KATAKURI vs. KING - One Piece Theory | Tekking101

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yes we have finally made it to this video ladies and gentlemen katakuri versus king a knock down drag out brawl who will emerge the donut guy or the giant dinosaur tyranima dawn guy i guess we'll just have to find out but before we get to that oh there's something first i need to address that little bit of an intro don't worry it's not something stupid you'll actually enjoy this one okay if you want to skip right to the fight i'll put chapters down below but i think you really want to see this okay remember a little while ago i made a video where i said this okay here's an idea i'm just throwing this out there you guys can give me your opinions um i get commissioned from an artist a beautiful oil painting of king [Music] yeah i got the picture isn't it incredible haha the prophecy has finally been fulfilled this was done by the marvelous artistic skills of staphon and if you want to know more about the picture itself and how it came to be i'll address that stuff at the end of the video because i know everybody just wants to get into the fight but there is no way in good conscience i could make a katakuri versus king video without having this amazing piece of artwork in the background okay that is the perfect set piece all right so thank you to stefan for drawing it once again all right so let's just dive right in let's just i have a giant sheet here let's just do this death battle style okay let's have a little bit of an introduction for each character and then just dive into the fight it's just like death battle except you know i don't have the animation budget but i can act stuff out that's just as good right okay so let's see the first contender charlotte katakuri is the second son of the yonko big mom and the strongest of her sweet commanders from a young age katakuri adapted the persona of being the most perfect older brother to all of his siblings to this end many stories around him emerged in the family such as him never once lying down and eating all of his meals in a state of dignified meditation due to this mindset and his family lineage katakuri has spent his entire life honing his body to absolute perfection mastering all types of combat katakuri is easily the strongest fastest and most durable of all 85 of big mom's children he is highly skilled at hand-to-hand combat and spearmanship utilizing his deadly trident mogura additionally he is also a skilled sniper utilizing jelly beans as an unassuming but highly effective weapon flicking them at opponents faster than regular bullets but that's not even getting to his two most powerful abilities first is his devil fruit the mochi mochi no me a special class paramecia and the superior sister fruit to the gamugamunomi it allows him to mold his body at will in tomochi and transform himself into a variety of spiked weapons due to the properties of mochi all enemies katakuri strikes will also stick to him allowing him to unleash a torrent of damage while his opponent is helplessly trapped in their sticky prison the mochi can also ignite as with his grilled mochi technique adding explosive damage to the mix of his already potent techniques on top of that katakuri has awakened to the true power of his mochi fruit and can change the very environment around him into flowing rivers of mochi to attack and entrap his opponent with ease the second ace card he holds and by far the most critical while fighting is his highly advanced observation hockey katakuri's senses are so finely honed that he can literally see several seconds into the future this combined with the malleability of the mochi fruit allows him to basically pass through any attack that he can see coming but if having broken observation powers wasn't enough for you he is also highly trained in armament and he possesses conquerors hockey as well despite all of these powers and his fearsome reputation katakuri does have several key weaknesses for one his future site powers work is the keystone for many of his moves and if his state of mind is disrupted such as in moments of surprise or rage it will falter and he will no longer be able to see the future weakening not only his reaction time but also many of his mochi techniques katakuri does not live up to many of the absurd rumors in his family that they spread about him and for this reason is rather self-conscious about anyone seeing his true face and personality this results in rage or sadness that will negatively affect his haki prowess finally katakuri does have a sense of honor while he fights and if he feels the fight becomes unfair such as his opponent getting hit by a third party katakuri will take any measures to even the score such as stabbing himself with his own trident for the sake of his pride as a warrior he also really likes donuts which i don't know if that's a weakness or not but he just happens to really like donuts katakuri looks really scary guys i don't know if king's gonna be able to handle him plus we know that katakuri loves donuts and we have no idea about king's donut preference let's look at his stats and find out king is an all-star and the second in command of the beast pirates he is a lunarian and the last known member of his race this heritage grants him a slew of natural abilities such as flight with his two large black wings and pyrokinesis king as well as all lunarians can create and control flames from any point on their body such as hands legs or back at will he's also naturally immune to attacks that involve fire or heat however special types of fire such as marco's phoenix flames can still injure him additionally he can also add his fire to his sword or mold it into large scale attacks such as his omori karyudon a gargantuan dragon forged out of pure fire being a lunarian also gives him unique combat abilities while king's flames on his body are ignited they grant him an insane defensive buff to the point where he received several of roran orazoro's strongest attacks with hockey added mind you and he did not show to take much damage or even bleed from these onslaughts however if king chooses to he can extinguish these flames on his body removing said defensive buff but gaining a huge boost to his speed instead lunarians were stated to be able to thrive in any natural environment and in the case of the one-piece world that is a hell of a statement right there so far from what we've seen lunarians are the most powerful and resilient race out of all of them in the story but this isn't even all king has in his arsenal no he's also eaten the ancient dragon zone model pteranodon granting him a large size striking wingspan and breakneck speeds while in his hybrid or full animal form and if his natural defenses as a lunarian weren't already absurd being an ancient zone also grants him buffs with his defense and his recovery rate king also wields a sword in combat and while being pretty adept at it he prefers using more underhanded tactics rather than following the code of bushido the sword's rank is unknown as well as its name but it has a mechanism that allows him to change the lower part of the blade into a sword breaker a weapon capable of trapping an opponent's sword and effectively disarming them in the process his bdsm suit that he wears isn't just for doing kinky stuff on saturday night it also contains a slew of hidden blades and knives as well as hidden explosives he can goad his enemy into attacking certain parts of his suit that detonate upon impact but due to all of his absurd defenses that i've mentioned up until now king causes no harm to himself in the process king was also stated to know both observation and armament haki however he does not seem to rely on haki as much in combat favoring his natural lunarian powers and ancient zone forms he was shown to harden up his katana with armament hockey but beyond that did not really display any advanced forms of haki in the story now you might be thinking at this point king has no real weaknesses to speak of and that is kind of true in fact the only way to even injure him to begin with is either when his flames are out reducing his defense or using a massive amount of conquerors hockey like zoro did much like katakuri as well king is not fond of those seeing his face due to the high bounty the government has placed on his entire race this leads him to burn to death anyone who has the misfortune to see his impeccably chiseled jaw overall king is a very calm and stoic fighter that does not leave many openings and is absolutely brutal with every attack he makes a true king to bow down to bam ladies and gentlemen and there we have our two contestants for this fight okay and i don't want anybody to think that this is going to be a wash i have a feeling going into this when i was planning this video uh by the way thanks to brago because i did a video with him a little while ago and that's kind of where the origin of this video came from so thanks to brago but um no i was thinking like man people are gonna just assume king is gonna one shot katakuri in this you know because katakuri's fight with luffy that was a few years ago at this point it's not as fresh in people's minds and we're just coming off the king fight with zoro in the manga like it just happened okay so you know i don't want people to think king's just gonna walk in it's gonna be an easy fight just like it was between katakuri and doffy because i did a fight between those two and i thought it would be very interesting but when i actually sat down and looked at everything that they each had to offer it was a wash katakuri just completely decimated doflamingo like it really wasn't close in my mind right but looking at both of these uh fighters together katakuri and king and laying everything they have down side by side it's actually a weird kind of balance where yes king is a lunarian and he has enhanced strength and durability and he's got his ancient pteranodon zone and he can control fire and all that stuff he has a lot of stuff in his toolbox and katakuri you know he's just well technically i would say a normal human but his mother is big mom so that definitely adds some boost to that but you know katakuri can't create fire or anything but when you look at katakuri's you know the things that he brings to the table he's got his mochi mochi nomi which is a paramecia that has been awakened right and so that just gives it more utility than an ancient zone i mean the ancient zones are impressive and everything but obviously paramecia is especially awakened ones especially the mochi mochi nomi that katakuri has which is the upgraded form of