Kayak Fishing Setup | How to RIG a Kayak for BASS FISHING 2020

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hey what's going on and welcome to another episode of kobe act fishing today we have a video that i've been wanting to put out for a long time and that's how i rig and set up my fishing kayak stay tuned [Music] before we get into today's video i want to fill you guys in on some really cool information i have a sponsor of this video and that sponsor is carveco outdoors they are a brand new online fishing lure store and you can go there at carvedco.com to check out their great prices on all kinds of fishing rules and so the guys there sent me a box see colby act fishing here we go carve co outdoors and in the box my boy bryce hooked me up with a ton of stuff and you can find some of those same awesome lures here at our dashcode.com so here is their website it's a great looking website on the home page they have newly added stuff down here at the bottom you can check out all of their supplies that they sell their lures that they sell some new stuff that they got rolling in little fly kits uh they gave me one of these and it is really awesome they also sell used lures and there's some really gently owned pre-owned used lures that they have in here but maybe my favorite part about the whole site is the vintage lures they have some oldies but goodies here in their vintage lure section i mean look at these guys just some classics from way back in the day like the bomber water dog just all kinds of good stuff it would just be fun to just hey i'm gonna buy a couple of these and then you know see if i can catch them like the old guys used to do so make sure you go and check these guys out car dashcode.com and uh and thank you for supporting them by supporting me by supporting them so i've had this kayak for about 10 years maybe even a little older than that it is a feel-free mochenton angler edition it is the first generation they feel free has changed up uh all their kayaks and added some little new bells and whistles but this is the og all right so let me take you through it let me show you how i set it up we'll start at the bow we'll go all the way back now when i first started rigging up the kayak i saw all kinds of videos of how other guys and gals were doing it but i figured something out right up front and if you don't get anything from this video maybe this will be kind of something that will help you i started doing things that work best for me somebody might do something or i might have something or rig up something in a way that you like but may not be the best fit for you so the biggest thing overall is to find something that you like and is going to work best for you and not try to like duplicate exactly what other people do just you know emulate it and then twist it and then make it your own the bow all the way up front the thing that i love about the feel freak kayak especially this one is it has the molded handle in it uh this is really important for me when i'm putting the kayak on my roof i always loop rope through here to really hold it down on the front i've also put a little gopro mount right here so if i want to take this little gopro accessory put it up front and just kind of get a a shot that gets kind of the whole kayak and then the in the background i can do that and it's really easy to move around and i've got a couple of these little mounts all over the boat and we'll see those as we roll but the biggest kind of thing here in the front is this little hatch now unfortunately it's not a dry hatch let's talk about on the hatch first so none of this stuff on the top of it was stock i did this all myself what i did is i added some pad eyes and created a little bungee system if i wanted to strap something down i also snagged these off of jackson kayak's website they are rod tip holders so if i want to have a a rod let me get one real quick and show you so let's say i'm rolling down the river and i want to have i want to lay down my rods because right now i've got them all standing up what i can do is i can slide the rod tips underneath here and secure them out of the way if there's any overlying shrubbery or branches or anything like that and it kind of gets them out of the way and i can put a couple on this side and a couple on this side so this has been kind of a cool little addition um that i did and again stole them off of uh jackson kayaks website i think they have them on the coos and these are just replacement parts now inside the hatch is uh i use it for a bunch of different things right now i've got my battery box in there so it's really easy to open it has this little rubber handle and i'll help you look in and see what we got going on so this is my battery box that my dad made for me thanks robin and uh it's pretty cool it's got it's all water tight it has a little uh plug to a couple plugs here for usb and then it also has a little plug here for my fish finder which uses just a standard cigarette lighter adapter boom and it plugs right in turn it on and then it gives power to everything so it's pretty cool little setup i usually have it strapped in underneath this little guy to keep it from flopping around if i flip