Katt Williams is EXPOSING Everyone: Kevin Hart, Steve Harvey, Ludacris, Tiffany Haddish, and MORE

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the King has walked in and they have to respect it they pay you to not talk about things they don't want you to talk about they canel me for talking about Harvey Weinstein but he offered to suck my P in front of all my people now I've had to turn down $50 million four times just to protect my Integrity cuz P didy be wanting the bodyy and you got to tell him no what do you expect the guy married on what do that mean the product was Martin tried to put me in my first dress we were both invited to an uminati thing one of those persons turned out to be ludicrous and the other person turned out to be Cat Williams Cat Williams is exposing everyone in the industry from Tiffany hates to Kevin Hart from Steve Harvey to Harvey Weinstein he's sharing the dark side of the industry and telling the truths that everyone has been hiding so let's get into [Music] it I don't know what happened to Cat Williams but he switched up because he decided to turn on everyone in the industry I'm talking about Steve Harvey Kevin Hart P Diddy so many people that he has worked with and he's now sharing their dirty secrets he went for Tiffany Hades Martin Lawrence which actually I saw Martin Lawrence at a comedy show it was like a 20 bucks show and he just like went on stage and then Ali Wong went on stage and it was wildo so la but um Cat Williams explains that he feels safe on this podcast to share his truth cat said I've watched these low brow comedians come on to this podcast and disrespect you in your face and tell you straight up lies so this was Cat Williams moment to set the record straight the King has walked in and they have to respect it only because I've not taken the shortcuts I've not been funded they pay you to not talk about things they don't want you to talk about they tell you that themselves I can't do that cuz I now a lot of people are looking at cat in disbelief because he's going against a lot of people that he's typically working with and it kind of seems like he's going against his own people but he says race is not where the line is drawn it's God's side and the other side all of these deviants are catching hell in 2024 it's up for all of them it doesn't matter if you're Diddy or whoever you are all the lies will be exposed now I want to explore what cat is saying here but I also want to keep in mind that we can't go on his word completely you know we're living in the real world there are multiple sides to every story and it doesn't help when he's like you know referring to Kim K as a and calling people certain names it makes you question if he's like just really upset with how he's been treated in the industry or if there is some truth here which I think there's both a little bit of both what do you expect the guy married on like oh Lord I didn't mean it like that I mean married her because she was one now he didn't know he understood that he wanted that he corded that that's what he wanted to base his she got a good heart though I know what you going to say don't you say it cat don't you say it I'm will move to if what I'm saying is not correct then how do she end up with Pete Davidson I mean it happens all the and what if you weren't even good enough for Pete and he leaves you what do that mean the product was now everyone has their opinions on Kim but let's get into what he has to say about Kevin Hart because Kevin Hart is so beloved by everyone well cat claims there's a reason for that because he says that Kevin Hart is an industry plant and claiming that his success has not been organic because he got movie deals before he even like got to La no one had a memory of Kevin Hart working in the comedic scene and having a soldout show he said have we heard of a comedian that came to LA in his first year in La he had his own sitcom on a network show and had his own film called Soul Plane no we've never heard of that before that person or since that person Kevin just did a documentary with Chris Rock where he shows you that his whole upbringing in comedy was on the East Coast so how simultaneously was he here in La doing the same thing it didn't happen so he's almost trying to say that like Kevin made some deal with the devil and then got this position in the industry where he just kind of came out of nowhere and he brought Tiffany hadish in with him but Kevin hasn't just sat here and taken it from Cat Williams he has actually responded before in the past they've had beef for a while and maybe cat is just jealous of Kevin's success but this is what Kevin had to say a frustration with cat Williams comes from you keep pointing at Hollywood Hollywood this the white man this this and this when do you take responsibility for your action you were set up to be the star you didn't show up to work you off promo shoots you became a risk to the studios which is why the studios sto with you why was he a risk he chose drugs oh take responsibility for what you chose and say you know what I got to fix me and I'm going come back and I'm going stand up for comedy now maybe Kevin has a point there I mean if K isn't showing up to work then they're going to hire someone who will but Kevin isn't the only person that cat has had issues with because he's also had issues with Kedrick the Entertainer now Kedrick is a fellow comedian and supposedly cat claims that Kedrick stole one of his bits verbatim that he performed in the 9s after cat saw Kedrick go out and perform his joke he said he thought that I was a no-name comedian that he could just take this joke and nobody would know he went on to say we found out he can't sing he can't dance he can't write jokes he did four comedy specials there're so bad you can't even find them on Netflix or on tub now here's a clip breaking down the joke and how cat feels about krick's performance Sedrick