luffy's own devil fruit it's got a bunch of techniques a slew of different powers he can use through the mochi mochi and then also katakuri's got his hockey his uh future site but he also has really strong armament and conquerors meanwhile king his hockey really hasn't been like fleshed out at all in the story it was confirmed in a data book and i think we can all agree at this point when we're getting to this level of uh character you know these fighters and how powerful they are they're second in command of yonko fleets they're gonna have both observation and armament at base not even just like the beginnings or like you know the introductory level of this stuff they're going to be experts when it comes to both observation and armament there's just no other way they could get these positions and this level of status without it as well as their bounties and i did not include their bounties on their like intro scenes because i don't think it really matters in a fight i mean yeah king does have the higher bounty it's 1 billion 390 million katakuri's is 1 billion 57 million right but it's like okay king wins because he has the higher bounty that's not what this is about um there's a bunch of factors that go into bounty not just fighting strength alone right and also i feel like if the world government knew that king was a lunarian and you know his bounty would shoot through the roof because of how much they wanted the uh they wanted the lubnarians right so we get a boost from that but the government doesn't know that king on kaido's crew is the lunarian that escaped punk hazard all those decades ago right exactly so there'd be a boost there so i didn't include bounties or anything like that right but yeah king you know he uses observation in the sense of like you know zoro's over there you know he can keep up with zoro's attacks and everything like that but other than that there was really no point in the fight where it was like really shown that like oh this was king's observation hockey this is the level he's at specifically this is the stuff he can do right uh and even with armament there was like the scene where you know he's clashing with zoro zoro's got his all three swords armament hockeyed up and so king armament hockey's up his own katana and he's clashing with zoro but there's really no specific focus you know like um he wasn't shown to use the advanced forms of armament hockey like the rio techniques where you can like you know uh put the hockey into an object and crush it like luffy did with the caller he wasn't shown to do anything like that there was a little while there where i was thinking king was gonna be revealed to have conquerors hockey because you know zoro was busting out the conquerors hockey and armament and so i thought king had it too since katakuri had conquerors i assumed king might have it as well and he might he might but it would just be weird if he did because he didn't showcase it at all in the fight and i can't just assume i can't just be like well you know king is the second in command of you know the beast pirates right under kaido and katakuri had conquerors so king probably has it as well plus his name is king so it would make sense that he would have the hockey of a conqueror or a king it was never confirmed either in aviva card or in the manga so i can't just go ahead and give it to him right that's just not how this works so it's a weird balance where king's got his lunarian form and his zone but then katakuri is kind of balancing that with his just prodigious hockey skill and his devil fruit which has a lot more utility okay so just don't count this out also i should mention where this fight is being taken taking place at this point so i want it to just be a neutral area where no third parties or anybody are going to get involved and also no location where water is present okay because they're both devil fruit users i think it would be rather of a cop out to just be like yeah king picks up katakuri and dunks his head underwater and he just wins the fight okay originally i was gonna say oh they just fight in like a big empty field in the middle of nowhere just a big grassy field but then i started to think wait wait that kind of gives king an advantage because it's a big wide open area and then he could just burn the whole field down right so i decided honestly let's just go with the mirror world right and the mirror world is honestly like the best neutral kind of fighting ground for these characters right like once again there's not going to be any third parties like entering the mirror world through the mirrors like they did during taught land it's just going to be this big area and it has enough space for katakuri and king to fight and king can still fly around but it's still like an enclosed area so king cannot like fly up to the stratosphere if he wanted to you know he's like i'm gonna fly up to the stratosphere and just bombard katakuri from a range that he could not possibly hit me from right so it's a big wide open arena kind of space and um you know there's no water there's no large bodies of waters like a lake or anything they could fall into and the fight would just be over because they're devil fruit users so let's just have this fight in the mirror world right i wrote everything down here i'm just gonna start off with some of the more trivial kind of ways that they fight not really getting into their full power yet okay so first and foremost let's talk about their weapons okay so king of course is bringing his giant katana to the uh the table here uh we don't know its name we don't know its rank um i'm gonna assume it does have one just because like zoro was clashing with it and if it was just a regular katana that just had like that mechanism and that sword breaker thing hit it inside of the hilt or whatever like if it was just a regular sword i feel like zoro would have just broken it in half so i feel like it has to have a rank i i've taken to calling it the orochi slayer because that was the sword that kaido used to originally you know cut off orochi's head and so obviously orochi came back but it was the first blade to actually slay orochi so i'm going to just call it the orochi slayer and of course it's got the hidden mechanism inside of the blade of the sword breaker thing and then of course katakuri has got mogura which i have back here okay this really super long trident that is augmented with his mochi abilities he has an ability called mochi thrust where he like merges moguro with his body he normally keeps it inside of his body itself because he's a really tall dude and so he can merge mogra inside of him and then pull it out of his arm and then he twists his arm up like a spring or a coil because of his mochi powers and then just like it's like a freaking power drill trident just like impales whatever he's trying to attack just completely levels like buildings and like structures with this thing no problem whatsoever so they both got their weapons um i honestly do not think that the sword breaker would really work on mogura for a number of reasons number one the sword breaker just by its name is meant to grapple with swords like katanas and claymores and stuff and i don't think those little divots in the blade would be you know big enough for mogra plus that you don't bring the spear down like this you know you kind of impale people with it it's a spear it's a damn trident right and so katakuri spins it really fast with his mochi thrust and like tries to impale people with it but i was thinking like even if katakuri decided to go all hades with it and just bring the trident down like full force like double-handed swing right down on king and if king raised up his katana and he clicked the switch and then like the sword breaker popped out and then it did in fact grapple with mogura i don't think that mogra is going to get flung out of katakuri's hands the same way that zoro's katanas did because i don't know if you knew this but the mochi mochi nomi has the properties of both rubber and gum i'm going to give you a second to process that because i came to that revelation yesterday maybe a lot of you realized this years ago when conicary was first introduced but i just realized this yesterday i was driving to dinner last night and i was thinking about this fight and i was like holy holy the mochi mochi no me is bungee gum it is it has the property of rubber and gum it's the upgraded form of the gummugamunomi so katakuri can do everything luffy could do he could stretch his arms and everything like luffy could do but it's also super sticky it's bungee gum right so katakuri brings down mogura to slash king he blocks it with the sword breaker king's like haha i will now disarm you well it doesn't matter he can fling mogura away but katakuri can just stretch and grab it again also he could just stick mogura to his hands he could just like super glue it to his hands he's not throwing anything away at that point right and so and also remember the way that zoro got out of that lock later in the fight was that he used a burst of conquerors to like separate them and katakuri knows conquerors hockey so he could just do that but he doesn't even have to because he could just like you know oh you're gonna throw away my mogura all right i'll just attach it to my arm so you just can't and i'll just like stretch them out if you knock me away it's not a big deal and that's kind of the move that's only gonna work once and you could even argue that katakuri would see that coming because he has the ability of future sight and you know he could see he's about to block the attack or whatever but it doesn't matter because after that point katakuri could just fuse moguro with his body and it wouldn't be able to do anything you know king wouldn't be able to get rid of it okay so i don't think their weapons are going to be destroyed or you know tossed aside and they're just not going to be able to use them for the rest of the fight or anything like that and i mean it might happen like a situation where king takes out his sword and like armament hockey's that up to the maximum most possible degree he's capable of and then katakuri kind of does the same thing with mogura and they both clash at the same time and both of their weapons are just like destroyed in the process but given the fact that katakuri does have future sight and he's able to see a few seconds into the future and i don't think that he's gonna do that i don't think he would lead into that right but on the flip side of that coin i also don't really think that mogra any techniques katakuri has with that thing would really injure king all that much