the boat which i've done before it'll stay in here so speaking of fish finder here she is just a hundred dollar fish finder lowrance hook 3x it does everything that i needed it to do it gives me temperature it gives me depth and then it shows if there's something underneath me whether it's fish or grass or anything like that you kind of just have to figure out what's what and it also tells you like bottom consistency if it's hard or soft things like that it's perfect for what i need it to do i don't use it a lot because i do a lot of small body pond fishing and they're typically shallow enough to where you can just kind of figure it out from there but i wanted to put it on and show you how i have my transducer mount so this is my transducer mount it is pvc i've spray painted it some colors it's already starting to chip but you know whatever and also i wrapped it in some gorilla tape and stick it right here in one of my rod holders the little flesh mount flesh mount flush mount rod holders so that way it just stays in there and it's right perfectly in the water here's another one of those gopro mounts so if i want to get dope release shot or um and it sounds wonderful i know or if i want to get a shot up like that a lot of times just a crotch shot so you have to angle it up so just keep that in mind future fishermen when you set up cameras in front of you um your crotch is just right there in the picture the whole time so just kind of keep that in mind so now we're the midsection of the boat uh two things i want to talk about well actually maybe three things here we'll start up here this is a scottie triple mount um i have my uh fish finder on it i also have a little spot for any kind of ram accessories and then this is usually where my cup holder goes and i've got it just mounted to a traditional scottie mount right here and the cool thing was that feel free there's like a little plate already laid out there because they knew that you were going to mount a something of scotty's right there a failed dimension to this lid comes off so i typically have the lid off so that way i can you know store some stuff and access it a lot easier but for today i wanted to show you all my bells and whistles so you gotta check it out so here we have two things um this is just a little hatch here when i'm not sitting on this guy um i am usu i usually sit on this so what this is or have my seats sitting on it this is just a gripper non-slip piece of material so that way my seat's not sliding around so it just kind of keeps me nice and steady where i want to be and then some scupper plugs sometimes i'll put lures or trash or anything like that in there it is not a 100 water tight so stuff does get wet in there now this is kind of my first big accessory that i or modification that i did to the boat um this portion used to be just a like tupperware lid it was the weirdest thing and it was up off the ground so it made it standing really difficult so what i did is i basically cut out the lip that held up the tupperware on and i just installed one of these deck plates real simple i have a strap that i put in right here so that way if i wanted to have a sponge to if i started getting water i could open up and get the sponge and sponge some out um or i usually keep my scupper plugs in here sometimes if i'm not using this but deck plate sealed it up with some silicone good to go another cool thing here in the middle that you can see is got little pockets so sometimes i like to put a little soft plastics in here um if i don't care about them getting wet that's fine i tried putting a gopro battery in here one time it went bye-bye so i'm mindful about what goes in here so moving on to the seat sitch um i'm pretty proud about this i made this little high chair i guess out of wood which you can see is the base of the seat and i just jigsaw cut it out and painted it black and then the underside is actually pvc um recently i went in and you can see these little drawers added a couple little drawers and then just screwed them to the bottom got these at target like three bucks and so i keep like maybe an extra set of pliers or some soft plastics or lures that i'm using that are just kind of flopping around so i just throw them in there real quick uh one thing that i do want to add i want to try to see if i can attach some sort of um little locking mechanism a little bungee ball or something that comes up through here that way just prevents them from always just sliding out when it's just moving around so the seat it actually came with the kayak this is a kingfisher um and it's made by feel free and you can see it's got the feel free logo on it it is an amazing amazing seat it is so comfortable this is actually the second one uh the first one um made it about seven years and it was just so old and the straps were starting to rip and things like that on the back so i got this one um and you can just order from their website or amazon i think even has them but this seat is so comfortable look even a grasshopper wants to sit on it perfect so um the paddle i use this is new got for christmas thanks mom and dad uh bending branches angler classics got that little hook in there to help you get