Kayangel Gate 4 is an ANNOYING Boss Fight...

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how much you want to bet this guy and go oh [ __ ] man I'm stunned I get it now I get it now I get it now watch how much you want to bet there's a smack in this game was the first boss what the one where you had to get inside the orb yeah he's gonna leave okay this oh this is the thing where he this [ __ ] hurts oh it's the suction holy [ __ ] wow wait who threw that you actually landed the Scarecrow taught there that was insane I mean you just put it at the beginning it's not much I thought you I thought you timed it yo yo yo get away get away get away remember this you have to dodge the thingies get away from me you bozos next one oh my God oh my God my [ __ ] got deleted my [ __ ] got deleted yo cute dog you're gonna have to stay next to me bro okay holy [ __ ] it's supposed to be like cute is it how does that hit me I'm oh my God with me nice you're so [ __ ] okay I'm holding I'm holding okay I don't know where do you go Cox in I don't know where to go missed how do you not die you're the circus okay when you get this you cannot move with that little glass thing then we have to aim at the Crystal Crystal Amy here it's on me is it on me you're aiming at the wrong way there's a really like there's a glass Bridge yeah the glass yo okay listen step over here clocks in the bows though come here come here come here come here throw fire grenades right now throw them throw them we're good and then Dodge this oh my God wait wait wait wait wait for the first explosion wait for the first go go go oh wow that was a big one ah where's my contacts [Applause] I'll go get it wait wait is this the camera why what's this line I don't know oh there's nobody supposed to kill them no wait let me touch you guys it's too late yo break that break this come here you [ __ ] bozos I got it okay we're gonna get Frozen again no no no get this away oh oh Bro [ __ ] this okay oh it's the laser me I started I started I started I started away I started I got it I got it I got it okay you guys standing in the constant amazing yeah and we got it yeah I staggered the whole thing no you gotta break these guys you guys gotta help me break these [ __ ] you dumb [ __ ] you don't [ __ ] then come over and rub us yeah okay I'll go through you guys I'll go get the next one well Dodge this dodge this dodge this this boss sucks dick bro but they're all broken everyone needs to help out I dodged it I dodged it I'm going to stop I'll clear this one Dodge these Dodge these thank you okay we got him we got him we got him wait wait you gotta save him you gotta save him God said law he's dead I don't know what the [ __ ] is happening dude wait oh no don't get no no no no we're all dead bro yeah we're so dead oh that looks cool though okay listen okay well let me explain to you how that last Mech works [Music] yo this is when you want Awakening you want to awaken this cute dog you want to awaken me this you have it you have it no okay this [ __ ] hurts really bad pot spam pot already you gotta you gotta save your Awakening for that hammer that hammer thing yeah that's a lot of damage holy it's gonna be a long day Hammer Hammer side side aim that away from the group if someone gets caught by a scythe you have to get ready to save them cute dog okay what do you mean wait I saved him though no you got a godsend law that what just happened to him you can't get caught yeah I got caught by a scientist okay let me I start here go to your spots it's my laser I start I start I start I start watch the don't get stunned you I see okay I gotta come a little bit further down Clarkson I can't see you okay coming oh [ __ ] oh yeah Oh I thought I could change the direction after the laser I thought I could get it yeah I gotta like Point your way first oh my God you'll still get [ __ ] up [Music] [Laughter] I think it hurts oh [ __ ] come on come on take your time got it nice job uh the next Mech I think is gonna be the first or Mech the orb one like go to your spots remember times three plus times three guys okay times three yeah oh wait it's the mech yeah I get inside get inside get inside and time sweet oh my God I didn't know it's all right I didn't make it in time okay so what is that a hundred lines at a hundred lines 100 lines we gotta go into the middle for the safe spot nice job guys keep it up okay okay time two plus one time two plus one look at your [ __ ] look for the reveal I moved out a little bit too early I can see five right yeah come to the center come to the center come to someone you're done if you're not gonna make it spawn come to the center I'm going here come here get in the shade get in the shade just stay in the shade stay in the shade we're gonna die oh my [ __ ] God you guys all have it right you guys all have it yeah yeah I got it okay all right let's see here stay here stay here just stay here stay right here just stay in the middle just stay right here don't move oh can you tell where the next