KB Sermon: Pure Doctrine Sets Us Loose on Mission - Legacy Chicago 2017

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[Music] now hear me all right well greetings my brothers and sisters the little Asian was quite exquisite last night I am very blessed to be here standing here in front of a lot of folks that appears in hero's my pastors here pastor Daryl Williamson is here somewhere there he is a spiritual father one of my living heroes living fake Bibles tell the ship all the way from Tampa is here yes yes yes yes yes Bryan died I love you brother thank you for how you serve with legacy Chicago hiding I just want to be like you if you could just teach me that that would be awesome today is also my birthday you feel free to bring gifts to the stage as I preach checks cash or wherever you want to do money that's fine um pray with me please father God we thank you so much for what you've done in this conference every year I think it's been eight years for me I come it becomes more and more evident that you are here you're active I always leave and I know we all share that experience of wanting to go and change our cities for Jesus we thank you O God for bringing us together we thank you O God for loving us enough to gift us with your word we ask you to bless the time that we have seven with your spirit o God maybe nothing that I do know trying to be realistic or entertaining Lord I pray oh let's move decide that the cross was shine bright and we would be transformed only you can touch hearts oka I asked that she would do that please in Jesus name we pray amen it's about two thousand years ago right around the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ that Polynesian Explorer is unencumbered by the fear that the world was flat decided to set sail and look for new territory in their journey they found what can only be termed as a paradise in the middle of the ocean it was a group of islands rich in resource filled with beaches and mountains and waterfalls palm trees sugar fields it was perfect a paradise in the middle of the Pacific they called it Hawaii or Hawaii there the Polynesians established a kingdom they were sinners so there was conflict but they were not like the Mayans okay they were able to build a monarch oh that was based on a society of principles and laws and they live by the Aloha which was much more than a greeting but a philosophy of life a way of service and compassion and peace and there they thrive for 1,500 years until some other folks showed up famed British explorer Captain James Cook arrived and with him a fleet of ships and the natives were actually happy to see them they James Cook sent one of his men to the island and was met by a native I guess the native made a sudden move and it spooked him and on the spot he shot the native dead the first contact that they had had with the outside world resulted in a Hawaiian Holocaust exterminating 95% of 800,000 natives on the island all through guns and European diseases however the kingdom were actively survived the u.s. got involved in recognize the sovereign and independent kingdom of Hawaii and for decades Hawaii enjoyed friendship with the world until America got a little greedy and that sort of colonial Conqueror instinct kicked in and the thought was this place is a military goldmine and he who owns it can run the Pacific so we got to have this into a process of genocide and the Gatling gun it's hard to argue with a machine gun and deceit in robbery and treason treason oh they overthrew the complementarian friendly Kingdom of Hawaii bringing it to its knees and they forced it into a u.s. territory talk about a ruin your vacation sorry time will not permit to go into detail but it was devastating to the Hawaiian people and to this day there's fights to try to maintain what's been occupied so you might be shocked at when I found out that missionaries played a big part in this takeover but I add reformed missionaries which I am they left New England to preach the gospel and eventually became co-conspirators in the takeover of a people they defended it they enabled it it really didn't seem to be like a spiritual problem for them in what was happening there you see the missionaries in the eighteen hundreds had become a custom with exporting the gospel while exporting a Western culture they had essentially canonized their culture so that when the spirit canonized the scripture it also inspired our culture you can see the subtle signs in making styles of clothing western dress Christian you see pictures of Hawaiians on the beach it's like 90 degrees outside they're wearing colonial boots all the way up you can see that they created a single way that God is honored to be in an intimate with your spouse they they have these subtle attitudes with the natives they saw them as savages are human enough to be saved but not human enough to have dignity and rights and manage their own land they were winning folks to Christ and colonialism yet God was so good because folks were still getting saved and Christianity was still spreading through the island so I can only imagine how the natives felt when they were like we're brothers in Christ why are you annexing us in forcing us out of the land is it weird that you're inviting us to worship