told you when you asked him did you steal Cat Williams joke he said it don't line up how it don't line up he thought that I was just a no-name comedian and that he could take this joke and nobody would know right the issue was that I had already done this particular joke on BET's Comic View twice right in a six Shi converter [Applause] now I can see the similari there's not a lot of words so we can't really go off the verbatim part but you know it's the same joke but of course cat took this moment to go and attack katrick on his wa and because of his standup comedy routine is claiming they're not original and they're not even funny Kedrick responded saying that it's an interesting time now people get on these blogs and they just start spewing stuff that's not even factual I am who I am and I stand on that for sure now we can't talk about Kevin har if we're not going to talk about Tiffany hadish because cat has had a similar relationship to these two just kind of discrediting their work and maybe he's right I'm not here to say he's right or wrong but he's saying that Tiffany hadish is only famous Because She Bangs white guys okay cat said Tiffany got famous off of someone else's writing and anyone would have earned a critical acclaimed reading of the girls trip script which cat claims that he saw way back in 2004 he added Tiffany's been in comedy since she was 16 but claims no one knows her jokes then there's this she ain't done a tour yet she ain't done a special she's not proven the ability to tell jokes back toback for an hour to nobody it just kind of seems like cat's a little bit bitter but he's claiming that uh Brad Pit may be the reason why Tiffany is out here getting all these moments on screen seems like cat just wants to be as big of a star but he's so bitter you know we don't really like Tiffany hadish on this channel after what she did with those young kids we've talked about it before I believe that video got like age restricted so like it was problematic but here's a clip of her responding to La I've been doing I was on N raving I was on I was on all the sh I did extra work I was on all the the white people TV shows the black people TV shows I used to be on Dance 360 I've been out of here I've been telling jokes since 1996 this said oh they wouldn't let her perform in The Comedy Store that's true they wouldn't let me perform on the white nights in The Comedy Store but I performed on all the black nights they wouldn't let me perform on the White Nights At The Improv but I performed on all the black in Lao night now that Tiffany has said her peace let's talk about what cat says about Kanye West he says Kanye was the weird guy in the beginning and people shouldn't be surprised by what's happened these years since becoming a household name quote the dude started a church and kept cussing nobody in a black church said nothing you would have thought all the pastors would have came up and said you can't be a gospel artist but they didn't and he also brings up P didy this is where he eventually goes off on Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson but essentially saying like you know Kanye thinks he's so Almighty Godly but in fact he's just one of those on the other side that cat is describing which sounds like the evil side the Illuminati side he's not making it very clear what you think about Kanye rant what's going on with Kanye from a distance obviously I don't know how well you know Kanye I don't know if you've been around Kanye but from a distance what what what what do you suspect is going on I suspect that we're pretty awful people if we say that somebody got a mental illness and then we watch what they do if you say somebody got special needs then why would you be watching them and holding them accountable like everybody else because I mean what are we reacting to what are we reacting to you're the one that put him in a position where he thought he was God and could call himself yeus and you're the one told the guy that writes Musical lyrics that he was a genius M you're the one that's like so cat has a point there I'm pretty sure Society has declared Kanye West mentally ill so why are we surprised every time we see him behaving a certain way it's like kind of like watching a train wreck over and over again and people get off on it but one person I was super surprised to hear Cat Williams bring up was Harvey Weinstein saying that they cancelled me for talking about Harvey Weinstein before the me to movement but he offered to suck my in front of all of my people at my agency what am I supposed to do he did all of that I'm thinking I'm the only black person on the script I get there it's three other black guys there huh I told him know what do you all do which I've heard a lot of Harvey Weinstein stories we've heard from the victims but I don't think I've ever heard of like a male victim like this is the first time I've ever heard anything like this they cancelled me for talking about Harvey Weinstein before the thing came out but he offered to suck my in front of all my people at my agency what am I supposed to do he did all of that I'm thinking I'm the only black person on the script I get there it's three other black guys on there woo huh you wonder what they did I told him no what y'all do and this is why when I walk in a room heads go down behind my back I'm nothing I'm just a regular old comedian that's bitter and jealous Steve Harvey is a big deal and he's a household name he's on the game shows and you wouldn't really think he's problematic but cat's had his moments with him very similar to Kedrick claiming that he had plagiarized the premise of Mark Curry's sitcom Hanging with Mr Cooper for the Steve Harvey Show he was actually kind of mean to Steve Harvey which I like Steve Harvey but he said that there are 30,000 new scripts in Hollywood every year not one of them asked where a country bumpkin black dude that can't talk