spot is going to be the runes flash but if you stayed in the middle you'll always get there come here come here okay [Music] don't get out don't get out it's long it's a long cast okay then good job let's just keep pushing it maybe we can maybe we can see the runes it's run back so now look so now you're listen listen to me so you stay in the middle and you ping where you see the runes yeah okay so there there oh so that's my staggery yeah I pinged for you wait where's yours where's yours I I pinged it I guess wait I did I get it I think we're both even the same type of thing so it was like kind of confusing I I got it wrong it's fine on the right side right yeah but also maybe in the other dimension was maybe yours didn't exist I don't know that's the end of the fight by the way all we have now let me see if I can get the suction part well we had the last thing where he doesn't mirror he does a mirror where this this oh my God okay that's great okay I can't get him to do the thing [Music] oh what the [ __ ] okay bro what you're okay did he changed heart what was that shot side side don't get caught aim it away from us if I get caught I'm gonna die I'm too squishy I'm caught I'm caught I'm caught oh no no oh no please don't kill me I'm full HP Cox we're fine I'm alive I'm so dead I'm so dead please don't kill me well I live nice easy get to the center guys get to the center now come to the center come to the center come down [Music] holy [ __ ] do you have your finger now do you have everything or no no you don't you don't three out of three oh my God come to the center oh my God I'm eating and you don't know what they are let us help you get them come to the center I'm stuck bro if you don't know what they are don't go into them you know what I mean okay you know what I mean like I think it's wait yeah yeah he's dead oh my God I have one really bad reset uh just know so after this remember you're gonna stand in the center and just ping and look ping the rooms and look for a ping on your L'Oreal okay stay in the center and then look at the mini map that's a fake one that's a fake one is there anything at the bottom any at the bottom or no yeah I got it nice oh I'm fine why match up right no any ping if you see a ping with a L'Oreal that's the real one oh okay okay statue thing I see okay oh what are you doing where's this Neo Matrix [ __ ] got this no shot I mean how long by the way are you [ __ ] Goblin no you stupid [ __ ] angel does he have a counter pattern at all I haven't seen one I don't think I don't think so yeah he has to have one every boss has one oh I lost mine I got I got it I got it cool down you're fine go up here here here here here move move move oh I went out too early oh my God stay here right here in the middle I'm gonna Shield here that was sketchy as [ __ ] bro but how did I not instantly die though [Music] and don't leave early don't be like me yeah all right thank you we need an orb okay remember stay to the center ping the ones with the runes on it if your lawyer gets a ping that's your real one [Music] okay I got mine I got mine everyone get theirs Cox in police Wing something Cox in I'm dead no why why it's okay it's okay no it's okay it's okay 52 Bars we're fine I didn't see mine we're fine [Music] as soon as you call the time stop again okay yeah I will I will I will I know but let us know we're going top we're going top we're going top we're going top just let us know if you can't find it out you're not saying anything so we don't know go top go top go top go top get over here guys you're so far time's up now time's up oh it's sketchy as [ __ ] we're fine it was all in all three of us okay I'll let you know when a time stop that's so cool I couldn't move it was on all three of us I was just stuck spawn a bottom bottom bottom bottom get over to the bottom side of key dog that's where the shadow is gonna be do you have a time stop or no I do the purple text oh what the [ __ ] my screen is the latest balls whichever the oh okay that's how that's happened to us two times Hammer oh look at [ __ ] Bowser you ain't catching me today you son [ __ ] you goddamn song [ __ ] you ain't catching me today you some [ __ ] in the center okay it's okay there's someone there's one right over there that one over there that one and right here yes come over here first wait now where are you going bro are you out of your mind what's up are you out of your mind yeah after the shadow man bro are you crazy I was getting horny for the pings dude I'm thinking more easy to remember after them oh my God I can see it up [Music] [Laughter] here we go again are you out of your mind I know where an extra one is okay get in the middle get in the middle now get in the middle one I need one it's fine it's fine right here come here come here come here that's that's that one's safe go there go there if you dog right by ping I got one all right now we just chill left side next left side next left side next stay in the Middle come here come back on the very middle