K/DA - POP/STARS | (여자) 아이들 Version
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Channel: League of Legends - Korea
Views: 8,432,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 리그 오브 레전드, league of legends, lol, 롤, K/DA, KDA, 팝스타, POP/STARS, (여자)아이들, 아이들, 미연, 소연, 민니, 수진, 우기, 슈화, 큐브, cube, 리그오브레전드, Leagueoflegends, Riotgames, 라이엇 게임즈
Id: _E6OwS6luZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 15sec (195 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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This is an upload from (G)I-DLE's online concert on the official League of Legends Korea channel
I'd say that this looks good but not their greatest performance. They performed many songs and they were tired but they still wanted to do it cuz it was fun , respect for trying and delivering a nice performance ! It was a pleasure seeing the OT6 performing it and i really hope we see more of them doing league related stuff! Stay healthy gals and chads.
Yo how do you pronounce (G)I-DLE
I've been reading it like it rhymes with fiddle
Hmm, i like the original better, but i think this comes from the fact that the english phrases are just better from a native speaker. And i guess they didnt have much time to practice and record the song.
But anyway, the fact that this is posted on the official LoL Korea Channel and the rumors about the new worlds songs makes me kind of hyped for a full (G)I-DLE song. May it be KD/a or not
A few thoughts:
Did they film this with a 2009 flip phone camera? I get more framerate playing Crysis.
Miyeon looks...sad. Not sure why, but not a smile to be found.
The (g)-IDLE choreography is 1000x better than what we got at worlds...
Really, everytime I see a full (G)I-DLE version on this song I feel like Miyeon hates to sing it.
Also, the English parts of the song are just way better when sung by Madison Beer. So if it's true that the virtual band is coming back, for the love of god, bring her back. It's not even like I actually listen to her but she's just objectively better.
Jesus Christ Riot, just do another K/DA track, for the love of teemo.
If it weren't for soyeon being as amazing as she is, I feel like this song could actually be such a solid dreamcatcher song.