you know certainly like not as much as they hurt luffy like if you know katakuri takes out moga and just stabs king with it it's not gonna do anything okay he's he's strong enough and he has enough endurance and defense certainly not gonna do anything to him while he's in his pteranodon form but also beyond that with his lunarian abilities while his flames are active he has that insane defensive boost so you know katakuri could take out moga and just stab king with it it's not going to do anything even if you know katakuri like wound it up with the mochi thrust and like real really coiled that spring and just unleashed like a giant rippling torrent of just pure death with mogura and he boom like hit king square on right in the chest with that ability i think it would probably destroy king's outfit maybe give him a little bit of a cut or a bruise on his flesh but remember king was tanking like zoro's like greatest hits you know zoro was using purgatory onigiri you know he was also using the lions song the upgraded forms of these techniques after the time skip with armament hockey added and he was slicing king while he had his flames active and it wasn't even doing anything to king zorro even brought that up is like oh damn he's not even bleeding from those moves those are like some of my strongest moves those are my finishers and they aren't even hurting him and that was the point where zorro was questioning if he could even beat king so when it comes to their weapons i think they're kind of even they're really not going to deal a lot of damage to either of them because king could try to slice katakuri with his sword katakuri's got the future site and he could just mold his body so the sword passes right through it like or if king tries to stab him he just makes a hole and the blade just goes right through it remember luffy was busting out the gatling against katakuri and with his future sight active sensing those attacks coming he perfectly molded his body so that the fist just passed right through him and the gatling that luffy pulls off is wicked fast too right now at this point before i even go further we got to talk about katakuri's future site okay because it is kind of a broken ability and there are weaknesses to it so i just want to address those now rather than later okay so if you look at the ways that katakuri's future site was bested during the fight with luffy um it usually involved either katakuri underestimating his opponent or a third party or something getting involved okay so let's look at the first time luffy was able to figure out how to beat the future site okay it's whenever katakuri gets into a state where he's distracted or he's surprised or he's filled with rage and he like loses his center loses his focus that's the key for disrupting his future sight okay so that first part of that fight katakuri dominated luffy like it wasn't even close right he was busting out awakened moves he was impaling luffy with mogura luffy was just barely dodging him he couldn't really even figure out how to hurt katakuri then katakuri uses concentrated mochi that's the ability where he basically turned the ceiling of the mirror world into a giant block of mochi and he just crushed luffy with it like a new year's eve display okay that's basically what he did katakuri assumed he was dead all right so that was on katakuri he just assumed luffy was dead job well done i'm the greatest older brother ever and then he proceeded to have his marienda he proceeded to have a doughnut and coffee break not actually it wasn't coffee it was iced tea because they didn't have coffee i remember that scene specifically so the chefs showed up with the donuts and the iced tea katakuri made the giant mochi temple he went in to have his snack break his marienda then while he was in there completely immersed in donut time you know he wasn't using his his hockey anymore he was completely distracted by eating his like donuts donuts yummy yummy yummy that's when luffy burst out of the mochi still alive and he used elephant gun to break the shrine and then katakuri was like i like donuts and then that was surprise to him and also the chef saw katakuri's face and the way he was laying on his back and then katakuri freaked out and he's like ah and he had to go and like stab all of the chefs to make sure they didn't go and tell anybody and he was distracted and then bam luffy was able to get a hit off on him and then that was when luffy realized wait a second your greatest strength is not the mochi powers it's your hockey because with your haki that's what makes your mochi powers so devastating and how you're able to dodge every attack and katakuri said as much he's like yes if i'm distracted or if i'm not like focused then observation hockey will falter okay now would that would the same thing happen with king or would something similar happen with king all right i don't think it would and here's my reasoning for that okay when katakuri was fighting luffy katakuri looked down on him he viewed luffy as just like an upstart brat you know i was like oh you're a rookie you you came in here you ruined big mom's tea party how dare you you're just some upstart brat i'm just gonna eliminate you i'm katakuri i'm the greatest older brother i'm the strongest in taught land next to big mom herself i'm the second in command i'm the strongest sweet commander i'm gonna finish you off okay and so he underestimated luffy he thought he was dead and then he decided to relax and go have his marienda okay i don't think that would happen with king because for one thing katakuri knows who king is he 100 knows who king is i was thinking about this he might have even fought king before this because katakuri being the second command of a yonko king the same way and they're both around the same age katakuri is only one year older than king and king's been on kaido's crew since the very beginning since before he even really had a crew about 30 something years ago and obviously katakuri's been with big mom ever since he was born because big mom is his mom right so you know they've been on these cruise for a long time they've probably clashed before and even if they haven't clashed before they definitely know of each other's existence okay they know that okay katakuri is the second in command under big mom bounty of 1 billion 57 million and then likewise katakuri knows all about king okay so if this fight was to actually happen in the mirror world i don't know maybe maybe uh katakuri and brulee are out shopping and he's eating his donuts and then king bumps into him and he's just like hey watch where you're going oh you're king ah you're katakuri and then they start fighting and brulee's like ah fighting boys just go into my mirror dimension and then you know like settle this out here and then they get dumped in like that's the setup for the fight maybe whatever okay so if that's the situation though katakuri is not going to underestimate king he's not going to think like all right i'm just going to finish off king in just a couple of seconds and i'm going to have my snack time you know he's not gonna do that right and even if katakuri has king kind of down on his knees and it looks like he's defeated the same thing that he did with luffy like he buries him under a giant mountain of mochi and he's like all right there we go i beat him you know i don't think katakuri is just going to turn and walk away from that all right this is king we're talking about here this is the second in command of kaido's damn fleets all right yeah katakuri is going to be way more focused at the beginning of this fight than he was with luffy now remember the luffy and katakuri fight lasted over the course of like 12 hours if not longer and by the end of that fight katakuri took luffy way more seriously he respected him a lot more but at the beginning that was kind of what screwed katakuri over because he let himself become vulnerable and luffy learned about katakuri's weakness okay i don't think the same situation would happen here he would go into it and it's possible that you know king though on the other hand might already know about the weakness of katakuri katakuri might i mean king might this is confusing because they both start with the letter k but king might be like all right your greatest strength is in your future site hockey which is observation hockey so king might actually try to be out to already know this is his weakness i need to try to distract him to weaken it okay that might be king's main goal here is to figure out some way to get katakuri to falter so his future site doesn't work and then i can deal a hit on him all right um it certainly would be a lot easier to do that i think than to uh injure king in the process because king has the fire on his back and from what we understand can king can choose whether to ignite the flames on his back or extinguish them depending on whatever boost he wants to get right if he wants to go really fast he extinguishes the flame but his defenses are down um i don't think that's a thing where it's like you deal enough damage to king then his flame just goes out automatically that was not revealed during the fight with zoro every single time zoro was able to hit him it was because he'd extinguish the flames and he was moving really fast but zoro was still able to hit him right and then the final move that he used when he was i think the flames were on when he used that giant you know uh the the co-udon the giant flaming dragon magma thing that was attacking zoro at that point you could say zoro had enma and he was using the conquerors and the armament combination the rio combination the same thing the emperors do and i think just through the sheer pure strength of that conquerors and armament working together with the enema that was able to slice through king's defenses regardless of whether or not he had his flames up okay so that's the way i view it there um i just think that like in this kind of fight here where they're both more laser focused because they respect each other as enemies as like a major threat it's going to be a lot harder for katakuri to lose its focus okay and like i said there's not going to be any third party involvement so another thing that happened during the luffy and katakuri fight that a lot of fans weren't big fans of was when uh flampay showed up and then attacked luffy and then katakuri had a very high sense of honor there so he's like how dare you do that i'm going to knock you out with conquerors and then he stabbed himself with mogura to even the playing field all right none of that shit's gonna happen here all right flampay's not gonna