whoo stay left side next go go go go stay inside Stay Stay Stay Stay okay good all right 60 lines juice all the crystals are gone so that comes out are you kidding me ow [Music] ens [Music] production plan for what I didn't see that at all I'm grabbing this one now though [ __ ] it I was sitting right here I didn't even know I ran into one okay make sure you ping penguins yeah I have three up here I need more things I need more pink here those three that's it I got it I got it [Music] yes juice okay remember that we're gonna get all you gotta do is time stop these and don't die okay Wi-Fi or down here down here down here make sure you don't forget about these cute dogs okay don't forget these don't forget about these we need these now now he's gonna sucky during his spacebar space bar get out of that laser nice nice dark mom up I'm ulting I'm holding Wi-Fi I missed no it's not where do you get another one soon wash your feet wash your feet wash your feet watch your feet up again we're gonna get the thing soon [Music] Dodge these [Music] wait for this wait for this wait for this get inside no crystals are up right now so we still have the phone we still have a buff yeah [ __ ] I'm stuck also left over the left or left okay we're going left here come here come here come here get ready guys go to the time stop time stop now greatest space we're out of this pull nice no dude I had nobody get up I know how to get up it's okay it's okay you can still kill it you can still kill it you can still kill it I had no way to get up oh kill him please 10 lines four minutes you guys have this what's up what's up please okay get in the outside get it outside first Line's gonna be safe you can kill him [Music] maybe not let's just buy here [ __ ] mad not too bad not too [ __ ] bad pretty good man that was actually [ __ ] cool job dude we did it guys okay suck my balls wait make sure make sure you get your make sure you eat your extra loot for wings oh true oh nothing that was sick let's go what the heck you guys can have that did I get the wings whoa wow that was [ __ ] fun that was actually really fun man oh no yeah [Music] that was actually really fun what is this oh this is the Box oh [Music] that that was fun wow I actually really enjoyed that that was a good reason that change of pace from bro dude so much dude holy [ __ ] yeah they should I feel like this is so fair right it's like they should just do more of these yeah poor man like it's fun they should do more of these [ __ ] what did you okay uh you can have it in computer I don't know what I mean you could have support though you know like okay wait I'm you got more money than me so you're uninstalled you really want to see if you really want you okay I'll give it to you wow that was I they should do more of these [ __ ] the eight man raids these are way better yeah these are these are really good no I'm not I'm from my main I'm not that but that is a like that clown invitus I feel like is so enjoyable like that's just like an easy couple of raids that's like challenging enough for where it's it's challenging enough to where you have to kind of try but it's not challenging enough to where you hate your life doing it Pharrell just sucks ass dude brella's just a terrible you were like this is the best crazy and [ __ ] probably fun with the first couple times yeah this one's at least like fast especially if once you get the Noah more I feel like it'll be pretty quick if we if they remove two and five I would do Brill all day yeah I thought it's pretty bad I don't want to do six either it's too long no I I don't like I don't like Shandy Mack it's annoying bro don't have to do it what do you mean you just stand there do it it's fast and then there you go Shandy slows everything down no Shandy Meck the one it's almost doing Like Hell mode where you just dodged all the roads no but I don't like the Mac in general or people with the Ping for you that the whole Mech is annoying it's yes it's too annoying I cannot stand when someone's like I missed the counter and then the tile blows it up you know what I mean it's just like I it's so annoying I think I just like four-man raids better to be honest I think that's what it is it really is yeah four men are pretty chill it's just like you and a few friends and that's it yeah yeah thank you guys [Music] foreign
Channel: Stoopzz Highlights
Views: 17,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost ark, lostark, lost ark gameplay, lost ark online, kayangel, lost ark kayangel gate 1 hard mode, kayangel gate 1, kayangel gate 1 full run stoopzz, stoopzz full kayangel gate 1 run, kayangel gate 1 hard mode, kayangel gate 1 on hard mode is very easy, stoopzz kayangel, stoopzz elgacia, lost ark elgacia, lost ark kayangel, lost ark news, lost ark korean changes, saintone, atk lost ark, zealsambitions, lost ark smilegate, lost ark asmongold, asmongold, mmorpg, 로스트아크
Id: 2NwdqrMTYds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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