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like the video and subscribe right now and spider-man lizard will help with your own protection thank you so much for getting my car towed you are such a ducking our soul can your lazy ass not find another spot for one night my boyfriend who does not live here park there without knowing you could have put a note on the car now I'm out $300 in the car duck you hi guys need your genuine suggestions no trolls cheap comments please I have been working in TCS for four years now I joined as a process associate I'm dating my team leader since last three years he helped very much throughout my journey in DCs I was also promoted in every cycle or because of him for that I will be always thankful to him in my life now I'm also a team leader however my feelings have been changed now I have started liking my manager and I want to tell this to my boyfriend I know I will be judged for this oh he helped me a lot people will also cool think that I have used him for my career but I genuinely have guilt for him I'm planning to get married with my manager but how should I tell this to the team leader please suggest me something friend I had the most baffling encounter at work today apparently someone left their rifle in our store the phone was found by a woman henceforth known as terrible lady when phone owner set off the Find My iPhone alarm the alarm is accompanied by a please contact this hash if found message terrible lady utilizes this number to text phone owner demanding $100 in return for the phone phone owner says they can't afford it there's some back and forth etc etc and eventually phone owner threatens to call the cops terrible lady brings the phone which is still making the obnoxious Find My iPhone noise and continues to do for the duration of the encounter to my register complaining about the audacity of phone owner as if refusing to pay the $100 is an egregious personal insult I am a lot silently judging her but relieved she has sensibly decided to release the phone into the stores custody so he can return it to phone owner without further drama lmao wrong 15 minutes later after she has checked out she comes by my register just long enough to say make sure she pays the $100 I'll call to see when I need to come pick it up and is out the door before I can even process the fact that this women genuinely thinks that the burlington ducting code factory is going to be the middleman for her definitely unethical and most likely illegal lost iphone extortion scheme side note i looked this up once i got home from work and it turns out that yeah it's totally illegal in our state sure enough an hour later terrible lady calls hi is this cashier v that's not my name but thanks has she brought the 100 dollars yet there are like two cashiers on duty and 20 people in line i begged my manager to take the call which smart move because my manager ends up on the phone with terrible lady for 20 minutes telling her that we will under no circumstances require phone owner to pay $100 before we give them the phone eventually terrible lady realizes we mean business and she threatens to call the cops on us because we took the phone from her under false pretenses manager hangs up on terrible lady end cathartic facebook known for the day getting on the train 10 minutes before it departs and the person behind me asks if it goes somewhere i said i didn't know and then they complained how can i not know where it's going if you're getting on it and then walked past me on the train muttering very passive-aggressively i guess some people haven't woken up this early in the morning well because i don't go that far why don't you read the sign right next to you on the train or the platform instead of treating other people like your personal Google you self-centered [ __ ] like my dad got me these for saying thank you I wanted or iPhone X Lou Mayo this lady got mad WOM it didn't have any great value vanilla cookies so she made this mess at the Kokomo walnut I work at the hotel and our pool was shut down cause a kid decided to take a [ __ ] in it right before the inspectors came to check us out the poop messed up the filtration system really bad so the inspector from the state Environment Department shut down our pool and placed a sign on the pool door that said pull closed by order of the New Mexico Environment Department this lady comes up to the desk and asks me if I can let her into the pool so her kid could swim I told her I cannot because it's a safety hazard she loses her [ __ ] with me saying that her kid really wanted to swim and she picked us because we had a nice pool and hot tub she also threatens to call corporate mind you her kid was the one that shat in the pool just been to Starbucks with Josh and I was in a mood so I said I didn't want anything and he actually didn't get me anything haha anyone want a useless boyfriend do not park here there are plenty of parking spaces Judis space a big thank you from a single working mom to the uber driver that just got my 16 years old son kicked off you before being under 18 my son has you bud to and from school for two years now and you are the first to care now this single working mom has to fork out money to hire someone thanks for looking out for the single moms in your community