on the land that you built on the blood of our people how sway how I think the answer is the same answer at least close related the same reason America gave for taking over Hawaii in the first place as I read over and over again I saw this phrase we must protect American interests it's about American interest America first and the problem is these missionaries were merging the interest of America with the interest of God and making them one in the same so it's a win for America it must be a win for God they had put America's priorities on the same level as God's priorities extending the reign of our country is the same as the mission of God many missionaries at all serve to be the icing on the cake of cake of cultural genocide but I think the scripture is fairly clear that God is not and never will be about trying to make a name for you but a name for himself his goal is not to make your nation great nothing wrong with a great nation praise God for that but don't make that God's campaign God has nothing in his word to support then this aim is for the fame of his kingdom and the good of his people I bring up the store because it isn't just an old frontier missions problem it's a human problem and it's in us it's in the city it's in the nation instead of the scripture shaping us into the image of Christ we often shape the scripture into the image of ourselves though you might not have the power to ruin an entire country you do have the power to ruin your faith or like we learn last night a church we all struggle with the spirit of colonizing you your life is not your own you've been bought with the price but do we often not struggle with taking what is not ours and building our own thing on top of it do we not struggle in the church with Jesus is somehow turned into the Savior's last politician hybrid thing do we not struggle in the home when husbands or wives are trying to force each other into something that's more palatable for the palatable for themselves instead of into the image of Jesus so can we talk about what is God's aim what is God's aim and also what is the cost of that aim and then how do we continue in that aim if you have your Bibles please turn with me to second Timothy verse 10 now excuse me yeah there's chapters in there too chapter 3 verse 10 the verse says you however have followed my teaching my conduct my aim in life my faith my patience my love my stead fat and fast excuse me meaning Paul is making contrast here in contrast to those who have fallen away you my son has fully known my doctrine in my manner of life you know the details you've been with me side by side you you see how I act in my purpose in life my faithfulness my love for God's people you have seen how I have never given up you've watched it Timothy and this isn't a humble brag you see Paul directs Timothy's attention to his own life as a testament of the power of the grace of God to change a man faithfulness is possible look at Paul godliness is possible look at Paul holiness is possible look at Paul which says to us God's aim for you is to prove the power of God is real by leading a life that is worth following Paul says to Timothy I have lived so purposefully in my teaching and my character in my aim in life that you had done well to be like this you see nobody has it all together I understand that but I wonder if folks were to be like me would they just be like me or with being like me result in being somewhat like Jesus I don't I don't know what my sons are going to be oh I love my boys but I pray that when they leave my house that they have to grapple that it is possible Jesus is real I know it half as I saw my daddy live it out that's the type of Testament we give to the world and that Paul is giving the Timothy but I think they even relevant point here that this takes this tex-mex for us is it's a nature of pure doctrine note it says you have ever have followed my teaching following here is it researched or diagrammed it literally means went after or lived out my doctrine in conduct in aim in life which says to us doctrine is not known if doctrine is not practiced theology in doctrine in the West has become often more about memorization when in Scripture it is all about imitation it feels like often that we trade do justice and love mercy for do lectures and talk about ideas and to be clear it's obvious that there's nothing wrong with thinking I'm an aspiring scholar myself but the New Testament conveys the discipline of theology as a discipline of lifestyle I would argue that it's not just matching your life with your doctrine your life is the expression of your theology life in doctrine must not be separate follow me you must know something before you can do something amen but if you do not do something you cannot say you truly know it who are the purest theologians among us is it the brilliant minds or is it brilliant living simply obeying Jesus is like I see young brother that you have the Institute's and you got a lot of books of nice seminaries behind you god bless all of that but can you love your neighbor knowledge is good scholarship is good but books are no replacement for love in action they must be pardon pardon partner excuse me Martin Luther said when he walked through the woods he used to raised his head to