show up with her giant balloon dressed or whatever that was and like you know i don't see why she would actually she doesn't like katakuri now because he has the mouth because everybody in the big mom family is like shallow as hell but anyway yeah so nothing like that's gonna happen so you don't have to worry about katakuri like stabbing himself in the gut with mogura to even the playing field or anything like that it's just gonna be these two fighting all balls out all right so here's a question for you involving katakuri's mental state what happens if king burns off his scarf you know there's nobody else around to see katakuri's face so none of the chefs or the other members of the big mom pirates that he doesn't want to see his face but what if king saw his face so what if king released a giant volley of fireballs burned off katakuri's scarf and then it's like he revealed his face do you think katakuri would lose his composure from that do you think katakuri would be like oh no he saw my face oh damn it and then his future sight falters and then king boom hits him with an attack and it deals damage to him right even so i don't think i mean barring their absolute strongest moves like if if king used the giant dragon magma thing i don't really think there's any way that either of these characters could win the fight in one hit you know like i feel katakuri can take several hits from king i feel like king can take several hits from katakuri even if their defenses are down for a moment you know it's not like let's say king's defenses were down his fire was down and then you know katakuri stabs him with the mochi thrust i don't think that's just gonna one hit king okay but my point is like would that distract uh katakuri there's one logic of looking at this and saying that like well katakuri anybody that sees his face he's going to falter a bit because he's very self-conscious of it because pretty much his entire life people were scared of his face people ran away from him that's the reason he wears the scarf to begin with and most recently even when you know members of his own family that had him in high regard up until a few moments ago saw his face they instantly changed their opinion instantly switched on him right and so flampay was like oh my god katakuri he's such the greatest big brother ever i love him what he has an eel mouth oh my god you're a loser you know so katakuri was like this crap you know so i don't know but then again also going into it i have to feel like okay katakuri is in a in a balls out fight with king i have to feel like katakuri has to understand at some point in this fight his scarf might get blown off his scarf might get destroyed you know what i mean like i think the situation with luffy and the mariendo was different because he was lying on his back he was eating the donuts and the chef saw him that made him really freak out you know if it was just luffy if luffy and katakuri were fighting and luffy just ripped off his scarf and got to see his mouth i think katakuri would get pissed about that and it might falter for a moment but maybe not as much as what happened with the marienda situation okay and you know something similar with king now king does not have the same aversions to his face it's not like he goes into a blind rage when people see his face it's actually a much more calm kind of tantrum that he goes into when after his mask was destroyed and he ripped it off and all the other members of uh of the beast pirates saw his face like oh that's what king looks like wait a second doesn't is there a bounty on him for over 100 million just for information about lunarians and then king just kind of like just kind of sighed and then just torched everybody around him right so it is a sense of like rage but it's more of like a controlled thing to me it's kind of the idea that like king just like he's done this before so many times like every time someone sees his face he's like all right i gotta burn everybody alive now because they saw my face and i can't let anybody see my face because the government's out to get me right so you know to exterminate my entire race in the process so that's why he has to do it right so i think it would make king falter a bit but it's not a big deal for king because king does not really rely on his hockey as much in a fight and katakuri does okay so i'm picturing this really cool scene where both katakuri and king land a hit at the same time and katakuri you know blasts off king's mask and then you know king at the same time burns off katakuri's scarf and they can both kind of see each other's face and i think katakuri would be more psychologically unbalanced from that than king would be if anything king just like you saw my face now i really can't let you leave here alive i mean i was already gonna fight you to death but now it's like you've sealed your fate right katakuri meanwhile that's like his safety blanket kind of situation like he loses his scarf he's gonna be like oh no the briefest of briefest of seconds it might just last a moment where he loses his scarf and he freaks out but that one moment might be the moment where his hockey falters right i don't know oh man we haven't even gotten anything see this is the thing this fight has a lot of intricacies to it and it's mostly katakuri's future site that screws everything up in the process um let's just go through all of katakuri's abilities and even to see if they would even damage king because of his like lunarian buffs and everything like that okay so katakuri can fling jelly beans i mean that's really just i mean he's pretty strong he's like he has finger muscles he's just flinging jelly beans at people like bullets like faster than bullets more damage than bullets that's not going to do to king that's not going to do to king if king would just burn them before they reach him whatever but even those things hit his suit they probably wouldn't even puncture his suit to be honest with you so the jelly bean thing that was just kind of like a little gimmicky thing that katakuri used when he was first introduced before we even knew what his mochi powers were yet it's like yeah he flings jelly beans really fast that's not gonna do to king um he was able to defeat ichiji in his raid suit with pure strength uh but it was off screen so we don't really know how katakuri did defeat him uh katakuri might have used his future site might have used his mochi powers on ichiji but we didn't really see it it was off screen but still that just kind of gives you an idea he was like holding ichigi by the throat and katakuri really had no damage whatsoever so just in strength there that's that's the thing but i think probably king could do something similar um in terms of speed katakuri was able to keep up with gear second luffy and snake man luffy this is from chapter 895 yeah i cited my sources in this one okay so remember there's something to keep in mind yes the final battle was luffy in snake man versus katakuri with his buzz cut mochi with his sliced mochi technique that was their final brawl and everything but keep in mind when katakuri was fighting against snake man it's not like he was being one-sided decimated by that technique okay it wasn't like luffy went into snake man it was just kicking the out of katakuri he couldn't do anything about it right so what happens is luffy goes into snake man uses jet culverian right the first attack katakuri gets hit by all right because he doesn't he dodges the first one but then it circles around wicked fast and boom hits katakuri in the face the second time that luffy uses that technique katakuri literally sidesteps it blocks the fist uses his mochi powers uses buzz cut mochi sticks to luffy grabs him and slams him into the ground like a tentpole okay and it's a serious hit too luffy hits the ground from that move and he's like bleeding and he's like ah you know like he's in a massive amount of pain he's like if i get if i get hit with a few more of those i'm done right so katakuri was able to match snake man's speed okay it wasn't like he was being completely speed blitzed like outclassed by that technique okay now in the final clash when luffy was using king cobra and then katakuri turned into a donut and was like speeding down like wheel kirby and then transformed into the giant club to like hit luffy with both of those techniques hit at roughly the same time i want to say luffy was just slightly faster so his technique hit just a modicum a fraction of a second or so earlier so luffy's attack hit katakuri a little earlier than katakuri's attack hit luffy they still both hit at roughly the same time but because luffy's king cobra hit first katakuri's weapon was a little bit weakened his attack was a little weakened and didn't do as much damage as it could have and that's why luffy was able to get back up and walk away all right so with that being said katakuri's speed is pretty damn impressive uh with a snake man luffy so even when king extinguishes his flame and goes into his speed boost form i'm thinking katakuri should at least be able to keep up with him i don't think he would just be completely like what i can't see him at all you know nothing like that i think katakuri could keep up with him if you want to say king would be a little bit faster and in the same way that like snake man luffy was like slightly faster than him sure but still that future site and that mochi power is still going to be a pain in king's ass here okay um in terms of stamina and defense he you know of course stabbed himself with the mogra and he could still fight also that fight lasted over 12 hours on and off they had little breaks in and out because luffy kind of jumped into the mirror to kind of recover and then he jumped back in went to gear fourth gear fourth exhausted jumped back out of the mirror and he just kind of repeated the process over the course of 12 hours but still it was a 12-hour fight you know and so katakuri has some stamina for that okay um meanwhile over on king's end strength he was able just to pick up zorro he was like casually tossing zorro through rocks and mountains and um speed that was already established when he extinguishes his flames he can fly he can zip around really fast that's another thing too katakuri can't fly king can so we'll get to that at some point um in terms of stamina and defense that's the hardest part because not only does he have the lunarian buff with that with his flames but he also has while he's in his hybrid or in his ancient zone form keep in mind i don't think this really applies when he's in his regular lunarian form but when he's in his uh hybrid or his