Crash Landing On You | K Drama Review

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a little bit of insinuation would have been nice you just hang in there so sad beyond just explosive chemistry like this could not be worse she said your face is my time and you still can't get like a burner phone from china to call your girlfriend what i guess there was more built up in me than i realized arguably the best k drama [Music] ever hi everyone welcome back to my channel i'm jessica and today i'm going to be doing another kdrama review i'm so happy to be partnering again with the kccla to bring you this korean drama review series today i'm gonna be talking about what is arguably the best k drama to ever exist that's right crash landing on you y'all i have seen this show four times four times okay that's a lot because i usually don't re-watch shows ever i'll try to convince someone who doesn't like kdramas so i'll start watching it with them and then i'll end up just watching the whole thing again a gorgeous rich south korean che ball heiress and ceo of her own company yes to women in power she's hang gliding to test out her company's new outdoor gear when she gets caught in a tornado storm and is carried into the north korean dmz area for those of you not up to date on korean history this is very bad like this could not be worse but luckily for series she is discovered first by captain richong aka the single most attractive military man to ever exist unfortunately he is a captain in the north korean military but he decides to hide sadie and help her escape back to south korea he's definitely trying to protect his own men at first but then the sparks start to fly and everything changes and this is crash landing on you okay i'm just gonna be honest here there's gonna be quite a lot of spoilers because there's so many amazing things i have to talk about first of all captain ree is perfect this city girl found a man that can do it all he makes her homemade noodles he's roasting and grinding up coffee beans for her in the morning literally fixing it all oh my god it's literally enough to make you think i could move to north korea for him it's not that bad but just remember he's an actor and this isn't real anyway plot this story was so unique every episode was perfectly written nothing dragged there was a little bit of everything you have the mystery the romance the drama you like action it's got that too everybody's getting shot in this show okay there is plenty of action to go around each episode kept me on the edge of my seat or in my feelings i think a lot of people have no idea what it's like to be in north korea and so i found it super interesting and that weighs well i actually heard one of the writers defected from north korea so it's pretty spot on portraying the daily life of north koreans each episode got better and better the tensions built they gave us everything we wanted but wrapped in a way that was slightly unexpected and just brought all the feelings all the tears the side stories were all so perfect they got enough screen time the cinematography was on point it's basically as flawless as hyun ben is in this show and the side stories the second leads are like awful terrible people and then somehow they twist your heart until you are just so wrapped up in their story and you want nothing but the best for them that's special chemistry y'all the chemistry was beyond beyond it's the it's the best it's the best chemistry i've ever seen in a show i'm going to say it it leaves you confused when the show's over the chemistry between captain ree and sadie was off the charts from the beginning from the first meet she said your face is my time and just explosive chemistry the second leads did an amazing job of playing so cold and you just didn't you didn't know that you needed it you know they played you so good it was beyond you just hang in there until you cry your little eyes out but the cast chemistry was also amazing the chemistry between all the soldiers the chemistry between sari and the soldiers fun back and forth between the brothers and sisters-in-law so good characters there were so many different types of characters in the show the writer did a great job of giving all of the characters room to grow or at least uncovering their needs and why they act the way they do this show was beyond perfectly cast everyone brought exactly what needed to be brought to the show to make it perfect i loved how strong and smart and beautiful and tough the women in the show were none of them were damsels in distress they were all running the show and that is something that i could not get enough of my favorite thing about sadie was that she was rich and raised as an heiress yet she was still extremely tough and street smart where usually that doesn't happen finally coming to terms with the feelings her mother had and why she acted the way she did their evolution throughout the show oh god it's so beautiful and heartbreaking also the village wives amazing they were hilarious and definitely served some of the best moments in the show the only flaw was that the lieutenant commander was just your standard cartoon villain we don't know why he was so evil and crazy and why he was doing the things he was doing that is my only complaint about this show oh fashion sadie is that girl literally a scene stealing a showstopping queen and if the show would have taken place in south korea a little bit more this probably would be one of the top fashion shows but we just didn't get enough of her insane wardrobe because she was in her north korean clothes but we did get hyun bin trying on suits which was amazing one of the very very best parts of the