good and looks like Mr Potato Head cat also claims that Steve claims that he had stopped doing standup because he had seven TV shows but when he stopped doing standup he did not have seven TV shows he got into a comedy battle with Cat Williams in front of 10,000 people and he lost and uh he claims that oh my God he was actually bald and that was a wig cat alluding that he embarrassed Steve so badly that he couldn't show his face and stand up again I don't know if you guys have heard of Steve Harvey's homeless story but cat is calling it BS saying that that is his story saying that Mark Curry was touring with him 25 years ago and he was making $3,000 in cash a show doing five shows a week so he's accusing Steve of trying to rewrite history make his past seem like it was way worse than it actually was to gain sympathy yet that just wasn't the case and he's claiming that I had lived that life you never did because he has seven TV shows see the reason I stopped was because I seven shows on TV all at once the only problem is when he stopped stand up he didn't have those seven TV shows he stopped stand up because he got in a comedy battle called the championship of standup comedy with one Cat Williams in Detroit in front of 10,000 people and lost because Cat Williams said he was actually bald and that was a wig and I went in and that's why he couldn't do standup anymore imagine him coming to tell you another story now Ricky Smiley is another person that Cat Williams decided to go in on now cat claims he put in his contract that he wouldn't work with Ricky Smiley again unless he's in a dress pretty much they had an opportunity to work together and I guess Ricky Smiley and like Tyler Perry these men they you know do drag essentially when they act and cat is trying to say that Ricky Smiley isn't funny unless he's in a dress he can only play a woman trying to say that his acting skills aren't there but he also went on to make a comment saying that his like child had died like right around this time and then he went on like speaking about it I'm not entirely sure where in this timeline but he's trying to at least suggest that maybe this man like sacrificed his kid and then went on the air and lied all about it but he told everybody was Cat Williams and don't nobody know who he is I'm on the radio I'm with stepen said everybody know me that's what he told everybody that we listen to on the set why would you put that in your with his in your contract cat that's where he's the a believable actor him and Tyler Perry can't play a man the say their life they play good women and I believe that the best actor should be in the best role so that's why because when we released that clip and he said that you responded because he said he was supposed to play money mik and you were supposed to say play Santa Claus an outright lie so that he knows is a lie so why would he say it cuz he's a liar Nobody Knows Why Liars lie and that's why I had to come on the program now let's get to the part where he brings up people like Diddy and Michael Jackson he said quote I came into this business saying I was going to expose when I talked about Michael Jackson when I talked about AR Kelly they canceled me for these things because why would you talk about another black dude race is not where I draw the line they offered him 50 million and he turned it down who going to turn down 50 million now I've had to turn down $50 million four times four times just to protect my integrity and that virgin hole I was telling you about right uh cuz P Diddy be wanting the party and you got to tell him no you got to tell him no I did I did see I got to rece for everything I'm telling you that's why I can say them so I need K I need know we've heard a lot of rumors about Diddy sleeping with other people in the industry and pressuring other people Usher Justin Bieber so many more people we've talked about this in past videos so I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to pressure cat as well and it kind of seems like CAD is just a little bit upset with everyone in the industry and you know I guess with the lack of bluntness like calling out people when they're not doing well not performing well or screwing you over like Michael blacks and he called him out at one point saying that this comedian who's like coming out here with this like fake African accent and wearing like this attire he just isn't getting booed enough which I think is maybe a little bit insensitive I mean Michael blackton said Cat Williams is a very smart slur slur he took shots at the top 10 comedians alive today so we can all respond and make him relevant again which is a good point most comedians don't get booed enough I mean this is how you end up with a Michael blackon who's a real African doing a fake African ACC okay this guy is mad at me all I did was give him the best advice of his life remember he was wearing dirty dashiki and I told him he needed to dress to be in the position that he's trying to say that he's in and if you're the African king of comedy sir there's actually comedians in Africa doing comedy if you going to say that you got to go to Africa and get a school dude everybody got you you got to put put in some work and this does kind of seem like a strategy I mean when you're going for such big names people who are going to Trend people like Joe Rogan he said Joe Rogan failed to have comedians on his show if you were a comedian that cussed you were ridiculed by the mainstream comedy gist that would be like me on Joe Rogan Joe does not want me there I need to be on Shannon Joe got six comedians that never been funny and he wants to push it out that's how it is now I don't know if Joe saw this interview or what but he put out a tweet saying I love cat he's one of my favorite comics I'd love to have him on we talk about him all the time if he's down I'll make it happen so he invited him on that show and if this was