full pteranodon form uh of course he has a boost to defense and his tough hide and he also has the recovery rate that all ancient zones kind of have right and zorro even brought this up zorro even mentioned like oh so you're like a dinosaur with a really tough hide and king said yes but i take it to a whole other level so he was basically confirming right there that these abilities kind of stack he's like yes i am a dinosaur with a tough hide but i take it to a whole new level because i'm also a lunarian okay so his defense was even stronger than that that's going to be the hardest thing it's not really so much of a question of like you know can king completely injure katakuri we'll get into that because he has the future side he can dodge a lot of but could katakuri do anything to really injure king in the long term to actually bring him down that's what makes this fight so interesting okay because you have basically super fast reaction time able to dodge and evade most moves and then you have like just indestructible brick wall basically like and then so how's this going to go down this is why this fight is amazing okay so also with his defense uh when he's in his hybrid form he can actually block with his pteranodon wings uh we saw that when zoro's launched launched a slashing attack at him like one of the phoenix's like you know he's like 1080 phoenix uh king was able just like wrap himself up in the pteranodon wings and it just like you know clashed with the wings and it didn't really do a lot of damage um you know so there's that now when it comes to his ancient zone this is something very interesting king only has three techniques that he's named and he's used while in his pteranodon form okay he has the taku udon which is the ability where he just kind of does like a low sweep like he just like goes down really fast like a low altitude and he just kind of sweeps the enemy and then he has tempura udon which is the technique where he grabs like his uh his little lever on the back of his head and just pulls that back and then fires it and uh that actually has a comparison because zoro likened that to a laser beam when he did that he pulled back his little like lever and then fired his beak at the enemy like super fast like shing you know that was stated like by zoro like it's like a laser beam like it's super fast okay in terms of speed and destructive power and also how linear it was but i gotta say even though zoro had trouble with it if it really is like a laser like and he's zorro has witnessed laser beams through the passy fistas and kuma and everything if it really is similar to a laser katakuri should be able to dodge that no problem because it with with his future side active he'd be like okay he's going to pull the lever back on his head and fire a laser beam at me the hell okay well that's what he's doing that's what he's doing right and so he fires this straight linear shot at katakuri katakuri can just make a giant hole in his body or he could just like because he's dodged attacks like that before just turning into mochi and the attack just and just moves right past him right or he could just move out of the way right so i really don't think the tempura udon that was a really dangerous ability he first used that against zoro in chapter 1032. if uh that's a technique that's really a problem for zorro i don't think it would be that big of an issue for katakuri think of it like a passy feast as laser how do you think katakuri would fare against the pacifista laser i don't think he would really have a problem with it i think he'd be able to turn his body into holes and the blazers would just pass right through him right then he finally has uh bari zodon and that was the technique where he kind of fired off the projectiles like he was like kind of like air bullets and stuff he was like sweeping his wings and like air bolts were firing once again katakuri can dodge that it's just like air projectiles and stuff that's not a big deal it's like similar to the lasers similar to luffy's gatling i think katakuri would be able to mold his body and see it coming even if there's like 30 of these things coming at him at the same time luffy's gatling had a bunch of fists coming at him wicked fast he was able to block all that here it is right here he was able to do that right so there's that also there was a scene and i was kind of confused by this but i think there was a scene where he combined this technique with um uh fire so king was like combining like his lunarian firepowers with this bari zodon the uh the projectiles so basically it looked like he was a plane firing like he was firing bullets out of his body like fire bullets and stuff uh but once again i think katakuri could dodge that now let's talk about fire here does mochi burn and the question is like does not real mochi burn because i was thinking about going down that line with it but then i was like well we're also dealing with anime here and katakuri has a technique that allows him to literally fire off mochi called grilled mochi so i imagine like regular fire would probably like a regular temperature of fire would probably not be able to burn katakuri's mochi into just ash like that right if he can use grilled mochi which is a technique where he compresses it friction builds up it explodes and he fires off the mochi and then it hits the enemy and it explodes basically a rocket punch katakuri has a rocket punch right um i don't think it's really going to injure him that much now king was revealed to have two different levels of heat when it came to his fire he has his regular fire his and on his flame emperor and that's just like fireball and also it's important to keep in mind that king you know he has abilities similar to like the maramaronomy but he doesn't have as free control over fire as ace or sabo or like akainu does with their devil fruits okay so he could summon fire from pretty much any part of his body he can make fireballs in his hands if fire on his back you fire on his legs or his feet to like kick somebody really hard uh but he can't like turn into fire obviously he also cannot breathe fire which is something very interesting i thought katakuri i mean thought king would definitely be able to like breathe fire but he can't do that think of it like the electro of the minx the electro is very useful and has a lot of applications but it's not even close to you know the same level as like enerooze goro goro know me right it's not even close to that so yeah king's fire powers he can kind of like mold them into like dragons and like throw them at the enemy he could ignite his sword on fire but it doesn't have as much utility as like the maramara nomi does where ace is making like fire spears and those little fiery doll things and the little fireflies that ignite the enemy and all those techniques that ace had you know king can't do all of that stuff but he can do something kind of similar right i think king could probably pull off a technique similar to that he can uh but nothing like super complicated or anything like that right but he has two levels of this he's got his regular flame emperor and then he's got the dragon flame emperor okay where that was after his mascot removed and he was really pissed and he was like well i guess i have to torch you all till nothing nothing is left not even your bones and so the great dragon fire emperor or whatever it was called just zorro likened it to magma because zoro almost got hit by one of these moves and zoro was like holy crap that's as hot as magma implying that it was hotter than the regular fire that king was using the regular fire that king was using i feel like it's a little hotter than like a like a bic lighter or whatever you could get um but you know it's just next level it was like magma level when he was using the the great dragon emperor techniques okay and he was using the giant flame the thing the final attack they used against each other you know the giant corey udon thing you know that thing was like probably as hot as magma and the thing is i was going to compare it once again to real life but it's like this is anime where magma is just hotter than fire even though in real life fire can actually be way hotter than magma this is one piece so i'm going to assume that i think with that move with the with the um upgraded magma fire that king has i think that would completely burn katakuri's mochi into dust you know if katakuri throws a glob of mochi at him like he does the concentrated mochi and traps him in the mountain of mochi if king activated that uh dragon flame emperor fire dragon emperor i've changed the name of it like seven times in the last 10 minutes but then he uses that the mochi mountain that he's trapped in would just it would just burn into ash and then king would just be standing there in the freaking smoldering ash of the mochi and be like is that all you got and so yeah i think on that level it would burn right through him um let's see what else here so let's go through katakuri's mochi techniques okay his regular ones are willow mochi this is from chapter 880 where he's just like stomping his feet a bunch he makes like a bunch of feet to kind of like trap the opponent um then he has mochi thrust which we've discussed before that's with mogura block mochi is the technique he uses in conjunction with armament basically condenses his arm with a bunch of mochi turning it into blocks like with like 90 degree angles and stuff and then armament hockey's it up and then punches really really hard okay and in a clash with luffy you know luffy's fist hit katakuri's and luffy's was like ow that hurts so bad and katakuri is like yeah i guess my armament's just stronger than yours that's all you know everything you can do i could do better that was basically that um but once again the block mochi even with a really compressed armament hockey fist i don't really see it doing any damage to king while he has his fire up while he's in his tyranidon form if he has his fire down and he punches him with that it would do damage but not nearly enough to like you know one punch and then king goes down he's got grilled mochi which is a firebase technique it's not going to do to king i don't care it says king pretty much has natural immunities to fire and explosions he has explosions explosives hidden in his suit so he was like kind of goading zorro to hit him at a certain point zoro hits him in his suit it explodes does king no damage meanwhile zoro said like man if i didn't guard myself with armament that explosion in his suit would have really like rocked me that could have seriously hurt me really bad if not killed