the birds and say good morning theologians you wake in sing but I can old fool no less than you and worry over everything instead of simply trusting in the Heavenly Father's care I remember when I was in Bible College there's a man there named Mel Carter it was the chaplain for the school some water would be amazing he was the chaplain for the school and he spent most of his life on the mission field and have retired and come to our school and he was there to serve the student body Louis is here I think you know who Mel Carter is and I remember him being very very old it's kind of slow in terms of his movement but he was sharp up here he wasn't the deepest guy on campus when you walked into with office you didn't see 5,000 books god blessed by a thousand books new offices not your name but I remember I would go talk to him and I will confide in him and out I will confess sin and I would talk about my struggle thank you Brian and I would sit down with him and the first time I thought he was gonna give me some dissertation but he kind of encouraged me for all of two minutes and then he just set there and here he did he prayed he prayed and he would just pray for long periods of time and let me tell you I don't know what it was what God always answered that man's prayers that got to the point where I was going requesting things my only regret I did I didn't request him to pay for my student loans if you ask God to do that but I remember the thought with this brother was this man studies God beyond paper his study of God is alive Paul continues this exemplary talk to Timothy look at verse 11 after he talks about his aim in life he talks about knowing his doctrine he says in verse 11 my persecutions and sufferings that happened to me in Antioch you know that as well you know my persecutions and sufferings that happened to me in any and Iconium Lystra which persecutions I endured it from them all the Lord rescue me meaning not only have you seen my doctrine how I have lived in my aim in life and my love in my constancy you've also seen me suffer which escalates things a bit it pivots from the previous more positive examples in Paul's life and it moves to his hardships see look God by his Spirit has kept me you've seen what he has what we have brought to the world but the world has brought something back to us in return shame in Antioch persecution and afflictions folks worked hard to contradict him in Iconium unbelieving Jews and Gentiles assaulted him they tried to stone him to death in Lystra stoned again taken out of the city and left for dead Paul could not have been a good-looking dude it was don't alive then that's just the name a few Timothy lived in those areas so he was able to see this he must have seen the blood on the ground he must have heard of the rejections heard the rumors yet Paul says I am unashamed 2nd Timothy is probably the last letter Paul writes before he has beheaded by the state it is written in a dungeon and Paul finds himself friendless abandoned poor and physically uncomfortable the scripture says that implies that he was cold he didn't even have a cult to his name and though too many the great Apostle looked weak and defeated chained as a criminal there was not an ounce of shame in that jail cell because who the Sun sets free is free indeed and you can't incarcerate faith and I'm I'm sorry you ever wonder fall how to Instagram is just things going on my brain it Paul had I don't know how he would run his Instagram how do you get out of out of jail you know Al Sharpton you know hashtag apostle hat hashtag suffer I don't I don't know I don't know but there was a reason that nobody's life is as good as they make it seem on Instagram because the world has told us what the flaws are and then they offer a plethora of products to edit those flaws out but Paul purposefully leaves all the things that they call flaws in the insta story this is what it says to us though the world throws shame do not be shamed unashamed is the Timothy has an unedited unfiltered picture of what it actually means to follow Jesus but he wants Timothy to look at it and to wrestle with it it realized about no matter what they're saying about what happened in Antioch and what's happening Iconium and what happened in Lystra these are not flaws in my ministry that's what they're going to call it but God uses that for an opportunity to flex look at the end of that verse look at the end of that verse it says but out of them all out of them all the Lord delivered me meaning he can't he came for me every single time it reminds me of the three Hebrew boys that were thrown into a furnace and when they get into the furnace refusing to Bob out any God besides Jehovah they were prepared to die in there but they trusted God would deliver them they looked inside this furnace and they see a fourth being in there it was God God was with the boys there but note that God doesn't save us from the furnace because there is more glory if he saves us in the furnace and if we die we are still secure for whom do I have in heaven but you there is none on this earth that I desire besides you my heart my flesh my friends my family all may fail but you got all my strength and my portion forever you will deliver me by my right hand by your right hand