some kind of like strategy to get some press it's I mean it's doing its job because now he's probably going to go on Joe Rogan show um and that's how it was for blue comedy um if you were a comedian that cussed you were ridiculed by the mainstream comedy Guist that would be like me being on Joe Rogan Joe don't want me on there I need to be on Shannon Joe Joe got six comedians that never been funny he want to push out but that's really how it is now I'm excited to talk to you guys about ludicrous because that's where we hear a little bit about the Illuminati so when talking about his relationship with ludicrous he says there was a Crossroads where we both were invited to an Illuminati thing and it had to be one or the other of us and decisions had to be made so it was both of us we were equal one of us had to cut off all the hair and couldn't do the Sideburn thing anymore with the points and the next person they said they were going to get 200 million because they were going to pay them 10 million to do a movie I guess 20 movies and that's how the conversation happened one of those persons turned out to be ludicrous and the other person turned out to be Cat Williams ludicrous responded to Cat Williams in a video freestyle he posted to Twitter in it he wrapped that he had never been Illuminati and that Addictions on the rise calling Cat Williams a drug addict which we've heard a few people say at the this point so there was a Crossroads where we were both invited to an Illuminati thing and it had to be one or the other of us and decisions had to be made so it was both of us we were equal one of us had to cut off all their hair and couldn't do the Sideburn thing no more with the points and the next person they said was going to get 200 million do because they were going to pay him 10 million of movie to do 20 movies and that's how the ation happened one of those persons turned out to be ludicrous and the other person turned out to be Cat Williams now one person ended up with a light-skinned ugly face wife that's never done I have to admit I love how all these people are responding and the fact that ludicrous came out with like a rap against Cat Williams I mean that is a moment as I mentioned earlier I recently saw Martin Lawrence like unexpectedly I did not plan it and of course Cat Williams has his Martin Lorden story saying Martin tried to put me in a dress when he had to go on his Hiatus he told me cat when I come back I need you you are my young partner you're my brother in comedy when I come back just promise me that you'll be in my next movie it'll be me and you he said he got the script Big Mama house too and when Martin tried to put him in a dress he was not going to do it I mean but you know the some of the people Martin tried to put me in my first dress when he had to go on his Hiatus he tell me cat when I come back I need you you my young partner you're my brother in comedy when I come back just promise me that my next movie it'll be me and you we going to do it together we going to do some buddy cop I said Martin you got my mothering word my since the Airing of this podcast there's been a lot of criticism on Shannon for having Cat Williams on and entertaining his ideas Shannon has gone out saying I'm not a journalist I'm not here to get the truth I'm here to get these people's truth and to hear them out which I totally respect I think there are multiple truths to some situations of course when it comes to like law and things like that we get to the bottom of it but like like you know Cat Williams may have had his experience maybe he was high half the time so he's got a different perspective but I actually respect that Shannon's like allowing him to speak and if there aren't you know if it's not true if there are falsehoods people will correct them and that's exactly what all these people did but I want to hear what you guys think in the comments below let's go ahead and open a peel box package item looks like this one is from sensory soaps which is in Arizona which I'm so excited about I just moved into this place so I don't have like a lot of things and actually another person s soap too and I'm like I'm so excited I could use this oh my God I'm already reacting to this I have to react like what is going on here my logo on a soap what like is it on it or is it like it's like on the soap I think like printed and look at that that is so I've NE I've literally never seen anything in this in my life like what is going on here I need to read this letter cry soaps hello slan I've been a devouted follow of yours for a couple of years I love love watching your videos while I craft for my small business or even when I want to tone out the world while I'm shopping at the store honestly same your thoughtful discussions on real life topics have become consistent and anticipated part of my routine I love that I want to send you a little something as a big thank you in this package is a shea butter soaps with your logo on each of it each soap is made with shea butter and vitamin E I hope you love them as much as I love creating them your audience can get a custom soap themselves and get 15% off by using Code Sloan 17 s l o a N17 it's an Etsy shop called sensory soaps thank you so much Sabrina like this oh my God there's a little one there's a little one this is like truly like how do I how do I ever use soap like this like there's no like I love like my logo of things and I need like a shelf in my studio where I just have like all these things you guys have send me of like my logo because this is amazing thank you so much and I'll see you guys in a new video soon bye [Music] guys [Music]
Channel: SLOAN
Views: 233,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: katt williams, katt williams shannon sharpe, katt williams interview, diddy
Id: shsaUS9kBds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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