me right um so he has explosives in his suit that just go off king is really into some kinky now that i think about i mean we kind of already knew that with the suit but my god he's hiding like knives and like explosives on his body also both of these guys yeah king has like knives and stuff in his suit katakuri's got his spurs he's got like the spikes and stuff on his arms and stuff that's not gonna do anything to king though so it's once again like they have these moves that might work on other people but like they're just it's just not gonna work on each other right those are two like gimmicky kind of moves like katakuri remember that scene when katakuri like kicked luffy in the face with the spurs of his boot and it's like you see the blood like the spurs like digging into luffy's flesh and like blood coming out everywhere it's like oh god that's so painful that's not gonna do to king um then katakuri's got uh awaken moves he's got the flowing mochi which is the river of mochi uh the pile of mochi the concentrated mochi that we've already talked about raindrop mochi which is like he turns the area around him into tendrils that like attack um you know then he's got his peerless donuts which the tone the donuts are summoned behind him and then he controls them like a remote with his hands and he can summon giant here comes the giant fest he could summon like the giant fist to come out and like attack the enemy and he also has got a mochi ginsaku which that's from chapter 893 that's like more giant fists where he summons like a bunch of giant fists from his peerless donuts that all have the block mochi the armament hockey added and he launches just a volley of just giant armament hockey block mochi fists all right and then finally he's got his strongest technique buzz cut mochi where he turns himself into a donut like rolls like a wheel down the street like wheel kirby and then transforms with the momentum turns into a giant spiked club of mochi slams into his enemy spins him around and then slams him into the dirt okay that's like his strongest move using the momentum of that wheel and then the devastating sticky power of bungee gum i'm sorry mochi mochi know me right so could king stand up to any of these moves all right most of them yes the willow mochi a stomping attack with the legs even if katakuri sticks to king it's a weird phrase to say but it's what we have to do in this fight so he attaches him to king and like just like is trying to throw him around plus first of all i don't think it would be that easy because king is a lot taller and you know weighs a lot more than luffy did you know katakuri is a huge guy but king also is actually i did not write down their heights hold on i'll be right back because i gotta check on that because that is gonna be kind of important i think they're comparable in height okay so i just looked this up and i'm actually surprised by this i thought they were roughly the same height king is like a hundred centimeters taller than katakuri katakuri is 509 centimeters tall that's about 16 feet 8 inches king is 613 centimeters 20 feet 1 inch tall okay so that means it's going to be a little bit harder for katakuri to like you know lift up king and pull him around i still think he could do it because he's like super buff and all that kind of jazz but like king is not as as tiny as luffy was because katakuri could basically just trap luffy in his mochi fist and just be like you know slap him around the room like it wasn't a big deal you know because luffy is like ten feet shorter than him okay like literally luffy's like five foot eight katakuri is like 16 feet it's like 11 feet taller than him right and probably got several hundred pounds on him in the process okay so yeah this would be a little bit more difficult here okay so i don't think he's gonna be able to like whip king around the room like it's not a big deal also king is super strong as well to like resist that and like you saw like with uh hisoka's bungee gum for instance if there's a strong enough force he can't just pull it back he has to release his bungee gum right and king can fly so if katakuri has him restrained king could just like use his strength and to kind of fly back to the buzz cut mochi because that's like katakuri's like strongest move um the flowing mochi all right now this one you know here's the thing katakuri has the the leisure of knowing what's coming next because of his future sight king doesn't so i feel like king could he's definitely going to be caught off guard more than katakuri is in this fight okay because katakuri's got the future side even if it's disrupted every once in a while and once again it's not like if it's disrupted once he can't use it for the rest of the fight it's just if he gets distracted it's an opening but as long as he composes himself it comes right back he just has to find his center katakuri's been training with this future site for years and years decades all right so he's like okay he's probably good at finding his center even if he loses focus he can get right back to it okay but um yeah meanwhile king is going to be caught off guard i think a lot more in this fight so let's say king is just on the ground and he you know katakuri changes the whole area into flowing mochi and he's like whoa okay and then king can fly but katakuri also has the raindrop mochi and the tendrils he can turn anything around him into mochi that's the power of the awakening not just the ground but the walls and the ceiling and everything and if they're fighting in the mirror world and then he can basically trap him that way this might be an unfair advantage to katakuri now i'm thinking about it but you know if well i mean like even if they were fighting on a straight you know straight ground with like just like a field if they were fighting in the field katakuri could still summon the tendrils to attack king in the air you know it's nothing like that um but anyway if king you know managed to like dodge the river below him he can fly in the air katakuri can't fly so that's dodged but even if king gets trapped by the mochi like if his wings get stuck in the mochi which that's kind of disgusting it's like oh my god i got mochi in my feathers you know that's gonna suck and get that out later tonight right but if he's restrained he might not be able to like fly as well but it's not gonna be like katakuri just whipping him around the room all right so that's that's gonna and even if here's the thing once again even if katakuri could do that even if he trapped king in the mochi and was just boom boom just throwing him around the room like crazy like he did with luffy is that going to do any damage to king probably not until king finally gets pissed off enough and uses the the great dragon emperor or the fire emperor and just burns the mochi he's trapped with into ashes which he could do right this is not looking good for katakuri i was looking at him as sort of the underdog for this fight i was going into this thinking maybe katakuri has a shot here but now that i'm going more into it it's like yeah king's attacks might be like katakuri might be able to dodge a lot of king's attacks but like man um and then we have uh the power mochi the peerless donuts once again they're really strong attacks but like even with a giant fist made of block mochi armament hockey punching king in the face now that might knock him back you know if king gets like a direct hit from that king might be like oh and then boom like this giant fist just hits him and like knocks him into a wall or something like that it might do that just like how zoro's attacks when he uses the slicing attacks on king they did have an effect like the slice happened and like king kind of felt the shock wave like whoa you know but it didn't cause any serious damage it didn't even get him to bleed all right so yeah um that's the situation there holy crap man this is hard uh maybe we can look at their personalities and what they both fight for in their history maybe there'll be a secret in how this fight will go there okay now we don't know that much about king's childhood but we do know a lot about katakuri's okay katakuri was born 48 years ago while big mom was on the rocks pirates that's important to know okay katakuri was 10 years old during god valley i'm not going to say he was definitely there they might have just left him on a porch or something because that was like a big moment that was a big event maybe big mom did not want her children to die there but katakuri might like just like how shanks and buggy were present when you know whitebeard and roger clashed for three days on that island they were there dealing with the enemies as well maybe katakuri daifuku oven pero sparrow compote all of the children that were born at the time i went back and looked into this mont d'or was the child that was born 38 years ago so maybe mont dora was born like right before god valley like pero sparrow was running around the battlefield carrying malt door like his baby brother just like it's okay montour we'll survive this you know that's why montour is so messed up now that's why he dresses like a clown basically he just that that day really scarred him okay that was like his first memory was god valley can you imagine but yeah katakuri was super strong ever since he was a kid he ate the mochi mochi nomi when he was like five and you know the whole incident with brulee happened and he wore the scarf and he had his trident he's like i will never let anyone injure you ever again you know that kind of stuff i will be the perfect older brother meanwhile with king we know that he met we know he met kaido when he was about a teenager seemingly we don't know the exact age but it was like 30 something years ago king and katakuri are about the same age katakuri is 48 king is 47. um so here's the thing though we don't know what happened before that you know katakuri was raised around pirates king might have spent his entire formative life his childhood running away from the world government and the cipher pole so they might have dealt with very similar situations where they had to train they had to get stronger from a young age because the world is a very cruel unforgiving place okay you know katakuri being raised by big mom and in the rocks pirates company meanwhile king being chased after by the government okay we don't know that for certain but i guess we can assume also the fact that king was a lunari and he had strength and defense and stamina buffs from day one plus the fire abilities um and plus you got to think of all the uh endurance he has because of all the torture that the