so you blame you before not breaking their rules so your son could ride to school my Kalka had a baby girl last week and to celebrate he took us all out to lunch my another cow or carotid an extra stakin two slices of cheesecake to take out when some of us asked her why she said it was because it was free she even knew was paying will housewives of Cheshire complimentary dinner hi there hope you are well will housewives of Cheshire stars dawn Ward Rachael Lugo and Perla will be in Chester later today and I was wondering whether you would be interested in offering a complimentary dinner and drinks in return for social media posts all ladies have a large following and would be able to promote the restaurant they would be looking for a table around 7:00 p.m. for five people do let me know if this would be of interest at all thanks so much Emma featured comment gotcha music me is typing a message friend also typing a message me clears everything to let my friends message come in first friend does the same thing awkward silence if you want to be featured in the next video use hash tag dankness well a first for us we have been called two animals locked in cars while the owners go shopping but never a child we cannot stress enough how dangerous it is to leave any person child or animal locked in a car in this heat the child was rescued by our crew who smashed a window to gain entry the incident has now been handed over to s ex police for further investigation first aid was given by st. John Ambulance crew killed the neighbor's pitbull poisoned my neighbor's pit bull with a sausage filled with rat poison watched him barfing blood and gray staff while smoking a good Mont Christo tough mother duck er he didn't even die and got up on his paws had to strangle through the fence with a phone cable he was an aggressive [ __ ] aways barking at people for no reason not that my [ __ ] neighbor learned a lesson now he's got a ducking Doberman hey who gives a [ __ ] another a target dog and other poisoned sausage this time I'm getting the dose right future sister-in-law shaming my wedding is in 88 days I have proof I texted her the wedding date on january 9th before she paid for this conference now because her MLM is having a conference she wants me to move my wedding date after I've taken all my PTO days for the wedding it's in my fiancees home state and honeymoon and booked my honeymoon and no she wouldn't have to travel for my wedding the venue is 11 minutes from her house but it is in a different state for me I hate to ask you this I really really do but is there any way at all you can the weekend of the wedding I know it's a long shot but I'm so stuck I have this conference and if I back out I will lose a lot of money and I have girls depending on me to room and drive down with I don't want to miss your wedding either I just don't know what to do finally insured ugh now just got a hope my PA officer will take these insurance since what happened yesterday which was complete BS old people are so rude over the smallest crap and it was an accident that you'd had more money I could tell by his car more than being just a single mother tryin to survive in this duct up world are you at fault and were you driving uninsured please DT I have insurance now and I barely got him in Robbie's parking lot the damn cops didn't do [ __ ] anyways Halloween is officially six weeks away and I was hoping to catch you all before you make your candy selections over the last three Halloween's I've noticed my son's candy stock has become more and more diluted with cheap candy I don't know if this trend is the result of the referendum high water bills or even the construction but cheap candy has somehow infiltrated our community for Halloween and it has to stop dum-dums Smarties and Jolly Ranchers may be suitable for North Lake Villa Park and Addison but not here in Elmhurst we are an affluent neighborhood and his status should be reflected in our candy provisions for Halloween standard size candy is the bar pun intended we set for our community on Halloween if you purchase the fun size you don't need to return them just keep in mind that 3/4 of those fun sized bars equate to a standard sized bar when you dole out that candy to trick-or-treaters for the elderly who hand out coins unless you plan on throwing some quarters into the mix stop peddling your pennies and step up your game this Halloween it's a calculated loss to the trick-or-treaters after you adjust for inflation and the opportunity cost of what they could have received elsewhere if they had just skipped your house you've been visited by noodle dogger you will be blessed with best cup noodles for eternity but only if you comment noodle dogger looks tasty thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: Memellion
Views: 256,881
Rating: 4.9449291 out of 5
Keywords: funny texts, funniest texts ever, funniest text messages, text fails, ex texts, parents texts, chats, texts, sms, fails, comedy, funny, memes, night owl, funniest texts ever v3, girlfriend texts, texting fails, messages, dank doodle memes, ddm, FUNNIEST TEXTS EVER, FUNNIEST TEXTS, karen, karens, funny karen messages, karen meme, entitled
Id: -twnlUynP6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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