into glory they couldn't kill us but they cannot hurt us what trouble can they bring to you that he will not see you through and he has two brothers and sisters because Timothy you and everybody wants to be like you will suffer look at verse 12 it says indeed all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted which says to us persecution is not an option for the godly all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted meaning not potential or possibility that is nothing unique about the Apostle or the pastor it all of us who are in the faith everyone who desires to live for Christ Jesus they were experienced push back why the Jesus of the Bible is offensive brothers and sisters an emphasis on the Jesus of the Bible because if you out there acting the fool represent some other Jesus then you know Bible says a fools mouth and by invites of meetings or maybe maybe you you might need I don't know Jesus of the Bible the real Jesus and when you tell people that need to be forgiven you realize that there's an accusation in their are you saying I'm a sinner when you say that Jesus is the lord of lieu of me what are you trying to say what does that mean about all the other religions in the world it's kind of narrow godly living in Christ Jesus is irritating to the flesh yours and the world because resisting sin hurts the type of suffering and then in the world darkness cannot comprehend the light the Bible says that men love the dark and won't come to the light lest their deeds be exposed nobody wants to be around righteousness like that nobody wants to be around a silent yet continual reminder that they are at odds with a holy God irritated are they giving away your your money you're sharing the good gospel but it's very inconvenient holding off being pure saving your sex for marriage I've literally seen people lose their mind over that talk to me I could never feel how scandalous forgiving your enemies were until I had enemies of my own or better yet I went to Liberia with my pastor and and we were we were in a village 18 hours into Liberia into the jungle and we were standing in before a congregation of women where 90% of the women in that audience had been raped at some point in their life and to think that maybe the person who has done this is probably still in the neighborhood and we talk about forgiveness it is is shocking it is radical and it is altogether not cool to the world Christian artists we shouldn't be shocked when a dark mainstream is running from what we do godly living prevents us from pouring ungodliness in our music but it's not really what we are saying about Jesus because a little bit of Jesus in hip-hop is cool but it really is what we refuse to say that makes us distinct we refuse to talk about strippers we refuse to talk about travels we refuse to talk about lean unless we're calling people to Redemption that is irritating beloved if we have figured out a way to share Jesus with people without it bothering them we have figured out something that not even Jesus himself could do if you desire to be godly in your life and your business in your career watch out now that does not mean that if you experience success in the mainstream or or you know things are going well for you when people ain't running around beating you with a stick or something like that that you're in sin I literally had a brother the other day tell me I loved his brother but he told me another day he said when the last time you've been to jail KB for the gospel I went last week yeah first of all take two steps back the idea here is here is to arm yourself brothers and sisters not all of us are called to die a martyr's death but we are all called to have the same spirit of self-sacrifice so Timothy be not discouraged nobody likes pains but nobody likes paying brothers and sister what no sane person likes pain we don't like looking weak and corny it's not fun but we love Jesus more we enjoy the fellowship of our God who is always with us even if the world leaves us often I'll go jogging through my neighborhood and I got my deep song and I just got the Bluetooth ones man so I don't even have a cord so I can I can I can just vibe while I'm running sometimes I'll stop and hit her you know here nice little shadowboxing I'm I'll starting up new Andy comes out and I'm rapping the words and stuff like that and my neighbors are looking at me like what is wrong with him and I'm like what's wrong with Jill's you can hear how crazy this music was you'll be turning up to Richard Warren said that those who are with Jesus in suffering hear this music to which other men are deaths but we dance and do not care if we are considered insane think it not strange family and woe to those who were trying to avoid looking at verse 13 Timothy you and all those who live godly will suffer persecution while evil people and imposters will go on from bad to worse deceiving and being deceived it's that form of godliness a profession of Christian faith but if you just have the form and not the power you can absolutely eliminate persecution and Paul calls that evil Paul is saying it seems like it makes sense to try to avoid the persecution that comes your way but you're not actually moving towards safety you're moving towards danger bad to worse