your lures out which has come in handy and the pfd that i always always always wear when i am kayaking and fishing always i'm not being sarcastic it is the number one most important safety piece of gear that you can have always always always wear your pfd this one is a one of the new chinook os's made by nrs all kinds of pockets i got the co-pilot knife on it pretty cool little blade got it attached if i need emergency cut something or just want to show it off it's right there sometimes i'll also attach my pliers here but i don't have those on at the moment so working our way back to the tank well i have a feel free crate bag this is probably one of my more favorite pieces of gear that i've ever gotten it's got rod holders on it it's got a bunch of storage it's got pockets all around it it's got five rod holders total and if i ever want to just load them up i can it's got this lid and oh where'd he go but i'll show you on the other side it's got the lid and this is a clear pouch that you can put stuff in on the top um let me show you what i got inside so like we said here's a clear pouch maps your id anything like that it stays actually pretty secure but if you look over the inside there is this uh metallic looking material so you could actually store fish in here which i have actually used this as a cooler before and it's worked out great there's a pouch on the underneath side if you want to try to keep stuff out of the water or keep things cool in here what i have rocking uh this is just loaded down i typically don't have all of these in here but i have my tackle boxes and i make sure to have tackle boxes that are watertight why when you flip these float and you will flip and all of this will just come out and if something is not watertight it will sink to the bottom and there goes all that monies so make sure you always have things that are watertight or somehow have them secured to your boat the old adage if you don't leash it you'll lose it and i have lost some things before when i flipped my kayak a couple videos back i lost a set of pliers and no more bye-bye okay so make sure you have a way of recovering things and i have this strapped in too so it's not going to go anywhere there's little pockets on the side here i just keep a little bag of things that i don't want to get wet my fish lure retriever typically i have like a sunscreen or bug spray which i need because my legs are getting head up right in that little pocket and then like we said three holders on the back two right here on the other side i'm bringing it all the way to the rear there's not really much going on here we have the drain plug and then we have this little mount a little gear track mount i used to use this for um i had one of those deeper fish finders with the little extender arms that would come off like that so that was my first fish finder and then use my phone i've since i've used obviously you saw it converted but so i can use this for other things i just haven't quite figured out exactly what i want to use for it but it is customizable okay i know you've been looking at it i know you're curious about my anchor trolley typically this is like the number one thing that people want to add to their kayak and change up on their kayak and all that kind of stuff i'm going to show you how i have my anchor trolley set up so the pulleys that i have they are they are plastic pulleys and they are the harkin pulleys that's upside down you can't really see it but it says harkin right there and somebody just got shot uh these are hark and pulleys that i have fashioned just like a little bit of paracord right here and then i use plastic carabiners with a not so much bungee anymore mini bungee ball attached to a pad eye right there and i have the same setup running on the top here have the harkin uh little pulley and then which is plastic and then the plastic carabiner and then the pad eye now um this is just regular paracord and right at the heart of everything right here i have two nylon rings two nylon rings so here's one and then here's the other one and the paracord is just tied to it and i have a big carabiner right here and you can change out these carabiners and i didn't want to use a plastic one because this is where you get you need something heavy duty and metal and this one's actually stood up pretty good i don't know if it's stainless steel or not but there's no rusting on it at all and i've had it for a few years so here is my anchor quick release setup so i have the anchor back this way and i have it attached to a chain so if i just want to drag chain i can do that and then i have that chain attached to a little um where i have a carabiner attached to the chain and then attached to my anchor line now how this works is i'll just drop the anchor and this little float will roll and while it's rolling it also twists here so it doesn't snag anything up and it does it pretty well and then when it gets to the depth when it stops rolling i take this fancy little clip right here and loop it around and then snug it in there and it doesn't go anywhere and then when i'm ready to move i just pick it up honestly i just pick it up and just throw it in the into the boat but if i wanted