes i was even like girl why are you being so mean to him all the women out there like i could change him or not like whatever it's fine also sunky's italian accent is incredible i don't know if you know because as an american when we hear the actors speaking english it's usually not that great taeyan's english is really good and song keys italian is really really good so i was very shocked i believed him did songkeep grow up in italy maybe at this point you've probably seen vincenzo if you haven't seen minchinzo you need to go watch vincenzo it's so good number two on my list is this show that is my current favorite that i'm watching it is called hometown cha-cha-cha the casting the pairing of these two actors perfect love them then the dimple couple they are so cute i just love this show so much after getting drunk and blacking out and bad-mouthing her employer she's now blacklisted from the dental industry and cannot get another job at another dental office in seoul so she goes on a road trip to this beach town where she went with her parents when she was younger after spending the day there she realizes that they don't have a dentist and there's a lot of old people and if she opened a clinic there it's cheap enough for her to do so and then she thinks she'd be super busy and make all this money so she decides on a whim to move to this town and open her own dental clinic and of course there is this perfect amazing do-it-all guy who like runs the town they start off like butting heads but then they just can't get away from each other i love this show it's very calm it's like a slice of life show nothing too too crazy but it's so heartwarming it's so sweet the couple in this is just such a perfect match i'm having so much fun watching it's my favorite light romance that i've watched in the second half of 2021 maybe with my roommate is a gumiho and it's got our sweet good boy from startup and he's finally getting the treatment he deserves he can do it all he's like a go-getter he's hot except his issue in startup was that he was a little too reserved and he kind of is here as well but whatever you know he's gonna get the girl in the end i hope her character is so frustrating at times but she's just so cold-hearted sometimes but it's balanced enough to keep us holding on i'm also a big fan of the love triangle in this one it's two like very viable options and it's not like an oh obviously it's not gonna work out with him like it totally could but it's okay drama so we we know what's going to happen if this is a light-hearted romantic comedy that you're looking for then i highly highly recommend and now for the grand finale the number one show i have watched the second half of 2021 i've had hundreds of recommendations for me to watch my mister i held off for so long because my friend was like oh it's not romantic at all it's just like sad and depressing and you know what it kind of is but it is romantic i don't care what anyone says it's romantic my mister this show is about a girl who has had it really rough she's in a ton of debt kind of running from lone sharks then there's a middle-aged man who is in a terrible marriage getting on at work both of them are miserable like their lives suck and then they meet each other and they slowly start to breathe life into one another again the twist in the show so good the change you see that they make in each other and like how they take care of each other there's like affairs and betrayal and blackmail and it's really good like it's one of the more unique interesting shows i've ever seen so i'm so happy that you recommended it and that i watched it and if you haven't seen it you have to go watch it yes it's slow and it's super depressing and i might have cried in most episodes but i could not get enough honestly i was mad at first when i first started watching it i was so mad that y'all made me watch the show and then i just could not stop i became obsessed with their relationships her backstory his wife the office dynamics it's just such an incredible story that doesn't follow the usual tropes like so fresh and unique the writing was so brilliant i've never seen anything like it and i think the story and the relationship development is so beautiful no matter what happens i'm highly recommending it this is the number one on my list if you haven't seen it you definitely need to go watch it these are pretty much all of the shows that i've started watching recently and i highly recommend go check them out and stay tuned for my next roundup if there's anything you really want me to watch or review please put it in the comments below i will be there i'll be reading i always always love your recommendations please like please hit that subscribe button and thank you so much for watching and i will see you soon you
Channel: Jesica Ahlberg
Views: 249,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: korean dramas to watch, kdrama, korean drama, korean drama eng sub, korean dramas to watch in second half of 2021, kdrama 2021, 드라마, squid game, my mister, hometown cha cha cha, vincenzo, my roommate is a gumiho, kdramas to watch, netflix, kdrama eng sub, netflix k drama, netflix korean drama, netflix official, netflix 韓劇, vincenzo korean drama, hometown cha cha cha kdrama, 넷플릭스, the swoon, best korean dramas, best kdramas, best kdramas to watch on netflix, nevertheless
Id: pYocuyqYwjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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