show [Music] also special mention of her office and her home the interior design was impeccable the whole time i was just drooling over her living spaces her bathroom the cactuses in her office so cool i'd be crying if i lost that bathroom too feels you are not ready you're not ready for the feels in this show i think i cried i cried tears of joy happiness sadness in every episode of this show when he pushes her into his yard at the beginning when he steps over the line ah there's so many feels it's like hard to even narrow it down romantic moments that make your heart just skip a beat funny moments that make you roll over laughing this show has it all oh my god when he holds up the scented candle the show has so many comedic relief moments mostly provided by sari and the soldiers i could not get enough of their banter when sadie would be talking about life in south korea and the north korean soldiers always thought she was making stuff up because it sounded too far-fetched and absurd like having traffic jams insinuating that the country has that many cars or taxis or eating meat for multiple meals a day just blew their mind this show takes your two least favorite people and gives them an epic romance and makes you like fall in love with the characters and their relationship oh my god i bawled my eyes out i can't talk about it the chemistry that they have together the emotional range it was all just so perfect it made the most beautiful story i think that's ever been written so i narrowed it down to top 10 favorite scenes and we can't forget about the original soundtrack so good i think that partially had to do with why i cried so much the perfect song at the perfect time no rant here well ugh the tragedy of the north korean soldiers going down to south korea and falling in love with the culture and the lifestyle and then knowing they would have had this amazing life if they stayed but they all had to go back for their families oh so sad okay happy characters in the show are running secret international spy operations all over the world and yet you can't find a way to be together again go for years without being able to communicate all those bad guys and you still can't get like a burner phone from china to call your girlfriend what there's a carrier pigeon with code names your dad is the second most powerful man in the country he could make you a spy and send you back to south korea it's i mean it's not like they don't like her they met her they thought she was great right another qualm i have is the ending how poorly they made it work like they kind of insinuate that they do vacation in switzerland for two weeks out of the year that's it two weeks everything you've gone through almost dying so many times and then you finally figure it out and it's you both spend two weeks at your swiss home also like he's the love of her life and she didn't want to step back as the ceo maybe just move it over to like chairman of the board and then live with her man in switzerland for the whole year they could start a family and have those twins they were talking about i guess there was more built up in me than i realized but it all comes down to the last episode it made the reunion that much better but like they really had no way to communicate overall i'm giving this show a 9.899 only because the ending was too chill i wanted something a little more full-time spend most of the year together and i wish there was just like one little insinuation scene near the end the sweet i'll never see you again kisses were very very magical and did a lot for me but just a little bit of insinuation would have been nice but other than that it was literally perfect so perfect in fact i would like to give a warning if you have not seen descendants of the sun watch that before you watch this i started watching it halfway through crushed landing and i was waiting on the new episodes to come out i started descendants of the sun thinking they're both military shows this one's another epic romance and it just doesn't hold a candle to crush landing i think if i would have watched it first it would still hold a special place in my heart i just felt a little boring in comparison so that's my warning this was also the first korean drama i finally convinced my mom to watch and she binged it in three days we could not get enough and don't forget the best moments happen at the end of the episode after the credits ah please someone top it i've only had this happen three times it was after i watched dokkaebi uh guardian legend of the blue sea and crash landing on you i think those are my top three i might release my list soon since i've seen i don't know almost 70 k dramas now i think crash landing on you has taken the number one spot on my k-drama list well thank you so much for watching please give this video a like hit that subscribe button and stay tuned i have another kdrama review coming up next week for startup have you seen crash landing on you if so what was your favorite scene thanks for watching
Channel: Jesica Ahlberg
Views: 602,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crash landing on you, cloy, crash landing on you ost, crash landing on you kiss, crash landing on you scene, hyun bin son ye jin, hyun bin, son ye jin, best kdrama, best kdrama kisses, korean drama, kdrama review, kdrama review channel, korean drama 2020, korean drama review, best korean drama, netflix korean drama, netflix k drama, k drama, the swoon, netflix 韓劇, korean dramas, emergency love landing, 韓国ドラマ, 韓劇, 愛的迫降, crash landing on you soldiers, son ye-jin, 사랑의 불시착
Id: Wu-iqKceQJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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