to be more precise with it i'll just undo this and then take it and then use my hand to roll it up and it does a pretty good job of rolling up now these plastic um pulleys they work amazing they are way better than metal don't get metal just spend the money on the plastic because um the metal will get wet sometimes i even had some stainless steel pulleys no get the harkins i've had these for uh five or six years now and they've been the same ones they are awesome so i know what you're thinking you see something underneath here don't you well let me tell you about what it is i'm not a huge fan of the clothesline situation i'll show you how i have mine set up because if i have this here and i get into some trouble and i have it locked down in my little cleat right here and it's not moving anywhere i need to be able to detach very quickly have a quick release so being able to just unclip it it that works for me i like that and then if i throw my lure into a bush and i'm already anchored up i can easily just unattach this will still be floating with the buoy i can go get it retrieve it come back and then hook back up again no problem so i don't have to pull everything up now with this setup down here uh this is my i kind of just took some extra pvc and your little clothesline dude there and it'll just sit in one of my rod holders and this will run through here is that how i do it no i have the buoy on the outside this will run through here this will attach to the anchor and and then i will once it gets out to where it needs to be i then just use this cleat and hook it or sometimes i even use this cleat right here that you can't really see this cleat right here and i'll just hook it here and it makes it it makes it a little bit easier for me to just kind of undo like that and then pull it up and let the clothesline reel it in so a couple options there for the anchor for the anchor system i prefer quick release and safety but if i'm on a pond or something you know this would be fine but i typically just go with this one so last but not least i have my method of videotaping and this is my little boom pole or my selfie stick or however you want to call whatever it is i wish i would have made a video on how i made it because it's pretty innovative i took a bunch of ideas and kind of fashioned them to my own so it starts out with a scottie mount and then i have a scotty to ramble adapter that you push in here and you screw it down and tighten it up then i have a ram ball um little thing here this is just one of the ram mounts and this piece is pretty interesting so this is just a typical ram ball and it is attached uh to my pole and this pole is just a monopod camera pole but how i attached it was i dropped a screw that had like a rectangular head down in here and then lined it up and then cinched it down and that's how i got it to fit there and then as we go up i'm trying something new today trying out this microphone for the gopro doesn't have the best sound so we'll figure it out but the cool thing about the monopod is i can extend it up and down to get different angles and things like that and then i have the ram mini mount right here with the ram ball adapter for the gopro and then the same kind of thing that i talked about in the one down there is right here i put another screw up this way and then screwed it in like that so it's a pretty cool little setup and then i wrapped it with a bicycle hand wrap so for those bicycles that have the curly handles uh the road bikes i used some wrap for this and it's actually worked out pretty well so that way when i'm reaching back it's not this black metal thing that's scalding my hand if i need to move it or change it or do anything like that and it gets some pretty cool over the shoulder shots so if we come back and see oh look at that over the shoulder shot and i get some good release footage too well i hope that you have enjoyed this walk through of how i rig my kayak remember remember remember don't do something exactly that i've done or somebody else has done to their kai do what works for you and remember just because i did it doesn't mean you have to do it do what you want do what you feel works best for you and i cannot state that enough so thank you for watching if you're not already a subscriber make sure you do so because i'm about to take this and put it out there and do a little afternoon evening bass fishing and if you want to see a video uh where i'm out here then you subscribe to the channel and you'll see me out there so until next time keep those lines tight and make sure you go check out the merch store [Music] you
Channel: Colby Yak Fishing
Views: 1,288
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, Kayak, Kayak fishing, Bass, Bass fishing, Kayak bass fishing, Feelfree, Feelfree kayaks, Feelfree kayak, Moken, Moken 10, Moken 10 angler, Pond fishing, Pond bass fishing, kayak fishing setup, kayak fishing rigging ideas, kayak fishing for bass, kayak fishing for beginners, kayak bass fishing setup, setup for kayak fishing, best setup for kayak fishing, best kayak fishing setup
Id: NuNkTePg_7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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