Christina Aguilera Tells Kelly They Are 'Twins Separated At Birth' | The Kelly Clarkson Show

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(clapping) - Last month marked the 20th anniversary of your debut album, which is crazy! - Yeah that is crazy. (cheering) - I mean that's amazing. I literally remember when you came out and I was like finally! (laughing) I was like our generation has this big, bold vocalist. Because we grew up with so many great vocalists like listen to it. - We did, and the ballad era. - Oh my god, the 1990s were so good. I miss the 1990's. - Oh, nostalgic. - Oh, I know. But I was so excited, can you believe it though? 20 years. - I definitely look back at old pictures and now that it's the 20th anniversary, and I'm just like aww cute. Like, it's baby Christina. (laughing) - Yeah! - But now I feel like I, could like, mother her now. I'm like it's okay, like we're gonna, you know what I mean? Cause when you get older you're just so much more self-assured and it's like, I wouldn't pay to go back to the 20's. - Becoming a mother helped me with that. (laughing) All my 20's sucked. - But it was fun, kind of along the way. But I could do without a lot of the insecurities that you shed and would know when you get older. But, yeah. - And also, everybody thinks it's success, success, like oh you must be the happiest person ever. - [Christina] Oh it's so much hard work. And honestly those were like my darkest moments cause your so busy and your just so damn. - We are twins, we're separated at birth. - I know I've heard you in interviews and I'm like I know. (laughing) - I'm like, no I get it it can be really hard and people think your like the greatest thing ever, and it's like, I'm so tired. (laughing) And your voice is wrecked and people expect, and you don't learn how to say no. - Yes. - You don't learn how to say no. - You're absolutely right. - And your in your 30's and you're like no. (laughing) - Yes we have the right to say no and that is something that, you know, they don't teach you. Especially as young girls coming up in the business too. It's a very male dominated industry and I always had older managers and things, and agendas and a schedule. Since I was seven. It's hard to look at my kids and be like. - Seven? - Yeah, I love it. I was born to do it, I can't think of anything else. But, yeah. - That's crazy! - I mean people, they look at how it looks on tv and all the glamor and things like that but the inner workings and the behind the scenes of it all, it's brutal and you do have to have. - [Kelly] Thick skin. - [Kelly] And learn to have a thick skin. Learn to say no, like you said. And be there for yourself. - And surround yourself with people that love you and don't want to just ride your coat tails and make money off of you. - It's true. And it's important. (clapping) Absolutely. I've always been a diary girl, I don't know about you. - Me too. - I'm a scrapbooker, a diary girl, so I like, I literally. - I'm a scrapbooker! (laughing) - But it's so interesting. I was looking back at old diaries and I was like, oh my god some of me has like not changed at all. I think it's really important to stay grounded and have that connection with yourself and who you are and where you came from. - And not forget where you came from. - And we have real backgrounds and histories. - Yeah, yeah. - We weren't raised with silver spoons. - No. (laughing) - No offense to anyone that has, good for you. - No, great for you. Our kids are going to be like that, that's what's so funny. My kids are going to never know what it's like to go without. - It's crazy. - So that's just beautiful. - And my son is sometimes like, your house is too big. I'm like uh. (laughing) - My house is too big? (laughing) - I got mad at my kids once because I was like. - They like cozy. - Are you sad in your mansion? (laughing) - I was like are you sad? Was your unicorn not glittery enough? - That's right. Mummy worked hard for this, Yeah, exactly. - I was like, I'm working hard. - Yeah, I know, I know. - I mean we gotta whip them into shape. But another thing I love about you that's coming out, and I'm very excited for this, is, you have a huge Halloween project that you're part of right? - I do. - [Kelly] Okay, tell us. - I'm a tremendous fan of The Addams Family And it's a Halloween project. (cheering) And they're coming out with an animated film so I am so there. I haven't seen it yet so I'm very excited and I'm singing one of the title songs off of it called Haunted Heart and it's really cool. (cheering) - I'm in, it says haunted. (laughing) - Yeah, super cool and I love Halloween too. Like, it's right up there with Christmas. I love dressing up the kids. I literally have walk through haunted houses, that I do. - [Kelly] Oh I don't do that. - For the neighborhood. (laughing) - See I get into it. - The last time I went in a haunted house I was throwing women and children out of the way. (laughing) To get out. I don't like to be scared. I married the wrong person, he loves to scare the crap out of everyone. (laughing) - And I'm like, if you do it there's no cuddles for you for a week. I hate being scared, I can't even do haunted houses, no. - You can pick your level though. You can go okay I want a level one. - Okay I want Candyland. - Kids can do it. - That's a good game, I like it. - Actually that would be creepy. That might be creepy. Like scary Candyland. We're on to something here. - I kinda love it. (laughing) I think you came up with a great plan. - I know, we're gonna do this. But also, here's the big news also as well, your Vegas Residency at Planet Hollywood was just extended. (cheering) Through 2020. (clapping) What do you love because everybody's doing a Vegas there, so what do you love about it? - The experience. You have to come. Bring a fun group of people because I love feeding off the energy. - Yes. - But it's a great environment. It's a great place to be expressive and creative. I feel at home most when I'm on stage and it's a five sensory experience. So you can smell, taste. - It's like that ride! (laughing) - You know that ride, what is it? - Soarin' over? - Soarin' over California! Yes, I love that ride. - I love it. - And you smell like jasmine. - Yes, yes. - I actually, it's so funny you say, we. - I know. I also have a snow globe idea. I wanna do a Christmas show in Vegas and I want it all to be a snow globe. (gasp) And then create my whole world. So we're so similar. - Oh my god. You should come and we should sing a song in Vegas. - Okay, that makes me nervous. (cheering) - [Christina] Yes. - [Kelly] I would love to. Do you have any crazy, cause this is thing my husband and I try to do cause we have four kids and it's fun to just be like a fun adult again and have a night with your ladies or your friends or whatever, and so, do you have any wild, fun nights in Vegas? - All the good ones I'm proud to have minimal memory of. (laughing) I mean it's Vegas right? No, I like to go out with my, like crew. Like my dancers are so fun to go out with. - Oh my gosh, or not because then you feel stupid. (laughing) Cause you're like no you look great, no I'm not going to join you. - No I kinda like let them, but they're entertaining. They're just like. - Yeah my band's like that. Yeah my band's like that. They're all cool. - Yes your band, you know. - I know. (cheering) Jacka, Jesse, all of them up there, Yes.Yeah. - I know I'm like woo. - I love my band. You probably gotta be like that with your crew too. But, I just wanna thank you. I know your so busy, you're a momma, you're working hard. I get it. So thank you for coming. - You're so good! - Thank you! - Love it.
Channel: The Kelly Clarkson Show
Views: 2,749,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kelly Clarkson, Entertainment, Music, Daytime, Christina Aguilera, The Kelly Clarkson Show, NBC, talk show, American Idol, The Voice, singer, musician, Christina Aguilera Music, Artist, Passion, Debut Album, Albums, Music Business, Young Women, Women In Music, Upcoming Single, New Music, New Single, The Addams Family, int, kcs, 913, Christina and Kelly, Christina Aguilera Kelly Clarkson, twins
Id: BmmMvaKOswA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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