government put him through at punk hazard that's why he was there at punk hazard and i think kaido even commended like i've seen them torturing you over here and man you were able to take all of that you should join my crew you should be second in command right they probably like you know all the experiments i don't even want to think about it but they were probably like pumping him full of electricity and stuff to see how much he can take like horrible kind of experimentation on king but he was able to survive all of it right and he was probably imprisoned for years from what it seemed right at least months or years for a very long time but you know it's suffice to say they were both working under a yonko for decades and decades katakuri slightly longer but they were both training so much and i think king's lunarian heritage kind of makes up for the fact if he wasn't training as hard as katakuri was when he was a kid you know they're still probably equal in the amount of training and power that they've gained over the years it's just king would be better at it just because being a lunari and he just has those buffs right um so yeah now what do they fight for king pretty much fights entirely for kaido's sake all right there's really no one else in the beast pirates that that king cares for other than kaido um he doesn't care about the other all-stars he doesn't give a he definitely doesn't like queen he doesn't really care about jack he kind of views jack as like a lame younger brother he doesn't care about any of the toby robo he doesn't really have an affinity for anybody in the beast pirates he's there to make kaido the king of the pirates he's there to be kaido's right-hand man to be his sword quite literally like when kaido decapitated orochi to be his sword in battle and that is his main goal from what we heard when he was fighting zorro okay meanwhile katakuri is fighting for the sake of big mom and every single sibling that is younger than him which is pretty much all of them except for pero sparrow and compo who are older and then oven and daifuku they're all triplets and they're the same age but he fights for everybody else now his brothers and sisters really don't respect him as much like flampay because when they found out his face and everything like that but they're not all like that uh daifuku oven perospero they obviously don't care about katakuri's face or him eating donuts because they were around him when he was a kid they don't care about that kind of stuff but even for that i think katakuri realizes that like look um you know i'm the second in command i'm the strongest sweet commander of big mom's crew and that has status and big mom is really erratic a lot of times with her hunger pangs and it probably comes down to the older siblings to protect hotland a lot think of all the times that big mom went into her hunger pangs and wrecked the continent and jinbe wasn't around to shove a croquembush in her mouth or sanji and pudding weren't around to make a giant chocolate cake right it all came down probably to the oldest siblings to pero sparrow daifuku oven and katakuri to try to reign big mom in and make sure that the country is safe make sure the citizens survive and make sure that she gets the food that she needs to you know end her hunger pain right that's kind of the situation for decades that it happened right so even though flampay was just like oh my god you're a loser i hate you you suck katakuri i still feel would be like okay it's a thankless job but somebody's got to do it kind of situation i'm here to protect my entire family all right so kaido protects kai i mean uh king protects kaido and then meanwhile katakuri protects big mom plus his entire family in the process okay so i feel like in terms of resolve katakuri's got it a little bit better okay um king on the other hand i mean you could say maybe he's fighting for his lost race um i fight because my clan was annihilated which it kind of was um it would be something different if maybe king said something like i'm fighting to find any other member of the lunarians i'm fighting to revive my race but he's never really said anything like that king is pretty confident that he is the last remaining lunarian on the entire planet so maybe he does have interest in it to like find other lunarians or revive the race but he just never mentioned that himself he never said that like that's what i want to do or that's what drives me or that was my goal okay his goal was always stated to be i want to make kaido the king of the pirates that is why i fight and that was exemplified when he fought zoro in their final attacks when zoro was all conquerors hockeyed up and he was like i'm going to be king of the hell i'm going to be king i'm going to be the king of the swordsman and make luffy king of the pirates and king was like i'm going to do the same thing for kaido right same thing there so in terms of motivation i'm going to say katakuri has the edge out there but you know is that really going to matter at the end of the day it might i mean it might it might push katakuri a little bit further when he's about to go down he stands up and tries to fight even a little bit further right but at this point i think we've pretty much gone over every single thing either of these characters can do um this is a really hard fight this is definitely not a wash this is definitely not like with doflamingo and katakuri where like you know a quarter of the way through the fight i was like katakuri wins this like there's really nothing you can do um man this is going to be a long fight this is going to be a long fight i don't know if it's going to be 12 plus hours like it was between luffy and katakuri because luffy was using the hit-and-run kind of tactics which luffy doesn't normally do i'm going to say that they can't do that i'm going to say there is no hit-and-run tactics they're in the mirror world but they can't use the mirrors to escape this is a fight to the death okay and if that's the case um it's gonna be probably several hours long where they're busting out their strongest moves and stuff i think honestly it's gonna kind of just come down to stamina stamina or the ability like if let me tell you the way that king wins this fight fast okay king wins this fight fast if he can disrupt katakuri's future site and immediately afterwards he busts out the giant flame dragon karyudon king might win the fight then but i don't think king would just open with that technique because that's not shown how king fights king does not just open with this his strongest move that's kind of an anime thing in general you don't open luffy katakuri does not open up with his buzz cut mochi king does not open up with his strongest move you know luffy doesn't usually just start a fight with king kong gun typically he doesn't do that or king cobra or whatever um but that's that would be maybe a contention on how king wins the fight fast but i don't think that's how it would go so i think the fight would go with them clashing with their swords and their you know like katakuri's trident it's like okay that doesn't work so king's gonna start turning into a pteranodon and using the tempura udon and the lasers katakuri dodges it's like oh that doesn't work katakuri uses his awakening to try to trap king but he's a lot heavier and he's a lot taller and he's stronger so it's like it doesn't work as well as the other moves do and so he tries to use block mochi but like no matter what he does like all these attacks he's busting into katakuri like even if and it's like even if katakuri has king down on the ground and just like block mochi just unloading on king's face just like boom boom just like pummeling him into the ground i don't think it's gonna do that much damage to him because it wasn't shown to do that much damage to him at most it might destroy his mask it might cause some light bruises on his face right which how dare you katakuri his face is impeccable but like it's not really going to do much beyond that right because the thing is katakuri does have conquerors hockey but he does not have that ability to combine conquerors with armament and do all that rio that we saw big mom do and kaido do and the stuff luffy's learning how to do and the thing that zoro had to do that was how zoro beat king if you're wondering right about now with all this that king has in his arsenal how the hell did zorro beat him he beat him because he used conquerors hockey with armament together fused into one thing and he sliced the out of king that's how he beat him okay he sliced his his sword in half sliced his wing off boom that's how zoro won that fight okay and the thing is katakuri can't do that he has conquerors but it's the same kind of conquerors that luffy kind of had before the timeskip and stuff it's like shockwave kind of conquers it's the same kind of conquerors doflamingo had right it's like he can do the shockwave stuff now if katakuri trained enough could he learn to use that technique he could but then that's conjecture i'm giving him an ability that he doesn't have like oh yeah katakuri would definitely be able to learn ryuo combining armament and conquers during this fight with king and then obviously katakuri would win you know what i'll tell you what right now if you think that that's what would happen if you think katakuri throughout the course of this fight would learn to combine conquerors and armament then yeah he would be able to i think beat king he would have a better shot at beating king with future sight with the mochi mochi with the conquerors and armament fused together he could maybe do it but he hasn't shown to been able to use those abilities so i just can't give them to him like that okay luffy's the only one in this series that's allowed to just learn these really powerful techniques in the midst of combat and even luffy didn't just learn it luffy did not just learn this technique of rio and then beat kaido in one attack in fact he learned it and then kaido still knocked him off over the side of dam onigashima and they're fighting now and it's still a brawl right this is hard this is kind of tough um just going over it one more time to make sure i mean king can fly so as long as he can break out of the mochi he can fly around and just kind of rain down damage um king i'm leaning on king right now winning this i'm leaning on king because i feel like if king just gets sufficiently pissed off near the end like after all these abilities go through like none of them are really working on each other king would just be like screw it i'm just gonna burn everything and he flies up turns into uh his his uh