literally means to advance in the direction of worse which says to us that the persecution free life is not a better life they will make this faith in its purity more palatable less edgy my pastor always says they'll try to add the cross defame the sting of discipleship crowns with no crosses and it will deceive people and maybe it's not even intentional but it is deceit and Paul uses the word imposters because he's saying that this is not something that's going to be like happening outside in the world it's those who want to have the form of godliness they want to be identified with the Christian faith they're the ones that are profiting for having just enough godness to get in that these individuals will push this message one thing the Dallas Willard used to say was the people in these last days were referring to the people of last days and might in this context here but he would say they'll become like Christian vampires wanting Jesus for his blood but never for his life verse 14 says but as for you continue and what you have learned and have firmly believed knowing from whom you learned it in hell from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus that never preached by itself God's aim is that we stay nothing gives prospective brothers and sisters on life like when you're reaching it's in again at the end of its life Paul is talking to his spiritual son Timothy and he's not doing that sort of traditional I want you to avoid all the stuff that I did brother okay here are the codes you don't want end up in jail in penniless and cold no no Paul says to Timothy join me come get in on this just like I have endured you endure my son for it is what I have endured that it shaped me in a man that is into a man that is ready for glory this is the blessed life breath blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs the kingdom is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account and be glad for your reward is great in heaven so Timothy legacy continue and let's think about the text is not very clear in the English but that word continued in the Greek literally means to remain remain in you see your safe is complete already it doesn't need to become more compelling it doesn't need to develop into something else you just need to develop in it Paul says hold to what you have learned from childhood the stuff that you got thirty years ago if it was Jesus stuff it's still good today another interpretation for that word deceiver in the previous verses is the word jugglers or magician these people were literally entertaining new things so that people making people depart from that which was old you remain stay back Impostors get bored and move on you stay Paul says Timothy our faith is inexhaustible it's always new it's always fresh don't try to keep up with the time god is ahead of time Scott is behind time Scott is overtime and if you stay with him you will always be relevant sir Jeremiah 6:16 says walk in the old paths for there is life continuing what you have learned why verse 15 because you have been giving you the sacred scriptures that are able to make you wise through South Station oh that's what keeps our aim aligned that's what keeps our aim aligned with his glory and here's my last thought and I am done obsession over what God says keeps us on God's mission like the psalmist he says how can a young man keep his way pure how do I keep my doctrine pure how do I keep my mission pure how do I make sure I'm not going off into a bunch of added things to the gospel and oppressing folks he says by guarding it according to the word verse 16 says all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction for training in righteousness so that the man or woman of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work meaning all scripture front-to-back comes from the divine breath we know that Greek word to your new spouse today she said it in a song one time I've been drinking this music state just as the air is carrying my my words through the microphone to your ears God like nowhere else is speaking through the spirit and the breath of God carries the Word of God to our hearts 40 authors with different levels of Education different experiences different perspectives they they all sit down and write and God does not just give them good ideas he literally hovers over them and he makes sure that everything is straight like a divine flute player he is playing the life and the experience in the education of the author and it's coming out as perfect music so that whenever they speak God is speaking I've been so challenged by the way I have often approached this book it becomes common routine monotonous and that's not how Paul wants us to think about it he wants to think about it as a career the sacred scriptures hollow the truth in this book this is God's speech one of our no he is our favorite theologian a man named dr. Frayn we love him down in Tampa he's helped me realize how profound it is that we serve a speaking God listen just as much as love and of missions and eternality are attributes of God so is God speech it is an attribute of his nature notice when scripture distinguishes God from all false gods why because God speaks and they don't the idols are called dumb and mute that the father the