K/DA - POP/STARS (ft. Madison Beer, (G)I-DLE, Jaira Burns) | Music Video - League of Legends
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: League of Legends
Views: 556,155,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Riot Games, Riot, League of Legends, League, LoL, MOBA, worlds pop song, worlds popstar, worlds music video, K/DA, Ahri, Kai’Sa, Evelynn, Eve, Akali, K/DA Ahri, K/DA Kai’Sa, K/DA kaisa, K/DA Evelynn, K/DA Eve, K/DA Akali, KDA Ahri, KDA Kai’Sa, KDA kaisa, KDA Evelynn, KDA Eve, KDA Akali, ahri kda, kaisa kda, eve kda, akali kda, evelynn kda, kai’sa kda, lol KDA
Id: UOxkGD8qRB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 23sec (203 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The bit with Akali rapping in the shroud with Eve in the background, her form switching as it alternates between the shroud and the real world is a legitimately inspired bit of video direction.
god the people who animated this must be insanely proud. this was ingeniously executed
Fuck. Now I'm wishing so bad Akali looked all painted up in neon colors when her shroud is activated and she's standing inside of it.
Riot is going to make so much money
Akali by far is the most dope in this video. The neon colors and the badass mask, especially when they zoomed out and the dragon appeared, holy shit!
goddamn this shit SLAPS
Holy shit. That is an outrageously sick music video. Top quality editing. The rap part with the light up facemask is so ridiculously amazing.
All Kai’sa does is walk around and get run over by Evelynn lul