lunarian form uses the uh the flames on his sword uses uh caryudon giant magma stream and then just covers the entire mirror world in this fire and he's just up there and he's just like you know lava boom lava boom and he's just like bombarding from above um katakuri can make as much mochi as he wants you know to try to protect himself but it's kind of one of those things where it's like how do you defeat clairvoyance or these abilities it's like well even if you could see the attack coming if you don't have an effective way of dodging it because katakuri is immune to fire abilities to an extent because luffy was also using his red red hawk and stuff against katakuri and the grilled mochi i would say the regular fire king creates katakuri could probably handle that fairly easily but the giant magma stuff when that hits the ground and if he's just firing those off because he has the big giant fire dragon that he uses and then he has the smaller one that he uses and the smaller one he uses i think he can use more often so if he's just firing a few of those and they're hitting the ground katakuri can make a river of mochi but it would just probably burn to ash so burnt crispy mochi everywhere right and so he can't fly so he can't just dodge it that way uh now the mirror world is nigh infinite so he wouldn't katakuri i mean king would not be able to like fill the entire mirror dimension up with magma he wouldn't just be able to do that if it really is in fact magma zoro likened it to magma like it's as hot as magma but i don't think it was actual magma i think it was just really really hot fire okay i don't think he was actually summoning goo like the magma substance and like filling area up okay so if it's not an actual substance it's not gonna fill up the entire mirror world and even if it was a substance like a goo it's not gonna do that the mirror world is like infinite so i guess in order to dodge that attack katakuri could just run away you know he could just run further down in the mirror world dodging the area that king just torches god this is a heart attack this is a hard that's a hard fight i you know what it's kind of a lame way to win but i think it's just going to come down to stamina and if that's the regard king has way more king has just way more stamina here um just with his natural abilities and stuff katakuri is the son of big mom so he's got you know physical boosts as well but it's nothing on the lunarians the lunarians were stated they can survive in any natural environment right and so once again if king turns the mirror world like that area where they're fighting into like a hellscape um king can walk through that just fine he's perfectly fine with that you know um i just think it's gonna be a balls out fight that neither of them are really gonna deal lasting damage on each other but it's like it's sort of like the fight between netero and mirowim where netero's attacks weren't able to really do anything to mirror him but just the sheer number of them over the course of that fight began to slowly wear on miro him i think that would be the same it would be like two marowams fighting each other that's kind of not a bad way to explain it where katakuri can dodge pretty much anything and even if he gets hit with an attack it's not going to do him a lot of damage unless it's like one of the really really powerful ones right meanwhile you know if uh katakuri hits king i'm not gonna do much there so i'm gonna say this battle after like hours and hours of sheer brawling i'm gonna give the trophy to king and king's gonna walk away from this fight his suit is gonna be completely burned apart his mask is gonna be gone you know he's gonna be banged up a bit he's gonna like spit out some blood or whatever he's just gonna like it's like yeah know your place and then king just kind of walks out of the mirror dimension and then brulee is there like oh my god why and like maybe king would just be like he should have given me a damn donut and then he walks down the road um you know and it would just come down to maybe yeah katakuri just runs out of gas runs out of stamina he can't do anything to him anymore he can't summon his hockey anymore his he's so exhausted his future side is even waning and then it gets to that point and then king could just release the giant dragon or he could try to impale katakuri because his future sights down so he can deal more damage to him it's not a logia so it's not like the same thing as a logia just has the properties of a logia but it's not a logia so you know king can armament hockey up his sword and extinguish his flames move super fast if katakuri's so exhausted he can't use the fire i mean he can't use the um the future site just appears behind him just stabs him right in the neck i think that's what it would come down to i think it was going it would come down to that but god this would be such an epic fight to watch this would be like you'd be there like this would not be you know like some of those like mma fights you watch that are over in like literally three seconds you know like those two people come out like this is the fight of the century boom and just down in like one hit right it's like ah come on i paid for this you know um this would not be one of those this would not be one of those this would be you would have to have like seats at this fight you're watching through one of the mirrors them fighting like you would have a concession stand you'd be there for hours like oh my god this is insane fire and mochi thrown everywhere like oh my god this would be ridiculous you know but at the end of the day king can tank pretty much anything katakuri can throw at him and at that case it's just a battle of attrition it's just a battle of stamina well anyway that's the uh that's the video huh man this was a long one coming i'm so glad to have this one in the tank thanks again to brago uh you know when i did uh my collab with him and uh we we discussed this idea that was really cool uh thanks to stefan where i'll put at the end of this video like the full story on the origin of this epic king portrait so i'll put that at the very end here uh you could look at that um but uh yeah yeah that was that was the video um also thanks to pokemixer uh pokemixer is a youtuber that makes the uh the themes for the characters that i used in the intros uh so the uh katakuri's theme was just katakuri's theme as well as uh king's theme was actually the armored titan theme like the theme in season four of attack on titan so there's some really cool remixes and stuff over on pokemixer's channel so check that out um but yeah that was the video i'll leave it up to me to explain the picture but yeah thanks to everybody for watching teching and barry signing out let me know down in the comments below how pissed you are at this crossover battle uh the people that are like i knew king would win you could just open the video with that teching i'm like i'm sorry i was like i kind of curry could do it but if you think katakuri could legitimately win let me know but i think it i think a lot of it's going to come down to that conquerors thing like katakuri could learn how to use conquerors and armament and then he could defeat king i'm like if you think that i mean if he did he could i think he does have a solid chance of doing it but he didn't show it in the story so i can't just give him the power right like king wasn't shown to have conquers he might or if he really worked at it maybe he could develop an advanced form of armament but we didn't see it so i can't use it let me know let me know in the comments down below thanks for watching everybody oh my god now i know i said originally i was gonna do an oil painting right and i thought about that i thought about looking around for someone that was really good at oil painting and uh painting king but then i decided you know that's a whole other you know art style and things and i was worried about like you know painting oil on canvas and if it got like destroyed or damaged while it was being shipped to me or whatever so i just decided to go with digital art and i enlisted the help of an artist that has done some stuff for the channel before stefan and here's some examples of stefan's work so i commissioned him to draw me this just absolutely breathtaking painting of king it's absolutely incredible and especially since like this was my initial sketch i'll just put it here this was my initial sketch of what i send him i was just like make this awesome and he did and it was incredible so all the thanks to stefan in the world um now i wanted the painting to have a very like gothic kind of vibe to it right so there's like very dark colors and everything like that uh shadows and everything now for that reason maybe actually seeing it on camera with like it also it's in a frame so it's kind of you know it's gonna like reflect light and stuff i did some tests with it on my you know video on my webcam and stuff and you're not gonna be able to see it that great back here but uh i will show you right here what it looks like like the full file so you can see the image there but it's it's absolutely amazing right and as soon as king was you know his face was revealed in the manga and it's like oh god he's hot it's just like yes i i took inspiration from a lot of like old style like paintings of like knights and kings and i sent those over to stefan also uh castlevania the netflix series that was a really big inspiration like the painting of uh oh what was it uh leon belmont you know the old painting kind of looks like that from like you know like the 1100s or 1200s or whatever and uh yeah so i took all those inspirations sent them to staphon he did an amazing job with it we have king here his face revealed like a candelabra kind of down here his hand on fire on his mask there on the table uh he's got his sword over here his wings and like a tattered like uh banner or cloth of the beast pirate sigil behind him as the flames are erupting from behind him oh my goodness yeah so thank you to stefan amazing job and now king will uh hang out back here for a while yes
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 507,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, king, alber, katakuri, face, crossover, battle, fight, mirror, mochi, pteranadon, devil fruit, ryu, dragon, magma, fire, lunarian, haki, observation, armament, conqueror, future, sword, mogura, spear, snakeman, luffy, totland, big mom, kaido
Id: 0kG44Z5OCMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 48sec (4608 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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