speaker in creation he speaks everything into existence the son the log-off the Word of God the spirit a breath of God that carries the Word of God to our hearts God identifies himself as Lord and we are to worship the name of the Lord his words are the object of our worship because they reveal the very nature the very being of Almighty God do you miss his presence how do you guys have to miss his presence as much as I am present right now with my vocals as you're hearing them God is present with his words in Scripture he's right there God always speaks in person Frank puts it like this when we read the word we encounter God and when we encounter God we hear his word oh if you feel far from God Paul the saying this is where you got to go it is God's word that heals it saves the livers it's created everything holds everything together his acts of redemption are his speech God saved my life he saved your life when he called you the voice of God shakes the earth to its core it's in his decrees if his province its judgment all of it is speech we must listen oh that says something powerful about this Bible that we get to carry in our backpacks and have on our phone just feel like we're stepping in the holy ground when we open it oh if it doesn't we must believe it it cannot be dull it's not dog the other day I had a show in Chicago actually about a month ago I brought my team up it was me al my drummer mo and my road manager Jimmy and after the show of course we had to get some Chicago pizza so we ate at luminaries is Brian's favorite and shoes where they brought the luminaries to us and I ate a slice it was amazing thank God for but my road manager Jimmy he bit into the pizza and he said and I quote this isn't better than Little Caesars I literally God is my witness I literally was on the phone with my wife and I said hold on baby put hold on baby hold hold on with it in fact I'm gonna call you right back I'm gonna call you right back yeah yeah uh-huh yes okay bye what did you say and I said to him I said brother there is nothing wrong with the pizza there is something wrong with your taste bud [Applause] brothers and sisters there's nothing wrong with the flavor of this book there's just something wrong with our taste buds the favorite read that God's Word does not return to him and I'm finishing it does not return to Him Boyd why because he is with his words he will find his target it will bring home his man in Hawaii and colonization in chattel slavery the voice of God was still able to be discerned through all the chaos and all the impurity and all the merging of interests many came to know Jesus sincerely apart from though who was being who was oppressing them the gospel still breaks through in those situations because his word will come back with the purpose it was sent out with the aim of missions is the echo God's voice to the world which is profitable in every scenario known to man it teaches us truth from error it gives us doctrine that doesn't contradict when missionaries went out believing the doctrine of discovery that was given them by the Pope well they were organized people's value in terms of white red and black determining who can have dominion over the land you see the doctrine of creation which is actually in the Bible if submitted to would have crushed that type of thinking because the Bible clearly makes makes it plain to us that you cannot give people dignity they already have it you just have to affirm it every man has the right to take dominion over this land it rebukes us he is Lord we are not when was the last time that I was rebuked and was thankful for it the Bible isn't just trying to tolerate you it wants to transform you its rebukes or love it corrects us the Bible does not exist for us to find things in it to affirm what we already believe but to transform us and bringing us continually death to the path beginning again it trains us in righteousness and last part of that verse so that every man and every woman of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work we are not saved by works but we are saved for good works to take the good gospel the good piece of a good god to a dying world so that when it's all said and done we can say with Paul I have fought the good fight I got no regrets I have finished the course I have kept the faith not perfect but perpetual faithful in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge will award to me on that day and not only to me but also to all who have loved him let's pray father your grace is amazing open our eyes to see it Oh Lord keep us from the evil one maybe lean in to your truth no matter the cost help us to know your aim help us to follow it and send us out on mission Oh God and a way to glorify the true Jesus the real Jesus the Jesus of your God breathed were we love you amen [Music]
Channel: Legacy Disciple
Views: 43,720
Rating: 4.9578166 out of 5
Keywords: Legacy, Conference, Urban, Discipleship, KB, Rapper, Reach Records, Sermon, Missionary, Chicago, Message, 2 Timothy 3, Jesus, God, Paul, Faith, Christianity, Preaching, Teaching
Id: -8Ze7O7nIzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 35sec (2375 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2017
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